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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. yes as i said yesterday that is correct. ..still does not explain why almost every single republican on the stand is generally more harmful than helpful to the trump defense...could it be that they are telling the truth? And how did trumps supposed defense star witness costello work out for the defense.....guess all those emails that supported cohen version of their interaction must have slipped his mind.
  2. you forgot... we the REPUBLICAN witnesses who testified as to what they saw and heard dear leader do...truly amazing how the dems somehow convinced these trumpers to get on stand and make up lies aboout donnie and what happened....we all know donnie has never done anything wrong in his entire life....he told us all that about a zillion times ....you need to get some new lines about your dem witch hunt as the testimony that will ultimately sink trump is mostly coming for life long repubs who voted for trump and many worked for him....
  3. ..if you were planning to arrive in the next month or two and did not want to wait til last minute you go online and get and pay for tourist visa....then all of a sudden they announce new no visa goes into effect in a matter of days...i looked on the thai embasy tourist visa website today and so far not a word of warning that it was all going to change....no refunds so out of luck for those who just got e tourist visas....thanks thai tourism for the heads up....or not
  4. u just wasted your time and money from what i can tell as 60 days + 30 day extension is escentially same thing without having to do the online stuff and pay the online fee...the 30 day extension is the same 1900 thb at immigration... .not clear if you can leave after total of 90 days to neighbor country and come immediately back to thailand and get 60 more days plus 30 day extension....how many times is this permitted? obviously some restrictions on how many times in calendar year or you could leave every 90 days over and over for years?
  5. So exactly how do you qualify as a digital nomad? Do you have to show proof of the revenue from the biz...what contitutes such proof? if i say i have a digital biz what would be the min revenues to qualify? if my revenues are $100 a year is that ok? or a website or some sort of biz license or contract or what /? Or can I just announce i am a digital nomad pay the 10 k fee and put 500 k in bank and all set? Do you have to pay thai taxes on whatever you claim is revenue from your digital biz? Lots of questions and gray areas that need to be clearly addressed it seems.
  6. So you just wasted a trip to KL costing $$ time hassle....not fun. So do u apply for a tourist visa or wait and see what exactly the new 60 day no visa rules may be? A question that a lot of people traveling soon would have. Just looked all over the immigration site etc and cannot find one word about newly proposed changes ...if anyone can find please do post details.
  7. so do i apply online for a tourist visa or do i wait and see if i even need it? If I don't need it then i have wasted time and money...would like to allow at least two weeks to make sure tourist visa is ok as have been through that before...and i would guess that the various thai embassies that do tourist visas will be getting more calls and questions possibly slowing service even more.. If you are travelling within next 30 days it would be helpful to know now what the rules will be.
  8. It is only a few days until June 1 and still tons of details to be confirmed....just maybe they should provide a list of FAQ and the actual details at the same time of the big announcement? Meantime I guess we all just sit tight and try and guess what may or may not happen....in less than a week? Do any of these tourism visa experts have any idea of what it is like to try and plan a trip for next month or so without knowing the options/details available?
  9. So would this not make the single entry 60 day tourist visa obsolete? If u get 60 days visa free on arrival and then go to immigration can u extend another 30 days? Then after total of 90 days leave the country and repeat again with 60 days plus 30 day extension? I hope so as that would work well for those wanting about a six month relatively hassle free way to do it.. anyone know for sure??
  10. For what it's worth my doc suggested (after the exrays and mri showed nothing obvious)that i might want to try a TENS stimulator for back pain. She made no promises but said a lot of her patients had reported it helped. I was sketical but bought one online for $35usd about a month ago. It is a pretty simple device that looks more complicated than it is. Much to my amazement it does indeed seem to work for me . I use it about one hour a day. At first it does feel sort of creepy as it shoots electrical impulses and stimulation into the muscles. After an initial adjustment as to where best to put the pads and what level of intensity it is actually "enjoyable" sensation sort of like a massage (same same but for sure different) i am no doctor and not sure exactly how or why but my personal experience is it does really help reduce my lower back pain. Maybe worth a try? https://docreviews.me/2022/10/06/the-best-tens-devices-of-2022/?gclid=CjwKCAjwgdayBhBQEiwAXhMxttlWwxzRPTlA1nSENzgB6nCkNaHhwnRPFDl8MWC5hIgxgXc2PiG34BoCpWgQAvD_BwE&campaignid=21199867878&adgroupid=158548533742&loc_physicall_ms=9032816&loc_interest_ms=&matchtype=p&network=g&creative=697072417084&keyword=tens device for back pain&placement=&targetid=kwd-299744765464&gad_source=1
  11. Yes i realize that....but i suppose that if it were all a giant witch hunt that repubs have been harping on over and over then these republicans could just refuse to obey a subpoena and go to jail to protect dear leader. Of course even under subpoena all they had to do is tell the truth which unfortunately for the cult was not a truth they wanted to hear or believe and to my knowledge no dem forced them to make up anti trump lies. Thankfully there are still some republicans that do understand that it is a good idea to tell the truth when you are under oath.
  12. Well I can't blame them for not just coming forward without a subpoena as that would likely add to the variety of threats many have received for themselves and their families coming from the cult who do not care about the truth even when it comes from fellow republicans. But testify they did and continue to do so. Without the republicans who have told their stories of what the saw and heard there would likely have been no indictments. As we are seeing more and more not everyone who knew and observed trump up close is willing to lie for him. So much for the "dem witch hunt" theory. There is a reason all of these republicans were subpoened as the prosecutors are not stupid and had very good reasons to suspect that serious crimes were committed and who better to ask then those who were "in the room".
  13. Have you noticed that the vast majority of evidence as well as the vast majority of testimony to grand juries who indicted trump comes from republicans, most life long republicans many of whom worked for trump and were in the rooms and saw and heard first hand the crimes he was committing? Not exactly a great look for a dem witchunt when very few of the witnesses are dems but rather members of the trump team until they decided to tell what the saw and heard first hand. You cult members need to get a new line about how all the dems are picking on little innocent donnie.
  14. I have been a 5 miles a day walker for decades with little or no pain...even did a 250 mile hike four years ago....but as i have aged i am finding more and more that after 2 or 3 miles i start to get pain generally lower back area.....went to all kinds of docs had ex rays etc etc....no obvious problems and no obvious solutions per docs....so last year i started swimming and cut way back on the walking....started slowly with 15 mins or so but worked my way up to a minimum of 45 mins and often 60 mins a day...not super fast but a steady back and forth in a big pool...after a month or so i just felt lot better overall and managed to swim 170 out of 180 straight days over the first six months....i still walk a few miles but even now too much walking and pain comes back.....i did have a cortisone shot and that helped for a while but don't want to do shots too often.....so at least for me the swimming was the answer....butof course need a good big pool to make it work which i do have in pattaya..... i think that x amount of pain comes from old age and perhaps all the walking for decades takes it's toll...but for me at least the idea of increasing the walking just did not work and made it worse....i am not skinny and not obese...i pretty much weigh the same as i did when i was walking a lot with no problems. extra bonus: swimming in super hot weather can be lot more enjoyable than sweating like crazy on a walk.. worth a try if u have access to a good pool?
  15. Sad story but sometimes it is just time to die....and it will happen to every person and dog and cat and all the rest. If you can't get a vet to do it soon maybe you can find a simple humane way to do it yourself . I am sure that is not an easy thing to do....but in the end maybe it just shows you love your dog and want to do what is best for him/her. Good luck whatever you decide.
  16. and meantime lots of 70/80 y,o farangs have spent years in thailand and never so much as a helmet ticket and yet have to jump throough hoop after hoop to get a visa to stay for six months a year...and this bozo somehow stays 22 years from age 22 claims to be mercenary and punchs someone out and gets off with an apology and a fine... how about if you come year after year and zero overstays zero problems etc that we be given a visa without the third degree every year?
  17. I have always found walgreens to be among the higest prices in USA for scripts as well as everyday merchandise. Never really understood why people go there except i guess lot of locations. Do you have the Good RX app? It's free and can show u where the best deal is for your particular drug...
  18. I used to go to terminal 21 once a week or so....but i always ether get there early or late as going during peak hours is likely to have very few seats availalbe. How they can sell the food they do there at such low prices is a mystery and it is no surprise that it can be packed with locals grabbing a lunch and tourists who heard about it on FB or You Tube. I suppose if they raised their prices 50% that would open up a lot of tables? I rarely go anymore as it can be a pain all around waiting in line to buy a card, then wait in line to get food, then wander around looking for a table. Just not worth the aggravation and plenty of other places to eat hassle free. But they do have some great dishes availabe at absurdly low prices.
  19. you mean the "dem run" trial in NYC where almost all the witnesses are republicans ? or the "dem run" trials in DC or Georgia, or Florida, where again most of the evidence and witnessess will be republicans? got it.
  20. There is no way that he would name anyone or anything other than a total spineless lapdog as VP...take a look at mike pence who followed him like a lost puppy and threw his strong "christian beliefs" aside to worship at the altar of orange jesus...only after trump threw him to the thugs and almost got him killed did pence finally semi figure out what a total fool he had been from the day he kissed the ring....but there is still time for pence to retract and get on the support trump train again. Would not surprise me in the least. I have lived a lot of years and watched a lot of politicians but have never ever seen anything even approaching the spineless "republicans" that to this day still take a knee. Pathetic.
  21. Hell it woud not surprise me if she ends up begging to be his VP...or maybe t will just name eric as his VP....he does love to have lapdogs kissing his rear end and telling him what a "stable genius" he is.
  22. except the recent ones were closed republican primaries...nice try
  23. her words and lying lyndsey and an entire parade of spineless republicans who made public statements that trump is not fit for office....
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