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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. I guess but I personally think both the taste and aroma of brown rice is superior to white rice not to mention it is healthier and requires less processing. I do not claim to be an expert on Thai food tastes...maybe white rices mix better with all the chilie peppers and variety of sauces they use?
  2. Yes it is cheaper but is it because the supply of white rice is much more than brown. I lived in the rice paddies for several years and watched the planting and harvesting. I used to think that white rice and brown rice are two different plants but learned it is the same plant. The difference is white rice requires milling to remove the bran which is actually healthier while brown rice does not...so why over the decades did Thais decide to go for the rice that requires more not less work to produce? Why did they not just stick with the brown rice and skip the extra expense of milling? Somebody must have somehow somewhere convinced Thais to go the white rice route.....that is what i do not understand. In short, brown and white rice are the same grain, just milled differently. Brown rice still has the bran. They're both harvested at the same time, but if you remove the bran, you have white rice.
  3. Does the thai police station where she was taken not have cameras that record people coming and going and interrogations? It would seem unusual these days if she or her friends did NOT at least try and record a video of the initial stop/demands.....so seems believable to me that cops did not want that video to remain in her possession. Why would they be concerned with being videoed if did nothing wrong? In fact they should WANT a video to prove their innocence or whatever it is they claim they found that involved going to police station and paying $$. If all the gal wanted was social media fame a video is almost a requirement to go viral so of course she or her friends would be filming away. And if korean tourists were also there check the police station cameras to ask what that was all about. If Thai police honchos cannot get to bottom of such a simple charge good luck ever doing any real police work.
  4. food court so thai couple had already paid.....
  5. along the same line why is it that Thais all seem to eat white rice but little if any brown rice? it seems that brown rice would be cheaper as not as much milling required...plus it is said to be healthier and to me it sure tastes better....so why so much white in Thailand? Never understood that.
  6. yes it is a pain in the butt for sure...this year i got 60 day tourist visa online..then two trips to immigration to get a 30 day extension as landlord did not file tm3 properly....then a full day van ride to cambodia for 45 days more....3500 thb and waste of day....then back to immigration for 3 hours to get another 30 days...when all said and done i got 165 days still 15 days short of six months so leaving two weeks earlier as don;t want more hassles to stay two more weeks.... cost me original 60 day online fee +3500 to cambodia van run plus 1900 x 2 at jomtiem plus hassles of standing in long lines and being treated like crxxap at immigration...was there yesterday and lot of people were getting yelled at by immigration guys for wrong line wrong form wrong whatever...copies of this then more copies of that...what a joke......i would have gladly paid more for a one time snowbird visa for six months....also as getting older it is not so easy to do all that travel and stand in lines etc etc...but....
  7. speaking of six months....if you get the 60 day tourist visa online then get a 30 day extension can you then go to vietnam or laos and stay a few days then get another 60 day tourist visa and then another extension to give you six months? i would not mind leaving for a vietnam visit for a week or so if that is possible...would it be done online from vietnam or go to thai embassy or?....anyone know ?
  8. well you were not there i don't think so you did not see what i did now did you?
  9. no idea but sure are a lot of "agents" there that appeared to my eyes to be getting special treatment and i suspect that might result in a few thank you envelopes to some immigration bosses who enable it....
  10. was at jomtiem immigration today...i think a ten minute investigation would uncover a lot of nefarious visas being procured in preferential ways for a brown envelope properly distributed..
  11. cue a bunch of other bkk restaurants who want to put a video of their whatever special and get free ad on the forum.....
  12. not true on Jan 10...rode train from hua hin and definitely did not go inside terminal..i can tell the difference of being inside and outside.... me and many many more did haul luggage across tracks then down to basement and eventually to mrt....
  13. Oh please not another video guy in Thailand.
  14. He had his chance but blew it....IF IF IF he would have accepted that he lost and announced he would never run again and gone to mar a lago and played golf he would have avoided most all of the investigations....he could have gone on fox "news" and spent all his time blasting Biden and/or every other president, king, Queen, CEO, Athlete and any and all the 'idiots" during his "golden" years. He could have still grifted many millions more from the kool aide crew without worrying much about going to jail or being seen as a massive loser. He did the opposite and has gotten himself into a heap of sxxxxt.....in the end he will indeed be seen as the Greatest con man ever to be POTUS. To paraphrase Mick Jagger....NO sympathy for the devil.
  15. It is truly a waste of time to try and engage with trumpers. See no evil Hear no evil, pass the kool aide. And when it is finally all over and all the investigations are done and the DOJ indicts or does not indict you can be sure if any of the results do not please trumpers they will whine and whine then whine some more about the giant witch hunt and how very unfair it all is to little donnie and the delusionals.
  16. dtac has a store in central festival mall ...3rd or 4th floor i think
  17. the only place where a van driver totally scared the <deleted> out of me was the road from Hanoi to Halong bay....never again....and i still question why i didn't demand to just let me out as the driver was a total and complete idiot passing into head on traffic running cars off the road etc....very stupid on my behalf as he was a bad accident just waiting to happen....i got lucky guess i have also been lucky in thailand as i have actually had some decent sane rides...did one pattaya to cambodia recently for visa run and rode shotgun.....the driver was very good and no issues at all. But not a big fan of asian vans...i much prefer a big bus although they also seem to often have issues with speeding/sleeping drivers.
  18. The entire republican party with very very few exceptions are spineless cowards with no morals and no courage to challenge the absolute batsxxt crazies that have taken over the party. It is the exact opposite of "profiles in courage" that Americans once proudly celebrated. The Electoral college is the ONLY reason a republican has won the white house in decades. This arcane law has allowed the person with fewer votes to defy the will of the people for decades. Add to that the constant redistricting and gerrymandering by republicans and it is clear republicans can not win without figuring a way to game a very stupid system. ONE PERSON ONE VOTE. Why should a vote in one state count more than ten votes in another state. It is absurd. Electoral college. A rigged election. Republican presidential candidates have won the national popular vote only once in the last 32 years. They have therefore depended on the electoral college for nearly all presidential victories in the last generation.
  19. How many snowbirds come to thailand during the oct/nov to apr/may time period? Not really tourists and not really full timers. Sure would be nice if there were a six month visa to encourage even more snow birds without having to do visa runs, extensions, etc etc....one of Thailand's assets is it is warm here while it is winter time in a half the world. Take advantage of that and promote it.
  20. I used to get mine cut in chiang rai for 60 baht...but they raised it to 80 baht those greedy bastards...just kidding...it was and is a heck of a bargain and they did a very good job. It was an old fashioned barber shot with all male barbers who knew what they were doing. I nearly always gave them a small tip of 20 baht or so but noticed that their clientele which was almost all Thai gave no tip at all....and far as i could tell no tip was even expected.
  21. How would the world be doing now economy and otherwise if Putin had not started this entire mess? Just as we were semi coming out of the covid he has to blow up that good news with this stupid hitler wannabe move. Maybe one of Putin's generals will be able to get rid of Putin, end the war . blame entire mess correctly on Putin, and become a national hero in Russia? I doubt the Russian people are all that happy about the road Putin is dragging them down and many would be very glad to see him gone. One bullet to the head could perhaps change history and allow Russians and Ukrainians to return to some semblance of a normal life and avoid potential nuke war as Putin gets backed further and further into a corner..
  22. Trumpers like dear leader whine and moan if investigations move to slow or too fast...it's what they do...whine whine whine. DOJ moves very slowly as usual because unlike trumpers they don't go off half cocked with a bunch of theories and BS. They actually gather all the facts from documents and testimony. Then they determine what charges should be filed if any. None of us are privy to what evidence the DOJ actually already has or may still be double checking but I for one would bet they are being very careful to present only FACTS and not a bunch of tin hat conspiracies like the BIG LIE. Donnie will likely get his days in court where he can try and sell his side of the case to a jury and we will see how that works out when it becomes all about provable facts.
  23. So what's next. Why not have some good old book burnings like back in the good ole days and ronnie and his minions can decide what is fit for you to read and what is not. The less history kids learn the less likely they are to question the motives and people who make history . And not sure if those blacks should be allowed to vote at all. Let's pass a bunch of rules and redraw districts to make it harder for them to vote. And not sure if GOD intended women to vote either. And if you should by some weird circumstance happen to lose an election whine and pxss and moan like a 5 y.o. til the cows come home. If that doesn't do it then round up an army of screaming idiots to attack the capital and arrest any who oppose you and just take over....because GOD knows that YOU are supposed to lead the country back to the good ole days when men were white men and women and blacks and gays and history professors knew their place. Round up all the gays and democrats and make them wear a yellow star when outside (holocaust precursor). Stir up violence and create controversy so you can fund raise off of it. Why not come up with some snazzy armbands and a one armed salute to show your support. And outlaw all those commie solar panels and electric cars and get back to burning good ole black coal from Merica.... Yeah that's the ticket....
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