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Posts posted by jaideedave

  1. 18 hours ago, Enoon said:

    If Thai society, among others, could get it into its skull that life does not have to be maintained at all costs, despite the pain and misery that can result, there would be no problem of irresponsibility.........there would be a "pathway".


    And anyway.....who is ever "irresponsible"  in Thailand?


    You may think him so.......the Thais?



    I have a DNR (do not resuscitate) sheet in Thai and English I'm giving to my Thai Dr next visit.I'm going to ask her to put in in my file.At 72 I'm good with that.I've got my wife and her sister to witness and sign it.I'm doing this for 2 reasons,quality of life. I don't want to survive and be a veg or crippled etc.The other reason is I don't want to end up in an ICU being kept alive by machines. I have a ton of exclusions on my insurance policy and am basically only covered from my chin up and navel down.

    No way I want my family's inheritance squandered  while I'm plugged in and when they tell the Dr the money finit they pull the plug.

    Anyone out there disagree?

  2. 2 hours ago, NoshowJones said:

    The family member is my wife's sister, she has not predicted what the price will be, I was wanting to go to the gold shop about next week but she said it is better to wait until the schools starts as the price should fall.

    I am a complete novice at this. Are any posters buying gold blocks now?

    I intend to purchase some gold bars and have been advised that when schools resume is when a lot of families sell gold for childrens/school expenses and historically pulls the price down.

    I'm in no rush and willing to wait a month or so and then re-evaluate.If indeed it does happen I will buy.

    On my 1st visit to LOS it was circa 4300 baht/baht.

    At one time I was sporting a 3 baht chain around my neck.I can't imagine surviving a night on the town with that these days.

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  3. On 4/29/2023 at 11:58 AM, Lemsta69 said:

    Use Google Lens to translate the writing. You don't even need to take a photo, there's a way to do a 'live' translation whilst hovering your phone over the label.

    <deleted>...I've used google translate for ever and only just learned that from you. Thanks so much...one never stops learning..smh

    • Thumbs Up 1
  4. Many years ago in my 40,s I was diagnosed with SE you speak of with similar symptoms.I'd wake up abruptly completely out of air. Very frightening indeed. I underwent the sleep lab tests etc.

    They ended up removing my "uvula" surgically.

    It never really worked until decades later I quit drinking and lost a lot of weight.I never used a machine and always sleep on my side.Now my shoulders hurt at 72.lol

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  5. 1 hour ago, maxcorrigan said:

    Back in my Pattaya bar hopping days when a USN ship visited, the US Navy police would go through all the bars strictly at 9pm and make sure all their navy boys were back on board, don't know if it's any different now with this visit!

    Yes its called "Cinderella leave" The USN and other navies invoke that sometimes if the ship is leaving port the next morning to prevent any drunken late arrivals.It works to everyones benefit.

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, bonobo said:

    Back when I pulled into port, the command gave out condoms.  Young men are going to do what young men do, especially after being at sea for a long time and with money burning in their pockets. The theory was that you might as well try to keep everyone healthy.

    Yes there was always a box of condoms near the gangway.There was usually a bulletin produced the day before entering a port of areas/districts to avoid.We used this is a reference for the taxis to take us.Thats where all the fun was.The island of Curacao had a place out of town called Camp Allegro where as an 18 yo I had fun until I ran out of money. Ah the good old days.

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  7. On 3/22/2023 at 12:38 PM, ikke1959 said:

    I am a citizen of Thailand now , but I don't have the nationality.... and I pay taxes here and I am still threated as a foreigner, with double pricing

    I very much hate dual pricing.I see the signs on the wall at Queen Sirikit hospital. I try not to let it bother me because the service is very affordable for me. My Dr even suggested that I buy my meds at Fascino because she knew I was paying 1.5  times the locals pay.

    BTW...there is a difference between being a resident and a citizen of a country.If you have a Thai passport that makes you a citizen,if not then you are a resident.IMHO  please correct me on that?

  8. 13 hours ago, Muzzique said:

    Leave them to it. It's part of growing up and taking responsibility.


    If you bail them out they will make even more mess as they now know someone else will clear it up.


    You´re not living there so why do you worry? Let them live in the squalor and filth.


    They're over 18 and adults, not your job to bail them out anymore.


    I few bouts of food poisoning, some bed bug bites, and discovering the dark crunch bits in their yoghurt is actually mouse poop will swing them around.


    If you really want to hire help then I recommend sending a Henry round and leaving the rest to them.


    Henry Hoover

    I must agree with your suggestion.Let the lazy buggers wallow in their own s---! Not to blow my own horn but my step daughter keeps our house spotless.I don't have to coerce her ever.Thats how she was guided when she first came into my life.There is no instruction manual on parenting.Its on you as their guardian to provide them with whats right/wrong.

    • Like 2
  9. 22 hours ago, n8sail said:

    They are building an Icon Siam mall next to Ocean Marina in Na Jomtien.  The new highway exits literally right there.  The pilings are being driven as I type.


    As I live right there, I'm half excited, half terrified.  Walking to the mall will be nice.   The marina will get a lot more busy though.

    When they finally finish all the flyovers on Sukhumvit in that area traffic will be far better.


    Just be happy you guys don't live in Rayong.  The house I lived in there for 7 years had construction on literally every single road in every direction from it for more than 5 years.  It was absolute hell.  They are STILL working on one of the intersections, literally 4 years now.  It is an absolute embarrassment. 

    My 1st step onto these shores was in 1991 and not long afterwords they were working on beach road.

    They are still working on it. Is this a description of a "money pit"? wtf

  10. 58 minutes ago, bluebluewater said:

    I've known a whole lot of them who cannot find their own village on a map . . . 

    BW..same here.Years ago I returned to my home town(Canada) for a visit which is 12 kilometers from Niagara Falls. I took many photos and got postcards etc to show my stepdaughter (teens) one of the wonders of the world.I sat her down in front of my computer for her to enjoy something she'll most likely never see. Less than two minutes into the presentation her phone rang...she answered and that was the end of that.

    I now realize that all the pics I took when myself and some mates were riding our HDs around Thailand,Laos,Cambodia and Malaysia are actually only for my own use.I seldom take photos any more. Lesson learned.

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  11. On 4/1/2023 at 12:53 AM, moogradod said:

    Must have been a lot of fun (depending on your salary). Really, this is again some of the illogical procedures that you find in Asia. Hopefully you had a premium iron and did not even burn your income for nothing.


    But I have no idea why they come up with this kind of thing.

    Years ago I worked in Iran for a company based in Dubai.When I finished my hitch the company rep would come to the hotel with a box of envelopes each with our pay in USD.The first time it was a shocker,as I'd never had 11 to 13 k cash in my fist before that.Nowadays it's small potatoes but at the time I was living large.lol  

    • Haha 1
  12. 13 hours ago, KiChakayan said:

    Means colectomy an operation that can be done laparoscopically in Thailand. Most likely to survive well into his eighties.

    I had colon cancer surgery at Queen Sirikit hospital near U Tapao a few years ago.It was done the old fashioned way I guess.Recovery was the worst 2 years of my life.The surgeon wouldn't reverse the colostomy until I took chemo.I refused and instead had a PET scan.It was clear and had a Dr do the surgery at Ramathibodi in BKK. Horrible experience.There won't be a next time.

  13. 4 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    The feels like, is actually the ‘Heat Index’ its a genuine figure and is calculated based on the actual temperature combined with he humidity. 


    We can be in the middle of the dry desert at 50 Deg C and its does not feel as hot as Bangkok at 36 Deg C with 90% humidity. 

    Its the same with cool weather, we can be on the side of a mountain at -10 Deg C yet 5 Deg C in the UK feels colder. 


    In the Heat Index is more relevant to how ‘we feel’ in the weather and thus more relevant to ‘human safety’ especially in when encountering extreme weather. 





      RS>correct "We can be in the middle of the dry desert at 50 Deg C and its does not feel as hot as Bangkok at 36 Deg C with 90% humidity."  

    That was my experience in Iran where I was working 50c hardly any humidity..not pleasant but bearable.

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