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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. so let me get this straight.. 1. the trumpers on here basically say that storming the capitol in an attempt to stop the counting of electoral votes was just a demonstration. 2. the jan 6 committee is a partisan witch hunt in spite of the vast majority of testimony presented under oath has come from republicans who voted for and worked for trump. 3. if the repubs should take control of the house the doj will drop the entire investigation into trumps potential crimes even though merrick garland will still be the AG with a duty to present evidence to a grand jury and let them decide if the evidence is sufficient to result in charging crimes. 4. it is ok for trump to go on fox news and maga friendly outlets to repeatedly claim the election was stolen from him via massive fraud without presenting a shred of proof in two years or refusing to make those same claims under oath and penalty of perjury. 5. the oh so stupid dems have somehow managed to pull off the biggest election fraud in usa history right under the noses of republican legislators without leaving any evidence whatsoever. If you drink enough kool aide you can be convinced of almost any conspiracy theory and believe that poor little donnie is a true model citizen who has not conned millions of republicans out of hundreds of millions of dollars//in fact he is a fine christian patriot and is a paragon of honesty and virtue that is not guilty of so much as jay walking, that what you say in public like only guilty plead the fifth, that yes all the docs were turned over and on and on and on ad infintum wasn't really him saying that and if he did say it then it was not a lie.....to admit you got conned is not a possibility in spite of all the facts and evidence saying otherwise.
  2. charade? you mean hour after hour of sworn testimony by republican after republican as well as hour after hour of trump on video and audio tape telling his big lie in an effort to overturn the voters choice and incite violence?....got it...all a big charade orchestrated by the dems to convince republicans who were actually there to band together to make up lies dand testify against a guy that they voted for and supported til they saw/heard firsthand was attempting a coup....and wow all that fake audio and video that looks and sounds so much like trump that it fooled nearly everyone.....pass the kool aide.
  3. as opposed to hearing all the evidence of massive voter fraud that trump has been rattling on and on for 2 years on fox and maga media but somehow has not managed to provide even a shred of evidence?...there is a difference between evidence and conspiracy theories and between what you say on fox news and what you say under oath and penalty of perjury....interesting how trumpers demand evidence of a crime (which is being laid out in a serious under oath manner by mostly republican witnesses) but accept and spread the big lie of massive voter fraud with zero evidence.
  4. idiot of the week candidate....add him to farangs on electric one wheel or small stand up scooters with no helmets weaving in/out of traffic on sukhumvit......one whack and it's over or maimed for life.
  5. The way thousands of russians are fleeing the "draft" to russia military maybe thailand would get more russian "tourists" by welcoming this group....also i suspect it may well have a lot more to do with buying russian oil and gas than with tourists....Thailand has it's own dictator wannabe coup crew as well as Burma next door so it appears that the thai powers that be are fond of fellow dictators so they will support them regardless of invasions, killing off dissidents, etc.
  6. Because unlike trump who goes on fox and friendly maga media babbling on and on about all kinds of absurd fraud, stolen elections, conspiracy therories without a shred of proof ,indictments and trials follow detailed rules that do not allow you to just make stuff up but have to be researched, validated, and presented to a grand jury in an organized and sensible manner....and they then will slowly and methodically review the evidence and determine if an indictment should or should not be handed down for charging. These rules actually provide protection for potential defendants and prevent people being indicted on rumours and made up conspiracy theories like in banana republics . Try and imagine the trump outrage if an indictment was handed down that did not follow the legal rules and precedent to the letter. Patience.
  7. lot of "mights, maybes, possiblys, and probablys" floating around on this topic...in other words, nobody knows for sure.
  8. bolt is about as simple as it gets no funding no credit card...gives u the price and u pay cash..i don;t know how they do it as fares are generally dirt cheap at least in pattaya area...
  9. if you actually watched the jan 6 hearings you would know that the vast majority of witnesses were/are republicans...in addition to a massive amount of audio and video evidence in trumps own words....but go ahead and follow [Trump] and claim it is all a left wing witch hunt....OJ has been subpoenaed to testify and it will be his big chance to lay out all that long missing evidence of voter fraud he has been rattling on about with zero proof for two years now....and of course only guilty people plead the 5th so we can expect full answers and testimony under oath and under penalty of perjury rather than repeating the same ole lies on fox news or at his "rallies". Go ahead Donnie, be a man and testify under oath and let's see all that evidence you have. Free popcorn and kool aide for all.
  10. if you actually watched the jan 6 hearings you would know that the vast majority of witnesses were/are republicans...in addition to a massive amount of audio and video evidence in trumps own words....but go ahead and follow [Trump] and claim it is all a left wing witch hunt....OJ has been subpoenaed to testify and it will be his big chance to lay out all that long missing evidence of voter fraud he has been rattling on about with zero proof for two years now....and of course only guilty people plead the 5th so we can expect full answers and testimony under oath and under penalty of perjury rather than repeating the same ole lies on fox news or at his "rallies". Go ahead Donnie, be a man and testify under oath and let's see all that evidence you have. Free popcorn and kool aide for all.
  11. with bolt rides and baht buses so cheap driving makes little to no sense especially if drunk or impaired in some manner
  12. i'm sure many will appreciate and act immediately on this "advice"...or not. Perhaps some should go to a place like alabama where you can still get thrown in jail for pot but drink whiskey all day every day.
  13. russian invasion of sovereign nation is generally not considered to be a "good thing" as some on here seem to be trying to defend...kinda reminds me of a guy named adolph
  14. like my dogs understand my english and thai as long as there is food involved
  15. tell that to the termites that ate my door very similar to that in chiang rai....
  16. won't worry the termites will eat the door soon and then you can buy a proper door
  17. so when/if someday china sends troops to annex thailand be sure and ask the UN for help and see how that goes
  18. amazing the contortions some will go through to see no evil hear no evil.... ... what the heck has happened to basic common sense...if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it is most likely a duck....one of oldest lines ever used in courtrooms...
  19. dictators of a feather stick together....
  20. never been asked and flown in on dozen or more different airlines, big and small, on no visa, tourist visa, etc, from close by and far away.... up to you
  21. psychotic junkie cannabis crowd? as opposed to the violent obnoxious drunks? I'll take the cannabis crowd listening to pink floyd and eating ice cream and minding their own business....buses leaving every few minutes so off you go.
  22. Motorbike accident: Not a matter of if but when. No helmet= Generally bad outcome.
  23. so if your choice doesn't win at the ballot box just foment a coup and insert a general who of course would have no interest to "enrich" himself and his cronies....got it.
  24. i have stayed in dozens if not a hundred or more hotels of all types in thailand over the years and have never had anything stolen by a maid....so maybe not paint all maids with "thief" brush.
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