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Everything posted by jaideedave

  1. I have a regular Dr I see at Queen Sirikit Navy Hospital,Sattahip. Posted on the wall in the main waiting room is a notice stating various levels of fees. Foreign workers- free assuming Myanmar,Cambodians Foreigners resident-fee x 1.5 Foreigners non resident tourists- fee x 2 I have another appointment next month and will take a pic to confirm.
  2. I worked for a bit at Wafa Field O&G facility in Libya. The food was the worst ever.I couldn't identify most of the stuff on the steam table. Only thing I could eat was the spaghetti because ENI Italian co. was there. As HSE I had to do hygiene reports on the galley etc. I told the guys if you could see and smell what I did you wouldn't eat there. No options of course.
  3. Way back in 1992 I met one at Bodega Bar cnr of Soi PO across from the "Tina Turner" show bar. Hook,line and sinker...I got it all.555 Years later,same bar, I met an Aussie undercover detective. Said he'd like to chat but was on duty. Almost fell off my bar stool.lol What are these guys putting in their corn flakes? It must be my magnetism.
  4. Anything/anyone can be bought in LOS if you have enough money. This convicted criminal even paid to manipulate his daughter to run which is probably the most corrupt country on the planet. But that's why we live here I suppose, easy living if you can stand the smell.
  5. Yingluck, 57, was sentenced to five years in prison in absentia by Thailand's Supreme Court back in August 2017. The conviction was tied to charges of negligence that allowed corruption in her government's rice-pledging scheme, resulting in state losses of approximately 500 billion baht (around 13.6 billion USD). Add more zeros.....
  6. I'm thinking that the wheels are already in motion for an easy return. She can use the props Tony had, wheelchair,neck collar,arm sling and throw in an eye patch for effect.The sympathy plane is on the runway as we speak.
  7. Because they're all in on the same gig...have been for years.It's easy $ for agents and Imm .
  8. Mine does.Kbank debit card with Visa logo. My name is printed on the front but not boldly embossed. Issued a couple years ago. I opened the account in 1991, South Pattaya branch....
  9. bill, same here,I sold my last Harley at 68.It was a bagger and I figured if I ever dropped it I could never pick it up. Also very expensive to replace or rebuild the engine if it blew up.I rode HD,s around LOS,Laos,Cambodia and KL for 7 years accident free. I consider myself very lucky to have survived that. Another item on my bucket list to tick off.
  10. log, there are some door slammers (ruskies) in my building also, not as bad as your situation. I see the odd one in the lift.What a sullen miserable bunch of A holes. A good morning greeting gets a weird look at best so I try my best to ignore them. Thats why I only sign up for 6 month lease terms. Any crap like you describe and I'm gone.I can't even stand their whiny jibberish.
  11. jes, I live in the same moo ban for 17 years. Very quiet until 2 years ago.A Chinese investor bought and knocked down the house next door and built a 5 br Air bnb listed on Booking.com.Every week a new gang shows up and the pool parties start when the bars close. F all we can do about it.It's a proxy ownership via the bitch who manages the moo ban. I had double glazing with plastic laminate also installed. All it does is dull the noise slightly.70 k down the drain. I have an air horn I bought from Lazada that I regularly blast off at 7am for their benefit.Revenge is bitter sweet!
  12. It's locked up in the safe but I recall it being on the same page as the rest. Its quite a large document and there are several previous entries and our names are in line as the next (last) entry.
  13. I purshased a house in 2007 in Pattaya.I had the Chanote put in my step-daughters name.I then had a 30 year lease drawn up (30 yrs) and registered with the Land Office.My name is on the Chanote (along with hers) as the registered lessee.All done through a law firm.
  14. 100% correct.I got mine mailed to me in 7 days last time.1,2,3,4.
  15. Sam, last time I renewed my pp I did it online with the Cdn Embassy in BKK..I e-mailed the form ,payment etc. They mailed my new pp via EMS within a week. Very quick and easy.
  16. TH... I tend to agree with you. Also the fact that their Somchai bf wouldn't hesitate to smack them upside the head upon refusal. Sometimes I'll watch the local news on TV with wifey and domestic beatings and worse are a regular scenario.
  17. It was 10 years ago and she was in the game. We lost contact
  18. One of my ex lady friends got it done. She found a good Dr and I must say they were perfect. The felt natural and the right size. Bonus for me was her asking me to massage them for a few weeks after the surgery. A duty I was more than willing to fulfill and always ended in other activities...
  19. "can receive a pension of around 50%, sometimes reduced where there is an age difference of more than 10 years " This is my situation exactly.My wife will receive 37.5% of my CPP,Canada pension as she is below 65. there are other assets as well. My biggest faer is her giving it away to her eldest sister who is a working poor gov't employee. Blood is thicker than water in LOS but I've had a dam'n good run here so who cares!
  20. Lass,I'm with you on the bullion option. I last bought @ about 26k/baht so have done okay lately.I get some flack from the Bitcoin tribe and I actually owned one at one time. At 74 I never really had a grasp on the block chain and wallets etc. I'll leave that to others. I've never lost $ on gold or dividend stocks but I'm a conservative investor.
  21. Similar to the berthing facilities the Chinese built in Sihanukville for their ships.
  22. As an ex submariner I think it's a waste of money and resources like the aircraft carrier they own. The max depth of the gulf is 85 meters. The boat is 77 meters. That is about 1 boat length + or - . I suppose it would be easy to find in an emergency if the prop was sticking out . Who are they defending against? Myanmar, Cambodia. Laos is landlocked. China? As someone mentioned maybe there are some behind closed doors deals being worked on for everyones mutual benefit. TIT FYI the Persian Gulf is only 90 meters deep and the Yanks have nuke boats there.
  23. Yingy is in luck.Tony probably still has the neck collar, arm sling and wheelchair she can borrow. They are probably changing the sheets at the Police Hospital private VIP hospital room for her arrival. Maybe they'll repair all the faulty cameras on the 4th floor. OMG this was so predictable. Anyone have a craving for bananas these days? (republic)
  24. 555, no I didn't think I was "special" at all. I only spent $12 k for the watch in 2009 which was 1/3 of my monthly salary at the time. I also owned a Corvette in 1972, but I walked for 3 years to save up the down payment. Not special by any stretch.
  25. Back when I was working I bought a Rolex Submariner because it was on my bucket list. I wore it for 1 year and sold it. It simply created way too much attention here in LOS and abroad while travelling. Difficult to insure and I didn't have a safe to store while away working.
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