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Posts posted by jaideedave

  1. 2 hours ago, HaoleBoy said:

    Any info on buying seeds online?  Is it legal to put your condo as the "ship to address"?  Or would it be better to ship to a Thai persons address?
    I have a green thumb and would love to have a couple of plants growing in my house and outdoors.


    I talked to one shop in CM, High Queen, and they recommended SeedsMan.com ... can others recommend other note worthy seed shops to order from?  


    A Thai friend gave me a CR seed shop, but they only have feminized seeds and no AutoFlowering seeds ...  Are there other Thailand seed shops?

    I've been using "Fast Buds" for autos for a while now. Excellent service and you'll receive your seeds in about 10 days. Check them for specials. They have many 2 for 1 sales.

    • Like 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, connda said:

    Hows that explain that we get our electricity from coal fired plants in Lampang.  They have sunk costs in equipment, operations, and local strip-mined coal.

    What is really happening is that the corporate elites have found another way to invoke predatory wealth transfers by imposing austerity on commoners and absorbing the new excess revenue and profits.

    They impose a carbon tax in Canada as we speak.Have been doing so for a couple years now.It affects the cost of living big time. That is a very expensive place to live.

    • Like 2
  3. On 7/3/2022 at 8:26 PM, Bday Prang said:

    Now there's a thing, years ago when i was younger back in the 70's  we always used to pass  spliffs round, sometimes it got a bit ridiculous with maybe 5 people and six spliffs going around,  then one day  it just kind of stopped, don't remember when, but all of a sudden we just smoked our own, and anybody who did pass a spliff round was considered a bit weird. Not a bad thing really as some people had really sloppy mouths and there was nothing worse than a saliva soaked spliff

    Back in the 70,s & 80,s we had BC Bud...only one joint required ...at one time you could swap 1 oz of BC Bud for 1 oz of coke straight trade...with our USA friends.

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    • Confused 1
  4. 7 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    Are go-go girls and bar girls still beautiful?


       Yes , they sure are . 

    First saw Lek working in a bar in 1998 , saw her recently still working in a bar an shes still as beautiful as the day I first met her 

    Lek? I know her. and her sister Noi. They come from somewhere up north.Their brother is staying with them for a while.She used to tell me that I was a handsome man. 

    • Like 1
  5. Hi BMT,

    I've decided to give your style of growing a try.. I've seen where some folks have rinsed any residual salts away and charged it with some Cal-Mag > 300 PPM to help.

    Do you agree with this. I realize some coir sources have more salt contamination than others.

    I'm using the same Lazada vendor as you. Have you had any salt issues with is supply?

    I'll be using your info as a guide. I'll have to get used to feeding every day though.

    Will be starting an autoflower soon. Will keep you up to date.



    • Like 1
  6. BMT: Thanks so much for the reply. I now realize that top feeding won't work.I can make a tea from the organic nutes on hand.I'm quite familiar with PH pen use. Next Q ..about what PPM should I shoot for? under 2000 PPM?

    Yes there is a lot of controversy around coco use but I'm at my wits end as to why my plants never finish well.I always suspected root issues but don't know how to remedy.I'm now using 3 gal fabric pots, should I go to 5 g in my small tent? I'm giving your method a go and see what happens, its cheap enough to try... PS:I'll probably go with Wesco nutes to start for simplicity sake...

    • Like 2
  7. BritManTooSmall 2.5x2.5x5 tent indoors  Mars Hydro 1000  watt led. (autos)

    I've been struggling for about 1.5 yrs to get thru a grow without any issues.

    I tried many of the 420 soil mixes locally and always have issues near the end.(autos) I suspected root issues.I'm keen to try your coco mix idea.I'm familiar with the Wesco brand as I've used for veggies before. BTW..I have a small fortune in organic nutes (Gaia Green) etc. Would there be any issues using those for top dressing for example? I need to do a little more research in using organic in coco medium. TNX ..you're a great source of info... 

    • Haha 1
  8. 23 minutes ago, thwo said:

    thank you, but I guess it's useless to try those seeds outdoor ? they are only for indoor ?

    have you tried any seed outdoor or which ones would you recommend please ?

    I know that outdoor is not the best but I can't buy equipment now, so I just want to try some until I am able to grow indoor.

    thank you





    Good luck with growing outside here.Tried it a couple times. The heat,bugs and humidity all work against you. If you grew up here and have knowledge in growing outdoors then you'll have a better chance. It only took the 'leaf miners" a couple days to infest my plants...Moved to inside tent etc but now must run air con most of the day to keep the temp below 31c. No easy fix..

    • Like 2
  9. 15 hours ago, mushroomdave said:

    Thanks and yes, I have looked into it all (actually all memorized lol!)  That is why I was kind of looking for "ways around" the way it is now with the changes.  Especially with Bill C-21 passing a few yrs. ago and with The Canadian Border Services Agency and Revenue Canada computers connected now.   They never had been connected before and people got away with living abroad for yrs. straight/on end and used an address in Canada to bs Canada Revenue.....but not any more!  Worst thing is if you are caught doing that now, all (government) pensions stop right away, you need to fly back and meet with Revenue Canada and figure out how much you owe them back + interest + fines!!  So if anyone is doing that now, they better have a bit of savings tucked away to cover their asses as they do check.  Thanks again!



    Yes I did that for years. I was living here in Tland and filing my income tax online using a friends address. As soon as I found out about the CRA/CBS connection I filed for non-resident status.I dodged that bullet. All above board now actually glad I did. Anyone moving here must get some medical insurance. My CPP/OAS are deposited dirctly into my local bank account before the end of each month.

  10. I'm a Cdn expat in Pattaya since 2004. To leave Cda permenantly you must sever all/most ties with Canada and declare yourself a non-resident. Look up this form:NR73- DETERMINATION OF RESIDENCY STATUS

    If you meet the requirements then you become a non-resident of Canada. (If you wish to remain outside Canada) Your Cdn income is subjected to a 25% withtholding tax. Not done yet...then you can look up form  Form NR5, application by a non-resident of Canada for a reduction in the amount of non-resident tax required to be withheld. My OAS/CPP and union pension are now tax free with 34k income. There's a lot of stuff to cover so do your homework. I've done all this with no outside help and it pays off.Your medical will expire in 6 months so get a policy in Thailand or you won't be covered. Contact me if you like..Dave



  11. 2 hours ago, Freddy42OZ said:


    Thailand has a salary range for Expats of 24,500 THB (US$734) to 433,000 THB (US$12984) in a month. Its average monthly salary is 96,900 THB (US$2,904). 

    96,900 THB is the average for Expats.   Which seems low to me. 

    That's less than 100$/day. I don't know any expats that would work for that except a teacher.. When I worked in O&G the entry level was about 200$ /day. Chevron paid me 750$/day back in the day. I think most of those jobs dried up now. I know several expats here in TL who worked out of Thailand mostly in the middle east..myself included.The good old days.

    • Like 2
  12. I've been locked out of my Lazada acct. for a week. Unable to contact anyone..The phone hotline gives a recorded message and hangs up. Chat is also useless. Does anyone have an email contact? The one that worked before has been cancelled.

    This is my pet peave with them. Shopee responds right away and fixes issues pronto.


  13. 18 hours ago, Whale said:

    I thought it was flights when I read the title, but its the actual seats!


    Perfect for anyone with a minor back problem, thrombosis, poor circulation or a slipped vertebrae :+) not.

    35,000 baht for the privilige of sitting on a seat that thousands of people before you have been farting on for years...where can I get one? 555

    • Like 1
  14. On 1/27/2009 at 4:05 PM, benjamat said:

    There are a nuber of products available over the counter at chemists in the uk.

    I suspect that they are not actually liquid nitrogen but do the same thing, freeze the area and kill.

    I had to apply 2/3 times but did the job.

    Dont remember name but can google I am sure.

    Scholls has a product for wart removal available at some pharmacies. Works great...only a couple days for it to work.

  15. On 3/18/2022 at 10:01 AM, Yellowtail said:

    Full-time employees are paid 30 days per month, be it for a 4, 5 or 6 day week. 


    Regardless of the number of days worked. more than 8 hours a day must be paid overtime. 


    Countless studies have been done over the last 100 years for production work, and generally, after eight hours productivity goes down. 

    I retired from a pulp mill on the west coast of Canada. We switched over to the "compressed work week" way back in the 80s.The old timers didn't like it but eventually it was implemented and still doing it today. 4 days on 4 days off @ 12 hour shifts. The RCMP and nurses unions were doing the same. No extra staff required.Admittedly not much manual labor these days.

    I liked it because I didn't need to use my vaca time and saved it for Tland every winter. I had lots of seniority and benefits. With banked OT I could stay here for up to 10 weeks paid leave . PS: I still couldn't wait to get out and left as soon as I turned 55 to get a reduced pension and move here.

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

    Hey, but you admit you had a few fantastic years .........

    Most of my pals in the UK had ZERO fun years, and almost ZERO sex.


    Dude, you're a winner in the game of life, I doubt anyone enjoys the tail end of their life much.

    A childhood buddy of mine probably had the same sort of life as your pals in the UK. We were both just about 18, he got a job at a GM car plant and retired there 40 years later.I joined the Navy and never looked back. I got out after 6 years and it opened a lot of doors. I got to work overseas and travel the world and am now pleasantly retired here in LOS. I doubt I'd change anything if I could..

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