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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. doubting with not a shred of proof is part of the big lie....if you have proof that the election was rigged please do share it with the world...it's been almost two years and we are still waiting to see any proof of any significant election fraud....laughable that people who refuse to accept the results of an election think that is democracy...last time i checked democracy requires that you accept the results of elections and concede that after multiple court cases and investigations turn up zip you man up and admit your side lost rather than whining for two years and trying to install your choice not through the ballot box and courts but in a violent coup attempt
  2. and yet millions continue to search high and low for goofy claims without a shred of evidence rather than look at the facts right in front of their faces like video evidence, the perps confession, the eyewitness police accounts etc....and when they can't find any credible evidence of all their tin hat conspiracies they of course never admit they were wrong that they got conned, or apologize.... but move on to look for even goofier theories and false bs to spread around.....this is from grown adults who should but obviously do not know better.
  3. of course all the usual characters are hard at work trying to come up with tin foil conspiracy theories that they with their inside knowledge and csi skills have found rather than look at the facts presented by video showing the break in as well as statements by the perp himself, his online postings and investigations done by police who were actually there.... it's what they do....show them the evidence and they refuse to believe as it just as they have done over and over with the big lie and capitol coup attempt....and naturally republicans think it is all just a big fun joke...lets have a good laugh over an attempted murder...,what fun......lets see what happens when a few republicans like trump junior gets smacked in the head with a baseball bat or worse if anyone has any real evidence, not some tweet or posting by some goofball persons or sites claiming it was a gay pickup attack, the glass was broken from the inside, there were other people there, etc please do lay your evidence ...you know things like video cameras police investigations statements from the perp himself etc on the table as i am sure fox entertainment would be delighted to run it on a loop 24/7 and provide free kool aide for the show
  4. There are millions of people who still seem to think that the election was rigged and the assualt on the capitol was just an ordinary tourist day but yet refuse to believe the facts presented by the SFO police who were there and saw the attack on pelosi first hand.....of course there are hundreds of hours of high def video and audio of the capitol coup crew as well as court cases, recounts, investigations out the ying yang showing A. the election was not rigged and B the attack on the capitol was a violent insurrection....but in pelosi case they need more evidence even though in the rigged election and coup attempt no amount of evidence seems to convince them of what happened.....strange and sad what some will believe even when the evidence is overwhelming .....
  5. the man who cooks my bbq pork works very well and hard...as do millions upon millions of other ordinary Thais.....everyday... don't get me started about trying to deal with dozens of big usa companies and a range of online problems, apps that don't work, wifi going down, poor to nonexistent government services, poor or no customer service, and much much more...does thailand get it all correct...not by a long shot but they sure are not alone in the world of incompetence.. on the bright side some things do seem to work quite well in thailand and many other places...
  6. no but it may well be a horse buggy in 20 years or so if/when somebody invents a better version and makes their entire product line obsolete...sort of like a record player or a dial phone or telegraph lines or....drum roll.... a horse buggy
  7. companies who make large $$ with low debt and high cash reserves are not the ones to worry about at least in the short term and i doubt many would consider such a company to be very risky,,,but things can and do change and the horse buggy makers along with hundreds of others of once high flying companies probably also once thought wow look at our high profits and cash reserves we will never go bankrupt....until they did.
  8. yes markets do overall go up over some period of time..if we only had a crystal ball clock to know what and when that period of time starts and ends....but a lot of companies stocks might well become worthless in bankruptcy next month, next year, next decade next?......if u are one that picks a holds lot of high risk stocks and they go belly up then good luck recovering....not all stocks go up up up over time....a lot of very strong companies may well end up broke over time.....
  9. how about you do a tiny bit of research where you will find the sfo police said that the attacker did not know pelosi......it might take musk or anyone about five minutes or less to determine it was/is a lie rather than spread rumours that they met in a late night bar implying it was some kind of pickup in a bar rather than a deranged nutcase unknown to pelosi that broke in and attempted to kill him (according to the police who actually investigated the case)....of course musk and conspiracy theory types can't be bothered with research in their haste to spread garbage bs and not even admit or apologize for it...despicable.
  10. we are talking about musk..the OWNER of twitter posting and then deleting a post that claims with no evidence and obviously no fact checking that mr pelosi's attacker was some guy that he had met in a bar late night which even a tiny bit of research would show is a LIE....and a big tip that it was/is a LIE is the fact that the source of this story was a site that has a reputation of posting <deleted> like hillary had a body double....that is irresponsible as is an attempt to try and whitewash the fact that musk did indeed make such a tweet and has yet to apologize for being yet another person spreading false BS which can and has and likely will lead to more violence. Despicable.
  11. and politicians judges PM's and police have been unable to locate red bull boss and have him come to thailand to stand trial over killing a cop while hyped up on coke....and oh my how they have tried and tried and tried to find him but everytime they get close brown envelopes fly and he once again eludes capture....
  12. So let me try and think why georgia republicans would vote for a man who can barely string two sentences together and tells stories that his own children say are BS? When i say jump you say yes sir how high?
  13. You want to tell us poor uneducated people your defintion? Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more noun a person who is sexually attracted to children.
  14. 14 y.o girls being preyed upon by rich adults is pedophile....seems some posters think that is all jut fine....so what is the limit....10 y.o, 12 y.o, 8 y.o? disgusting.....
  15. how many times have I stood in a store line behind several people for 5 minutes waiting to pay...then the person, usually a gal it seems, who has been standing there twiddling her thumbs/phone/hair gets her order rung up and only then does it seem to occur to her oh you mean i have to pay? well just hold on while i search through my massive purse to find some money or a credit card or even write a check...are these people that oblivious, rude, or just plain stupid not to be ready with your cash or card before it's your turn to pay? and this is mosty in usa for me though of course it could be anywhere...grow a brain.
  16. pomchop

    Baht bus prices

    and get hit when you get out of the taxi by a motorbike?......of course you can sit in a car and have a seat belt and of course for some that may be a much better alternative but if you are that much of a nervous nellie not sure Thailand is the right place for you. Imagine what the traffic and pollution would be like if every baht bus passenger were taking taxis everywhere they wanted to go? Ten people in a baht bus or ten taxi cabs...i'll stick with the baht buses for most trips.
  17. you mean like proof of the massive election fraud that trump has been babbling and fundraising off of for almost 2 years with no proof to show...guess you agree the big lie is untrue then since he can't prove jack...
  18. Next thing you know some will say the entire covid thing was/is all a giant chinese hoax and all those dead people are not really dead, all those horrible scenes of bodies piled outside full hospitals are all photo shopped and dr fauci secretly is some kind of evil dr strangelove who is out to convince you to take a shot because he wants to implant a bill gates tracking device....and by the way the moon landing was all faked, elvis is sitting in a bar in pattaya, and your girl's sick buffalo is different.
  19. great job LIV golf...suck up to the $$ and whine all the way to the bank about how unfairly you are treated....be sure to tell your wives/ girlfriends to cover up when visiting so they don't get stoned or worse....
  20. maybe russian can pull a taksin type coup...wait til he goes out of country for a meeting then roll the tanks and take over in the dead of night, install some new general as dictator in waiting.
  21. Put trump under oath and give him a mike....he will further incriminate himself within five minutes as he has no clue as to how to keep his big mouth shut much to the chagrin of his "lawyers". And of course he would not take the fifth as he has said over and over only guilty people take the fifth...sorta boxed yourself in there didn't u donnie or will you claim you never said that even though it is all on tape mutliple times. But until he takes an oath like all the others he should not and will not be allowed to have a forum to repeat the same old tired bs lies to use as a further con/fundraiser from the kool aide crew. Amazing that so many don't seem to understand that speaking under oath is very different than just blabbing away on fox or maga friendly outlets.
  22. want a good demonstration of a pack of lies...read trumps speech claiming the election was rigged and all his so called proof which has been debunked by the courts as well as his demanded investigations...not to mention lie after lie after lie from size crowd to he will walk to the capitol ...and yet people still defend and pretend that massive voter fraud occurred in several red states....the greatest voter fraud in usa history all orchestrated by those dumb democrats without leaving a shred of evidence in spite of recount after recpunt and investigation over and over by republicans and even ninjas? pitiful......after two years its the same old lies but little donnie won't go under oath to tell these lies because he knows he has no proof and to claim such nonsense under oath carries perjury penalties....come on donnie put up or shut up.... https://www.npr.org/2021/02/10/966396848/read-trumps-jan-6-speech-a-key-part-of-impeachment-trial
  23. or a failed botched coup attempt after trump had exhausted all legal means via courts as well as illegally trying to coerce states into overturning or impeding the election results.......firing up a crowd of "demonstrators" who wanted to hang his VP and worse....and even worse sitting watching tv and doing nothing to call on his "demonstrators" to leave the capitol......it was a riot in the making that anyone paying attention could see coming a mile off...call it what it was....an attempted coup.
  24. so let me get this straight.. 1. the trumpers on here basically say that storming the capitol in an attempt to stop the counting of electoral votes was just a demonstration. 2. the jan 6 committee is a partisan witch hunt in spite of the vast majority of testimony presented under oath has come from republicans who voted for and worked for trump. 3. if the repubs should take control of the house the doj will drop the entire investigation into trumps potential crimes even though merrick garland will still be the AG with a duty to present evidence to a grand jury and let them decide if the evidence is sufficient to result in charging crimes. 4. it is ok for trump to go on fox news and maga friendly outlets to repeatedly claim the election was stolen from him via massive fraud without presenting a shred of proof in two years or refusing to make those same claims under oath and penalty of perjury. 5. the oh so stupid dems have somehow managed to pull off the biggest election fraud in usa history right under the noses of republican legislators without leaving any evidence whatsoever. If you drink enough kool aide you can be convinced of almost any conspiracy theory and believe that poor little donnie is a true model citizen who has not conned millions of republicans out of hundreds of millions of dollars//in fact he is a fine christian patriot and is a paragon of honesty and virtue that is not guilty of so much as jay walking, that what you say in public like only guilty plead the fifth, that yes all the docs were turned over and on and on and on ad infintum wasn't really him saying that and if he did say it then it was not a lie.....to admit you got conned is not a possibility in spite of all the facts and evidence saying otherwise.
  25. charade? you mean hour after hour of sworn testimony by republican after republican as well as hour after hour of trump on video and audio tape telling his big lie in an effort to overturn the voters choice and incite violence?....got it...all a big charade orchestrated by the dems to convince republicans who were actually there to band together to make up lies dand testify against a guy that they voted for and supported til they saw/heard firsthand was attempting a coup....and wow all that fake audio and video that looks and sounds so much like trump that it fooled nearly everyone.....pass the kool aide.
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