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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. and i still take a 10 mg statin every other day and ezetimibe every day.. Ezetimibe is not a statin medication, it is a cholesterol absorption inhibitor. Ezetimibe,fenofibrate and statins are cholesterol lowering medications. Ezetimibe can be taken together with statins or fenofibrate as their cholesterol lowering effects are complementary.
  2. and i still take a 10 mg statin every other day and ezetimibe every day.. Ezetimibe is not a statin medication, it is a cholesterol absorption inhibitor. Ezetimibe,fenofibrate and statins are cholesterol lowering medications. Ezetimibe can be taken together with statins or fenofibrate as their cholesterol lowering effects are complementary.
  3. statins caused my calf muscles to twitch... a lot... doc put me on ezetimibe few years ago and cholesterol now good numbers and no more muscle twitchs or bad side effects that i am aware of... i am no doc but might be worth looking into with a doc EZETIMIBE (ez ET i mibe) treats high cholesterol. It works by reducing the amount of cholesterol absorbed from the food you eat. This decreases the amount of bad cholesterol (such as LDL) in your blood.
  4. get current mess all fixed by start of slow season...then wait til about october to go dig it all up again and do it over in time to disrupt the next high season. How many times have they dug up the beach road sidewalk over the past 10-20 years? Measure twice cut once?
  5. Yes i suspect he was saying he has enough money to be comfortable and enjoy doing the things he most wants to do without having an obsession to make more more more. He also of course likely had enough fame as being an author of a great book that will live on for decades long after he is gone. Maybe he also had enough of the rat race , of trying to please too many people, of observing people becoming so obsessed with $ and making more $$ that they had lost their ability to enjoy some of the simpler things in life. 1. You can always make more $$ but you can never make more time. 2. You can't take it with you. 3. If not now, when? I have rich friends who it seems their entire being is determined by how much they have how much they can make etc etc to the point that they really don't seem to even enjoy what pleasures $$ can bring as they are too busy trying to make more more more. I find that sad.
  6. oh what a tough guy sitting at a keyboard...yeah go ahead and clock a taxi driver on the chin and see how it works out when the baseball bats and machetes come out....only a fool would "clock" a taxi driver....be sure and have someone post your pic in the hospital bed
  7. At a party given by a billionaire on Shelter Island, Kurt Vonnegut informs his pal, Joseph Heller, that their host, a hedge fund manager, had made more money in a single day than Heller had earned from his wildly popular novel Catch-22 over its whole history. Heller responds,“Yes, but I have something he will never have — ENOUGH.”
  8. Go take a look at the millions upon millions of motorbikes in vietnam...at least in the big cities helmet usage is close to 100% because they made rules and actually enforce them. Go take a look at a public high school in most any town thailand and watch all the kids and most of the teachers show up day after day often with three or more on the bike with hardly a helmet in sight...some have lots of signs around the school saying wear helmets but when even the teachers ignore it what do you suppose the kids do?
  9. Because a lot of people end up getting maimed for life and end up having to be taken care of by hospitals, relatives, friends etc for life ..who do you suppose pays for that? ....or someone has to take care of their kids or worse yet they set a crap example for their kids who get killed or maimed. It is not always all about only the idiot who refuses to wear a helmet.
  10. they are still waiting for the "trickle down" that has been promised by repubs for decades and has yet to arrive...they are obviously easily conned which trump saw and has taken to a new level of trickle down BS and added ten or more BS lines to include the big lie ...repubs seem to love getting lied to and conned and refuse to admit it, bury their heads in the sand in spite of overwhelming evidence that is easily available with minimal effort (hint: turn off fox "news" for starters... a net work that has admitted under oath over and over that they lie to their viewers)
  11. Hillary beat trump by 3 million votes. Biden beat trump by 7 million votes. The only reason trump won against hillary is the stupid electoral college. In 7 of the last 8 elections the only repub to win the popular vote was W in 2004. So you might want to double check exactly how "popular" trump is with voters. Also how did it go in VA, Ohio, Kentucky two days ago. what is left of the republican party is in shambles and they cant even govern in the house with a majority. finally the public is starting to figure out that republicans don't give a hoot about them and only want to tear everything down and give tax cuts to the uber wealthy and corporations....the house of cards is going to come tumbling down and trump and his minions only hope is to spread more lies and BS to dupe the maga morons and whine like a five year old when they get beat yet again and claim it was all rigged. Pitiful.
  12. The pic shows he had a big handbag and i would guess the $$ was in the handbag which likely easier to steal than a fat wallet in a back pocket....
  13. Geez now you have half the people on here that can't spell the word or copy your testereone which sounds like some kind of Italian pasta.
  14. Talk is easy and cheap. The problem is enforcing the laws/rules. Good luck with that as it will take more than hanging up a few signs to stop people going wrong way on one way streets. Heck they have zebra crosswalks with traffic lights and can;t even get most to stop for that even when full of pedestrians. I can count on one hand the times i have ever seen any cop on soi buahkaow....much easier to stand in front of police station and collect no helmet $$ then back to police dorm for a quick nap. Dream on.
  15. yep that ole senile joe who goes to iowa and thinks he is in south dakota....oh wait that was dtrump there to get us into world war 2...oh wait we already did WW2...so time to head off to Hungary russian border and meet with president of turkey?
  16. attacking an innocent guy on a motorbike "satisfying"? You need help.
  17. talk about monumentally stupid you have won the prize. congratulations.
  18. so 60 judges who rejected the claims of fraud were wrong to include even the right wing supreme court regarding PA claims were bogus and 3 years after the election is over and NOBODY has yet produced a shred of credible evidence of any significant fraud and you and millions of republicans still trying to sell the big lie.....and fyi in 2020 the federal government was run by? Trump. Got it.
  19. She was absolutely correct as history is clearly showing... If trying to overthrow an election to install a dictator wannabe is not "deplorable" then I don't know what would be considered deplorable. Unfortunately the deplorables are still at it with the big Lie BS.
  20. you keep saying goodbye...does that mean after joining a week or so ago and posting about 100 lines of trump garbage we are finally done with you? Why do i think you are some kind of troll that got banned under another name but have suddenly reappeared?
  21. Straight from "americans for prosperity" website...that totally unbiased site of the Koch brothers..."some" economists....gee i have "some" Thai gals that tell me i am handsome as brad pitt so i guess that proves that. After the 2009 inauguration of President Barack Obama, AFP helped transform the Tea Party movement into a political force. It organized significant opposition to Obama administration initiatives such as global warming regulation, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the expansion of Medicaid, and economic stimulus. It helped turn back cap and trade, the major environmental proposal of Obama's first term. AFP advocated for limits on the collective bargaining rights of public-sector trade unions and for right-to-work laws and opposed raising the federal minimum wage. AFP played an active role in achieving the Republican majority in the House of Representatives in 2010 and in the Senate in 2014.
  22. notice this little tidbit that amazingly seems to be left out of the reporting on the new poll showing trump leading in swing states... .#1 the poll was among registered voters, not likely voters. #2 when asked who they would choose IF trump is convicted/sentenced of a felony the numbers flip to Biden. A lot of very poor reporting IMO that ignores these two very key factors to the polling....and this poor reporting seems to be coming more from main stream media and of course you will never hear this even mentioned on the right wing media. If the former president is convicted and sentenced — as many of his allies expect him to be in the Jan. 6-related trial held next year in Washington, D.C. — around 6 percent of voters across Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin say they would switch their votes to Mr. Biden. That would be enough, potentially, to decide the election.
  23. Going on three years and in spite of all the whining and bitching and lie after lie still not a single shred of evidence presented that would prove any fraud anywhere near to be enough to overturn the election. And yet the big lie is still apparently believed by millions of republicans. How very sad that grown adult people seem incapable of thinking for themselves and calling BS when they see it. MAGA does not seem capable of understanding that making a bunch of wild claims and promoting conspiracy theories with zero evidence to support them proves only how delusional they are. I have said it over and over to trumpers: If you have any credible evidence then by all means lay it out and lets take a look at it....if indeed it is credible then you will be a major star on fox news and trump no doubt would pin the medal of honor on you and you can brag about how you found the evidence that nobody else could find, write a book, and be filthy rich. Oh...what's that? You have no evidence? Just babbling a bunch of BS with zero evidence? Got it.
  24. Yes i am sure that the dems convinced people like the GA sec of state to do an investigation and then announce there was NO FRAUD in Georgia. But i guess somehow the dems "enrolled" him and many other republican state officials to investigate and then publicly state over and over there was no evidence of fraud and the only fraud was trump and his big lie. Also probably were able to convince a right wing supreme court to also shoot down their fraud claims for Pa. and 60 judges many appointed by trump to reject 60 claims.... Those incompetent weak dems sure somehow managed to manipulate all of these life long trump voting republicans to risk death threats and worse to tell the truth. And somehow those same dems must have convinced trump to haul classified info away and then lie over and over , try and hide the docs , try to get surveillance tapes erased and then share classified secrets with his rich buddies to impress them. Probably they also arranged for trump to claim an apt he lived in was three times the size it actually is. Some might say it was the BESTEST and most PERFECT witch hunt EVER. Wow i am thinking if the dems were really that good at orchestrating the giant witch hunt by enlisting all these republicans maybe they are lot smarter than perfect donnie and his Big Lie maga bunch.
  25. More of the "persecuting trump" BS....be sure and send your theory to the vast majority of witnesses who are testifying against trump in the persecution....you know all those life long republicans who voted for trump and wanted him to win that somehow those crafty dems convinced to go on the stand under oath (and likely receive death threats) and tell the various crimes that they personally saw and heard trump commit as they were in the room. But go ahead and blame the "legal" system for having the nerve to actually investigate probable crimes when there are piles upon piles of documents, videos, audios all backed up by the testimony of trumper REPUBLICANS as to a wide range of crimes found by four or more grand juries in four different jurisdictions to have probable cause that crimes were committed. The great trump witch hunt brought to you by REPUBLICANS. Doesn't exactly fit with the fox news narrative now does it?
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