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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. https://www.wsj.com/market-data/quotes/fx/BTCUSD/historical-prices feb 15 bitcoin 44,000 Nov 15....bitcoin 16,000
  2. Even fox "news" cut away after 40 minutes......it was same old tired BS, blame game, look at me and how wonderful i am blah blah blah.....hopefully even more Americans will say ENOUGH of all the lies, all the i alone can fix everything, i know more than the generals, i am very very very rich (please send $$ immediately), everyone who dares to disagree with me is an idiot, i only hire the best people and then fire them. every judicial investigation is a witch hunt, on and on ad nauseum....how many people have not heard all of the whining over the past 6 years really want to hear it all again?? If indeed being president is so very easy for a genius like trump why didn't he get the legislation passed and get things like immigration, health care, prescription drug costs, homeless, etc etc all fixed? Easy to sit on the bench and boo the quarterback and not so easy when you are the quarterback.
  3. Don't tell them the truth...it gives them a headache. ... much easier to just blame biden for everything, ignore the fact that the entire world has gone through a horrendous shutdown from covid (remember it was a hoax anyway) and a new war in ukraine (thanks to trumps buddy Putin) has disrupted the entire economy...
  4. When your own daughter refuses to attend your big announcement: Ivanka Trump skips father's 2024 campaign launch: 'I do not plan to be involved in politics'
  5. Dear Trump: Just slink away to mar largo and start a new company to continue sucking money out of the MAGA bunch. Maybe Donnies Cool Kool Aide? Offer special discounts on pillows with every Kool Aide purchase. thank you
  6. Agree. Just saying that I think just maybe more americans are realizing that ole joe is not some evil man and his agenda is to try his best to make america more civil and better for all americans.
  7. I think Americans are finally starting to realize that Biden is a very experienced lifelong politician who has pretty much seen and heard it all and has a very good understanding of how it all works or doesn't work . He is a man who has laid his policies on the table along with plans as to how he thinks they will help everyday Americans. He has made it very clear that many of his policies will not show major results for months and years but of course many voters want instant results on every policy like a 5 year old who wants that ice cream RIGHT NOW. Of course some do not agree with all or any of his policies and proposals which is their right. However can anyone deny that he is a steadying force that says what he means and means what he says? I think Americans are slowly realizing he is a good and decent man that got elected during turbulent times and is trying his best to be a good and decent president. Something that hopefully every American regardless of party would prefer to chaos and constant name calling and lies.
  8. a lot of republicans still refuse to accept the 2020 results two years, 60 court cases, multiple investigations and no evidence of any significant fraud later......so what makes anyone think that a quicker count will eliminate the conspiracy crew from the same old nonsense big lie....the adding fuel to fire comes from people who refuse to accept a result that they don't like by gulping kool aide and rejecting the verified vote counts.
  9. Nevada just called senate for dems....so regardless of GA runoff Dems maintain senate and house still TBD... now bring on all the whining and big lies about how it was all rigged from the sore losers.....
  10. Twitter has debt of 18.5 billion...i suppose if musk declares bankruptcy that may disappear and he could stiff a lot of suppliers etc as well. Not sure how it would all shake out $$ wise for musk but seemed to work well for his orange haired hero that seemed to delight in not paying the "suckers" who performed a lot of work for him.
  11. He may very well run as a 3rd party candidate to spite the republicans and insure that if he can't win then neither can desantis and other repubs as he would split the vote...that would also allow him to suck millions more from his maga cult, and keep his name in the news. Trump has demonstrated over and over that he doesn't give a hoot about parties unless they are "loyal" to him. Maybe Elon Musk will be his running mate and change Twitter to MAGA Mouthpiece.
  12. ok i agree to not post anymore re bitcoin if you agree to not try and hype it....
  13. we get it...you think it is a wonderful investment..so buy buy buy and stop wasting time on all of us fools who think it's a giant ponzi scheme......why not just keep it all a big secret and make more $$ for yourself?
  14. so as it appears more and more that desantis will get the nomination as trump implodes it would be just like trump to try and start a MAGA party to raise more millions from the cult and run as an independent just to spite the republicans who were not "loyal" enough....then he can claim he single handed destroyed the republican party and was the best destroyer ang the biggest loser ever....
  15. read the history of past mid term elections and see how they did much much better than any in power party has done for decades.....and the dems also see the possible return to semi sanity of many republicans who refused to vote for the "rigged election big lie" bunch...i also think it's the end of the road for any realistic hopes of trump being reelected assuming he even gets the nomination or runs....i for one look forward to the day that trump and his cult fade away....
  16. if you are a billionaire you can spend one dollar per second for 31 years....maybe mr billionaire should donate a few of his millions to assist the travel industry that was a big part of making him wealthy.
  17. Txs but i am still bit confused...i arrived bkk on a 60 day tourist visa....they asked on arrival where i was staying and i said pattaya..but over past 2 months i have stayed in a variety of hotels in bkk and pattaya....i am now staying in a condo rental month to month....so do i need to ask the property manager if they did the tm30 and if not what am i supposed to do about it? i have a receipt from property rental manager but no formal lease...... what happens if i just show up at jomtiem immigration and ask to extend my tourist visa by 30 days?
  18. you tube works for me to watch world series, college football, and plenty of nfl....sometimes live sometimes replay..just avoid seeing score if watching replay then it's all new to me...
  19. so if you are asking for a 30 day extension on a single entry 60 day tourist visa at jomtiem do you need this tm30 thing?
  20. Renting is likely a better option for vast majority of farangs in Thailand. Not perfect but way less hoops to jump around and less risk of losing a bundle.
  21. so the next time somebody sprays you repeatedly with bear spray or pepper spray or tries to kick you in the head be sure and tell them that u don't see any weapons so go right ahead and spray and bash away..maybe u should look up the definition of coup
  22. not sure what videos you watched but there were more than a few hundred rioting along with unknown numbers of associates trying to provide fake electors and attempting to get states to say there was voter fraud in spite of NO EVIDENCE and doing everything they could think of to overturn the election.... i would call that a coup attempt....oh and don't forget to hang mike pence if he refuses to go along with the attempt...,, we have a court system that is empowered to review claimed election fraud and in a democracy the losing side would accept the rulings and not agitate rioters/thugs and fake electors to circumvent the courts and the ballot box which is exactly what happened .
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