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Posts posted by SinCityGr8One

  1. The NewYork times has an interesting article on this topic

    "White House and Republicans Clash Over C.I.A. Torture Report


    DEC. 8, 2014

    WASHINGTON — With the long-awaited Senate report on the use of torture by the United States government — a detailed account that will shed an unsparing light on the Central Intelligence Agency’s darkest practices after the September 2001 terrorist attacks — set to be released Tuesday, the Obama administration and its Republican critics clashed over the wisdom of making it public, and the risk that it will set off a backlash overseas."


    I don't believe one single word published in the New York Times. Never did and never will. The same goes for the New York Daily News and the New York Post. All 3 are good to line the trash can or the bottom of the bird cage.

  2. I went this morning to get a wrong stamp changed. Still took an hour. I had to go thru three underlyngs who insisted it was right before it got kicked up to a guy with a desk and he spotted it right away and changed. Place was packed. Is tomorrow Constitution day? and Immigration holiday? The nearby holidays might have figured in the crowding. I wanted to do a tourist visa extension also but a number I got meant afternoon so will go on another day for my last ever visit to Immigration!!!!! Yay. Palm Springs California will be my new home after nearly 10 years here. Loved living here but it's time to move on and Immigration issues definitely did figure in my decision.

    enjoy Palm Springs....hotter than hell....was a very nice place about 25 years ago. like everywhere else, it's over-grown, over-populated, over-built, and lost its charm. but California is nice indeed. hope to be visiting Calif. soon myself.smile.png

    You forgot to add the most important fact. Palm Springs and the rest of California is over priced.

  3. Reading the news daily about how far and wide the corruption investigation in regards to Lt. General Pongpat Chayaphan is going, it does appear to be practically endless. The General's corrupt operation brings to my mind the infamous character Gordon Gekko, portrayed by Michael Douglas in the movie "Wall Street". I think these two quotes from the movie are quite appropriate for the General's behaviour who must have felt He was "Untouchable":

    "The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right, greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind".

    It's not a question of enough, pal. It's a zero sum game, somebody wins, somebody loses. Money itself isn't lost or made, it's simply transferred from one perception to another.

    In reality, Greed is NO good and those that partake in it should enjoy it while it lasts, because in the end, the result is hard time behind prison walls. thumbsup.gif

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  4. allegedly the church in question

    Where was this video taken? Ferguson, Missery? St. Louis, Missery? Oakland, Ca? Los Angeles, Ca.? Why NO, it's in Bangkok !!! With this behaviour, it sure looks like this group don't meet the "Quality Tourist" label. Who ever took part in this rampage, should be rounded up and deported immediately, the same day as apprehended. Savages, that's all they are. What is the PM waiting for; looting, burning, general mayhem to begin before action is taken? IMHO.

    PS: I know it's correctly spelled Missouri. thumbsup.gif

  5. Why would they search a church for drug use, Thai cops using racial profiling?.

    Time to educate some of you on the drugs trade:

    On Nut is close to the conduit for the drugs trade from outside Bangkok in and those Nig. are heavily involved in it. The use the Skytrain to bring the drugs across the city and the bus terminal in Ekkamai is the main artery.

    I've seen with my own eyes how they do it and the BiB are busting them left right and center.

    I couldn't be more happier about the BIB busting them, even I tried! Good Job being done by the BIB. Clean that Filth up and Jail and/or Deport them ALL! The term "racial profiling" is a political correct phenomena with deep roots in the West. It's just BS apologetic words, as far as I'm concerned. The BIB are aware of the cause and effect that the drug trade problem has on the Kingdom. They should use every tool at hand, regardless of how they do it, and eliminate the Scum and Villianry involved in the drug trade, whoever and whatever they are.

  6. I am a white Englishman but I have lived in South Africa for the past 14 years but during and even before that time I

    travelled widely in Africa, mainly for work. Posters here have mentioned other countries including Ghana and Zambia,

    countries which I have visited on many occasions, and 99% of the people are great. Same with countries like Zimbabwe and


    But when I visited Nigeria, which I have done three times, I could wait to leave. On my first visit I attended a reception

    at one of the Home of the Commercial Secretary. The Ambassador also attended driven by his official driver, in is official

    car c/w diplomatic plates. When he left he got less than a km from the reception when his car was hijacked and both he and

    the driver were beaten.

    Many Nigerians have little or no respect for anyone but there own so I stick by my earlier post that they should be made to apply for visas, to visit Thailand, before they leave their own country.

    Also re a post I read a little while ago that Thais respect Black Africans I think that's wrong. I cannot count the times that I have heard a Thai refer to a Black African as a "Ling Dam"

    Your average Thai knows what many Africans are doing in there country so if they don't like them why should anyone else want to take the (in this case) Nigerians side.

    I have to agree with your post regarding how Thai's view Black Africans (Ling Dam). The Missus and her Family and friends refers to any and all Black Africans as "Dah-Ling" or Monkey Ass. When I asked her how she feels about Blacks living in Thailand, she simply replied, "No Good, No Like".

  7. If somehow Justice is eluded for these corrupt scoundrels, the Lese Majeste charges, I am sure will stick to them like super glue. That one charge alone will get them up to 15 years behind bars. If any of these scoundrels used a computer while extorting or threatening harm to their victims while on Official Duty, they might be charged with violating section 112 of the Criminal Code and violating the Computer Crime Act (CCA) of 2007 which possibly might add another 5 years+ to their Big House Holiday. thumbsup.gif

  8. It's probably part of a paper trail for anti-money laundering purposes. Bank of Thailand Fact: "Any person bringing into or taking out of Thailand foreign currency bank notes in an aggregate amount exceeding USD 20,000 or its equivalent must declare to a customs officer." Just think, If you exchanged more than that allowable amount during you stay, without declaration upon arrival, you would appear to be possibly money laundering.

  9. It's GREAT to see house cleaning beginning at the top. I had a feeling, that the Foundations of the Status Quo were going to be shaken when General/Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha took control of the Kingdom. He is the Man for the job! He said dealing with corruption that had become part of the Thai culture for generations was a priority for him and did he ever mean it. Wow, what a message has been sent out to the scoundrels that benefited personally from corrupt practices while serving in Official capacity. I wonder if there is going to be an amnesty period now, for all the other corrupt Officials to either turn themselves in and forfeit their ill gotten gains or The Law is coming for them and coming for them quickly.

  10. America should not dominate world financial markets as wall st is not honest Sub prime is only one example

    You are absolutely clueless making that statement regarding Sub Prime mortgages. Sub Prime was available to those consumers that had less than good credit. Anyone having less than a FICO score of 620 was NOT eligible for a traditional mortgage. However, due to them being a risk because of THEIR credit history, Sub Prime was available for them to purchase or refinance their home. Higher risk has a Higher ROI or yield. Or, do you believe everyone with a heart beat should get a low interest mortgage. Do you think a credit score of 500 is on parity with a credit score of 800? I was a residential mortgage Agent years ago in the USA and I seen many atrocious credit reports with collections, past dues, chargeoff's, etc. The only ones I could not help were people that had Tax Liens on their property. I did not put a gun to a clients head to sign the documents for their Sub Prime mortgage. They were practically begging me for a Sub Prime mortgage, because they knew their past credit history sucked and were all too happy to get anything they qualified for. Wall Street bundled up these Sub Prime Mortgages and sold them through the Global Financial Market to Corporations, Sovereign Funds, Insurance Companies, etc. that were lining up to buy them because of a Higher Yield. No body seen the Global Recession coming, when people lost their jobs, couldn't or did not want to pay their Sub Prime mortgages. In the end, it was a snowball effect that threw the Global Financial Market in a tailspin. If it wasn't for Sub Prime mortgages, a lot of people would not have been homeowners in the USA.

  11. However, the police have been notified by Chinese authorities who have been keeping track of their IP address.

    Cheap Charlies..... Not even using an overseas VPN...

    If the Silk Road Marketplace on the Tor Network (The Dark Web) was shut down and the owner-operatorarrested by the FBI with help from a host of European Law Enforcement Agencies through Europol and Eurojus, then I think that anyone who thinks they are secure with a VPN would be found out by the Authorities the same length of time it takes to spread mayonnaise on a piece of bread. China's PLA has some of the best computer hacker's on the Planet. The Chinese Authorities probably gave the ThaiPolice not only the IP address but also, satellite imagery of the location, GPS coordinates, voice recordings, names of the suspects etc. IMHO


  12. As strange as it might seem, there is a very informative article regarding the body parts and the 2 Americans involved, in a newspaper from the USA. There is more info there than any where's being reported in Thailand, IMHO. It gives quite alot of details within 5 Questions and their Answers. It can be accessed here: http://www.beloitdailynews.com/news/national/questions-answers-about-thai-body-parts-case/article_6163e463-e4f1-523c-851d-90cfa30ede82.html. I don't think these 2 creepy characters fit anywhere's near the newly proposed Thai "Quality Tourist" agenda. The Kingdom wants them and has asked Cambodia for their help in locating them if they are there. This is getting interesting.



  13. If this was an attempt by these two nefarious characters to do a media production in the sense that "Anything can be had in Thailand!" Such as Human Body parts amongst everything the mind can imagine, then the Law must come down and come down HARD on them for their stealing and attempted smuggling of Human body parts out of the Kingdom. Thailand faces many challenges ahead in it's future and doesn't need anyone's help in heaping negativity on it as it is quite capable of doing that to itself alone. Perhaps, if these two characters were found guilty and put in remand for a period of time, they will be able to do a production by recreating their daily lives behind bars. However, I'm sure it would probably be rated NSFW upon completion.

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