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Head Snake

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Posts posted by Head Snake

  1. I had some dog soup about 1 month ago in China. I was surprised at how delicious it was. My friend said it was called "Dog DOn't Care SOup" because it is so good, the dogs would eat it too.

    Would I eat it again? Yes, delicious.

  2. ANNA,

    Please experiment with this suggestion.

    A friend and I wanted to go golfing in this one town; however, we knew we'd both be eaten alive by the mosquitoes. I remembered on a diet board (yes, a diet board) that a couple of women up in Canada had mentioned mosquitos didn't eat them alive anymore and they thought it was because they were cooking more with coconut oil.

    Soooo... while driving to the golf course we stopped and drank a coconut (one each ) before the golf.

    We were laughing and amazed how the mosquitoes were repelled from ourselves. We could see the mossies hovering around the co2 source in the coke and beer cans; but the mossies would get within 6 inches of us then split.

    Something in coconut oil repels mossies and other varmints.

    Good luck

  3. It was explained to me that gossip is prevalent mainly because of boredom. If someone is staying home, what else is there to do besides talk about others?

    Because you are an "outsider", you are an easy target.

    Let them have their fun.

  4. Count me in as a golfer, a hack, a player. I didn't know it made me higher on the social ladder. Damned all those beers and laughs and talking/ flirting and holding hands with the cute caddies. Even flirting with other golfer's caddies.

    Oh, and getting outside for 4-8 hours a day in a lush green environment. Did I say lush? Yes I am. I hate that.

    Caddie, take hold of my sceptre and clean my balls!!! I'm so Hi-So when I'm on the links. haha

    Anyway..... I've played Lam Luka, Pinehurst, and Green Valley (overpriced for the course) in Bangkok. What are other good courses in Bangkok? I heard Pinehurst was trying to weed out the older "larger" senior caddies for some yonger ones. Has that happened?

    The Bangkok courses seem a little flat to me. I've also played in Chiang Mai, Pattaya, and Phuket. Those areas have some good hilly terrain and more challenging courses.

    Anybody here play Club Cengkareng in Jakarta? Can any course in Thailand beat that "ambience"?

  5. My gf has a younger sister that married an older man and moved to the US. This allows me to see if my gf wants to do the same. I think my gf is a looker; but, her sister is a STUNNER. I saw pictures of her before; but, in person, WOW! When they both get made up and walk around, life is good.

    I know her sister has gone through all the rough spots over the last 2 years and she has perservered. I met her a couple of months ago and will meet up with her and her husband in the coming week.

    My gf has noticed that her sister is more aggressive and more outspoken. That's to be expected as that seems to be an american cultural aspect. Is it good or bad? well, lets just say her sister knows how to shut guys down. I laughed my butt off listening to her tell some guys she was going to kick their @ss for them asking her which bar she worked at :o

    I know her sister has had to learn that all guys do not the best intentions for her. She's had to adapt to but basically she is perservering and I can sense she's making the transition. I can also sense she maintains her thai/asian qualities as well. She reserves that for people she knows and cares about.

    I'd hate to see my gf's personality get rougher. SHe is such a sweety; but, if I want to stay with her long term and also move back to the states, I expect she will change to adapt too. I also don't want to hear her speak proper english. I like the broken english and thai speaking nuances.

    One last thing. Her sister can power a wicked golf swing. SHe can drive from the mens tee. My gf's golf swing is still feminine. I guess when my gf hit a 200 yarder, I'll know she's been westernized.

  6. The Los Angeles Times has an article which states:
    The magnitude 9.0 earthquake that struck off Indonesia on Sunday morning moved the entire island of Sumatra about 100 feet to the southwest, pushing up a gigantic mass of water that collapsed into a tsunami and devastated shorelines around the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea.

    Is it really possible that the entire island of Sumatra moved 100 feet? It seems almost too fantastic to be true.

    Any geologists out there?

    SOmething surely is wrong with that statement about moving the whole island of Sumatra 100'. Sumatra is a huge island. If it moved the whole island, you would have heard about severe damaget to Java, Singapore, Borneo and Malaysia.

    They must mean the the rift along the fault moved that amount.

    I really think you will hear some upcoming news from Indonesia about much higher death tolls. I don't think too much news is coming from West Sumatra where I bet most damage was.

  7. Because it usually signifies cold and building a snowman is not enough of a joy compared with living in a permanently warm and wellness-giving climate.

    Btw, are you male or female Anna? May sound a silly question but don't know many women-folk who pst avatar pictures of a woman's crotch...or is it yours? If so

    :o:D:D when are you in town next?

    Uuuhhhhhh...... I have looked at that avatar too. Maybe I see things different from you. That looks like an oversized crotch volvo. I mean... Is that a dong in the thong?

    Snow.. I don't miss it. I had 22 years of that.

  8. Soooo...

    Why don't these girls band together and have these wonderful gentlemen and their fantastic offers investigated by authorities??

    Isn't attempted fraud, attempted kidnapping, attempted trafficking a crime?

    Shouldn't Thai police pay some of these girls to go under cover and identify the network of traffickers and have the sh!t stopped!!

  9. 2 times in Singapore have my phones been lost for a grand total of 5 minutes and then they were never seen again. Alien abductions.

    I called my number many times immediately after discovering the loss and the phone rings but no one answers. I know the taxi number because I have the receipt. I call the lost and found and report it missing. Never fails, the taxi driver never finds it or can't hear the ringing over a late 70s Carpenters song playing on Singapore radio.

    I have not had a phone or anything lifted while in Thailand. Surprising.

  10. If time = money; then, yes, LTRs, marriages and gfs are more expensive.

    If you have to put up with any mental or emotional anguish, that's unnecessary taxing!!

    That's how I see it. Exchanging a few pieces of paper for some nice quality time is so much better than being "stuck" with any excess baggage.

    I liked that website www.nomarriage.com. So much truth in some of those rants.

  11. I have belonged to a few Atkins diet boards on the net.

    Atkins does seem to help persons pre diabetic. The blood test results are fairly amazing.

    People on those boards really know a lot about the subject and have plenty of real world results.

    I don't have that condition; so, I don't have anything to offer besides the recommendation to check out many sources.

  12. They are usually from family or loved ones. My gf brings me about 5 from her family when she visits me. I dig em, particularly with the excess strings.

    She says its for good luck wishes from whoever gives it to you.

    One time she didn't bring any over when she visited. That's when I knew I'd been a bad boy. :o

  13. I can agree. What'd are you to do except move on to another source if you want to talk about certain things. No biggy.

    I'm looking for a website that's a little more liberal. In the mean time I still use this site for information.

  14. Don't believe them. That is a alien UFO landing runway.

    If light travelled in a straight line, then why are rainbows curved?

    :o:D That's a better story.

    Great picture.

    Edited: In thinking about this some more. This is a good example of an answer to "Why is the sky blue". You can see the white clouds behind the runway; however, the refracted sunlight before the clouds is blue color.

  15. I've been trying to source a place that has either top notch embroidery for good to top quality polo shirts and hats for customer promotional giveaways.

    Also looking at golf ball logo but, I'm sure I can find that in golf mags.

    I'm looking at quantities of 50-100.

    Anybody have good experience with company in Thailand?

    Any other good ideas on promotional items for me to consider?

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