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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. see no evil hear no evil.....drink that kool aide and defend the indefensible all for dear leader
  2. and of course one might ask the question of WHY would she make up a lie about what she was told re T trying to grab wheel? just for fun? knowing full well that every word she said would be examined under a microscope? I don't think so. Did anyone notice that notebook in front of her while she was testifying and notice that she was described as a note taker? Wouldn't it be interesting if like watgergate, we found out that she had audio recordings on her phone of the actual conversations? Then of course trumpers would claim they were fake (but maybe not as fake as their slates of "electors")
  3. She said that she was told the story of the suv scene....she did not claim that she was there. Did it even occur to trumpers that maybe the guy who told her the story was perhaps LYING to her? Of course not. This 25 y.o gal told her story under oath. Have any men ever told a young attractive gal a false story or exaggerated a story to somehow try and impress her? DUH. The people attacking her are welcome to raise their right hand and tell their version under oath but have not done so. Regardless of what happened in the SUV the point of course is that Trump was demanding to go to the capitol and was irate when he was denied. So far not one person with knowledge of what happened has denied that was a fact. Typical trump playbook to try and appeal to the cult by attacking the messenger and refusing to see the forest for the trees. The committee has invited all of the players to raise their right hand and reveal what they may have knowledge of to testify but so far few if any of the central players have done so as they cower under their desks. How ironic that a 25 y.o. gal has the courage and confidence in telling what she saw and heard under oath while the trumpers try and cherry pick her testimony but refuse to do it under oath? Now why would that be do you suppose?
  4. As many many have learned the hard way: It is not a matter of if you will have a motorbike accident, only a matter of when.
  5. Hear no evil see no evil ...typical trumper response....attack the 25 y.o gal for lying ....she did not say she was in the car when trump lunged...she said she was told this by a guy who was in the car....maybe HE was lying? Did she write the note? Hand writing experts can answer that in about 2 minutes....meanwhile i don't see anyone attacking the vast majority of her testimony for much more important revelations because they know damn well it was true. She was a very credible witness who gave detail after detail....of FIRST hand conversations. She certainly is no dummy. If meadows or others want to deny what she said then let them testify UNDER oath rather than hiding under their desks.
  6. So it turns out that a 25 y.o girl has bigger balls than all the republican "men" who cower in fear of the orange haired dictator wannabe....how appropriate.
  7. That gal has bigger balls than 99% of the republican congressmen and politicians who are scared to death to cross dear leader.. i cannot imagine the threats that she and her family will likely get for years....now get ready for all the attacks on her with all kinds of bs lies about her personal life etc... Meadows and others no doubt picked her and obviously they all thought she would just shut up and do what she was told regardless of what she heard and saw with her own eyes/ears....just like the see no evil hear no evil trumpers......wrong. Now of course trump acts like he doesn't even really know who she is even though her office was steps away from his and his inner circle obviously called her frequently....and of course she worked for his chief of staff so does anyone actually believe that he hardly knew who she was? My guess is he was likely eyeing her every time she walked by which would fit his grab em by the pxxxy <deleted> to a t.
  8. or just when in thailand follow the thai practice of a simple wai...seems to me they got it right and much more civilized and sanitary than the western handshakes...all the fist bumping and elbow bumping gets a bit goofy and awkward after a while IMO
  9. not really anymore but thanks for asking......at least touching the gals has a benefit but yet to see the benefit of shaking hands with bunch of guys in a bar....
  10. old enough to know that every time i think i have seen it all i find out i have not
  11. no doubt but why exacerbate it by going around shaking hands
  12. i am talking cost to build and maintain and you i think are talking about the fare?
  13. for me it would be a great bargain..i doubt that very many tourist would pay any attention at all to paying less than $1 usd to get around....it's peanuts
  14. and exactly how much is a light rail system going to cost? will it be elevated like bts...or run down the middle of beach road at ground level? so take away a lane or two so more congestion? if elevated lot of people will complain it blocks views? underground? even more $$ and flooding problems? rail stations with escalators, massive amounts of steel and concrete? Pattaya can't even seem to pave walking street much less build and maintain a serious rail transport system.... baht bus not perfect but better than adding more giant buses spewing smoke and heat and also clogging roads...i suspect the vast majority of tourists think baht buses are fantastic and would happily pay more than 10 baht....without baht buses the additional taxis, tuk tuks, motorobike taxis etc would likely cause even more traffic snarls...and taxi drivers in places like phuket don't exactly endear people to them by ripping them off nearly constantly.. i prefer baht buses....and of course they could be regulated a bit more but TIT
  15. The Pattaya baht buses are one of the BEST deals anywhere.....without them exactly how would you propose that tourists and people with no cars who don't care to ride motorbikes get around? would you prefer a few thousand taxis or giant buses roaring around?
  16. it was not the normal presidential limo it was an armored SUV where the back seat is much closer to the steering wheel and there is no glass partition https://www.curbed.com/2022/06/trump-grabbed-wheel-limo-january-6-capitol-riot.html
  17. As we all know most bathrooms in Thailand generally don't have hot water or soap or any kind of clean cloth or paper towels to dry your hands if you do wash them. I have been in many bars where guys would want to shake hands and I really do not WANT to shake their hand as i would bet it's not very clean to say the least. Some guys seem a bit offended when i instead offered a simple wai or maybe a fist bump. I do not want to shake a hand that maybe just came from the toilet or just got sneezed into as I do not want to pick up germs if I can avoid it. Seems to me the Thais have it right that a simple wai is a preferred method of greeting etc and avoids the whole issue of spreading germs. Maybe just a pet peeve but why do so many people seem hell bent on shaking hands?
  18. How many of the anti abortion men on here have ever had unprotected sex with a gal? Ever had a condom break? If you did were you fully prepared to marry her and /or support a resultant baby if she became pregnant for the next 18 years or so? If not then shut up with all the anti abortion talk and let the girl decide what to do with what YOU deposited into her body.
  19. Best I ever had to cut my bamboo was a couple of thai guys with manchettes...no ladders needed and they did a heck of a job in a fraction of the time it would have taken me to do it with no risk of injury to me....IMO some jobs are just better left to the Thai workers. They even whacked out a nasty bee nest that would have likely sent me to the hospital.
  20. One big plus for me of wearing masks a lot and sanitizing/washing hands a lot more than before is that i have not had a cold in over two years. I used to get at least a couple a year which would whack me for a week or more. Of course as fewer people wear masks and practice hand washing i fear the cold viruses will have a big party and sooner than i want i will be a host.
  21. Because there are millions of people who have zero clue about how to budget or manage their resources and continue to be unable to differentiate between needs and wants and what they can and cannot afford....so they have to blame somebody/something for their own failure to have learned over decades how to plan to live within their means. If you can't live a decent life in Thailand on a relatively limited budget it is not Thailand's fault. It is your fault.
  22. are the chinese tour groups back in force in pattaya yet? i really don;t enjoy staying in tour group hotels ...elevators restaurants pool buses noise smoking spitting etc so prefer to avoid that if possible
  23. Yes. I lived next door to a temple in CR where women came for two or three days, wore white, and did a thing where they walked very very slowly around a nice marble floor area...i was told it was a way to calm the mind and meditate...and by slowly i mean maybe one step every minute. Interesting to observe. Not sure i could do it.
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