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Posts posted by jaideedave

  1. 16 hours ago, Naamblar2014 said:

    A lot of posts here blaming the victim.  The Thais are the ones conducting affairs that are In no way Ethical. There should be a recourse through the Police from these bar tramp scammers, but the police do nothing and this often results in frustration and anger.  It's actually lucky it was a foreigner (only a few items knocked over) because if it was a Thai scammed the result would likely end in gun violence and bloodshed which we have all become accustomed to.  Time the police step up and start investigating this fraud. Otherwise this will continue with ever increasing and dire consequences

    I concur...if Somchai got scammed like that the female would be in deep fear for her life for a long time.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Kenchamp said:

    A few plastic bags over his head should get him admitting to it

    Thai police interrogation unit standing by.The suspect will be questioned at police HQ located on the 7th floor.A few years ago the Bkk Post reported that a murder suspect under investigation actually committed suicide by leaping out the open window when the police left him unattended.Apparently the cameras malfunctioned during this period.

    Will the take him to HQ via helicopter? 

  3. 36 minutes ago, toast1 said:

    I'm trying to not string it out, but as they can't practice euthanasia, its just a matter of avoiding pain through medication.


    I've always been a believer in Euthanasia, but all I can do here is a Do Not Resuscitate form and a request to not receive medical treatment. 


    I've had my wife sign the DNR forms also.I'm almost 73 and have a medical history.Alls well for now.

    'Heavens waiting room"





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  4. 40 minutes ago, Pouatchee said:

    but he is putting the final nails in the coffin...

    he wants 500 000 immigrants a year. most of them (most ...not all) end up on welfare. the newly arrived usually arrive and settle in big cities. currently, there is a housing crisis in montreal... 35 000 - 40 000 for a 3 1/2 apartment. the people on welfare have assisted living and they get special accommodation that even 5th generation canadians cant even get close to. most of the homeless, let's face it, ARE 5th generation canadians. i don't get it, but i am glad i left

    I left in 2004 and little did I know what Canuckistan would turn into in a decade.I would not fit in.Diversity is not our strength.

    Look at the TPS Most wanted web site.

    And this off YT.

    The bleeding hearts can have whats left of once a great place to live but no more.

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  5. 2 hours ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

    He talks too much for his own good. Surely acquired new enemies since the election. The more he talks, the less chance he'll make it to PM. I like MFP but stop talking before you've even formed an actual government. Time will judge what you do - not what you say - assuming they even make it to government.

    He is not doing himself any favors.He should use a lot more discretion at this point.I actually don't think he's going succeed going by all the potential enemies he's making.

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  6. 21 hours ago, Sigma6 said:

    It should also be noted that each year 1000s of thai girls seek to get a massage job in the middle east, knowing full well what is expected of them.


    The prospect of free room and board, with a relatively high salary (and the potential 'tips') is tempting to the girls, and also to their families....


    These entrapment stories with dodgy pimps adding debts, and taking their passports are pretty rare.

    Before I retired from the O&G Industry I spent a fair amount of time in Dubai between assignments.The expat pubs were crawling with China and African ladies.Being a Muslim country I was a little surprised it was overlooked.There was no shortage of p4p venues thats for sure. I'm not convinced these Thai girls go there not knowing whats really going on.They only hope it works out for them.  

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  7. 31 minutes ago, ChrisY1 said:

    Apart from the usual RTP corruption that seems never ending here in Thailand, the ridiculous situation whereby the cops investigate themselves….bearing in mind that those at the top are the primary beneficiaries to their own corruption schemes, is simply a huge cover up scheme to get media to forget this news. Forgetting news here, happens all the time…no-one ever gets to hear the outcomes of so called “investigations”, as the media, with their incredibly short memories, just wash these types of stories away.

    Exactly true.This will fade away in days , never to be heard of again.The internal investigation is a joke and everyone knows it.

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  8. 1 hour ago, hotchilli said:

    Exactly, 3 million Chinese here on long stay hoping to make a new life... 

    we know how they like to live [as in above post]

    I also read that they have problems with the yellow cousins invading parts of Manila/Philippines.They marry locals to get long term visa and set up shops and cause all sorts of problems.

    They enter at young ages and claim retirement visas.

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  9. 1 hour ago, sirineou said:

    I hear your frustration, we have some rice fields we  inherited from my wife's father, and we lease then to her uncles because it is not worth  the effort. They give us a little money to cover expenses and some rice .

     If you don't want to do that,I have been told that if you don't want to pay higher taxes in your land because it is uncultivated, to plant Bananas. 

    Not sure how true it is because I have not tried it myself, but don't you wonder why all these empty lots around town have banana trees in them? 

    As a matter of fact not far from my house was a large empty field.Last year they planted dozens of banana trees.It was because its taxed at a lower rate.Its true. It makes sense because once in the ground they don't need tending.

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  10. 49 minutes ago, JimTripper said:

    Why don’t Foreigner-Thai couples ever build modest homes to fit into the rest of the community?


    Maybe they want to stand out as special in some way, or better then others???


    Or pride, trying to buy respect??

    From what I see it's usually older well off farang who has the cash and he's in love with a much younger woman.It usually doesn't click in until its too late.

    Ask me how I know...

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  11. On 9/13/2022 at 9:25 AM, Gottfrid said:

    Why? In reality he is breaking the Thai labour law.

    Asking people to fund his pleasure of travelling around the world, when there are people not having food for the day. That´s just plain egoistic and lazy. Better for him to get deported, and go home make enough money to travel.

    The last time I was at the Canadian Embassy in BKK using the lift to leave a 30 ish looking guy got in at the same time. After a brief "hi there" he proceeded to ask me if I could spare and money to give him.It was a long few minutes for both of us on the ride down. I was taken aback as I'd never had this happen to me before inside an Embassy. I felt really bad for not donating to his cause (for about 5 seconds)

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