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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. So how many trumpers/republicans are secretly hoping that DOJ will indict and a jury will convict t of crimes that prevent him from holding office? My guess is a substantial number as many of them are finally starting to realize that their dear leader is a dead loser that needs to be removed from the discussion...of course most will never state publicly that they got conned by the con man but that is exactly what happened. But if it is the DOJ that brings t down they can then blame the DOJ rather than admit that they have backed a conman loser. The grift now is to pretend to be running for POTUS but play 18-27 holes of golf everyday while selling trading cards to the kool aide crew. How presidential.
  2. never ever been asked to show printed copy of tourist visa to extend before...done it many times over the years...it is all stamped right there in passport for all to see....hardly naive when it comes to knowing immigrations love lots of paper but with advent of e visas seems time to move on to at least accept a phone grab from official thai embassy rather than yet another printed piece of paper.....
  3. good question.. another one: when i went to jomtiem immigration to extend my 60 day tourist visa an extra 30 days they wanted a copy of my original e visa which of course i had shown to bkk immigration on arrival and there was no problem and it was all stamped into my passport tourist visa and given 60 days...so the jomtiem immigration want to see what bkk immigration had already seen 60 days before...not sure why but pull it up on phone and show it to them... but NO have to provide a printed copy to them...so back to the copy place to get printed to give them a copy of the original tourist visa provided by the thai govt and already looked at and approved by bkk immigration.....can't think of any reason why they need printed copy but they were insistent so no choice. Nothing weird or suspicious re my visits or previous visas to thailand and haven't even been here in 3 years....Any idea why this was required?
  4. But trump says only guilty people plead the fifth: Trump pleaded the Fifth more than 440 times during his deposition in New York, answering only a question about what his name is
  5. seems that nobody much cares that he was travelling at a high rate of speed at 1 am..guess maybe moptorcy guy would have gotten a 100 baht ticket if some old person was trying to cross the road and the speeder was "unable to brake"....and killed them? What exactly is "high speed" to a motorcy guy? See several a day roar through soi buakhaow traffic hauling axx weaving around cars, bikes, people...but go ahead and blame the dog. Kritphan reportedly told rescuers that the dog ran in front of his bike while he was traveling at high speed. He was unable to brake and crash head-on into a dog, he said.
  6. Hey maybe he can come up with some imaginary tokens or trading cards or ? and sell them to all the musk fanboys....maybe even get them to change the name from ponzi to musk schemes and go down in history as the king of cons...of course that would not sit well with the real king of cons so then they could come up with some sort of web smackdown and charge big bucks to see them pour ketchup on each other......there seem to be no shortage of idiots who worship people who distribute kool aide.
  7. addicting according to whom? u want addicting, smoke cigs or drink a lot of booze or guzzle that morning coffee....then try to quit and see how that goes.
  8. Everywhere i look i see bars and booze..the drunks think that is cool gives those poor deluded drunken souls some sort of street cred....i am sick of seeing it everywhere and it has been that way for decades. Maybe they should outlaw it ....some kind of prohibition. That always works well...for the mafia types.
  9. never had a bad experience with any bolt driver in past 3 months
  10. So with plane loads of Russians arriving daily and surely some of the younger men especially not wanting to end up in the military how many of them will overstay and take their chances with Thai police rather than with Putin's police? And of course those with wives, kids, girlfriends will likely want everyone to stay in Thailand well past the expiration date of visas? My guess is there are going to be a LOT MORE of overstays coming up as visas expire. Do Russians get 60 day tourist visas or how long are they stamped in for?
  11. More and more condos just ignore the law that does not allow rentals under 30 days unless licensed as a hotel which is rare for condos. The booking engines like airbnb, agoda, etc list these rentals though they must surelyknow they are illegal under Thai law....and people of course book them. The problem is that what you bought or leased long time as a residence gets turned into a hotel with big numbers of people checking in/out for a few days...the elevators are full of them as are the pools and public spaces in what was designed as and by law does not allow stays of less than 30 days. I suspect eventually a lot of the condo owners/residences are going to get fed up with these short time tourists and lack of any enforcement by juristic or police and demand it stop, Many condos in Bangkok and a very few in pattaya have had signs in lobby and elevators for long time letting people know that if they have rented for less than 30 days they are in violation and further asking residents to report any units they see abusing the rules. I think the hotels are also sick and tired of competing with condos that are being run as a hotel with no license, no hotel taxes, etc. Probably some brown envelopes being distributed as there is a lot of $$ involved.
  12. Buy the new trump tokens...what could possibly go wrong when such an honest upstanding man is pushing them to his kool aide crew at only $99 each....and laughing all the way to the bank at the suckers.
  13. ..lot of people have statin side effects....for me it was a lot of twitching muscles in my calves....doc cut the statin from 20 mg to 10 and then also gave me 10 mg of Ezetimibe..said Ezetimibe is not a statin but somehow keeps cholesterol from being absorbed in blood stream....the combo of the two brought mine way down with no noticeable side effects....walk 5 miles or so a day and with the combo of statin and Ezetimibe my numbers are looking great
  14. Yeah those awful baht bus boys who provide an incredible service day after day for years to haul thousands of people around for the massive price of 10 baht. Are there a few bad apples? Sure. But by and large the baht bus "boys" provide an incredible service around Pattaya at a price that is ridiculously cheap compared to most any city i have seen most anywhere in the world. You want baht bus mafia go to phuket.
  15. Trying to convince a MAGA that vaccines reduced severity of illness and saved countless lives is like trying to convince a ..................................................fill in the blank.
  16. Wow. Just Wow. It is truly amazing to me that there are obviously people that actually believe that the covid vaccines in their mind were not effective in preventing more serious cases and deaths. How far down the rabbit hole do MAGA's have to go on the deep web to find some obscure half baked conspiracy theory to support such a ridiculous claim. How about you ask the doctors and nurses who actually had to treat and deal with the people who showed up in hospitals with covid on death's doorstep if most of these were UNVAXXED? Does anyone seriously believe that the unvaxxed did not get sicker and die at a greater rate of covid than those that were fully vaxxed and boosted? WOW. How many of these people still believe that the election was stolen also? Evidence? We got no evidence just a lot of theories.
  17. Yada yada yada...i had two good friends both healthy always on the go except for sitting and watching fox news....they both bought into the it's a hoax theory and refused vaccines....both died horrible covid deaths in hospital with tubes stuck down their throats thanks to all the BS <deleted> floated by people like Trump and Desantis....both their wives got shots and caught covid but nothing serious... Coincidence? I don't think so.
  18. "In Florida, it is against the law to mislead and to misrepresent, particularly when you're talking about the efficacy of a drug," DeSantis said. Lots of things are against the law....you know like fraud, tax evasion, fomenting a coup, seditious conspiracies etc.....Lots of misleading re election results.....funny how none of that seems to much bother republicans but oh my we better investigate a vaccine that by overwhelming evidence saved millions of lives from covid.......got it.
  19. ain't gonna happen....tons of republicans still wearing white sheets to vote for a black man for potus....just talk to try and convince black voters that they are really not the party that tries time after time to reduce black voting....
  20. So the excerpt says moderna was significanlty higher effectiveness than pfizer...so? Still waiting to see the source of this nugget: it has become apparent that more vaccinated people die as a result of C than non-vaccinated people.
  21. and where did u get that piece of info ? Here we go all over again with the anti vax bunch... https://www.npr.org/2021/09/10/1036023973/covid-19-unvaccinated-deaths-11-times-more-likely
  22. just what the usa needs...another absurdly rich guy who thinks his bathroom breaks don't stink
  23. Cruise BOAT would be more accurate description.
  24. Academy award for saying that with a straight face.....did the audience howl with laughter?
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