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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. keeping generals in power indefinitely is much worse than letting the people choose their leaders.
  2. In a democracy the people vote for the person they want. It is not then overturned by power hungry generals in coups or by storming a capitol to keep votes from being certified.
  3. I would bet that Thai airways has a lot of planes sitting around. How about the Thai dictator call his fellow Russian dictator and offer to fly how ever many charters are necessary to get all these poor russians back to the fatherland....in return for payment in GOLD which Putin apparently has a huge stash?
  4. oh no...taksin ruined the farang night scene....horror of all horrors....and yet somehow the farang night scene still goes on and on and on 17 years later..... exactly HOW did Taksin "ruin" the farang night scene?
  5. Believe it or not the priority job of the PM is not to " help expats."...the job is to help Thai people and Taksin did indeed help a LOT of poor Thai people. The health care was a major boom for poor people along with loads of new roads paved and water systems in remote villages that had been ignored for decades. Some may also recall that "border runs" were being abused by a wide variety of ex pats ...as were overstays...a lot of shady ex pats got caught and have likely moved on to Cambodia. While ex pats may not like border and overstay crackdowns it is called enforcing the law. Taksins biggest "mistake and asset" was that he came across as helping poor people in Thailand rather than the ultra wealthy who could not care less. The ultra wealthy did not like that one bit and helped to arrange a coup to replace him with a dictator that would do their bidding. Worked out well for them as the rich got richer and still don't give a hoot about the millions of poor Thais who they see as their servants and nothing more. If the current coup crop gave a hoot about law and order Mr Red Bull would have been in jail long ago rather than going on for decades about Taksin, who was after all, ELECTED by the Thai people.
  6. Amazing how many people on this forum seem to be all in on the idea of military coups overthrowing legitimately elected people like Taksin 1 & 2 in favor of authoritarian dictators. Sounds a lot like Trumpets trying to overthrow fair elections in USA . Let the Thai people vote for who THEY want and then let that person serve their term without being overthrown by a bunch of power hungry generals.
  7. The OP says the law is 50 years old...Taksin was PM 2001-2006 so ...about 15-20 years ago.
  8. While a bit of a pain maybe the best way to prevent padding problems is to have adequate supply of small bills and pay the correct amount as each drink is delivered. No claims of no you gave me 500 not 1000 baht and if the price of the first drink is double or triple you pay up drink up and get out of the place. Maybe a good practice until you get to know the place and can observe others to see if anyone is having any problems? I really don't think drinking for hours with check bins piling up, you getting drunk, and then trying to sort it all out is a great idea especially in a bar that is new to you.
  9. TAT execs too busy enjoying their absurd junket to moscow travel/trade show to be bothered.
  10. Armchair quarterbacking? What exactly is it that biden can do that would satisfy his critics?...damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. I for one am glad we have a sane president that does not think he knows more about everything than all the people around him and is willing to listen to the opinions of dozens of allies rather than just shooting off his mouth.
  11. The biggest LIE; Equal justice under the law. Not only in Thailand that money talks and the rich almost always walks regardless of the evidence or crime.
  12. The internet is full of stories of "sweet dogs" like pit bulls that end up ripping the face off of some innocent child or passerby. Dogs that have been purposely bred to fight with specially bred jaws that are much much stronger than normal dogs are not now and never were meant to be family pets. Ask some pit bull owners whose dogs killed or maimed their own children how "sweet" their little doggies were. All it takes is being in the wrong place at the wrong time when a pit is having a bad day or is under some nonexistent perceived threat. Are there some pits that don't attack? Sure but are you willing to take the gamble. Stop with the macho posturing that i own a dog that can kill you and get a normal dog.
  13. Maybe the TAT junket gang that is flying off for a tourism convention in Moscow tomorrow can give up their seats rather than go to Moscow for a convention that few if any other countries will attend to promote tourism to people who can't get to Thailabd , have no working currency, or credit cards?
  14. Watch the new netflix series WW2....a good reminder that there are more losers than winners in brutal wars started by dictators and that many of the soldiers are simply fodder to be sacrificed. Sadly about half of the USA still seems to support our own recent version of a coup making bone spur wannabe Hitler.
  15. Get frequent annual checkups in Thailand to monitor your health and potential serious problems as well as possible. It the checkup reveals serious problems get on a plane asap and get the treatment in usa most of which will be covered by medicare a and b. IMO it is foolish to give up your medicare B. You can't wait til you are in a usa hospital and then say oh i want to start it up again today.
  16. They are waiting to see how big and how many brown envelopes are passed out before releasing the test results. It takes time to count all that money.
  17. Here we go again. The Sequel: Red Bull 2: Kill and Flee, If you're rich you'll go free.
  18. https://eturbonews.com/3035156/russias-aeroflot-halts-all-of-its-international-flights/ great job TAT...spend $$ on a market that can't get here
  19. Anyone know if u have a 60 day tourist visa can u still go to immigration and extend it 30 days for 1900 THB?
  20. This was last years moscow tourism trade show...28 countries...I would be shocked if they get 5 countries to attend this year. Shame on Thailand for participating.....it is no doubt a group of connected tourism officials that want a nice free all expense paid vacation where they will be wined and dined by a bunch of Putin supporters. It's NOT to late to cancel the trip and behave like you have some basic decency. https://www.tradefairdates.com/Mitt-M5732/Moscow.html
  21. Wow. Not a good look for TAT folks to fly off on a junket to Moscow in the guise of a trade show while the rest of the world rightfully is pulling out all the stops to distance themselves from the new Hitler wannabe. Has to be one of the dumbest decisions by a tourism department EVER.
  22. So Thailand wants to help Russians get around sanctions with China and bitcoin schemes? Those dictators all like to stick together. Thailand is playing with fire by going against almost every country on earth in trying to play games to allow circumvention of sanctions. Russia no doubt has piles of gold bars stacked all over the country under Putin's control. Thai airlines I would guess would be happy to fly several charters of Russians out IF they get paid in gold. Other than a week or two of humanitarian support with BASIC accommodations and food (which should also be repaid via Russian gold) it is not Thailand's job to feed and house Russians indefinitely. Maybe it is past time for all the dictators to make a deal. If Putin doesn't care about bringing his citizens home then don't dump this mess on Thailand.
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