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Head Snake

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Posts posted by Head Snake

  1. quote from cdvnic on the awesome landing. "landing in high cross-wind. Looks like a near crash"

    When you look at the video, the wind sock is barely up and the tire plumes on landing seem to go up then to the right (probly cause left tire landed first and there was low pressur to the right).

    I don't think it was high cross winds. I think the pilot is one fo those cowboys just showing off.

  2. I tried to view the original photo as Nam Kao would. The only blemish I see is a crooked smile. Is this Stallone's love child?? Can Bambina research the pics of ma and pa and post em?

    All in all, I still think she is beatiful even if she slobbered out the side of her mouth while I kissed her. NOTE: I'd have to be standing on a chair to kiss her.

  3. Reminds me of the bee sting treatment for was it sickle cell or luekemia or cerebral palsy. I forget which.

    But, I wouldn't rule out poisonous cures like toads and the bee stings.

    Maybe the body can compensate by fighting the poisons and using the excess to attack other ailments.

  4. As a fellow american, listen to these guys and leave your american stuff at home.

    I didn't bring anything over and just bought what was needed. easy peasy.

    The one thing I wish to ###### I could bring over is my Mustang. I miss my honey.

  5. I will have to ask my gf about this. No, she is not a scientist but a local resident in that area. I value her input. Most likely, she will tell me its ghosts and I'll have to believe her.

    Scientifically, I would have to side with those who question how the gases emit color. Most assume something must ignite the gases.

    The northern lights get their glow from solar winds. Those are not the case with Mekhong river as this is done at night. Ahhl but who says these fireballs only occur at night? Has anybody bothered to check if they happen in the day?

    Friction?? doubtful

    gas Flashpoint??

    static electricity - doubtful

    What about those large lightning produced from clouds to statosphere? Could the Mekhong provide a smaller model for that phenomena?

    So what's with the color and no sound. THere has to be a sound made; even if its just a wispy fart.

  6. TP,

    I understand where you are coming from.

    If there is anything good about the pain, its that it keeps you from doing something foolish particularly at this rehabilitary time.

    If you must, must must get respite from the pain for a couple of hours, get some vicodin. Be careful - I think anybody could run a marathon on 2 broken legs with that stuff.

    Muscle relaxants are a joke. THey cause more depression than they cause respite from pain.

    hot and cold compresses can do wonders for short time relief.

    Lastly, Have you figured out how to wipe your ass yet? I rigged a clothes hanger.

  7. She's not my wife yet; but I saw her entering the bar and she stood next to me while chatting with her friend.

    That night, I only had an intention to drink one or 2 beers and go home. I was going to be a good boy.

    But, she was the prettiest girl I had seen in a long long time.

    I had to speak with her. I had to give it a shot. All she could do is tell me to bugger off, right?

    Her friend did her best to get her away from me because she wanted to introduce her to a very handsome man (not me).

    That was the best 10 minutes of uncertainty I had in trying to get her attention and not blow it. The handsome man was there and was befuddled as to why she'd stay with me and not be with him.

  8. Im misunderstood.

    3-6 months with that girdle, doing the exercises your doctor tells you. No golf please. If sex is possible, take care.

    But after you have the girdle off and have built up some strength, gold and sex are the BEST exercise for the lower back.

    ABSOULUTELY. I have verified with other back problem patients.

  9. Tp,

    Welcome to the back surgery club!!!

    I had 2 discs removed. THey then took bone from my ass (is that where it went?) and fused the 3 vetebrae. They then put 6 pedicule screws in me (still there). When I woke after my op, the pain was searing and I thought I had made the hugest mistake. But, all's well now for me - about 10 years under the bridge.

    I know exactly how you feel. It feels like someone took a knife and sliced all your muscles in the lower back, yea?? It takes time to regain the muscles you need. That ridiculous girdle you have to wear - very sexy, hunh??

    I used to have problems with back pain after the op; but, good news, the best thing for that is playing golf and bonking more and more. (After you've recovered for sufficient period - sex or golf right now could be very bad for you) That's the muscles you need to work to recover best after things heal up - say 3-6 months.

    Good luck

  10. Hasn't the euro and pound weakened significantly against the baht in the last few months?

    I just remember thinking that all the europeans were getting more for their vacations than I was with my american dollars.

    THe baht to US dollar change hasn't been real exaggerated in the last year. I'd say about steady. I mean, I don't "feel" any big change.

  11. Sorry I wasn't serious jai dee. It was late and I was interested in a laugh.

    Of course this is a serious dilemma. Its the poor Thais that will have to "pay" for this problem as mentioned earlier with the rice growing analogy.

    It looks like the government wanted to look good for their people and that has ended up to cost the people.

  12. HOw about staggered work times to alleviate traffic jams in business districts.

    Since it is less hot at night and aircon can work better at night, all foreign work (work done by falang) will be enforced to work at night with only the luxury of candle light only. Thus no need for bars at night, too.

    All falang choosing to fall or unwillingly pushed from the top of buildings will be attached to a chain which will harness the potential energy of the person falling to the ground. If there is still enough of the falang to salvage from the ground, Thai workers can take the carcass back up for another a recycling trip.

    SInce rain causes longer traffic jams, perhaps Thaxin can enforce a "No Rain Policy" during Rush hours.

    You'd think there were enough hubs by now in Thailand that they could link all of them together and harness the power of the hot air generated.

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