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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. Then there is almost all the unvaxxed after they end up in icu begging for treatments created by the same scientists who created the vaccines. Many are the same type who argue endlessly against the facts, the numbers, the thousands of doctors and scientists who have studied viruses for decades and have created untold health/life saving drugs and treatments. You are on the losing side of the covid conversation and you can choose to be part of the solution or part of the problem. Being concerned with 4.5 million dead from covid and taking every available step to avoid serious repercussions is not paranoia, it is common sense which seems to be in very short supply these days.
  2. Retired at 52 some 21 years ago. Doing just fine thanks. How many friends have I heard say oh I will only work x more years then drop dead or get sick and spend their last few years wishing they would have moved on instead of always trying to make a bit more. Obviously you do need some $$ to retire but I learned to be quite happy living on less. I did not find it difficult to give up expensive western food in Thailand nor was I inclined to get fleeced by a cunning Thai gal. Remember two important thoughts: You can always make more money but you can never make more time. If not now, when?
  3. 4.5 million dead people worldwide would love to be alive to discuss the "obedient media" and how covid dangers are "hyper-propaganda" but unfortunately they didn't get a chance to read your view before they died.
  4. Some of these anti vaxxers sure seem to get their jollies by arguing against thousands upon thousands doctors and scientists who actually have long extensive detailed first hand experience dealing with real vaccines and real infected patients. Go to school for multiple years, pass all the tests, get certified as a doctor, work in a real hospital dealing with real patients with ventilators down their throats begging for the shots when it is too late. Go to any state/city website and see how many daily stories you will find detailing how yet another antivaxxer has begged people to stop the nonsense and get vaccinated. Read about how many antivaxxers who deride the vaccinations get sick and then beg for infusions of various drugs and treatments created by the very scientists that they mock. Then continue spewing obscure garbage from a few quack doctors or hidden websites that only you the antivaxxer in your infinite wisdom are able to understand. Truly sad.
  5. But no time to apprehend mr red bull and jail the entire bunch of govt officials who took bribes to let him get away with killing a cop.
  6. Investigate the Taksins til u croak but the current ILLEGAL regime is scared to death that IF Taksin returned to Thailand and IF there was a full fair national election Taksin or even his sister would win in a landslide. oh and by the way mr red bull is still living it up after killing a cop while hopped up on drugs, trying to cover it up, paying big bribes to lots of thai officials who are still in the government. Maybe everyone will forget mr red bull and your corrupt ILLEGAL government if you go after Taksin once again.
  7. There is a reason that scammers are able to get millions of people to fall for their absurd scams....unfortunately many people are amazingly gullible and then double down rather than admit they got conned....if i were a scammer i would actively look for antivaxers who seem willing to believe the unbelievable in spite of massive amounts of evidence from thousands of doctors and scientists who have spent their lives studying viruses...how may anti vaxers are doctors? Maybe a few quack docs looking to run a scam.
  8. George Washington mandated smallpox vaccinations for American troops 200+ years ago. The Supreme court has upheld vaccine mandates as being constitutional for over a century. We have had vaccine mandates for things like attending public schools for generations. Grow the hell up, stop all the nonsense, get the shots.
  9. If all the anti vaxx bunch would simply get the shot covid would soon be controlled and we could go back to some semblance of life without major covid disruptions. You can be part of the solution or you can continue to be part of the problem. Contrary to anti vaxx arguments that their "freedom" to not get the shot affects no one but themselves is simply not true.....it impacts millions of people whose shops are closed and who are hanging on by a tread. It impacts millions of doctors and nurses who are in melt down after months of working to save the mostly unvaccinated patients. It impacts insurance rates, taxes, mental health. It impacts schools abilities to have in person learning. Why not TRY and be part of the solution and perhaps feel good that your actions are helping us all end the major impacts of covid?
  10. Go ahead and continue to trust internet experts and conspiracy theories rather than go get the damn shots that have been proven in millions upon millions of doses to save countless lives and almost eliminate hospitalizations with a very tiny number of adverse reactions.....go ahead and refuse to help put the entire covid pandemic behind us and screw up the economies and cause untold hardships worldwide rather than bury your ego and your "expertise" and do what doctors and scientists who study virus and diseases for decades recommend. Get the damn shots. Please.
  11. You can claim a "religious exemption"....hope you don't take aspirin or Tylenol.....go ahead be delusional it is your "right" to be an idiot. One of the religious exemption arguments being used is the concern fetal cells are used in the development of the vaccine Dr. James Lawler, an infectious disease expert at the University of Nebraska Medical Center and a practicing Catholic, said vaccines do not contain fetal cells. What they do contain are fetal cell lines, which are cells grown in a lab, based on fetal cells from decades ago. They are used in testing and research for more than just the COVID vaccine. These cell lines are used in many other vaccines and commonly used drugs. Because of that connection, Conway Regional Health System CEO Matt Troup said the healthcare system now asks those submitting a religious exemption to sign an acknowledgment form. “It caused us to take a step back and ponder, do people really understand how ubiquitous the use of fetal cells is either in the development or the testing is very common in everyday medicines,” said Troup. The Arkansas-based hospital’s form lists common medications, like Tylenol, Aspirin, Motrin, and asks the employee to acknowledge these medicines are also made the same way the COVID vaccine is, and therefore they agree to not take these medicines either.
  12. one hospital in hawaii....says it all as to effectiveness of getting vaccinated to stay safe or wallow in conspiracy theories and internet experts and end up very sick or dead.....
  13. all the more reason to be vaccinated so if u do get it you are much much less likely to end up in the hospital or dead...it's not rocket science...vaccines are the best option we have to keep people from clogging the hospitals, exhausting the staff, depriving other needy people from the non covid care they may need, screwing up the economy for millions, screwing up return to in person schooling....all because they read some obscure internet site that claims to know more than the doctors and scientist who have spent decades studying vaccines and diseases... my local hospital in usa has 785 people with covid...685 are unvaccinated and every icu bed is occupied by an unvaccinated person..........that should tell anyone with a brain that your odds against covid are exponentially better if you take ten minutes to get a shot... a man showed up at the hospital with a heart attack yesterday but all the beds were full so they tried to treat him in the ambulance...he died as ambulance did not have same equipment as ICU....maybe he would of died anyway but the anti vaxxers took his chance away with their selfish BS refusal to protect themselves and others with the best means we have available which is vaccinations.
  14. My town in USA has 785 covid patients in hospital. 685 of them are no vaccine. All of the serious ICU patients are the no vax. The hospital beds are all full so if you get in a car wreck or have a heart attack there is no bed for you. How anyone can look at figures like that and claim that vaccinations are a bad idea is truly amazing.
  15. How about he gives "110%".....kind of hard to do when 100% is the total available....hear it all the time in usa especially re sports....
  16. "I am sick of this giving in to the virus. I do not want to just continue waiting around for some miracle cure. And now, we know that this miracle cure will never happen, and that it is an impossibility." There is no cure but we do have fantastic vaccines that are more than 90% effective at protecting you and preventing massive spread. If only we could get people to get over "playing doctor or scientists" and celebrating that they have found some obscure web source pretending to know more than the experts. In doubt, just take a look at the stats on how many hospitalized people are no vac compared to vaccinated people. How many deaths from no vac compared to vaccinated. You don't need to be a scientist to see that the risk /reward of taking a simple shot or two is your best bet to protect yourself and others from getting really sick. Yet millions continue to refuse citing all kinds of conspiracy theories to defend not getting shots....don't believe in science etc until they get sick then run to local hospital to get treated by methods created by the very science they deny. Doctors/nurses all over USA are burnt out from having to work night and day. putting themselves and their family at risk to treat no vac people of self inflicted wounds. Watch for more of them to quit as many say " i did not sign up for this"....try and imagine what their lives have been for past couple of years. IF IF IF in USA the 40% of unvac people would go get the FREE shots covid would no longer continue to destroy "normal life" and the whole thing would mostly peter out within a couple of months.
  17. Hard to imagine so many people don't read novels at all. I enjoy historical novels like James Michener, Wilbur Smith, Gary Jennings, et al. But I also enjoy a good legal fiction like John Grisham writes. I agree it is sad how so many authors these days seem to "sub out" the writing and plaster their name on books to sell more. I would rather read a book than watch 99.9% of movies and 99.99% of TV <deleted> shows.
  18. Hey at least they got all those pesky shade trees cut down and hauled away so there would be no chance that their roots might help prevent at least some of the beach erosion.
  19. Did he have a partner or sex with his friendly hand and a bottle of lotion while watching porno?
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