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Posts posted by SinCityGr8One

  1. A Thai embezzlement crime? Very high class for Thailand, or at least they are just now bearing down on some of these white collar Thai criminals. Thai bankers? This is a rarity but very welcome news.

    Sure wish we could learn a lesson or two in the USA about bearing down on unscrupulous bankers...instead we give them cabinet posts and make them head of the federal reserve.

    Recently in China, a Bank Director was found guilty of embezzling the equivalent of $25 Million USD from his Bank. Sentence: Tied to a stake, his mouth was filled with lemon wedges and shot by firing squad. The team leader carried a pistol to him after Justice was served and fired a final round into his head. Now, THAT's a lesson to be taught to the Bankster's/Fraudster's of Wall Street and the City of London. IMHO.

    Lemon wedges?


    I never did find out what the significance of the lemon wedges were. Perhaps, to make him a real sour puss for doing what he did and getting caught.

  2. I dont really understand the implications of this particular agreement, but what i want to know is why the sudden rush to sign as many agreements with China in such a short a time as possible.

    Agreements signed on Saturday in Bangkok, then over to China and sign four more on Monday. I sincerely hope that these agreements and the deals between the countries are being studied and thought out carefully. It all seems very rushed.

    Perhaps the Chinese have come bearing gifts to big to turn down.

    I would note that the yuan/thb agreement is part of a larger pattern of moving away from settling accounts via the US Dollar and doing direct currency exchanges. This means that there will be slightly less demand for the US dollar for conducting business between Thailand and China (buying and selling) as transactions can be settled directly. China is busy setting up similar agreements all around the world, as is Russia. This should result in lower transaction costs as the US clearing house won't be collecting it's percentage or be in a position to stop or delay the transaction if the US decides that it's politically desirable. FYI. This is just my understanding and I am far from an expert.

    You nailed it.

    This is an excellent move by Thailand. Less dependency on the USD is the way to go. Specially now that China is the #1 world economy. http://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2014/12/07/chinas-now-the-world-number-one-economy-and-it-doesnt-matter-a-darn/

    Other countries are following suit.

    Before you go out shooing off fireworks and popping the corks of Champagne Bottles celebrating China as the #1 Economy by surpassing the USA by $200 Billion, did you read the entire article and understand it? That total economy divided by the number of people who get to consume the output. Here the US is well ahead (north of $50,000 a year in the US, only just over $5,000 a year in China and yes, that is after adjusting for price differences) and China would need another three generations of breakneck growth to close that gap. And that is called PPP or Purchasing Power Parity. Three

    generations is around another 50+ years. So, put the fireworks and Champagne away for your Great-Grandchildren to celebrate. The most interesting part of the $500 Billion Yearly trade between the USA and the PRC, is that the PRC is only too HAPPY to receive it's payments in US Dollars and continues to buy US Treasuries. Also, wealthy Chinese are buying second Homes in the USA because they view it as a safe haven. Plus, they don't haggle on the sales price, and pay the List Price in US Dollars. Those FACT's says more than the entire article. In regards to Thailand however, it might be a good move because Thailand is in Beijing's sphere of influence. In reality, the Thai Baht is pretty much useless outside of the ASEAN community, so it's a good political move between Thailand and the PRC for now. As far as the US Dollar getting knocked out of it's position as the Global Reserve Currency, I don't see that happening anytime this Century. IMHO.

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  3. My doesn't he look "the business".

    Reminds me of Mussolini in Berlin.

    Some of those guards of honour look tasty though.

    A man of good taste.

    Did you see that big military parade, not long after the olympics?

    Enough to make me want to re.


    Let's all re-enlist. tongue.png

    I watched the entire 60th Anniversary of the P.R.C. on CCTV. From opening ceremonies to the PLA Air force fly over with their their various Military Aircraft at the closing ceremonies. But, the BEST part was watching the various Female Military units marching in the Parade. Definitely quite alot of "Hotties" dressed their Military best strutting their stuff. thumbsup.gif

  4. China also offering their own "democratic" voting system that they have imposed in HK.

    Everyone can vote but only for the candidates vetted and proposed by China.

    Coming soon to Thailand.

    If voting actually did anything anywhere, do you think the Authorities in Power would allow anyone to actually do it?

  5. Seeing as how he is advocating applying medieval strategies against opponents that are still squarely living in medieval times, this seems appropriate, and functional.

    But wouldn't that would bring us down to the same level as them? Every time reports of torture come out there's an outrage both at home (i.e. public opinion with the countries fighting the war) and in the countries affected. And the enemy exploits it for all it's worth. I'm simply advocating for being smarter about this. It is much harder for the enemy to operate effectively (e.g. without detection, with sufficient logistical support, generally not raising suspicion, etc) without the support of the local population. So how would one go about strengthening local support and thus likely get a vast human-sensor network that would provide intel and other support? One way is to give them what they need, like building infrastructure such as a functioning clean water supply, proper sewage systems, access to basic health care, reliable electricity, communications, etc. Basically things that help the locals, but cannot be seized and used against us by the enemy. In the past we've given our "allies" (at the time) weapons, but as things change we face the wrong end of that stick. I think education is key, but it's slow and building schools have often resulted in the enemy murdering the teachers and the schools destroyed or shut down. Perhaps a less controversial first step such as a working postal system or increased inter-village trade (and thus communication) is a a less risky step. I think much of the support for these groups come from poverty, ignorance and the fact that the locals are not able to organize and support each other -- and the enemy either exploits that to their advantage or simply kills them. There's a limit to how much abuse one can take so I guess at some point some will remember the old "if you can't beat them, join them" saying. So to sum up, I believe if we win over the population bit by bit and kill the enemy's local support, I hope we can gradually eradicate this.

    I can't stop laughing on your day dreaming proposals about building sewers, clean water facilities, infrastructure, blah, blah, blah. After spending a couple Trillion Dollars in Afghanistan over the past 12 years, Afghanistan has grown the LARGEST Opium crop the World has ever seen this year! Are you on some sort of medication or something. I really can't believe you actually believe what you are writing! I have an idea. Fly to Kabul, Afghanistan yourself ASAP. Try somehow going up to the tribal areas without getting killed. If you survived the trip, meet with some Tribal Elders and tell them your plans to bring them out of the 10th Century. If you survive the meeting, which I highly doubt, make it back to Kabul without getting kidnapped or killed again. Get back on the computer and if you still have your fingers and hands, type a post and tell me how you made out. Chok Dee! You'll need plenty of that! I'd rather hear canaries sing.

  6. But wouldn't that would bring us down to the same level as them?

    It wouldn't, and it doesn't.

    Look, I understand your concern, and I side with it - but it doesn't address the immediate needs to eliminate the rabid dogs.

    Look, I love dogs. A lot. But once in a while, a rabid dog, or an uncontrollable animal simply leaves no other option but to destroy it, or it will not only always be a danger to your environment, your family and friends, but it will also infect others.

    So to sum up, I believe if we win over the population bit by bit and kill the enemy's local support, I hope we can gradually eradicate this.

    Yes, in the long run, I entirely agree. In fact, the majority of the foreign populations in Islamic countries *are* already on our sides. Much of the local populations in Afghanistan or Iraq are informing on extremist militants, and giving intelligence to our troops to help kill these extremists - why? Because the majority of the casualties of these extremists are local civilians, not American or allied troops.

    Little known statistic is that with the increase of drone strikes, local populations have seen a significant reduction in local casualties - because the drones target both the leaders, but also the militants striking the civilian populations.

    I entirely agree that we need to provide the civilian population with support, and the ability to provide for their families and lead a peaceful, prosperous life - yet, at the same time, we need to effectively destroy (read: kill) those who are locally standing in the way, and are attempting to kill those who seek our support.

    Just like rabid dogs.

    Thanks for your support, Daffy. We are both on the same page. There are certain elements or groups that co-habit this Planet of ours, who view Life as having little value. It's all about them living their next life in Paradise. I am not inferring that this entire group feels that way, so I am limiting my views to the extreme elements that unfortunately make the headlines on a daily basis proving my point on how they murder the innocents. kaydee412 is probably a nice guy, but we definitely have polar opposite views on how to deal with certain situations. If he is trying to have me reconsider my views, he definitely is wasting his time. I want to hear canaries sing as loud as possible. Chok Dee!

  7. First of all, YOU leave my Phallus out of this conversation. You hear me? Get real man, I will say for the last time and then I'm done with with you and your debate. I said 100% sure, not 99%, not 98% but ONE HUNDRED PERCENT! What part of 100% sure, don't you understand? I am not referring to a possible suspect. I am saying 100% without the shadow of a doubt that this person of interest is harboring information regarding a potential terrorist operation. Let me say it one more time for you. 100% positively sure through surveillance, wiretapping, email reading, the works. Got that 100% now straight in your head? I stand by my original post. Daydreaming too, Huh? Tell that to the Families of the 3 civilians killed by the dead fanatic hostage situation in Sydney. Also, tell that to the families of the 120+ young students murdered in Pakistan by the Taliban today. Wake up and smell the coffee! Civilization is at WAR for survival against certain elements that co-inhabit this Planet who would have no problem chopping off your head all the while you would be crying for your life and your neck to be spared. I care more for the safety of civilians, male or female, young and old that have a "Right" to LIVE free and unencumbered from a terrorist act by any individual or group. Unfortunately, there are some people like yourself that just DON'T get it and are too concerned by a number of "What if's" or "Maybe's" Bullshit! I want to the hear canaries sing! And sing LOUD! Listen up, opinions are just like <deleted>, everybody got one. You have yours and I have mine. My opinion has not changed one iota by your rebuttal. Over and Out! Carry On!

    Are you trying to say that you have proof? Then there's this thing called a trial. That's where a suspect is either acquitted or convicted of the things he or she is on trial for. If the person is convicted then they are sentenced. Otherwise they're considered innocent and go free. This all happens in a court of law. If you're not opposed to reading, I suggest you get a dictionary and look up these words. They're pretty crucial to a civilized society and the modern world. Unfortunately, your ideas of just whacking people by throwing them out of helicopters and whatnot will still prove to be a little tricky as they're still war crimes.

    The antics you're advocating might have worked in the middle ages (or rather, you could get away with it then), but humanity has advanced a wee bit since then. In this day and age they simply do not work anymore, in fact they're counterproductive. This is evidenced by the findings of the intelligence committee and published in their report. I know facts can be a bother, but you don't seem too affected by them so I trust you'll be all right.

    Your heart may be in the right place, but unfortunately you're delusional. That's a fancy word for saying you're 100% sure of something that's been proved wrong.

    If I'm Delusional, You're Nuts.

  8. Dealing with terrorists, peacefully? Not me. 1) Qualified Sniper 2) H ead Shot 3) Bang 4) Hostages released unharmed 5) Perp to the Morgue. You day dream with your fantasies. I'll stand by my Post.[/size]

    You're wasting your time - you're talking to guys who believe that there's no real proof against bin laden and that he was just misunderstood and needs a hug... or some similar idiocy.

    Thanks Daffy! Gotta agree with you.

    • Like 1
  9. You just bit you lip:

    I said 100% sure, not I think, not 99% sure, but 100% sure. Read my post again. You are day dreaming about serious shit here. Mistakes, misunderstandings, blah, blah, blah. Stupid Joke, Huh? There are no misunderstandings or mistakes because these individuals have been suspects for a long time, even with supporting Intel from from other Countries. Next time you're in swampy, tell the security there not to check your bag because it has a bomb in it. Yeah, that's a stupid joke, that will get you beat senseless, if that were possible. There are very, very few mistaken identities regarding possible terrorist suspects. Governments know who they are because they have been on watch lists a very long time. Are you aware that up to 40% of "supposedly innocent" Gitmo releases have returned to terrorist activities? So, stop day dreaming and let's not say if, "I was picked up by a foreign intelligence service." Look what's going on right now in the Lindt Cafe in Sydney. 40 innocent hostages taken by a suspected terrorist with a black flag. (ISIL?) Some how he fell through the cracks in order to pull this off. Failure in Intel? "Our approach is to resolve this peacefully. It might take a bit of time but that is our approach,"Deputy NSW Police Commissioner Catherine Burn told journalists .Authorities want to resolve this peacefully? Dealing with terrorists, peacefully? Not me. 1) Qualified Sniper 2) H ead Shot 3) Bang 4) Hostages released unharmed 5) Perp to the Morgue. You day dream with your fantasies. I'll stand by my Post.

    If by lip you mean tongue, then sure.

    You didn't answer my questions, but I'm aware doing so would expose your fallacy. You're advocating for war crimes and having a low standard for the "good guys" while holding the "bad guys" to a higher one. That makes it difficult to have a realistic and meaningful discussion on the subject. In short, what you're advocating is both illegal and counter productive.

    The definition of "suspect" is: "a person thought to be guilty of a crime or offence". The operative word here is "thought". In other words, it is not proven or otherwise established that the person is guilty, it's merely "a feeling or thought that something is possible, likely, or true" (definition of "suspicion"). So again, you fall on your own sword.

    You have to distinguish between "suspected terrorists" and "convicted terrorists". There's a huge difference between the two, but I realize it can be convenient to lump them in together, though not very wise. You may have heard of the "presumption of innocence" principle where a person is considered innocent until proven guilty. The burden of proof is on the accuser. Your assertion that there are "very, very few mistaken identities" are simply false, see: http://www.dw.de/how-innocent-citizens-become-terror-suspects/a-16934329 and http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-13184845. Intelligence work is very hard and mistakes happen, but we must not fuel the fire by committing war crimes and exacerbating the problem.

    Do you honestly think that a person who is imprisoned without trial, kept for years and tortured, and then deemed innocent and released, does not harbor any bad feelings towards the ones responsible? Do you think they are more or less likely to become what they were suspected of in the first place after this treatment? This approach is counter productive because for every one that is treated this way many more are affected (family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, etc) and turned against us. And the person itself may very well become something they had no intention of becoming to begin with. This is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Your approach is basically helping the enemy, not hurting them. If you don't realize that, you're the one daydreaming, but hopefully this will wake you up.

    I'm not going to comment on the situation in Sydney, except to say I'm glad they're not making rash and reckless decisions without sufficient information or thought. Unlike you.

    First of all, YOU leave my Phallus out of this conversation. You hear me? Get real man, I will say for the last time and then I'm done with with you and your debate. I said 100% sure, not 99%, not 98% but ONE HUNDRED PERCENT! What part of 100% sure, don't you understand? I am not referring to a possible suspect. I am saying 100% without the shadow of a doubt that this person of interest is harboring information regarding a potential terrorist operation. Let me say it one more time for you. 100% positively sure through surveillance, wiretapping, email reading, the works. Got that 100% now straight in your head? I stand by my original post. Daydreaming too, Huh? Tell that to the Families of the 3 civilians killed by the dead fanatic hostage situation in Sydney. Also, tell that to the families of the 120+ young students murdered in Pakistan by the Taliban today. Wake up and smell the coffee! Civilization is at WAR for survival against certain elements that co-inhabit this Planet who would have no problem chopping off your head all the while you would be crying for your life and your neck to be spared. I care more for the safety of civilians, male or female, young and old that have a "Right" to LIVE free and unencumbered from a terrorist act by any individual or group. Unfortunately, there are some people like yourself that just DON'T get it and are too concerned by a number of "What if's" or "Maybe's" Bullshit! I want to the hear canaries sing! And sing LOUD! Listen up, opinions are just like , everybody got one. You have yours and I have mine. My opinion has not changed one iota by your rebuttal. Over and Out! Carry On!

  10. They should be really thankful that this not happened on an American airplane and in American airspace. Very good chance that they had been shot by an air marshal or arrested by homeland security.

    Federal Air Marshals that fly on American Aircraft are equipped with SIG Sauer P229 chambered in .357 SIG. They are also equipped with batons and handcuffs. Seriously, there would be NO possibility these passengers would have been shot in the aircraft during the flight for their unruly behaviour, because they were not armed with any type of weapon. Subdued and cuffed, but not shot. Federal Air Marshals are all superb marksmen. Their training, when having to use deadly force as a last resort, is to shoot the offender in the largest part of the body (The chest) with a follow up shot to the head. However, that was not necessary in this incident. However, the group would have been apprehended by DHS to face charges and the likely result would have been to be extradited to China to face Justice there.

  11. 80% of the fatalities on the roadways of the Kingdom are operators and/or passengers of motorbikes. In order to reduce the amount of killed, maimed or injured this Crackdown should be on going 24/7 throughout the entire Kingdom. I can't count the amount of times that I have witnessed and had to move quickly and give the right of way to motorbike taxi operators or civilians young and old driving on the sidewalks around Asoke, Silom and elsewhere. There has to be a fundamental beginning somehow/somewhere to reduce the amount of accidents, fatalities and injuries. Enforcing the Law is the first step. Again, the Police are doing their job, and I applaud their effort. Period, end of story. thumbsup.gif

    I live in Asoke. Walk around a lot, ride a bike too. Yet to see/cause/experience any deaths or injuries due to bikes on sidewalks. Could be because I hardly see any bikes speeding on the sidewalks.

    The fatalities you mention are due to the riders riding without any protective gear (including helmets), riding recklessly, lack of common sense, lack of road sense etc etc - not due to speeding on sidewalks.

    Read my Post again. Did I mention anywhere about "see/cause/experience" any deaths or injuries due to bikes on sidewalks? No. The point I was making is that so many people do such stupid things while driving here, it goes totally against safety. If you read my Post again, I never mentioned deaths due to speeding on sidewalks. The point I was making is that sidewalks are for pedestrians and not motorbikes. Perhaps, you just happen to think it's OK to ride motorbikes on sidewalks, and You actually do that. I don't. I can expand on this with, me opposing 10 year old's driving motorbikes, or 5 children riding on motorbikes like a carnival act. Or the best one: No helmet, No shirt, shorts and flip flops, then wreck = 1 pile of chopped meat. I not quite sure why you are challenging my Post applauding the police crackdown on stupid drivers? Hmmmmm?

  12. Let me get this right. Some Forum Board members are totally against "enhanced interrogation" techniques such as sleep deprivation, water boarding, electro shocking of the genitals, etc. All this because it violates the "Human Rights" of known or suspected terrorists whose only goal right now is to kill innocent civilians through acts of terror. The same ones who will chop your head off while praising "Allah". I am totally against those techniques my self, due to time constraints utilizing them. Hours, perhaps days wasted to gather necessary Intel to prevent an upcoming slaughter of innocents. What about the basic "Human Right" to Life for the intended victims of a Terror Attack?. Reading most of these Posts, they're mostly regarding the CIA, interrogation facilities, sovereignty of Thailand and the usual bashing of America, and really nothing about saving lives or preventing terror attacks. My solution is simple and quick. I'll gather up five suspected terrorists, who I am 100% sure they know something about to happen. I'll cuff them and blindfold them and place them in a chopper. My crew will fly out over the Sea at about 1500 meters in elevation. I'll open the chopper door and ask the one who I think is the toughest of the bunch of them, questions on what He knows. If He refuses to talk or spits in my face, I'll thrown him out the open door with the others watching. I guarantee you, the others will sing like canaries and valuable Intel will be gathered to prevent an upcoming terror attack. Fly back to base for debriefing. Mission Accomplished. I don't believe that anyone who is willing to kill innocent Men, Women, Children and Babies has any rights to be called "Human" in the first place. They lost that, along with any compassion or sympathy from me. Who has a quicker or better Intel gathering technique than mine? Let me know. thumbsup.gif

    Okay, I'll bite:

    So let's say you were picked up by foreign inteligence agents. This was clearly a mistake (to you anyway) since you're innocent and didn't do anything nor have you been planning to. Because of a mistake or misunderstanding (e.g. mistaken eye witness report, poor quality CCTV footage, language barriers, stupid joke overheard or intercepted, etc) the agents think you've got something of value to them, but suspect you are being difficult. So they decide to "help you help them" by waterboarding you and electrocuting your genitals. That didn't work -- you don't have anything to tell them. So they decide to throw you out of a helicopter and kill you.

    Are you saying that's okay? You wouldn't mind this kind of treatment? You are after all a "suspected terrorist", even if you're innocent.

    You just bit you lip:

    I said 100% sure, not I think, not 99% sure, but 100% sure. Read my post again. You are day dreaming about serious shit here. Mistakes, misunderstandings, blah, blah, blah. Stupid Joke, Huh? There are no misunderstandings or mistakes because these individuals have been suspects for a long time, even with supporting Intel from from other Countries. Next time you're in swampy, tell the security there not to check your bag because it has a bomb in it. Yeah, that's a stupid joke, that will get you beat senseless, if that were possible. There are very, very few mistaken identities regarding possible terrorist suspects. Governments know who they are because they have been on watch lists a very long time. Are you aware that up to 40% of "supposedly innocent" Gitmo releases have returned to terrorist activities? So, stop day dreaming and let's not say if, "I was picked up by a foreign intelligence service." Look what's going on right now in the Lindt Cafe in Sydney. 40 innocent hostages taken by a suspected terrorist with a black flag. (ISIL?) Some how he fell through the cracks in order to pull this off. Failure in Intel? "Our approach is to resolve this peacefully. It might take a bit of time but that is our approach,"Deputy NSW Police Commissioner Catherine Burn told journalists .Authorities want to resolve this peacefully? Dealing with terrorists, peacefully? Not me. 1) Qualified Sniper 2) H ead Shot 3) Bang 4) Hostages released unharmed 5) Perp to the Morgue. You day dream with your fantasies. I'll stand by my Post.

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  13. Let me get this right. Some Forum Board members are totally against "enhanced interrogation" techniques such as sleep deprivation, water boarding, electro shocking of the genitals, etc. All this because it violates the "Human Rights" of known or suspected terrorists whose only goal right now is to kill innocent civilians through acts of terror. The same ones who will chop your head off while praising "Allah". I am totally against those techniques my self, due to time constraints utilizing them. Hours, perhaps days wasted to gather necessary Intel to prevent an upcoming slaughter of innocents. What about the basic "Human Right" to Life for the intended victims of a Terror Attack?. Reading most of these Posts, they're mostly regarding the CIA, interrogation facilities, sovereignty of Thailand and the usual bashing of America, and really nothing about saving lives or preventing terror attacks. My solution is simple and quick. I'll gather up five suspected terrorists, who I am 100% sure they know something about to happen. I'll cuff them and blindfold them and place them in a chopper. My crew will fly out over the Sea at about 1500 meters in elevation. I'll open the chopper door and ask the one who I think is the toughest of the bunch of them, questions on what He knows. If He refuses to talk or spits in my face, I'll thrown him out the open door with the others watching. I guarantee you, the others will sing like canaries and valuable Intel will be gathered to prevent an upcoming terror attack. Fly back to base for debriefing. Mission Accomplished. I don't believe that anyone who is willing to kill innocent Men, Women, Children and Babies has any rights to be called "Human" in the first place. They lost that, along with any compassion or sympathy from me. Who has a quicker or better Intel gathering technique than mine? Let me know. thumbsup.gif

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  14. I thought a panel investigated these allegations against Sorrayuth last year and decided not only was He innocent of any wrong doings, but He was entitled to another 50+ Million Baht payment for services rendered. It's obvious He is the most Prominent Newscaster in the Kingdom winning multiple awards and acclaim and his Morning News Show is the most watched of all, so there are certain elements around that would like to see his downfall. Me and the Missus watch his show every morning and there is no subject that appears to be taboo. He was out in the field reporting on the dismal preparations and horrible aftermath of the great Flood of 2011. This year he was reporting from the Beaches affected by the oil spill. Yes, when you do great reporting of issues and the failures of half assed preparations and responses, you can bet you are going to make enemies. I believe after the coup, his show was the only news show to be back on the air rather quickly and broadcasting the news. I personally compare Sorrayuth to the likes of Walter Cronkite back in the 60's to 80's in the USA, with his closing catch phrase, "And that's the way it is". So, I believe that if Sorrayuth says it then, "That's the way it is". This case is dead in the water and not going anywhere.

  15. The real question they are avoiding is "did the Thai government know about this detention center and more to the point did they cooperate with the US". I'm sure that is what people want to know. The answer to these questions is NOT an internal US matter. Until they answer these questions I'm sure this will continue to be a controversial subject.

    What the new PM will never seem to understand is that there will always be tough questions to answer to the public and he cannot just duck the questions for the sake of a "peaceful country". He's living in a dream world if he thinks the public will accept these kinds of answers.

    "The public"...Foreigners are a tiny minority in Thailand and as far as Thai people is concerned I suspect 99% of them don't give a sh#t about this issue. To the majority of the locals the past is irrelevant, the future is uncertain, and the only time frame that is worth thinking about is today and tonight:).

    Exactly, my thoughts. What Thai people want to know? I'm not aware of any Thai that gives a rat's ass about this or, is even aware of it. So I'll even increase that 99% to 99.999%. They are just not interested. Period.

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