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Everything posted by jaideedave

  1. 555 hardly news.Been going on for years. Indians are well rooted in Canada ..parliament..on and on ,there was a <deleted> Premier of BC <deleted> WAY BACK...
  2. I use Queen Sirikit hospital in Sattahip. They have a 3 tier system from what I can tell. 1st>migrant workers,2nd>foreign resident and 3rd is International tourist.Service charge 120 baht, 180 and 240 baht.
  3. Maybe he's an English teacher @30k/month. He probably won't have much of a savings/investment portfolio at that rate.
  4. If I were to give this fellow some advice>don't try to avoid paying.Prove to them you have legal employment and tell them you can create a payment plan. If they think you're going to do a runner then they'll keep your passport.I don't know how your going to get the operation though.No hospital will admit you without either a deposit or proof of insurance. If your employment is legit you should have gov.t insurance. Why did you even go to a private hospital ?...jesus.
  5. Correct 100%. Most land offices are crooked like a dogs hind leg. Special mention for Samui.Those permits have to be signed off by the same people that are supposed to be enforcing the reguations.What a laff.
  6. I'm considering sending half my monthly 80k to the wife's account to reduce my income to under the taxable threshold. I also have the option to change from a retired visa to married. We're not done yet. There's also the ATM route. I ain't paying no extra taxes here. I already pay the unmentionable "skin tax" plus 1.5 x times the local fees at Queen Sirikit hospital.
  7. My wife and I were told we needed an agent to get our marriage registered in BKK.The agent met us at the office,said Hi and then we joined the queue. He did sweet fa for us except waste our money.Another rip- off to add to the list.
  8. The plot thickens...Just checked my Kbank debit card and there's my name. It's printed on and not bold embossed if that makes any difference. Issued last year or so.
  9. Correct sir. There's just something about their demeanor that makes them stand out in a crowd.I see the odd one in the lift sometimes and smiles or nods are very rare indeed, maybe 1 in 100 and tend to be younger. It almost gets me to thinking that this f___er would rob me if given half the chance. I only got scammed once at Lazada/Shopee over several years, I'll let you guess Vlads nationality.
  10. Dave, you've got a ton of good points here. It was available 30 years ago but poor quality. The only pepes this will make happy are the corrupt BIB with their spot fines.I actually have some empathy for the folks trying to make a living in the shops. They were encouraged at one point and now the politicos are f___ing them.
  11. nik...so much confusion, but the BIB love it ..it was a money maker before to bust folks on the spot for a joint. I know a fellow in Samui who had to dole out 40k to the cops back in the day ov a few j,s Stupid idea....
  12. Mike, If using wise, which option do you use? :Purpose for transfer? livingexpenses, long term visa or? One person used "bill payment" ?
  13. I'm a retired Canuck and one of my pensions is called the (Canada Pension Plan) which all employees pay into. She's under 60 yo so she will get 37.5 % + a flat $220 of my CPP pension benefit as my sruviving spouse. It'll be around 11-15 k monthly depending on taxes and ex rate.
  14. "T" I also have a DNR paper given to my Thai Dr and signed by my wife. I've already survived a quad bypass 14 yrs ago and bowel "C" in 2018. Who knows what the future can bring.I'm 73 so I'm in the happy hour of life anyways. I'm no so sure I want my life in pallative care prolonged as long as possible though. Sent to you from (heavens waiting room) 555
  15. Arrived full time in "04" for the hedonistic lifestyle. I got that and more. I married the lady who took care of me for 2 full years while I recovered from "C" It's a payback. The marriage to me will allow her to receive a gov't survivors pension for life when I'm gone. Not a whole lot but she won't be forced to work and besides she has her own house in the village. One regret was not making the effort to learn the language. I was working overseas a lot so that's my excuse. Smartest thing I did was buy a house in "07" so I'll always have a roof over my head.
  16. Ya, he's 71 and retired and has probably lived in the same Villa for 30 years.A miracle was performed when they found this mastermind. TIT absolutely nothing will come of this because its mostly Hiso,s who got the land. They'll boot off and arrest a couple old mushroom pickers for the press release.
  17. I transfer via Wise from my CIBC acct twice a month.($1500) Just before month end and the 1st. I select the INTERAC option.I always receive the money to Kbank 20 minutes later.Only one time last month did it take overnight. The fee also has risen lately but still under $20 as opposed to the CIBC $60+ rip off previously. I get a good ex rate and am very happy with them so far.
  18. https://www.pattayamail.com/modernmedicine/ready-to-die-yet-254707 It's also called a "Living Will"
  19. "the government hospital charging 250,000 for the last 24 hours before you died' I'm trying to avoid that happening.I gave my Dr the signed DNR forms to place in my file. I'm a 73 yo C survivor with a 14 yo quad bypass. I'd just hate to see my wife's inheritance stolen by some greedy hospital and my last day/s.
  20. I've discovered that also. If I have a big breakfast I'll have on of those with a boiled egg for an early dinner. They also have lab crab and salmon varieties but I stick with the chicken caesar
  21. kk, you are 100% correct.The people/citizens did not vote this mass immigration thats going on. Merkel started it all I believe. The Canada I grew up in is long gone...I'm glad I left 2 decades ago because I wouldn't fit in very well there. There's no going back from all this. Once they're in the system they'll never leave. The politicians are to blame thru virtue signalling.
  22. When I worked O&G in Iran I usually had a couple days in DBX at each end of the hitch.Tons of p4p in some areas.I wouldn't want to live there though>Sharia Law< Spent some time at the Irish Pub compound...lovely place. You could buy gold wafers etc from a vending machine on one of the upper floors of the Burj Mia Khalifa. Great place to blow out the pipes after 6 weeks offshore. Mind you I was living in Pattaya at the time ,so...
  23. JG,Eh? 555, anyway thanks so much, I like your interpretation of this word salad they love to produce (gov't) Like everyone else I'm just hoping it mostly affects the 'other guy"
  24. Thanks very much for taking the time to reply. I'm beginning to feel a little better about this whole debacle. Cheers
  25. Interesting. I always struggle with legal jargon, whats your take? Two of my pensions are gov't and one is private (work related) I'd appreciate your opinion...
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