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Everything posted by jaideedave

  1. Have a gander at the Toronto Police service most wanted list to get an idea of who they're importing: https://www.tps.ca/organizational-chart/specialized-operations-command/detective-operations/investigative-services/homicide/most-wanted/
  2. The UK Gov't is in full compliance sure.The same is true for most developed countries, USA,Canada,most of Europe. Richard Vobes show says that the boats and motors are being shipped in separate lorries straight back to France for reuse. All at taxpayers expense. If they wanted the boats stopped it would have been done at the very start.Canada is importing over 1,300,000 gimmigrants annually. Mostly from India,ME and Africa.All political parties in Canada are full on board with this. Counting my lucky stars I left 2 decades ago so as not to witness this travesty.
  3. I used to use the mini remote post office shops (red signage) around Pattaya a few years ago...they had fax machines.No guarantee these days. The Canadian gov't still prominently displays fax numbers for correspondence to this day. Isn't a land line required to use these relics. I never had a land line installed when we moved into our house in 2007...somehow we managed.
  4. We've live in the same house and moo ban for 17yrs.A couple years ago they knocked down the old house next to ours.A Chinese couple built a 5 br pool villa for short term rental listed on Booking.com. 12k/night 3 day minimum.About once a week a mini van will unload 4-6 guys and the afternoon and the ladies are brought back usually after midnight and the pool parties start. I spent 60k upgrading my windows with laminates etc to no avail. Complaints to city hall get a shrug. They're using the female moo ban manager as the proxy.There's fa we can do about it. I've rented a 1 br condo in a quiet part of Jomtien that has a strong juristic office that don't allow Air B&B.Sleeping great now. Wifey don't like it either and we will now try to sell the place.
  5. uk...back in the day everyone was doing the 51% deals.In the end a lot/most go sour for 1 reason or another.
  6. 555 The whole lot would be in the kip!
  7. Greed, and knowing that if the sh_te hit the fan they would benefit.
  8. Correct,P...the so called officials are rubbing their hands together in the hopes of getting their greasy mitts on some of this dough. There's a lesson here for all those folks we've known over the years that said the company route was the best and easiest...mmm Ever since Swiss Davey boy f,d up all eyes are on the pie.There's potentially billions in untapped resources if they dig a little deeper.
  9. Correct,kb...plus don't forget it was a money earner for the BIB previously.They could easily get on the spot fine revenue...
  10. Correct on all counts.What a disgrace to the real quality of Hom Mali Thai rice coveted the world round. Rat piss and god knows what else..ffs
  11. BJ take your fancy she says
  12. In 1972 I bought a 1970 Corvette Convertible (350/350). I was 22 yo and didn't have rich parents.I walked for 3 years to save up a large (then) down payment. Sold it after only 2 years when I left the Navy to attend trade college.I scared myself a couple times with the performance considering the HP/weight ratio. I got more for it than I paid.It was a real chick magnet for sure.I only have 1 pic of the thing.
  13. Canada has a carbon tax of 170$/ton.It negatively affects the economy GDP and cost of living for the population.Apparently it won't help meet the Paris agreement. Meanwhile China and India keep on pumping out emmisions like crazy. Its a cash grab.
  14. Similar to my Cdn pension. My Thai wife will receive 37.5% of one of my pensions.Aged 45+....but taxable income. There are provisions to have the tax liability waved but you must apply.At todays ex-rate about 11-15k/month. Not much but house etc paid up.
  15. I've had the same TM30 slip stapled to the back of my passport for a many years now. I've left and re-entered LOS a dozen times.I've never bothered with immigration and there have never been any consequences. To be ignored IMHO.
  16. They obviously share contacts because I received cold calls for years afterwards.
  17. In years past while working O&G sector I was in contact with a somewhat shady " UK conultant" based in Bkk. He wanted a 2% fee to manage my investments. I found out later the co. he was representing was bogus and the BIB were tracking them down all the way to Singapore. I dodged that bullet. One of the products was a high interest bond from Australia that got exposed as well.
  18. Is it worthwhile for a UK pensioner to relocate to the Pp to establaish the higher rate then spend 6/6 months in each country ? I suppose everyones situation is different ,married,single etc. I've been to the Pp years ago with friends an none of us cared much for what we saw. The Yanks were just leaving Subic and Mt Pinatubo had blown its top the year before.We got ripped off at every turn and cut short our visit and returned to the LOS. That was 30 years ago so maybe it's changed.
  19. I have a gut feeling my plan just may work.Like someone posted earlier, only 4 million out of 71 mil even pay any taxes here. Maybe my wife will have to join this elite group with the 40k/mon I remit to her. Time will tell. I also feel this may become an administrative nightmare for the RD considering all the different nationalities,languages and DTA,s involved.
  20. Back of a napkin: A marriage visa requires 40k/mon or 480k/year. TEDA@ 500k. Wifey gets the other 40k.How does this look? BTW I'm not from UK but a former colony.
  21. @Startmeup I like your way of thinking.My pensions total 80k monthly.I use Wise to bring it here.I'm thinking I'll send 40k to my account and 40k to my wife's account.I'll gladly pay what little tax that will attract.I also have the option of using an ATM to withdraw 40k and good luck to them catching me.There are over 100,000 ATM's in LOS.Does an alarm go off somewhere when a foreign debit card withdraws cash? Another scenario:Billy Bob gives his gf family 200k for "sin sot" , do they run down to the RD to declare this windfall...? 555
  22. influential figures LOL Who? Tony T....HAVIN A LAF
  23. Standard garb will be issued just before the plane lands, wheelchair,neck brace,arm sling and a few other props. Quick trip to the police hospital VIP ward for some unforseen jet lag...rinse and repeat. What a place we call home...
  24. I'm afraid Mr Trink (aka Night Owl) has left us and he no longer "gives a hoot"
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