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Head Snake

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Posts posted by Head Snake

  1. The product development is really just a joke. :o

    I will have to try my best to be a good boy. :D

    So, I think I answered the thread question. Yes, I will help her out with free lodging. SHe will be considered a visiting friend. What she does at night is not my concern and I will derive no benefit from it.

    If she wants to clean, cook, massage, or bring home other sexy girl friends for a threesome (joking again Totster - please don't tell my sweetheart) , that's her prerogative as well. :D:D

  2. Perhaps you should read this before making a decision:

    Man Bailed For Bringing In Prostitutes

    At least you've already got the knickname for such an occupation. In most (western) countries, this would be viewed in a very poor light. Just how much does she expect to make with only a 2 week visa, especially after deducting airfare and such ?

    In Japan, many girls are hired as "teachers" but end up in the "hostess" bars, and earn a lot more money than they would have as a teacher. A friend of mine's sister did that. Never occured to her that she really didn't have any teaching credentials, but she was still being offered this great job in Japan. Her blonde hair and great body had more to do with the job offer than her grade 12 education.

    Hey Kerryd,

    I don't think there will be any difficulties with the law without some sort of warning before. THere will be rules that I would have to establish about dress code and conduct in the area of the condo.

    Although there have been raids on bars before or basic passport checks; I don't anticipate problems there either.

    How much does she plan to make? She had a chubby friend actually recommend this type of work after her plump friend made about 150,000 baht in 2 weeks. I don't know if that is net or gross. Ok, I did the math. That's US$281/day. Is that possible? I guess so , if she gets afternoon callbacks and Friday and Saturday are chock a block. How many jobs is that a day? 2 or 3.

    Frankly, she will not have problems finding men attracted to her. She can talk very well. She would need guidance on the economic concept of "turnover" vs. long term customer.

    She is serious about this as she has proposed dates for this trip and plans to upsize her breasts prior to the trip.

  3. I am certainly not I only weigh 82k, but I should be around 75 for my size. I am still only a 34 inch waist. yes I am fat ,but not so much as you would say"Look at the fat bloke"..erm..maybee my freinds up here on this forum would say different :o

    I'd kill to be 82k. I'd pay to have a 34 inch waist. :D:D

    I've lost 5k in the last 2 weeks and just happy to be where I am at knowing that it is easy for me to go the opposite way. It'd probably take me 6-7 months of serious dieting and exercise to get to 82k for me.

    I don't think its all gloom for you, dude.

  4. I already have a tgf.

    I'm wondering....

    What does your girlfriend think of all this... ?? :o

    totster :D


    Obi wan,

    I am trusting in the force. As the tgf would not approve this action, the force is telling me to not tell the tgf about this.

    If there are any questions, I will use the jedi mind trick to avoid any anger issues.

    Really, I just see it as helping somebody out. I am still single, living alone. I have extra space for friends to come over and spend some time. That's how I see it.

    She won't stay forever, they only get 2 week stays from immigration.

    I have a feeling she will give up on the idea on her first visit.

  5. and make more money!

    Yes, the opportunity and reality for good looking women in those areas is lots more money, especially if the military ships come in.

    Women who travel for work must make more than the plane tickets, rent, taxis, and the mamasan take to make it worthwhile.

    If the girl can reduce or eliminate rent and mamasan takes, the work is less demanding.

    So she want's to operate as a prostitute from your home, is this correct?

    I'd say she wants to see if she can handle that type of work for the money and longterm financial requirements. I know she had said she didn't like or want to do bg work.

    My hope is she can find a decent man, somebody who would support her.

    She can't find anybody in her current daily routine which is work and taking care of the kids.

  6. That is a brutal story.

    So many morals to the story here.

    Is having too much money a dangerous thing? Some crazed western women have done the same for money.

    SHould the meeting have been arranged in a public place? Why go back to her families house in the village?

    Really, the kicker about their alibi - "He bothered us during our whiskey drinking and musket loading". Does this actually work as a good excuse??

    THis story has much to talk about.

    So have crazed western men :o

    This isn't a male-female issue but a greedy family out to get as much as they can.

    Ok, I forgot to include men. You are right.

    Anybody who strives to marry into money may be difficult to get rid of. Desperate people who want to attain/maintain an higher or extravagant lifestyle can be dangerous.

    Money can make anybody nuts.

    I just want enough to write a bounced check on my death bed.

  7. What kind of company does she own?

    What do you mean make trips to your residence out of Thailand?

    She manufacturers items and sells wholesale to Thai retailers.

    I live outside Thailand in a different country. Most girls who go outside Thailand go to Singapore, Japan, Dubai, Hong Kong, etc.. That way they limit the risk of being recognized in Thailand.

  8. Troll. I said it first; so, none of you can post it now.

    Seriously, I was just sent an sms from a very nice thai girl who owns her own company.

    I can post the sms message later after some cleansing; but, I am going for a walk and thought I'd see if there was any replies to my post on her inquiry.

    Basically, she is asking me if she can make trips to my residence out of Thailand so she can work in a bar to make enough money over a period of time to switch occupations.

    She has children, unmarried, and current income just barely meets expenses.

    Again, she is a nice girl. Educated. fun. A good person and a good mother.

    I already have a tgf. This girl is a friend to me.

    What would you do? Tell her no or yes? Refer her to "agencies (mamasans) who already do this?

    Not so seriously.... Is she going to be bringing other bgs home? Is she going to be coming home drunk? What will the security guards think?

    I can enjoy her part time company. I actually don't like living alone. I can live with understanding the demands placed on single mothers.

    bad, good, or the best possible situation?

  9. That is a brutal story.

    So many morals to the story here.

    Is having too much money a dangerous thing? Some crazed western women have done the same for money.

    SHould the meeting have been arranged in a public place? Why go back to her families house in the village?

    Really, the kicker about their alibi - "He bothered us during our whiskey drinking and musket loading". Does this actually work as a good excuse??

    THis story has much to talk about.

  10. DJs? Don't they make the price of beer higher?? I don't want to hear none of that.

    I do admit that after drinking a few cheap beers, I have turned into a DJ on numerous occasions. I think that is the point ALex was trying to make. People enjoy or will put up with other person's music if they get cheap (read free) beer. If there is no beer, they might leave once somebody starts playing "their" music.

    I checked the local Singapore prices of beer and they have not gone down. Something tells me this "lower beer pricing" may not be a worldwide phenomena.

  11. Hello all Im looking to buy a set of clones (unsure which ones yet).

    I will only be in Bangkok for 2 days in late July.

    Any locations in BKK and approx prices would be a great interest to me.

    Thanks in advance Mike

    Are these like pirate copies? :o

    Actually, clones are made from heads, shafts, and grips bought separately and are not pirate. Usually, put together by an pro golfer in his garage.

    Pirate equipment will blatantly try to copy trademark names and logos and construction. Clones only copy the construction.

  12. An travelling to Thailand in August..where wud u recommend the best spot for playing golf..with golf lessons in English and interesting things :o to do at nite..Cheers

    Its Pattaya #1

    Its Bangkok #2 if you get kicked out of Pattaya.

    You also should make sure you have your priorities straight!! THere are fewer hours in the night so you should sleep part of the day to make sure you do everything you need to do at night.

  13. I am OK 100%. I know have peace of mind. i dont know what i would have done otherwise. I will never do such things again.

    Hey kids, be careful out there. Its a dangerous world and this version of russian roulette is a torturous game to play.


    You have peace of mind, but did you think about your girlfriend? You cheeted on her and took a big risk. I think a guy like you don't deserve her if you now feel in peace with this.

    What a ray of sunshine you are mocean!! :D:D But, really, what of his girlfriend? Do you think she didn't cheat or maybe slip and have a kiss or 2? Jeez, the guy just got some good news and now you want to make him worry or feel guilty. I mean really, His girl maybe just caught a mild case of cold sores; but, you think she'll tell him why?? :o

  14. I hate queuing. But I don´t get annoyed. I get meditational. Like Qui Gon Jinn does in the phantm menace, when he is fighting Darth Maul, and that elctric force field thing closes, he kneels down and meditates.

    Same same, except for the kneeling and lightsaber.

    I am putting this down as a Thing To Do today. That and some of the pictures on Beautiful woman thread.

    I queue pretty good. I usually get lucky or at least try to plan out the line. Picking the slow line is inevitable. Its at that time I'd lilke to throw my light saber at the person attending the line. I can always meditate later.

  15. I think the call hole is basically the caddies discretion hole.

    Get a beer, listen to the caddie's instructions, and get through this aggravation that all golfers endure.

    You must consider that most likely the group ahead of you and behind you are members of the club. Don't rock the boat if you are a guest.

    Par 3's in Asia are just packed. They should do away with them and just have par 76 courses.

    Has anybody played those par 6 holes? Now, that's when you get group separation!!

    Last thing: Don't ever let the fact that people are standing behind the hole effect your swing. They took the risk standing where they are. Me, I stand a good distance back with a caddie with good eyes looking at the ball flight.

    I take your pont regarding 'caddie discretion' but unfortunately it only seems to work on us Farangs...they don't seem to be able to impart their discretion on the oh-so-important Thai golfers.

    Yes, I have played St. Andrews with the two par 6's. The first par 6 is just like something off a PlayStation game...ridiculous. The second one is just about 4km of straight downhill fairway that you are continually thrashing away with your 3 wood...no wonder they shortened it and made this one a par 5 for the big Pro tournament last year.

    One last comment (moan) is that we got stuck behind a 5-ball group at St. Andrews containing a Thai 'Superstar' (some wnaker from one of those infantile game shows probably) and coming down the last, which is a par 5, there were FIVE groups on that particular hole waiting for the superstar to finish his phone calls, stop messing around, stop laying on the green, pissing about etc.

    All this after the privilege of coughing up 3,300 baht to play a VERY overrated course.

    I really liked St Andrews; however, I went when it was less. crowded. It still backed up and I was playing a single behind 4 groups. So... I chose not to join any groups and my caddie found a dead spot so I could play uninterrupted and played the rest of the 18 before the sun went down. I will be part of the group overrating this course because I do think it has some absolutely ridiculous course undulations which cause alot of bad depth perception shots.

  16. I bought a rigid plastic carrying case with wheels and 3 locks. I had to then buy the small golf bag to fit this case - no prolem. It limits the weight.

    You do not need to travel with golf balls. You can buy enough used balls of great quality either on most courses or at "auntie stands" outside the course. Know how to tell damage to used balls throught those plastic bags. Have 5 ball types you want to buy like 1) Pro V1, 2) Precept Laddies, 3) NXts, 4) Calloway, 5) Noodles or whatever balls you like to play. Pricing will difference on used balls based on ball type and condition of the balls.

    If you are golfing several courses that week, pack 2 pairs of shoes, 3-4 golf gloves, 2-4 shorts, 2-6 shirts, plenty of socks.




  17. I think the call hole is basically the caddies discretion hole.

    Get a beer, listen to the caddie's instructions, and get through this aggravation that all golfers endure.

    You must consider that most likely the group ahead of you and behind you are members of the club. Don't rock the boat if you are a guest.

    Par 3's in Asia are just packed. They should do away with them and just have par 76 courses.

    Has anybody played those par 6 holes? Now, that's when you get group separation!!

    Last thing: Don't ever let the fact that people are standing behind the hole effect your swing. They took the risk standing where they are. Me, I stand a good distance back with a caddie with good eyes looking at the ball flight.

  18. Worst thing I ever did when drunk was in Patong, Phuket. I knew a Thai girl for 18 months, decided to marry her, bought a ring and took her to our favorite bar (she was not a bar girl) where I proposed. Had many tequila shooters thereafter. Wandered off in a drunken haze to the toilet which was some way from the bar. Came out and got lost. Ended up at another bar drinking tequila with a girl. Took her (or she took me) back to hotel where started to have fun. Meanwhile my girlfriend, worried when I not come back, start looking for me and eventually came back to hotel. She opened the door to find me going at it. Oh shit. Worse to come - found out the girl was my girlfriend’s cousin. What an engagement party!

    My girlfriend and I married 2 years later and have lived very happily for 5 years since in Isaan. She occasionally mentions that night with laughter but I cringe inside. Never touched tequila since then.

    I'll bet...Is that as bad as getting it with your roommates ex girlfriend??

    Ok, this story reminded me of some stories from my heritage. oh and Khall told me I had to post actual stories, not comments here.

    2 Close calls from the college days.

    I shared a apartment with 2 other summer hires for a oil company in California. The gig was, we rotated who got to sleep in the bedroom for each week. The other 2 slept in the living room area on the couch and the floor. The living area and the bedroom were connected by a 2 door bathroom shared by all. What can I say? We were cheap college students and the living pickings were slim in that beach community. One night, I was drunk. one roommate went to San Francisco and the other was working overtime offshore. I called the girlfriend of the guy who was working offshore and told her to come over. I went outside the locked gate and waited for her (2 beers in hand). As I was waiting, the roommate drove up. I tried to hide. He stopped and asked me incredulously what I was doing. I told him I was waiting for a friend and I thought he was a cop. He laughed and drove in. 3 minutes later, his gf showed up and I told her we had to be careful when entering. While he was in the bathroom, I hustled his woman into the bed - my bed. She and I went at it long time. The trick was to keep her quiet as she had a distinctive voice. In the morning I woke up and had to find a way to get her out without getting caught and before he saw her car in the parking lot. For a while we were trapped so we did it some more. I went out and verified the dude was watching TV. I then snuck her out.

    Story #2

    I was in a frat and had a pretty good looking gf for the engineering school I went to. She was in a sorority and she did not like the other girls in the other sorority. One night, we had a social with the other sorority. One of the girls she did not like came to my room to talk and get free cocktails from me. After 3 of those (I had several before and I was on my way) , we were naked in my bed and were being very friendly in the biblical sense. I heard knocking on my door. I stopped midpump and tried to be quiet. My gf was knocking on my door and calling for me. Thank God the door was locked. But, she kept knocking and calling for me. The door had a weak lock and she knew how to break in because she often broke in for together time. Sure enough she found her way in. I got off the other girl but did not have time to dress and get out the bed. My gf came to the bed and found me and the other girl lying there naked. I expected the worst but tried to explain we were only talking about her problems and then we were massaging each other. My gf bought it or must have had a date with some other guy because she left with minimal hassle. Me and the other girl looked at each other then "massaged" each other some more before joining the party upstairs. I got drunk that night.

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