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Head Snake

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Posts posted by Head Snake

  1. Jessie,

    Good luck to you. I do want to let you know others are of the same mind to just pack up and leave.

    Now, let me tell you about a gent who is actually a little more intrepid. He claims that he visits thai love websites and states in his personal bio that he wants to live with a woman for free until he chooses to do something. Oh, and he wants the freedom to butterfly.

    I don't believe him when he says he gets positive responses. Could you check into it.

    I'll write a sample bio for you.

    19 year old, seen all, done all, paid my dues. Seeks woman to shelter, feed and support me. I need my space so please don't nag me. I'll get back to work and make money when I'm good and ready. Must keep my bedroom spotless as I plan to have guests over. For the culture of course. If you have the NHL gameday ticket on cable, that is a plus.

    ok, some attempt of humor is included :o:D

    Seriously, let me know if this works.

  2. THere is no way around the sweat if you are overweight. I am too (but I am working on it?)

    I basically learn to accept it and regard it as a human defense mechanism.

    Still, its embarassing/laughable about the sweat patterns the develop on the clothes. Even more so, the dried sweat leaves a salt ring on the clothes - not too fashionable.

    Change of shirt is helpful to carry around and cool towels on the back of the neck seem to help feel better.

  3. ahhhh Maggies, Those girls are not Chinese, they are Mongolian and they are "controlled" the MOngolian mafioso, or the Mafioso Mamasans from ######. Seriously. If you don't think so, watch them harass any local FLs (or also known as street masseuse - the term should actually be culled to just "street" as they know nothing of massage) all the way down the street. Seen it.

    There are about 6-8 Maggies bars, depending on what day it is.

    If you've been HI Lido, that appears to be run by the MOngolian contingent as well.

    Set Pricing - usually no room for bargaining. Usually all night if you are nice. A quick exit from them if you are not up to par.

    I tell ya what Scamp. Get to know somebody who knows the Karaoke bars. The women are much nicer, are chinese, no set Mongol rules.

    The problem is: THey will soak you for all its worth buying ladies drinks in the karaoke room.

    I would agree though. I like Thai women more.

    I like Indonesian women even more. More better more better.

  4. After knowing an Issan girl for 3 years, I can tell all that she is likely the best person I've ever met. Its been a blast learning about her and I hope she never changes. I can spend days and days just watching and listening to her. And talk about a sense of humor!!

    The people of Issan get hassled by the Bkk crowd- I guess they consider Isaan persons provincial. I find the Isaan people more down to earth and faster with the smile.

    From what I see, the people I've met from Isaan allow for the balance of their actions as a whole. Some good, some bad... but different, in the end, well intentioned for their family.

  5. Yeah, isn't it so sad no one gets your particular brand of "humor"? :D

    Not sad at all. I agree it was a goofy thing to post; but, the attempt was to do something or same something goofy to see how people respond. Just as the OP did with his gf. Do you see a response pattern? All of the sudden, Head Snake is the bad guy to some of the posters, just as the op was to his gf.

    Now I find the responses I received funny (and I agree to a certain extent warranted); but, I won't let anybody's response ruin my day. Nor do I hold any grudge against any of you.

    I hope you see that words or actions can cause a response from either close people or strangers. Its how you respond to their comments that gets you along in life. That's why I say to the op, don't let this woman's words or actions cause too much strife in your day. His initial actions were not in anyway to harm his gf and their relationship.

    Have a nice day... :o

  6. fyi Head snake, none of the women said for him to grovel, thats was some of the guys, the women who posted all said it was a blow up over nothing & better to knock that one the head.

    Learn who the posters are before making assumptions. SBK, Nickerelastic, SK1972= women. All others on this topic= men  :D

    Well, I didn't know most of the posters in the Ladies section was guys. My bad.

    It sounds like a lot of men around here have already been "trained". :o

    Ladies, if you can ride me for more than 8 seconds, I'll give you a big belt buckle.

    About learning who the ladies are before I make an assumption: Could you please put " I am pooying" in your sig?

  7. Good advice from bkk and the like. When I read the op, I thought: that's nothing. Then read some ladies posting "Boy, you blew it, grovel"

    forget that!!! Have a good laugh at it with her. If she can't find the humor, please politely show her the door and give her a nice parting gift.

    Its this kind of behavior, (the over reacting) which keeps a lot of us on the single side.

  8. I laught at those that think she is not pretty. Ok, maybe you are saying this for the title only; but still she is pretty.

    I can agree though that you can find many good looking girls in a lot of places. Many do not think they are pretty or have the funds to support them in a contest.

    My gf particapted in a Issan contest 1 month ago and won. I just got the pictures. She said there weren't many pretty girls there; but I disagree- plenty of decent lookers; but, my honey was #1. When she lays that smile on you, :D:o how coulld the judges see it differently?

  9. Rape trials are typically a he said, she said scenario unless there was a direct witness like when that idiot second guy apparently beat her in front of others before taking her somewhere for more beating/rape.

    The first guy might actually have a completely different view compared to what we are assuming. There may be no witness to his actions. And at 3:30 am, who is up anyway?

    Will the women be cooperative witnesses the whole trial?

    Will the defense depict the women as "asking for it"

    How will the courts allow either local thai or tourist sentiment sway the verdict?

  10. Every person in this story really took a lot of left hand turns in one single night.

    The 2 Thai men will go to jail for a damned long time.

    The 1 girl will have to deal with crimes committed against her. THe other, my Gawd, abandoning her younger sister in the wee hours. Try living with that.

    This story reminds me of a girl I dated 13 years ago. I was told the story after asking about all the circular burn marks all over her body. Almost the same fricken story: On vacation in Spain with older Sister. They go out drinking several nights with some nice charming local men who show them the areas and nightlife. One night, they all go to a bar in a desolate area. One of the men asks the drunken girl to go out and watch the stars. Caution was thrown to the wind. SHe returned 2 hours later in shock with blood stained clothes - the clothes cut up with a knife. She was too ashamed to tell her sister until 2 days after that event. I was shocked her sister could not put the dots together. Besides raping her, the "nice charming" local cleaned out her insides with a tool he found in his truck and sadistically put dozens of cigarette burns over her body. She told me alot more graphic details that made me want to vomit.

    There are sick dudes out there looking for an opportunity.

    Although we must hear their side of the story, I see the dots and I'm pretty sure I can connect those dots. Cane them every month during their prison term

    I need a beer.

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