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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. you know you can google it as there are numerous thai dental services that post their approx rates online?
  2. Two articles 9 years old....? I suspect for every story of a chair vendor doing something improper there are a few dozen stories of people trying to refuse to pay or otherwise being an axxhole.
  3. i walk up and down beach road nearly every day....i see all kinds of people who sit on beach towels on the beach or even bring their own chairs...not once have i observed any thai chair vendor try and tell them that they cannot sit on the beach....i have also sat in my own chair a number of times and never a hint of a problem.
  4. Those people pay the city to set up the chairs and run a business....you got a beef go talk to the city. It is 50 baht for wooden chair or 100 baht for nicer lounger. You can sit on the sand if you want free.
  5. Walk down beach road and you will see that all the chair vendors have a big blue number usually displayed on the front of their coolers....those are assigned by the city and indicate their permission. If you rent a chair there is no requirement to buy anything else. Some think that if you buy a drink you don't have to pay for the chair....some will allow that sometimes ...some won't.
  6. The beach chair vendors all display a permit. It is controlled by the city. So now you do know.
  7. For sure. He is already hard at work coming up with all his whiney excuses: We have all seen the movie before. In fact the same movie "THE BIG LIE" is still playing from the 2020 election. And of course trump and rudy any day now are going to release their absolute proof that the election was stolen....be patient. They and every right wing sleuth has been looking for almost 4 years and so far have nothing or maybe they are just keeping it all hidden and plan to release the kraken and show it all to the world very very very soon. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me for years, MAGA.
  8. Next they planned to stop at a restaurant and have lunch for free then maybe over for a free beer or two then a free massage....WHAT? you have to pay for all this stuff? What kind of place is this. It is not fair. How do you spell DUMB.
  9. How many trumpers would feel the same if they were a plaintiff in a courtroom and the defendant constantly tried to intimidate the jury the judge the witnesses and then held a press conference to announce over and over that YOU are a liar and a crook and he did nothing blah blah blah. Trump is practically begging a judge to hold him in contempt....which would have happened long ago for any other defendant....it remains to be seen if any of the judges will ignore all his threats and possible maga minions violence and give donnie his wish and put his butt in a jail cell if that is what it takes for him to follow the laws and rules that all others must follow in a court room. Desperate people do desperate things and donnie is the definition of desperate.
  10. How about WHEN he is convicted instead of IF he is convicted....and of course that is why trump is throwing every legal trick in the book at all of his indictments in an obvious attempt to stall stall stall and hoping he will not be convicted before election day. He KNOWS what he did. He KNOWS that there is a massive pile of documents and republican witnesses to support the allegations. He KNOWS that any fair and impartial jury will convict him of dozens of crimes. He KNOWS that once convicted his odds of winning the election go way way down. He KNOWS he is a cornered rat....He KNOWS his only hope of avoiding prison is to create total chaos with the judicial system. All it will take to thwart that plan is for some of the judges to grow a set of nads and say enough of the frivolous BS filings. The public deserves to know prior to the election if a jury decides to convict trump of any of the 91 charged crimes. Of course there is zero doubt that trump is trying to set up the same old trump whine whine whine about how it is all rigged against him and try to fire up the MAGA minions to threaten all who oppose him. The repub talking point that trump is being treated unfairly by the judicial is laughable as so far they have bent themselves over backwards to "treat him fairly" and allow him to get away with threatening witnesses, judges, legal staff over and over....no other defendant in history has been treated with such kid gloves . Once that happens the house of cards will come tumbling down.
  11. I am surprised that trump didn't claim that he refused treatment because one of the doctors was from some shxt hole country or that he trump was told that "sir you are so strong and powerful you need no treatment"...in other words the usual BS lies. How many republicans lost family members or friends to covid due to trumps trying to claim it would all be gone in a few days, that masks were for sissies and the vaxx (which he of course had) was some kind of left wing rabbit hole conspiracy theory plot to implant bill gates secret tracking device. ...and amazingly some of these people still believe every lie that pops out day after day. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me every single day...MAGA
  12. I know two old friends both of whom were major trumpers and watched fox news non stop and bought all of trumps "it's a hoax" BS. Both adamantly and vocally refused to get vaccinated or take any precautions died early in the covid times with tubes shoved down their throats. Trump did not bomb them or spray them with agent orange but there is no doubt these two otherwise healthy men were killed by Trump's BS lies and refusal to take covid seriously. Their wives were both vaxxed and caught covid as well but had very mild cases. Now trump continues to spout lie after lie and promotes violence and apparently would love to have his maga morons violently overthrow any election that trump does not win. Truly amazing that the majority of repubs still think the 2020 election was "stolen" ....coming up on 4 years and still the long awaited "proof" promised by the Big Liar is yet to appear. What has appeared since the election is 60 court cases that rejected trumps claims as well as recounts and investigations galore mostly done by republicans there is still NO evidence of a rigged election....and of course fox fake news got to write a bit 780 million dollar check to dominion voting after being found guilty by a jury for their lies claiming dominion somehow magically rigged the election. I wish that a few of these repubs who refuse to accept real evidence would end up in a court room charged with some crime and the other side had no evidence that they did it...then let's see how they feel about people with no evidence making up lies.
  13. Try to convince a trumper that 99% of trumps legal problems are because he continually and consistently breaks the law...whether it is trying to overturn the election by threats to state government officials....all of whom were life long republicans who voted for trump and wanted him to win....BUT they were not willing to lie to claim fraud when there was no fraud. Add to that all of his former employees in the cabinet and west wing who he hired (only the best and brightest) who have come forth to testify over and over as to crimes they saw and heard being committed right in front of their eyes...not one or two but dozens ..and in addition to their testimony there is an absolute mountain of documents video and audio tapes that provide even more detailed proof of trumps total disregard for the law....only a trumper could watch a violent mob attack the capitol beating cops with american flag poles, spraying them with bear spray, chanting to hang mike pence all the while their own republican congress cowered in fear and feared for their lives that it was just another tourist day at the capitol and of course trump sat and watched it all on tv and refused request after request from his top advisors as well as his own daughter to end it all. Now he argues that he has absolute immunity which may be the dumbest legal argument ever attempted. Trumpers don't seem to get it that if trump were to win the absolute immunity argument that it would immediately allow Biden or any future POTUS to have political enemies imprisoned or killed; Including trump , their fox news heroes and anyone else he doesn't like. And of course since old joe is an incompetent dottering old fool does it even occur to trumpers how dumb they sound to claim that ole dottering joe who can't find his way home somehow managed to convince all these life long republicans to testify against trump knowing full well that they will likely receive death threats for themselves and their families. That old dottering fool joe managed to somehow rig the election in multiple states and not leave a shred of evidence of fraud in spite of 60 court cases many by republican trump appointed judges as well as investigation and recount after recount done mostly by lifelong republican...that is truly amazing that a dottering old fool could somehow accomplish all that....along with a booming economy, a massive infrastructure bill, lowering drug prices for millions and expanding health care to millions more. Not bad for a dottering old fool....lot better than the real dottering old fool trump who sits around posting hate filled lies whining about how unfair it all is for him over and over and over. But of course trying to point out the obvious to a trumper is like trying to convince a flat earther than the earth is round.
  14. It will be a sequel as trump will be be crying and whining all over again as to how unfair it all is and whine like a five year old and blame a rigged election just like in 2020...and the kool aide MAGA bunch will be fooled again by the biggest conman grifter ever...go storm the capitol again and see how many years in prison awaits. Heck you may even be in a prison near to the prison where trump will be serving his sentences after being convicted of numerous crimes. Maybe trump will invite you for a glass of kool aide.
  15. and remember that only 100,000 showed up in iowa after millions upon millions spent on campaigns ads etc......they get that many to show up for a college football game......remains to be seen what the remaining 300 million people in other states think.... In the end trump is going to get convicted and his support is going to drop very significantly among all but the biggest kool aide cult members and Biden will be sworn in again and most likely trump will again claim it was all rigged and whine like the spoiled brat that he has proven to be...but this time he will be whining as a convicted felon...but whine he will.
  16. So a gang of bible beaters that have bought the entire christian religious fairy tales hook line and sinker also believe that trump is ordained by god to be president. Doesn't surprise me at all that delusional bible beaters line up for trump. Most likely trump will build them a nice ark, part the seas, turn the water to wine and then come back from the dead...meantime ok to lie repeatedly sexually assault women, fantasize openly about having sex with your daughter, screw hookers, cheat on various wives over and over, constantly brag about everything, say u never have to ask forgiveness as u have never done anything wrong, guilty of fraud for decades of financial lies, run fraudulent university programs to cheat people, cozy up to cold killers like putin and his romance buddy in north korea, encourage violence, encourage hate your opponents, encourage hate any and all who are not white americans, try and foment a coup, lie about election fraud over and over and over with zero proof...yeah boy sure reminds me of the jesus that they tried to shove down my throat when i was a kid...it's called a cult. Anyone who has ever even remotely studied the bible and Christianity knows that trumps actions and words are about as far from christian as possible.
  17. That is why i didn't go through the process but it is plain as day that if you want an appointment there are many available...seems op wants to argue about something rather than just go online and make the darn appointment...troll?
  18. you are flat out wrong....why should anyone have to prove it to you....go online and follow the directions and make an appointment...or look at the post where someone just made an appointment for tomorrow......its' not rocket science.
  19. I just looked at the appointments in vientiane at the thai embassy...dozens of appointments available every day with the click of a button for all types of visas?? so what's the problem that u can't get an appointment
  20. I rode motorbikes for years here and was extremely careful always was worried that someone would hit me etc...ultimately when i did have an accident there was not another vehicle in sight but there are plenty of other hazards that can get u like giant potholes, slippery dirt roads etc...broke collarbone and was lucky to have helmet or i would not be typing this right now. Haven't ridden since.\ Not a matter of IF u will have accident of some sort but when....and when "when" comes it will likely be when you least expect it....and if you land on your head better hope you have a very good helmet or the outcome will not be good.
  21. Walk around thailand long enough and sooner or later you will trip or bang your head. Maybe not get cocky too soon as it WILL happen. Some get lucky and only stub a toe etc. Others not so lucky end up with a face plant in the pavement. Believe it or not most people do "tend to look where they are walking" and do manage to "avoid walking into objects" . Certainly a good idea but still no guarantee of future results.
  22. Not according to bloomberg and many other studies... "Negative reporting on Covid-19 shots that aired on Fox News was linked to increased vaccine hesitancy, according to a new study that shows how the nation’s No. 1 news network influenced viewers during a pandemic that has killed more than 1.1 million people in the US. Concerns about the safety of Covid vaccines as measured in reported side effects increased following heightened periods of negativity in Fox News coverage of vaccines, according to the study published Wednesday in the journal Political Communication. Public opinion surveys also showed Fox viewers reported elevated levels of vaccine hesitancy throughout the pandemic compared to regular viewers of other programs." https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-03-10/fox-news-content-led-to-covid-vaccine-hesitancy-among-viewers https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10584609.2023.2187496?journalCode=upcp20
  23. yeah right...tell that to my two buddies families who spent time bragging about no masks no shots and listening to fox new nonstop...both healthy guys who died horrible deaths with tubes shoved down their throats while their wives who got the shots had no problems....
  24. probably do better to list them on facebook marketplace? good luck
  25. word of god? written/told/made up by a bunch of illiterate arabs that lived in mud huts a few hundred years after "jesus"....david blane would have had a field day performing miracles for them and no doubt would have given jesus a run in the miracles performed segment.
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