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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. pomchop


    I just simply give up cheese and wine when in thailand as i find the prices to be absurd....and maybe my liver and cholesterol levels appreciate the break.
  2. Bend the knee, kiss the ring, lick the rear of a person you worked for and knew who you called unhinged unfit and worse. She probably got a call from limp lying (count me out) lyndsey graham telling her to get in line with the cult. Maybe Kevin McCarthy chimed in with advice about how to do to mar a largo and prostrate herself before orange jesus. Who knows maybe cancun cruz and little marco also shared a few tips on how to be a spineless coward. Not exactly a profile in courage.
  3. I for one miss the days of "no drama Obama".... I hope i live long enough to go one full month without ever having to hear the name trump or listen to him whine over and over about how everyone is out to get him and how life has been on so unfair to him. How can a guy who inherieted more money than most could ever dream of come up with so many things to compalin about? Get real. When was the last time you heard a postive word come out of his mouth other than to praise some maga lapdogs for telling him how wonderful he is or bragging about his golf game or how much women love his 215 lb body. Has trump ever seen a half full glass or are they always half empty in his world? Do his followers really enjoy listening to the same old day after day after day pissing and moaning like a five year old child who didn't get an ice cream cone? Grow the F up.
  4. How long is a piece of string? If you want a cheap time it is readily available in thailand assuming you don't eat much/any western food, stay in small thai style hotels,use local transport like buses bolt skytrain baht buses, and do not hand your atm card to the first cute gal you meet. On the other hand if you want to stay at a five star hotel, eat western food and have a bevy of beauties follow your every move and tell you how hansome you are it can get pricey...but even then still cheaper than a dexluxe vacation most anywhere else in the world.
  5. I have used the free version of avast for ten years or more and travel all over asia eurpoe and usa and no problems...u do get the occasional message to upsell you but not that much....i never bought the upsell but seems to be very reasonable price if you feel the need...
  6. seems that a lot of the trees at jomtien are pretty far out on the beach away from the road whereas in pattaya they were much closer to the road and got wacked...to me part of what makes jomtien beach attractive is all the nice shade out on the beach from the various big shade trees...i don't ever recall big shade trees in pattaya being so close to the water and away from the road as in jomtien.......but of course i don't expect the powers that be in jomtien to care one bit what me or all the people who seeem to enjoy the shade and big old trees create a very pleasant environment...much better than having to sit in the crowded umbrella covered beach chair vendors where you are packed in like sardines....
  7. So is part of the plan to cut down all of those wonderful trees along the beaches iin jomtien ....that would be a damn right shame ....we all know that thais don;t like to sit in the sun and also more and more farangs also don't want to fry like a slice of bacon with no shade....please please leave the trees alone...
  8. yep i used to walk around the old park as well as the tobacco monopoly which was still functional and smelled of tobacco..it was also home to several dozen soi dogs that lived there and loved to snarl and bark when u walked by but i just ignored them and no real problem but they scared the crap out of a lot of walkers who would often have a big stick and threaten the dogs which only seemed to make the dogs more angry... there wasa placque there long long ago that said in english and thai it would all be torn down and all the bricks would be shipped to chiang rai province and reassembled into a new tobacco storage facility...i see now they did leave a couple of the old big brick buildigns standing and opened them up into badmitton etc courts but wonder if they really did send all that brick and build something in chiang rai?
  9. so naturally someone comes along to try and blame it on weed? I do not see one word about weed in the story but don't let that stop you from speculating.
  10. wow how far down the rabbit hole do you have to go to claim that trumps economy was "far stronger"....hint: the economy right now is light years better than during trumps years....i would suggest you look at the NUMBERS where things like job growth, gdp, employment, stock market, etc are discussed and compared by real experts...not maga morons who still think the election was stolen....are you from russia perhaps?
  11. Free kool aide. Have a few more gallons.
  12. Here it comes....all the BS about how very unfair it all it and how the debates will all be rigged by the MSM... Hey whiney boy....how about for once you man up and quit whining over something you already agreed to and go sit on the stage and actually answer questions rather than sit and whine and talk over everyone else?
  13. so according to you the sea level rise of 4 inches since 1993 as measured by satellites is just all some conspiracy theory....got it. Is it true that sea levels are rising? The rising water level is mostly due to a combination of melt water from glaciers and ice sheets and thermal expansion of seawater as it warms. In 2022, global mean sea level was 101.2 millimeters (4 inches) above 1993 levels, making it the highest annual average in the satellite record (1993-present).
  14. maybe joe will release the tapes as soon as trump releases his tax returns and a real health report with real numbers measured and reported by the mayo clinic and not some idiot "doctor' who says he is the healthiest person on the planet?
  15. The internet doctors don't like it when presented with facts that don't fit their conspiracy theories.
  16. As i get older i find more and more that 45 mins to an hour of swimming a day creates much less stress on legs etc and firms up more muscles than walking....and i am a guy who has been walking over 100 miles a month for decades...i still love walking but more and more aches and pains and hip and back pains so walking is being cut back and replaced with swimming...plus don't have to worry about sweating so much or getting hit by a motorcy. Fortunately there are only a few days each winter that it is a bit too cold for a swim. I am lucky to live in a condo with a huge pool so it works for me.
  17. and even a fit bird that is so stupid not to wear a helmet will find someday that one little slip up and off to the hospital she will go if she is lucky enough to survive kissing the concrete with her once pretty little (empty) head
  18. and the sun shines down on the oceans that cover most of the earth and have massive impacts on what happens on the land masses in terms of weather and yes climate....and when man made co2 destroys layers of the atmosphere more sunlight hits the oceans and the temps go up....it's not rocket science but it is science something that seems to elude internet sleuths that think they know more than experts who study decades or even centuries of data and measure everything down to the millimeters.
  19. unfortunately it seems they are now locking the gate on end of soi 8 at the church which was a great shortcut that was helpful...still open every now and then...no idea why they feel need to prevent people from cutting through church parking lot...
  20. Because the dems know beyond doubt that the repubs will cut and splice and destort the tapes to make campaign videos that will be total BS....take a look at what a farce the james comer hearing fiasco has become. Not so easy to do with the transcript Good for dems. Stop trying to be nice when you are dealing with people who have zero morals and refuse to admit almost 4 years later that they lost the election in spite of ZERO EVIDENCE which is all you need to know about how Repubs will twist and turn facts into lies.
  21. In many many cities around the world the problem with all these e bikes and electric scooters and segways and electric skateboards is that most people ride them on the sidewalk weaving around pedestrians like the idiots they are...most of them are completey silent and many of them go fast so come up behind pedestrians fast and silent....so take one wrong step while out for a walk and get whacked. At least a motobike on the sidewalk makes noise so you hopefully can get out of those iditots way.
  22. For all the whiners and complainers about all things Thailand maybe just stop with all the whining for a few hours (is that possible?) and go for a nice walk in a nice park.....
  23. That is the problem with letting everyone decide what their particular prejudices are... those that forget those few words that go "all men are created equal" ....except those that they don't approve of or don't meet their "high" standards....don't want your kid taught by a gay? Then don't send them to a tax payer funded school...send them to a nice private catholic school with a priest that is especially fond of young boys.
  24. That is the problem with letting everyone decide what their particular prejudices are... those that forget those few words that go "all men are created equal" ....except those that they don't approve of or don't meet their "high" standards....don't want your kid taught by a gay? Then don't send them to a tax payer funded school...send them to a nice private catholic school with a priest that is especially fond of young boys.
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