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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. When i was there: 1. i did not see any/many gals that i would be interested in bar fining and 2. even if i did i would have had to have a shouting conversation to determine prices etc.
  2. On opening night it seemed every bar had a stereo system turned up to the max playing different songs with the result being it was so damn loud that having any kind of conversation without yelling was impossible. Beer was 90 baht...music so loud waitress had her fingers in her ears and we literally had to shout our orders to her. Now they have a live band that starts up about 9 or so every night and goes til 2 to 4 am. It is so damn loud that it disrupts lots of hotels and condos in the area not to mention if you were actually there. The Golden Beach hotel has half it's rooms right next door and my guess is every morning any guests in those rooms are at front desk demanding to change room or check out as it would be impossible to sleep there with the band blasting full volume so close by. Whoever owns that hotel cannot be very happy with the blasting music. I frankly could not get out of there fast enough after one beer and until/unless they tone down the volume i don't know why anyone would want to go there...even if u liked a gal which was not a great selection that i could see how the heck you could even talk with her is not easy. Much better bars, girls, prices etc very near by at tree town soi LK buahkaow etc and even though some have loud music it is not nearly as obnoxious as the MYTH bunch and it does not take much looking to find beers at 65 baht or so at many bars where u can actually have a normal conversation . I suspect that tourists will stumble in from second road and maybe they enjoy it...but as for local ex pats i really don't know why anyone would set foot in the place. Also pretty dumb not to just open up foot traffic all the way through to tree town but it is hit and miss at best so far with a gate that is sometimes open sometimes locked.
  3. of course you are correct so i will promise to be very very careful in my words from now til the day i die.
  4. So for all the people who pay an agent to set up an account showing they have 800 k when in fact it is a fake account done by the agent.....what is to say that some Thai govt official doesn't decide to do a bit of investigation and invalidate the visa that were obtained by this method? I do not know but i suspect there are thousands of people living in Thailand right now with visas that were gotten with this scam of a way to get around the rules. Seems a sure fire way to get deported if for example you got into some kind of trouble with thai cops and they wanted to take a good hard look at your visa. A simple check with the bank and your account history would easily expose that you did not really have the 800 k in the bank as required. So what would the penalty be? Who knows but i doubt it would be the agent that would be held accountable.
  5. all sorts of online usa banks paying 5% interest no min no problem....google will find lots of choices...the big boa, wells fargo etc are the ones that pay practically nothing and get away with it because people are too lazy or too ignorant to set up an online savings account ...
  6. Semantics.....i am no lawyer but i do have enough common sense to know that IF IF IF the thai authorities really wanted to find and extradite a cop killer that the vast majority of countries would agree and co operate. You don't "demand". You request.
  7. Taksin haters somehow seem to overlook the coup crew that illegally overthrew the government rolling tanks into the streets....as far as I know not ONE of the coup crew has been or ever will be prosecuted for this. Taksin was no saint but at least he did not overthrow the will of the voters. Nor did Taksin rewrite the rules and appoint 250 unelected senators to allow him to hold power regardless of elections and voters will.
  8. try to use their brain and make some decisions to protect them from at least a few of the more obvious threats. like i said...make SOME decisions....obvious threats....
  9. How about driving without a seat belt, helmet, insurance, tax, driving license, after a few drinks, Pick and choose? Nothing to do with morality....some people have brains and would prefer to live a bit longer so they try to use their brain and make some decisions to protect them from at least a few of the more obvious threats.
  10. As for zero comprehension of the law let's start with the Thai authorities for refusing to find and extradite him...ok i take that back. They surely must know that the law would require his apprehension but the big brown suitcases full of red bull cash say it is not in their interest to enforce the law.
  11. Agree. I have zero doubt that given an incentive that there are many many operatives that could capture red bull in less than a month and deliver him to Thai custody. From what i have seen it would not take Sherlock Holmes to track him down.....assuming that any Thai politicians or judicial heads actually wanted to bring him to justice. I guess being high on coke, speeding, and killing a cop then fleeing the country is not on their list of serious crimes, or perhaps they can't be bothered as they are planning visits to their new London flats and french villas.
  12. and meantime the coup plotters all enjoyed a nice meal with lots of cocktails in luxury restaurants/clubs and not one word from the press about why these criminals are free as a bird in spite of overthrowing the government along with rewriting the constitution to enable them to hold power forever regardless of what the voters might want.....
  13. So have there been any more discussion/details re the idea of maybe giving 90 day visa free for western folks? Or is it only all about china and India?
  14. Boebert dropped out of high school during her senior year in 2004 when she had a baby;[13][14] she earned a GED certificate in 2020, a month before her first election primary
  15. AOC graduated Boston college with a double major cum laude....pretty and brainy.
  16. Trailer trash. She and santos should hook up. Yet another great republican role model. Get caught, claim you didn't do it, claim you don't remember doing it, deny deny deny even when it's all on tape for the world to see if they would only open their eyes....sounds like a true MAGA warrior thru and thru.
  17. Good for you. As i said everyone is different. I know people that can smoke 5 cigs a day and no more. I know people that smoke 60 a day and wanted more. As i say good for you and of course yes you are the one that has to decide to stop but you say you had "no addiction". If it were effortless for all it would be nice...but not everyone is that lucky. It is a nasty habit anyway you look at it.
  18. In my experience of many years nicotine is the most addictive drug that is legally available by far over pot. Alcohol came in second. I would go out in a blinding snowstorm at 1 am to buy a pack of cigs as i was totally completely addicted. I can skip smoking weed for days/weeks at a time and never one time have a "nicotine type fit". In essence i can choose to smoke or not smoke weed but i never felt that i had a choice with cigs as that nicotine had me by the gonads and controlled my every waking moment. Different people react differently. I was always amazed at those people who can smoke 10 cigs a day and not bump it up to 20 or 30 or more. If I smoked ten cigs today i would likely buy a carton and be back to two packs a day very quickly. Fortunately I finally after many many attempts managed to kick the cigs and have not touched one in 20 years.....i have little doubt that if i had not done that i would have some serious emphysema and other health problems. As for pot I can have a bag of pot that lasts me for months or longer and i use pot because sometimes i just enjoy getting high for an hour or so of sunset and music. I realize it is probably better to not smoke anything at all but I really do not feel any serious weed addiction or need to detox.
  19. They had their chance to kill the snake in their living room and move on....but they all hid under their desks and the snake lived to strike again and will eventually bite them all in the rear end. Maybe it's time for someone to publish a book...."Republicans Profiles in Courage". It would have all blank pages.
  20. How horrible it must be to go on a forum and try and equate alleged "crimes" by president biden with the indicted crimes of trump. So what's the difference between alleged and indicted? Uh duh indicted means that real evidence was presented in four different locations to four different grand juries and in all four cases the grand jury looked at the real evidence, not a bunch of BS allegations, and concluded that there was indeed sufficient real evidence to bring 91 felony indictments....and of course most of the real evidence came from hard core life long republicans along with emails, texts, documents, audio and video much in trumps own words. Hard as it is for republicans to grasp trump was not indicted on hearsay, conspiracy theories, fox news talking points. He was indicted because he left behind a trail of evidence a mile long of his criminal activities. Now we will let the courts decide how strong that evidence actually is in a series of trials. I guess if ole sleepy incompetent Joe was able to pull off all these massive alleged crimes with hunter biden an admitted crack head and not leave a shred of evidence then ole sleepy joe must really be much sharper than trump who couldn't cover up his crimes with a bucket of sand. Could it be that in spite of his bravado trump is not "really really smart"?
  21. For Christ sake if you trumpers have any evidence of a Joe Biden crime then by all means lay your evidence on the table before a grand jury or congress and impeach or indict him. Otherwise please enough with the allegations and maga BS. Or maybe it is all just a big republican witch hunt??...but there does seem to be a massive major difference in that one witch hunt has no evidence and the other "witch hunt" is backed by thousands of documents, texts, audio and video , along with testimony under oath from dozens of republicans , indictments by four different grand juries in four different locations and charges of 91 felonies...all backed by real evidence. And if you insist on more hunter biden (who never worked in the white house) investigations then by all means lets add white house employee Kushner....remember him? The nice Jewish boy that worked in the white house that the Saudis just out of the blue decided they liked and handed him two billion bucks? Obviously nothing to do with his father in law. And throw in his wife, Ivanka, who when daddy became potus suddenly was a favorite with Chinese dictators and made millions i guess because they liked her products?
  22. Play with fire and sometimes you get burned....so sorry mr kim.
  23. its not one man...it's one rich man.... see little red bull that still walks free after nearly a decade ...if a regular Thai person had been all hopped up on coke, killed and dragged a cop while speeding big time then fled the country how long do you think it would have taken for that person to be apprehended and returned.... ..shame on the entire country from PM to the judges to the corruption committees to the police and all of the entire bunch of people who have been bribed to allow red bull to roam freely...and shame on the media for not constantly banging the drum of why is red bull allowed freedom?
  24. So hundreds of thousands of Russians can apparently just stay indefinitely in Thailand no problem but let's hassle the crap out of a bunch of old retired guys who want to stay six months or longer and jump through hoop after hoop? Surely there must be numerous Russian overstays but I don't recall reading any round up stories or did i miss that
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