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Head Snake

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Posts posted by Head Snake

  1. I got my MRI done. Same type of price schedule as the OP; so that was a pleasant surprise.

    It turned out I started to feel better after 2 nights in the hotel bed. I think my bed at home has lost its support.

    I also went golfing that Sunday and felt no ill effect. I actually played better knowing my back has not degenerated since the last I saw a MRI 12 years ago.

    Most people get an MRI as a last step. I think it should be done first to avoid a bunch of mistreatments.

  2. 30 years seems too much a gap unless you are 100 years old.

    Even if you are 90, I think you are trying to rob the cradle.

    Marriage - NO. N.O. NO

    dating: sure if you are ok with it and can keep your wallet hidden. Make sure she knows you have very little money in the bank, no home, and a wife. Then see how the relationship goes from there.

    I also enjoy a Udon woman who is 14 years my junior. She is a very nice village girl. I still enjoy her as much as when I met her 3 years ago.

    Unlike some around here, I do get it and I know alot of you other people do too. I've met some good village girls or at least I feel good with those village girls. I've met some dodgy ones too; but that was fun too. I've still kept unmarried as part of the goal.

  3. Many years back on my first overseas trip to Nias which at the time and maybe still is a malria hot spot. I got advice by a well travelled mate to start taking garlic capsules months before and during my trip. I did and I still do. One of my travelling companions contracted malaria while we there and has never been the same since and another ended up with a massive ulcer on his right ankle from a coral nick that he'd got, he had to hobble out of there on hand made crutches, spent about a week in Penang, before flying back home.To this day my advice is the same as I got many years back and I know to this day that it has saved my arse from all sorts of nasties.

    What would Garlic Capsules do???

    Do you find that you "exude" a certain smell from sweating?

    The only thing I am aware of that garlic helps is in metabolism and vampires.

  4. Thanks to the OP and other posters for the input.

    It looks like my second back surgery is on the horizon.

    Ms. Sciatica has returned and she is a bitch.

    I've arranged my MRI at Bumrungrad for today and hopefully, I can see if I can go golfing tomorrow based on the results.

    The best thing is I feel comfortable with this hospital after reading this thread. That is very important as you really don't know if your first or second opinion is valid. With an MRI and a qualified surgeon and professional hospital staff, you know you are getting good opinion.

  5. A thai girlfiend told me you SHOULD NEVER give a thai girl perfume because thai girl believes that the relationship will be over.

    Why? THai logic: because perfume smells too good and just from a survey, 50% of thai women feel the relationship is doomed.

    I am talking to this girl right now and I still cannot figure out the logic. But basically it is a Partial Thai belief.

  6. I think that how well a movie is liked is better represented buy DVD sales than tciket sales. Buy a ticket to movie, regardless of how good it ends up, just means you got suckered and took the gamble. Most of the time when people buy the movie they know what they are getting.

    I watch more movies than I do TV. Love a good story. I buy mostly, but don't limit myself too, historyically influenced films, animation, sci-fi/fantasy, martial arts and Asian movies. I know that last is rather wide, but I love the way Asian films are shot and told, comedy or otheriwse.

    Is this another thread killer threadamajig? Eh, no. :o

    1) Get only good DVDs that you plan to show to guests. Make sure they have enough language and subtitle options for you guests. Comedy, CGI movies (Nemo, TOy Story), and special effects films are good for good DVDs.

    2) Buy the copies of pisspoor and questionable quality for films that have already debuted and will not show in your area for a while. The worse the quality, the more you are guaranteed to see the movie in a theater just to see what you missed. Go back home and compare again with the ever present frustration that the DVD only fricks up at the good parts.

    3) Buy a DVD in Singapore?? HAHA. See censorship first hand - and lose the plot all in one purchase. Learn lipreading for better frustration on more of what you are missing. There is the director cut, the movie release cut, the butchered pirate copy cut, and lastly the Singapore cut. All named the same but not the same story.

    So, you buy moives from each category here? Why? I am sorry, I guess I don't understand. :D

    I try not to buy in Singapore because of the censorship. If I can buy in Bangkok or Hong Kong, I do that. If you have the thai languge options, that helps if you have a thai girl.

  7. I think that how well a movie is liked is better represented buy DVD sales than tciket sales. Buy a ticket to movie, regardless of how good it ends up, just means you got suckered and took the gamble. Most of the time when people buy the movie they know what they are getting.

    I watch more movies than I do TV. Love a good story. I buy mostly, but don't limit myself too, historyically influenced films, animation, sci-fi/fantasy, martial arts and Asian movies. I know that last is rather wide, but I love the way Asian films are shot and told, comedy or otheriwse.

    Is this another thread killer threadamajig?

    1) Get only good DVDs that you plan to show to guests. Make sure they have enough language and subtitle options for you guests. Comedy, CGI movies (Nemo, TOy Story), and special effects films are good for good DVDs.

    2) Buy the copies of pisspoor and questionable quality for films that have already debuted and will not show in your area for a while. The worse the quality, the more you are guaranteed to see the movie in a theater just to see what you missed. Go back home and compare again with the ever present frustration that the DVD only fricks up at the good parts.

    3) Buy a DVD in Singapore?? HAHA. See censorship first hand - and lose the plot all in one purchase. Learn lipreading for better frustration on more of what you are missing. There is the director cut, the movie release cut, the butchered pirate copy cut, and lastly the Singapore cut. All named the same but not the same story.

  8. Its IS supply and demand. China, India predominantly adding most demand but plenty of other countries trying to live the BMW/Mercedes dream.

    Oil, for many decades, had been a commodity not even tracking the cost of living. Compare water, milk, and other consummables over the last 100 years and oil is just recently catching up.

    Also compare gold and other commodities like copper, steel, nickel. They are all increasing in price based off supply and demand. The same drivers: China, India and all the other developing countries.

    surprisingly too, salaries are increasing in countries that once had such oversupply of people, professionals from those countries were being paid a fraction of expat salaries. The gap is closing there too.

    Interesting times. All I know is every country seems to be prospering. Maybe one of the best economic period of the world's history..

  9. I want to find new bar girls, not old ones. Do I go the train station, the bus station, or the airport? Which airport?

    What is your favorite bargirl story?

    Lastly, DOn't anyones of yous callses me a troll.

    I wish the Simpsons had bargirls on their show.

    <waits for a true thread kill>

  10. I had double dischotomy, fusion and pedicle screws inserted. My surgery was back in 1993 in the US and it is a success for me and continues to be.

    If you have back pain, get an MRI. It shows you the truth.

    I tried Chropractors. I don't think too highly of them based on my experience. I know others who swear by them; but, not me.

    Good luck to all who have this condition. It is NO FUN.

  11. If you work for a company and tell your boss you'd prefer to save money by using the POS taxis vs. the limos, I think any smart manager who wants to limit liability would instruct you to change your position and only travel by established company cars.

    Independent taxis are a risk and if you travel lots, some day, the laws of averages will add up and you will pay a price either by traffic accident or "being taken for a special ride".

    I grew tired of the airport queue taxis very quickly. The cost you save is pittance in comparison to western taxi fares.

    Worst taxis: Beijing, China - they better clean that shyt up before the Olympics. There's nothing worse than getting verbally and financially punked in Chinese by a former farmer with fishhead breath. They actually have policemen now at the airport taxi stand to make sure the cabbie is on the up and up. Before then, it was a crap shoot. Normally, you'd have to not argue with the cabbie until he dropped you off at the hotel entrance. Then you make the bellman argue for you for a reasonable fare. They even would try to drop you off away from the hotel entrance to avoid this.

    Best taxi system: Singapore. No hassles whatsoever and decent standard prices.

    BKK taxis are somewhere in the middle

  12. I feel sad for the poor fellow who apparently took his life.

    The only thing we can do besides respond on a anonymous bb is to think of a few people and call them to say a nice thing or maybe give a beggar the benefit of the doubt.

    It couldn't hurt the karma.

  13. I think people view the act of being cynical as perhaps they are showing their intelligence to people. Why else would any stranger want to convey that message to another stranger?

    Or else.. boredom, tired, bad serotonom levels.

    I think we all need new challenges and fresh ideas to keep us positive. Those that don't, unwittingly lose their charm.

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