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Everything posted by jaideedave

  1. Yes, whenever a venue was suggested in my past the very 1st consideration was "does it have a bar" or can I bring my own ?
  2. Prior to my NR5 ruling CRA withheld the standard 25% tax on Canadian income (pensions) as a non resident.Yes nothing to do with LOS but I'm concerned TRD will be taxing my monthly remittance in spite of the fact CRA does not. Waiting game.
  3. There is also a Schedule 217 involved here. " Form NR5, Application by a Non‑Resident of Canada for a Reduction in the Amount of Non‑Resident Tax Required to be Withheld" This is what I did.
  4. Yes to all 4 of my statements. I'm beginning to believe that you're correct in that the Thai tax folks would only be interested in how much I bring into LOS...
  5. My Thai assets are less but nonetheless up there. I've had my wife and Dr (Thai) sign and acknowledge my DNR Papers/forms. I'm 73 and survived C and quad bypass surgeries. My ETNA insurance covers me from my chin up and my knees down because of the exclusions. I don't want my remaining assets blown away as a result of a week or 2 of ICU fees. It's been a hell of a ride...
  6. AYG,I'm a Canuck non resident receiving pensions from Canada. There is a gov't form (NR5) you can file to have your income taxed as if you were resident.(based on worldwide income) I've filed for a few years now and have the official letter stating I pay "0" tax which I don't. I'm wondering how Somchai at TRC will react when I present my letter? I suppose wait and see because there are no precedents.
  7. Over many years of buying stuff from Lazada I only got ripped off once. From a Russian vendor selling Samsung phones a bit cheaper than everyone else.6K gone and I blame myself for not doing due diligence. The red flags were there, no proper advert site, only contact to a personal number for bank details etc. Him insisting on a direct ATM deposit.I'm still kicking myself on that one.It won't happen again. A complaint to Lazada resulted in a "zero" response.They're probably still laughing about my issue...555 one born every minute they say,
  8. "My Union defended our DBPS to the death. I'm very grateful, as are hundreds of my colleagues" Your situation sounds the sme as mine. At 25 I needed a job and it turned out to be a union shop. A lot of our disputes involved our DBPS, in not allowing the companies access to these funds. I'm grateful to the union leaders for preventing this.Like most I had no choice but to contribute via union dues. I quit after 30 years at 55yo.I have been collecting that pension for 19 years so far. I've met many non union workers over the years that come retirement age are given a watch or nothing at all but making the business owners wealthy. Love them or hate them,I've done well by them.
  9. Sorry but I can't talk about this case or else I'd half to k--- you 555
  10. Appears to these old eyes that half the forum are otherewise engaged on their cell phones
  11. In my case both came to the party.Quadruple bypass @59. Colon "C" @ 67. Survived each , kind of, but a lifetime of (functional alcoholism) will do that to a bloke. I've tapped on the brakes @ 73 but no real regrets as I've nothing to compare it to. Enjoy life's little pleasures. What money I never spent on myself I spent on those who took care of me when I needed it most. Msg from "heavens waiting room"
  12. I see in his future, an arm sling,neck brace,eye patch and let's throw in a wheelchair for good measure, oh and a face mask... Or some sealed lunch boxes for the judge in case they feel peckish.
  13. I had the same issue...I changed the capacitor but it still didn't work. Took it to Somchais repar shop and he fixed it for 200 baht.I no longer repair fans.
  14. FYI >Sat,June1st> Wise users: I set up my monthly transfer @ 16:19 from my Canadian bank to Wise. Money deposited to Kbank @16:52. (30 mins) All back to normal in my case.20$ fee up from 14$. My Cda bank used to rip me off for over 60$...before I found Wise. I'm quite happy with this. My transfer the other day took 12 hours for some reason. PS: This time I checked "money for everyday expenses" as opposed to "money for long term stay", don't know if that made any difference.
  15. Jo,I tend to agree with you on this point.Flooding the LOS with tourists from any old country could radically change the landscape for retirees like myself. During Covid in Pattaya you could actually drive to places without traffic being plugged up. However it put a lot of small businesses down. I'm living in "Heavens waiting room" and it will get real busy but will take time.
  16. Yesterday I experienced exactly the same issue as yourself. Normally its been a matter of minutes to receive my money. I'm going to have a look at Remitly. Wise has also almost doubled my transfer fee. Maybe its a glitch hopefully.
  17. Back several years a few of us went over for a look around. We booked a 2 week trip and cancelled after 1 week for all the reasons you mention above. I know 1 week isn't very long but we got ripped off at EVERY turn. The only place we could cash travellers cheques was a black market Chinese shop at a 10% fee.Alongapo/Subic area.The Yanks were just leaving and Mt Pinatubo blew its wad the year before. The conductor on the Victory Liner bus charged us extra because we put a bag on an empty seat. That was only the beginning. Cab driver agreed on a fare and when we arrived he said, oh no, I meant each for 3 of you. Never ever again.
  18. The whole charade must be a real embarrassment to any intelligent Thai person.When I saw him on TV with an arm sling and neck brace in a wheelchair I laughed out loud. All he was missing was an eye patch, I suppose the prop manager is unemployed now. Yingy is on the runway at Heathrow waiting for the nod. A good example of the word (FARCE)
  19. Will my simple theory work? Income 80k baht/mon.Transfer 40k to my wife and 40k to myself from abroad. Pay any taxes due on 480k annual income.
  20. I've always been a bit of a gold bug in LOS. It's instantly convertable to cash and it has appreciated in value since I arrived full time in 2004. I've also had a good dividend stock (CPNRF) previously thru Bualuang Securities.I've rarely left any larger amounts in savings accounts. Thats just me, there are a myriad of other ways to invest.I've been lucky I suppose.
  21. In my younger days I considered the nomadic lifestyle in a full sized RV. With costs of fuel,RV sites and crime nowadays a 1 br condo in LOS with all the amenities seems a much better option.
  22. And the old chestnut"how much does it cost to live in LOS? and a brief tour of my condo...my favourite massage place and the cheapest place to eat...ffs
  23. "I even have a grave bought and paid for in the foreign cemetery" I've been there on my 1st trip to LOS...In 1991 if I recall near the river and a bridge nearby.A lot of history there. Some UK based teak vendors ....I read a book with some of the history of that cemetary. There were some prominent foreign teak merchants there. In the era of Rama V ... You'll be in good company. cheers
  24. I'm registered with Queen Sirikit Naval Hospital Sattahip.In the main waiting room there's a posted sign saying "foreigners will be charged a fee 1.5 in extra fees" (not the exact wording) I've had surgery there and because of a shortage of private rooms I had to stay in a large ward to recover.A horrible experience.Finally a private room became available much to my relief.
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