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Posts posted by SinCityGr8One

  1. It's part of the BIG 5 Game to hunt for. Big deal "Cecil the Lion", as if the lion knew he had a name. I would have shot him with my Remington Model 700 Safari .458 Magnum myself, if given the opportunity. How many villagers or kids did this beast take and eat knowingly/unknowingly? Wah, this Bast*ard shot a Trophy Lion. Big Deal, nothing to see here folks, just move along. There's so much other <deleted> in this world going on, who really cares about this probable man eating beast? Bam, Bam! 1 shot to the chest, 1 shot to the head. Stuffed and mounted in my Trophy Room. For all the crying and groaning in this Forum, it's like all you crybabies actually feed a Lion 45 Kg's. of meat a day! Get a Life! IMHO. thumbsup.gif

  2. why war mongering, who is benefitting from that ?

    oil price increase ?

    Forget the oil price increase. Yes, the price will increase, because only 50 Families control the Global Oil Trade. Rothschild = Royal Dutch Shell, Rockefeller's = ExxonMobil, et al. Wars primarily benefits the Multinational Bankster. All Wars need to be financed. The Bankster has the money available. They will lend it to BOTH sides. War after all is a, "Booming Business". crazy.gif

  3. Oh Dear

    It's a tourist resort- there's always some noise here.

    Choose where you live very carefully and it's not a problem.

    I'm not sure why people come to live in Pattaya / Jomtien and expect it to be fabulously civilised, quiet , have stunning architecture and infrastructure . It doesn't , it's all a bit chaotic.

    All part of its charm.

    1. "Choose where you live ... " - The story is about speaker trucks. They know no boundaries. Comprendez?

    2. "It's a tourist resort ... " Cool, no need to be civilised. No families, just raging party drunks.

    3. All part of its charm??? Yes the chaos can be charming. Speaker trucks are not.

    Sorry where I live in Jomtien there are no trucks - none, never likely to be- always quiet.

    It all depends where you live, if you have a tacky room above a knocking shop- oops it's going to be noisy - research the area.

    As I said its a resort - it's noisy. If you want peace- go to Nakhon Nowwhere- listen to the quiet rustle of rice growing and lights out at 9.00pm

    Yes if you get your knickers in a twist about a few boom boom trucks - time to move on. Don't let people enjoy themselves because they might impinge on your idea of the fabulousness of Thailand- so many of us live here because we are not subject to the horrendous nanny state - and enjoy that fact.

    Allow me to respond. First, "a few boom boom trucks." There are far more than a few. Second, this is not about people "enjoying themselves;" rather, it is about a group of Thai idiots (mostly young males) who are repeatedly and maliciouslly violating the right of others to not be subjected to extreme noise pollution. Third, yes, Pattaya-Jomtien has always been a noisy place, but never like it is today and the boom trucks are a major cause of that. Fourth, I have lived in nowhere Thailand and in Pattaya-Jomtien and it is almost impossible to find a place with the "quiet rustle of rice growing." The noise problem has spread to the far reaches of Thailand. Fifth, it does not all depend on where you live if by that you mean people living on the upscale side of town are less likely to be hit by noise pollution than people living in a "tacky room." Some of the worst places to be are near the upscale condos along the beach, especially way up high in one of those condo units. If you are in a miracle situation and living in a place where there are no boom trucks, congratulations. The main issue is that the boom trucks are a major annoyance, which is why people have complained about them and the "district officers" are finally acting on those complaints. Noise pollution, in general, is spreading like a cancer in Thailand. And behind it is a generation of total idiots who have no concern for other people. It is past time to take serious action to stop the "cancer." End of rant.

    I snickered when I read your Fourth statement regarding Nowhere, Thailand and not being able to hear the "quiet rustle of rice growing". Perhaps if I may, suggest a Final destination for you, enabling yourself to hear the "rice rustling sound? You need to travel to Surin Province (Rice, Rice and more Rice growing area) Any small village South of East-West Highway 24. Yep, You will definitely get your full of the quietness after one week. It is so quiet, it is capable of turning a sane man, insane. I have built a Home with the Missus in one of the small villages so We can be close to her Family there whenever we visit them. I spent Months there while it was being built, so I speak from experience. Nice place to visit for a short while, But I can't wait to get back to the energy Bangkok provides me with. IMHO thumbsup.gif

  4. A drunken jerk is a drunken jerk is a drunken jerk, period. If the allegations are true and correct, that the Bouncers showed respect and restraint, then they are doing their job of protecting the Business, other customers, dancers and service staff, period. I would not give my staff a sensitivity training period, but a session in a Muay Thai to sharpen their defensive skills against drunken unruly customers. Some members might say that the Bouncers were heavy handed in using an iron rod, however that eliminated any further confrontation from this idiot by whacking him over the head. I would give my Bouncers a bonus and have my Attorney take care of all the legalities, including their defense. Two week Millionaires coming over and think they can do as they please. BS! I hope the owner 86'ed this fool from ever entering the Club. Let this stupid drunken moron do his crazed antics in Warsaw or where ever he's from, not here. thumbsup.gif

  5. There are some people, drunk or sober, that only get the message when they are hit over their head with a 2 X 4. If it is true, that the Bouncers showed restraint during most of the time of confrontation, then they were doing their job of protecting the club, other patrons, dancers and staff. This guy from what I've read was a drunken jerk and a serious potential threat. Good Job and a High Five to the Bouncers! They should have put him head first into the nearest large rubbish bin when it was over. I have no sympathy for aggressive drunken jerks, where ever they are from. Every one here who has been here any length of time knows that a serious ass-beating will be coming your way when you start trouble here especially in a bar. This guy learned a serious lesson. Send this Fool out on the next plane back home. thumbsup.gif

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  6. Female Genital Mutilation is just that, Mutilation. It is an act of Brutal Barbarity and should be treated as such. Criminalize the act and jail the practitioners. Now, I know someone will bring up the subject of Male Circumcision as being the same thing. Totally different topic as far as I'm concerned because it's comparing apples and oranges. So save your rebuttals for another day. Any Religion that allows Brutality and Barbaric acts to take place needs to be annihilated. And I mean any Religion. More people have been killed in the name of the God's than any other reason for Warfare. It's far better to believe in one's self than to believe in ancient Hocus-Pocus. IMHO. thumbsup.gif

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  7. I just flew Bangkok to Nairobi, Kenya to Bomako, Mali on Air Kenya. Then Air France onto Paris, then to Bangkok and then took a taxi home. Never gave a thought about the Airline crew on any flight. More concerned about the taxi driver taking me home. The first Officer who deliberately crashed his Germanwings airliner, I view as an anomaly and nothing more. Air crews in my view, are of the highest calibre individuals possible, however nothing is fail-Safe. Still, nothing to worry about. IMHO. thumbsup.gif

  8. The Missus and I have a 3 stage water treatment system in our kitchen in BKK to filter the tap water for drinking and cooking. Plain water runs out the faucets through out the rest of our place for showering, laundry, etc. We do not drink Thailand's tap water anywhere through out The Kingdom. We also have a House in the Missus Home Village that has access to Municipal water, however we also use a 3 stage water treatment system there too. Better safe than sorry! thumbsup.gif

  9. America and Thailand have had a Friendship lasting 181 Years now. Of course there are ups and downs, that's to be expected. Remember this important fact, after Japan's defeat in 1945, with the help of Seri Thai, Thailand was treated as a defeated country by the British and French, although American support mitigated the Allied terms. Thailand was not occupied by the Allies, but it was forced to return the territory it had regained to the British and the French. In the postwar period Thailand had relations with the United States, which it saw as a protector from the communist revolutions in neighboring countries. Time and changing of the course of present events will bring everything back to normal between Thailand and the USA. thumbsup.gif

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