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Everything posted by jaideedave

  1. IMHO If the cop took out his gun to enforce the law (traffic violation) then the whole story changes.He wasn't expecting any resistance to a drawn gun.I'm not defending the Kiwis but that fact should be made public.
  2. Good luck to them if they want to resell.We paid 2.4 m for our 2 br bungalo in 2007.It's been confirmed a few times now that I'll be lucky to recoup that if we sell even after I've done major upgrades. Unlike in the west where property values keep climbing unabated. At any rate it'll be left for my wife and her sister as I'm about to turn 74.
  3. They are experienced travellers.Me and a mate took our HD,s into Cambodia,Laos and Malaysia with little effort. We used an agent to expedite the paperwork for Malaysia but I don't think it was necessary. I'm a senior and don't think I'd find it very comfortable this close to the equator trying to sleep at night.
  4. Yes after 20 yrs in LOS I know or have met dozens of farangs that have bought houses/land under these circumstances. There must be a ton of villas in Phuket under these schemes of company proxy ownwership One chap told me his house is "covered" at it's in his solicitors name.lol
  5. 6:30 He states that the 30 yr lease is automatically renewable? I'm not so sure thats been proven yet. Another bugbear is it being willable? I'd need proof or examples of this 1st. They may be fine with the current lessor but things change over time a different lessor may not sgree with the original agreement. These folks are not destitute so even if they only got use of it for 30 years it would have cost them $277 usd/month if considered rent up front. 100,000 ÷ 360= 277.777
  6. I worked there for over a year back in the day.Offshore and on, not very impressive.A large amount of unhappy looking people. IMHO
  7. On my 1st visit to Pattaya in 1990 I met an ex SAS soldier in a bar on Soi PO..I'm ex military myself and I'm afraid he wasn't very convincing. I also had the pleasure of meeting an Aussie policeman in a bar the same area much later. He was working undercover at the time and couldn't tell me much about the case.All he was missing was the trench coat.Yes there are many of these fellows active in Thailand.
  8. I'd be pissed off also.He probably had dropped off a very thick brown envelope to make this all go away but the locals got a bone and they're not letting it go easily. If it were me I'd hide the Audi somewhere and fly the f--- away for for a few months. Life isn't worth much in the country. He's screwed.
  9. I think you are correct.This might be a very good time for them to take a vacay to Singapore and sip a few slings until the smoke clears. I hope his Audi isn't allergic to keys.
  10. My concern is with the side affects after the injections and the much higher mortality rates in certain age groups since 2021.
  11. About 6 years ago while on vacation I started having symptoms that indicated I should get a colonoscopy. I got one and it revealed stage 2 colon cancer. Subsequently a surgeon removed a section of my bowel and a stoma bag was fitted. After a year I requested to have the bag removed and the procedure reversed.The Dr said for me to get chemo therapy first. I refused because 3 weeks after the operation I suffered severe renal issues.This took almost a year to resolve. I ended up getting a PET Scan which was clear and got a different Dr and hospital to reverse this. Of course I had to get another colonoscopy pre op.I recommend everyone over 50 to at least get one just for peace of mind.All good since 2018.
  12. How about the deep port facility the Chinoise are building in Sihanoukville. And why are the Yanks all of a sudden interested in raising the sunken RTN ship that sank? Road and belt is bait...
  13. Ditto here, How naive can I be thinking he was the one above all the rabid corruption that surrounds us.When he appeared several weeks ago pictured outside one of his several houses in his boxers, should have raised some alarm bells. Maybe Tony can fix this once he sheds the arm sling, neck brace and wheelchair props. We're living in fantasy land.
  14. 555>Everything went according to the script. Played out by the best actors money can buy.The prop dept decided at the last minute to throw in a neck brace and arm sling to help alleviate the hypertension. His BP picture shows a sick and sorry excuse for a human. Yingy is on the runway at Heathrow as we speak. The charade isn't over yet.She will be welcomed at the airport in a wheelchair and a bouquet of roses claiming to have only 6 months to live.. on and on we go..
  15. At one time I worked in Libya for an O&G co. During Ramadan very little got done as they were fasting all day and didn't have the energy to do anything. Then in the evening they would pile their food dishes high and deep and gorge themselves. An eye opener for this guy. Many of them in the HSE/Safety dept. had Masters degrees from UK on the govt dime (courtesy of the "colonel") Most were lazy and incompetent IMHO.
  16. V--I did my own visa renewal for several years. Then one year of nit picking BS I snapped (inside) and decided to go the agent route. The IO like it because it's easy money and they don't have to even see or talk to any of us. I am 100% convinced that the whole shebang is in on it. They can't come out and say it but after 2 decades here It's obvious to me now. A ship's captain I met told me his married visa was up for renewal and he had to leave the country.A senior IO told him to put 18k on the table and he'd have his new visa shortly. As much as a like living here the whole place is on the take. How is convict Tony being allowed out of prison he never stayed one night in.The coppers even supplied a chopper for him.What a joke.
  17. I don't think it's enough to worry about.When I worked in the ME one employer paid everyone in USD cash.I often flew in BKK airport with over 10k in cash. Nobody asked and I didn't tell. Mind you that was over 15 yrs ago. I know that you're supposed to declare that amount but , oh well. If asked I could have shown a pay advice. One time waiting to board a plane at Heathrow to Tripoli a security fellow asked me how much cash I was carrying? I don't know why.
  18. I worked offshore for a few years before I retired. I worked days and my oppo Rusky worked niight shift.HSE Safety. I usually woke him up sleeping at the desk in the am. Talked a good BS story but lazy as f..
  19. A few years ago a friend was looking to buy a chainsaw to clear some land in Cambodia for his wife,s family. He had some difficulty and needed some sort of permit? Apparently due to all the illegal logging.
  20. Wouldn't they come with a safety relief valve and "pop" to release excess pressure when overheated? I wouldn't want to be very close to it when it did.I recall a safety investigation film years ago of a welding cylinder falling over and busted off the valves and it torpedoed through a wall.
  21. You have the most informed opinion concerning units facing each other affecting the sensors.IMHO as an old Marine Engineer.
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