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Posts posted by jaideedave

  1. 36 minutes ago, Kenny202 said:

    I wouldn't be so certain about root causes. I am quietly hopeful our lass will calm down with the anti depressants but have been down this road before unsuccessfully. Many of these people grow up amidst violence and abuse and it all becomes normal and very ingrained into them. And the village culture of raising your voice to appear hard / don't mess with me. Not to mention the probable emotional scars they have from childhood / abandonment / abuse. Someone mentioned before how they are hardwired to respect any government / teacher / authority types here, even prostrating before cement statues, giving money to free loaders they don't even know in the hope of some magical redemption or boon credits.....yet continually "bite the hand that feeds them" and possibly the only person that ever truly cared for them. Even their families often use and abuse them, make problems in their life when they have an opportunity to improve themselves. And the loyalty they have to these people is unwavering. Must be Stockholm syndrome or something. I heard someone refer to it as "crabs in a bucket" syndrome. One crab gets near the top and just about out and the others pull it back in. I been here 10 years and still don't have a handle on any of it

    Kenny,I must admit that you've hit on some very valid points here.We've been together off/on for about 20 years so I've got some feelings invested.She takes any statement from a Dr as gospel.The "bite the hand that feeds them"strikes a cord.I've done nothing but contribute to her and her families welfare yet I'm always the bad guy if anything goes sideways.Maybe I'm fighting a battle I can't win.I could go on but I don't want to air the dirty laundry in this forum.Thank you sir. Good luck to you also in your struggles.    

  2. 8 minutes ago, LennyW said:

    I am convinced Wat knows exactly where she is, he needs another night of intense interrogation!


    Yes maybe use an old tactic from BKK BIB..hold him by the ankles over an open window on the 10th floor and ask him where she is.Maybe his memory will improve. Perps have been know to commit suicide in some cases. Its been in the BKK Post before.

    • Haha 2
  3. 21 hours ago, Doctor Tom said:

    I do wish you all the best.  The good thing about being older is that life should be easy, relaxing the stress free.  You need that, as we all do, so I wish you all the best in sorting it out.  If you ever feel that you need someone to off load to privately,  just PM me, we can at least chat via PMs. 

    Dr T..thanks mate I may do just that if okay.Shes been away for 4 weeks and returns today and  It'll be interesting to see things go now that I have better knowledge about the root cause.BTW I'm doing some research on Fish oil Omega 3 supplements with emphasis on DHA/EPA. You have any comment on that? Its been tested and proven to help BPD patients.

  4. 2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Au Der Auf German buffet in CM is pretty good for 220bht.

    OMG..that looks good.There's nothing like that in Pattaya that I'm aware of.Years ago there was one near where the Avenue is now or in that area.The German guy who ran it was a fugitive involved the theft from some wildlife fund or? Cell phones had just came out and I noticed he always had 3 in front of him..a little trivia

  5. 21 hours ago, Doctor Tom said:

    I've been there mate, back your bags and leave, or pack her bags and off load her.   If your wife follows you, or agrees with you, all well and good, if she doesnt, well you know where her loyalties lie.  My advice, don't destroy your life in trying to sort out someone else , who you really can't help.  In my case, I threw the said person out of my house, paid her off and out of my life and I was all the better for it. 

    Thanks T..I'll be 73 my next b/d so that makes it difficult for me to move away.Beside its my house not hers.By following this blog I've learnt a lot.I used to think she hated me when an outburst would occur.I now realize that her sporadic anger/rage is coming from inside and she can't control it.She knows something isn't right.After a few hours the anger subsides as quickly as it happens.I now know that it's a mental issue.With that knowledge I now have a more pragmatic attitude and will try to encourage her to find help.I see it thru different eyes now that I know whats causing the anger.

    I do notice that she's taken up walking each morning with her sister.I bought her a pedometer and she does about 5-6k steps in the am.

    Thats a start.Wish me luck.

    She's bull headed and will never admit she has a problem though.(saving face)


    • Thumbs Up 1
  6. 31 minutes ago, The Fugitive said:

    Thanks for the warning! The guys did 'phone my Mrs warning her that repair could cost 40,000 baht and did she want to proceed? 

    I was in an area of BKK years ago and there were several shops that had 4 cylinder engines on pallets obviously for sale.Many choices.You'll need a knowledgeable/trustworthy Thai mechanic to help help select the correct one that will bolt in without many mods.They may even bench run it for you along with a compression check.(beer involved)

    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Docno said:

    Who knows how much of his story is true. Guy confesses after a lengthy interrogation. We know that in countries where police are disciplined and where interrogations are filmed, a lot of people confess to crimes they did not commit (25% of post-conviction DNA exonerations can be traced back to this). But let's say (and hope) the police have other solid evidence, and this guy is the perpetrator. Then he has every incentive to (in his mind) mitigate his actions by saying the youth was a drug dealer who ripped him off etc etc. I wouldn't assume any of that is necessarily true until there is other corroboration.  

    Yes,if he beat the kid with a stick there should be DNA all over the place. That should be bulletproof  evidence. Am I wrong here?

  8. 15 hours ago, Doctor Tom said:

    Just stay away from her.  People like her rarely accept help, unless it's from a medical professional and trying to placate individuals with an anger/rage problem is almost always counter productive. She needs professional help by the sounds of it, so stay clear until that works; or doesn't. 

    Dr Tom, Thats not really possible when she's the wife and you live under the same roof? Please tell me how to stay clear when we live in the same house.

    I've tried being nice to the extreme but it does not work in the least.

  9. 16 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

    Alcohol for an angry person will work great to make them more angry.

    My Thai wife is a good example.Give her 4 big bottles of Leo and watch out! The pent up anger comes out like you wouldn't believe.Sober, nice as pie.I believe there are inner issues that are impossible to discuss as I've tried.At 1st I put it off to menopause but thats come and gone I think...    

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Crossy said:


    Mitsubishi are (at least theoretically) a more "premium" appliance.


    But looking on Lazada for "Mitsubishi fan parts" reveals 102 pages of bits that look remarkably similar (ok identical) to the Hatari equivalent.


    You pay your money ...


    Most of this stuff comes out of a few Chinese factories anyway (even the Japanese brands, at least at the lower cost end) and then gets "badge-engineered" and a price hike.


    We are happy to continue with the Hatari ones, when the mouldings get too faded for Madam the fans get shunted off to family (who somehow manage to wreck them) and I end up buying a new one. At least I won't have to fix it for a while.

    I believe you're on point there Crossy.The inner parts of these fans are mass produced in sweat shops in PRC.I can't believe Hatari or any other brand makes there own capacitors etc.

    BTW I've tossed out many fans over the years because they wouldn't start or ran slow. Now I realize they only needed a replacement capacitor for 20 baht.

    Same as a/c units. One of the a/c stopped working.The repairman showed me the old capacitor and charged me 1200 baht for the call.I kept the old one and went to a  dealer and bought the same one for 250 baht as a spare and used it on another unit 6 months later.Lesson learned.

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  11. On 5/6/2023 at 5:54 PM, EVENKEEL said:

    So what's the problem when the fan stops spinning. A little push helps but after awhile even that doesn't work. Bet I've gotten rid of at least 3 fans because of that. 

    Easy answer.I think it only needs a new capacitor.Dirt cheap on LAZADA.I changed my first one last year. I was a litle apprehensive but it was not too difficult at all.You only need a couple tools you probably already have around.Go to You Tube and look up capacitor replacement for fans and Bobs your uncle.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, bbi1 said:

    Actually, she told me it's something near 500,000 baht and 5 baht in gold, which I think it's too much. She thinks it's better that we don't marry so I don't need to spend so much.

    Those numbers are only demanded because you're a farang.Even if she was an 18 yo virgin it would be too much.No disrespect but there is no great demand for her demographic.

    There are no guarantees that the marriage will last. Money and wifey gone forever.

    IMHO its a mugs game.Give the folks 10k and just cohabitate.Done deal.

    The old saying applies here.>Don't buy the whole cow if you only want a glass of milk.

    PS:I've been married 3 times already.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 6 minutes ago, sammieuk1 said:

    Think handing it over to the police was the dumb part of this story ???? 

    555..try this scenario...the senior cop will get the bag.He asks ,does anyone know who owns this bag? Answer..no.Ok then I'll take care of this.Its laughable to think for 1 minute the cops will be activly seeking out the owner.

    Years ago on Samui a acquaintance had just returned from Dubai with 20k usd cash.Proceeds from a 2 month stint offshore.Locked it in his room and "surprise" it was broken into and money gone.He had a big mouth and frequently mentioned in the bar that he made good money.He went to the cops who asked him for money to look for his money.crickets  

  14. 3 hours ago, howerde said:

    The issue is your cover will be severely limited not just not diabetes, but anything related/associated with diabetes, one issue is a lowered immune system that alone will just about invalidate any claim, nerve damage/foot issues, blood vessel damage so increased stroke/heart attack, nerve damage affects eyes amongst other/gum disease, kidney issues, i would stay with the insurer you are with, i was told no Thai insurer would cover you at all with diabetes,  not sure about foreign insurers but with so many exclusions a payout might not happen,  you will need everything in writing,  i had to go the self insurance route

    I was with the UK version of Bupa Blue cross from work.I then moved to Thailand and had heart bypass surgery.The Thai version placed a ton of exclusions on my policy.I tell everyone I'm covered from my chin up and my navel down.They will have a field day with the diabetes issue.Also they would only allow me to have the lowest coverage policy.I'm glad I kept it because lucky me I got bowel cancer and they covered that.Oh well. Now I don't buy green bananas.

    • Like 2
  15. On 5/3/2023 at 9:24 AM, pattaya1234was said:

    Really? In the top hotels Receptionists are not permitted to sit down-they stand for all of their 10hr shift When you have 150 rooms occupied by Thais checking out at the last minute , noon, and another 150 waiting to check in at 2pm it is not much fun-I can assure you. I mention Thais because they use the limits whereas foreigners tend to drift away during the morning giving the cleaners time to clean.. Clean 150 rooms in 2 hours? You need an army of cleaners for that! And, by the way, they all speak and write excellent English.

    Very good observation.Thais staying right up until the last minute to get their money's worth. Beyond logic.They probably stay that long to charge their phones thinking of free electricity and air con. 

    Staff? Owners pretend to pay workers pretend to work.

  16. 1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

    Please explain what you mean by a 5 stage filter.

    Give this a go.Hold your left hand up fingers extended palm facing you.

    Your thumb is # 1,next finger #2 until you get to the last finger #5. Water enters your thumb...

    The thumb is the 1st stage ...got it?

    Sorry I couldn't help myself..no harm intended.

    I love your advice Sheryl please don't hate me..

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