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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. Repeat: It is a waste of time to try and explain to trumpers the legal difference between one who purposely lies both verbally and in writing and obstructs justice for months on end and someone who made a mistake and immediately took steps to correct the mistakes by returning the docs the next day.... and then doing even more searches to make sure they had found and returned them all and cooperates fully with the investigation rather than attacking the investigators. Both have been and will be investigated and the difference will be spelled out in detail. And of course trumpers will then claim the investigation was a witch hunt if they are not pleased with the results.
  2. so did anyone do a blood test for booze or drugs? It would seem that would be done immediately by the police for an event like this where someone died. Bad enough that she killed the guy....even worse if drugged up...but without test done quickly guess nobody will know for sure.
  3. The ruskie got off light...if indeed he slapped a thai gal did he expect everyone to wai and thank him for stopping by, creating a big scene and then trying to skip on his bill? He doesn't look very sober in the video and i would be much more likely to believe the thai version of what happened. As for just call the police? So by the time the cops get there he is long gone and the description is big fat drunk russian....good luck sorting that out. No sympathy from me for the russian especially if he did indeed HIT the thai gal. I have no sympathy for ANY man who hits ANY woman. Lucky someone didn't pull out a baseball bat and beat him half to death. How would russians react if a thai guy slapped a russian gal in a russian bar?
  4. yeah right...ask him how adolph worked out for him
  5. It is a waste of time to try and explain to trumpers the legal difference between one who purposely lies both verbally and in writing and obstructs justice for months on end and someone who made a mistake and immediately took steps to correct the mistakes by returning the docs the next day.... and then doing even more searches to make sure they had found and returned them all and cooperates fully with the investigation rather than attacking the investigators. Both have been and will be investigated and the difference will be spelled out in detail. And of course trumpers will then claim the investigation was a witch hunt if they are not pleased with the results.
  6. Sums it all up very well. I think many of us on this forum are wasting our time trying to explain that simple difference that a 5 year old kid could likely grasp to a bunch of kool aide gulping trumpers who will never face reality....and will support dear leader who as he told us all..." i could shoot someone on 5th avenue and my supporters don't care...sadly he was right about that.
  7. i forgot is probably a better defense than of course i knew and i took them all because they are my property and even though i am no longer POTUS ( or actually maybe i am ) I have lied and deflected and obstructed justice for months on end.
  8. And you of course will come back on this forum and share the results with all....even if/when the investigation shows biden made a mistake and fessed up and trump purposely lied and obstructed justice for months.....sure you will just as all the tin hat conspiracy trumpers who have been proven full of it over and over and over but still cling to same ole tired big lies with zero evidence for years cause that is what they do.
  9. If biden were selling them i sorta doubt he would have volunteered to turn them all over the day after they were found but go ahead and wallow in all those conspiracy theories....a special prosecutor will soon enough lay out all the details...and a court will soon enough lay out all of trumps behavior....wanna bet which one will look like a lying criminal that purposely obstructed justice for months and which just made a mistake and admitted it?
  10. and of course if the special prosecutor, a trump appointee , finds it was exactly as biden has described the trumpers and fox "news" and all the conspiracy theory folks will stand in front of a microphone and say thank you for investigating and we agree with the findings....sure they will.
  11. it is not the same at all and the verbal contortions to try and equate the behavior of the two is absurd.... ..one stalled lied whined stalled more lied more over and over and over...it's called obstruction of justice....the other immediately turned them over with no drama then launched a search to make sure he had no others anywhere...found a few more and also turned them over... if trump had fessed up said made a mistake and returned them immediately it would have been end of story but of course trump, like most of his kool aide crowd, could never ever ever admit he made a mistake.....
  12. Does trump ever have anything positive to say about anything or is it just one rant and childish name calling after another after another against any and all that dare to cross him....to include all the "greatest" people that trump picked and introduced praising them to high heavens then claiming they were all idiots and crooks when they dared to give any advice or opinions or got a bit too much media attention drawing the spotlight away from trump? He is a sick person that just needs to shut his big mouth and go play golf and hope he doesn't end up in the slammer where he belongs. Karl Rove, Mike Pence, Generals Galore, Bill Barr, Mike Pompeo, John Bolton, Fox "news"and on and on and on. Enough is enough. Will repubs ever grow a spine and tell him to shut the "f" up?
  13. It seems that many have forgotten that the coup to oust taksin was done when taksin was out of the country for a meeting....and in the middle of the night the coward coup crew took over and installed their cronies in power.....if taksin was so corrupt why wasn't his corruption handled by the judiciary in the light of day instead of a stealth coup in the middle of the night?...and of course once the generals were in charge taksin was convicted with no real trial by a group of cowardly high court members and has been hounded along with his family ever since. Was taksin or yingluck perfect? No. But were/are they the most corrupt? At least they got elected. now we have rule by 250 unelected senators appointed by the coup crew.....no corruption or payoffs to get appointed an unelected senator i am sure...their corruption makes the taksins look relatively mild. answer is to let the thai people vote and whoever THEY choose as their leader becomes leader...it is what some call democracy which people in various countries have fought and died over for hundreds of years...the generals sure don't want an open election as they are pretty sure they will lose their power and the new leader may bring them all up on charges just like they have done to the taksin group.
  14. lets say you go into a store and you pick up an item to look at it...then your phone rings and you put the item in your pocket to free your hands to text a reply....you're distracted but then you walk out the door and go home and hang your jacket with the item in the pocket in your closet... but later you find the item in your pocket and you immediately return it to the store even though the store has not reported a theft..the store says thank you and that is the end of the matter then lets say another person does the exact same thing but when he gets home and later discovers the item he just keeps it...the store calls and says we have it on video that you stole this item...please return it now and there will be no criminal charges....but you in your infinite wisdom you claim not to have the item even though you actually have dozens of the items, so you return a few of the items but not all... then the store says we have probable cause to believe you have more of said items, ..but you now say those items all belong to me and refuse to return the items, then the store gets a subpoena and the police come to your home and find that item along with over 100 more items ... ....the store asks you to return all the items you took, you get your lawyer to confirm that all the items have been returned...but the store can see they have not so they ask a judge for a search warrant and present evidence to convince the judge you still have more items and have lied about it and stalled over and over and still have not returned them....so finally months later having tried and tried to get you to return the items the police come to your house and lo and behold there are more of the very the items you took in your house.....so the police with a judges approval seizes all the items and return them to their rightful owner the store.. Do you suppose a court and a jury will see any difference in the two people as to their actions or their intent? Or will the court and jury say nope both are exactly the same? If you do not understand the difference there is likely nothing anyone can ever say or do to convince you that two people can break the same law but the intent, circumstances and subsequent behavior should and do have a legal impact on the final outcome.
  15. drink that kool aide.....trump may well go down but it won't be as a great president but as americas greatest con man / grifter.....
  16. Facts are something that trumpers have a very difficult time dealing with as they have gulped the kool aide from a guy that told so many lies as POTUS to make anyone's head spin. The "facts" as to how trump evaded obstructed re classified docs are very very different from finding docs and turning them in without all the drama of i don't have any and if i do i declassified them and if that didn't work they all belong to me anyway even though the law says otherwise and my lawyer certified i turned them all over after being ordered to do so but i really did not.... why's everybody always picking on me. Those damn pesky FACTS.
  17. champion travel soi 13/2 pattaya...3500 Thb all in....fluent english, great vans and driver, easy as can be...go see them to book
  18. Where can you buy travel health insurance if you are over 75 years old?
  19. and be aware that at some hotels you book on agoda platform when you check in the hotel finds the booking under booking.com
  20. no that would be the trump playbook as grifter in chief.
  21. Maybe you should read more, https://www.carbonbrief.org/analysis-why-scientists-think-100-of-global-warming-is-due-to-humans/
  22. Criminal trump "surprised" that having dozens of top secret classified docs that he illegally took and stored haphardly in an unsecured location, then denied having them, then claimed he had magically declassified them, then claimed he owned them, then refused repeated requests to turn them over, then had to be legally raided to get docs back, then had lawyer certify that all had been returned when they had not, now whines as to how unfair it all is/was..... biden lawyers find some docs immediately notify authorities then full cooperation to return them... what part of that difference do trumpers fail to grasp?
  23. How many gallons of kool aide does one have to drink not to see the difference between how trump took. claimed to mysteriously declassify, claimed were planted, refused to turn them over after admitting that yes he took them, had to be raided to get them back, had them stored hap hazardly in a non secure location, had lawyer certify that all had been turned over only to be found a lie, then claimed they were all his property, and still whines like a 5 y.o. about how unfair it all is/was....compared to biden whose lawyers found some docs, immediately reported it and provided full cooperation in returning them.
  24. i do take responsibility for my decisions especially when they can well impact other people,,,,antivaxxers apparently do not give a hoot about anyone but themselves and if they clog hospitals and infect other people with a deadly virus it's no big deal cause it is their decision. It's not a "relugion"...it's basic common sense and courtesy.
  25. Want to cut immigration in half or more? pass a law that any company or individual who hires an illegal is fined 100,000 per occurrence and enforce it....no jobs no $$ very few immigrants of course many of the big corps, big ag, even people hiring maids, gardeners etc,. who whine about illegals are the very ones that encourage them by paying them to save $$ by paying immigrants a fraction of what it cost to hire americans....assuming any american will even do the work.
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