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Posts posted by jaideedave

  1. 3 hours ago, xr399 said:

    Go there if you love Hitler and Castro's treatment of people. I'm Canadian, you have MUCH more freedom here.

    399>Correct, turdo just declared a 'State of Emergency " and cancelled several bank accounts of donators to the Truckers.  Its the beginning of communism.. Klaus Schulz declared " ve haf penetrated haf de canadian cabinet. ouch. I left there in 2004 not knowing this would be happening. Am I going back you say? NEVAH.. As you say theres more freedom here, or at least the illusion of it.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  2. 22 hours ago, jobsworth said:

    It is upsetting to have bought a brand new shiny gas bottle and then to have to replace it with a bashed up old bottle just to buy more butane gas.


    We have an old bbq cylinder.They said it was too old/expired to exchange but they filled it up no problem.I know it doesn't leak because I checked it myself with a Bic lighter.

  3. 1 hour ago, EVENKEEL said:

    I'm thinking if I was a Thai guy working for low wages I'd think about this offer. They will probably make at least double maybe triple wages in Saudi. I'm just curious about the reason Saudi wants Thais when they have a steady supply of workers from India and probably Pakistan who I'd bet do and would work cheaper.

    A few years ago I was working in the O&G industry in Iran( Asaluyeh). I was working at a huge 4 train gas treatment plant.One day I happened upon a team of Thai welders working on a project. . By saying "sawasdee krap" I got a big laugh out of them. They were on a 6 month contract with no break to go home.They all seemed quite happy..I sure hope the got paid well. BTW at that place in time it was real close to 50 c.

  4. 7 hours ago, Hayduke said:


    Would you....buy a used submarine from this guy?





    I qualified in submarines way back in 1972 (RCN) A quick Wiki search tells me that the mean depth of the Gulf is 58 meters (190 ft) The "Song" Class boats are 75 meters in length.So if it was placed end to end from the bottom it would protude about 17 meters (55 ft) above the surface. That is thought provoking. It's a diesel electric sub which means that it will have to surface regularly to re-charge its batteries.I don't think I would feel very safe operating here. The only good news maybe if it ever sank it would be fairly easy to escape to the surface.Free divers have cracked 214 meters. I'm thinking it would be better described as a submersible torpedo boat.  

  5. 21 hours ago, WEBBYB808 said:

    No way did the canabis make him do this.  There must be other factors involved .   Mental health, another illicit drug or something.   No where in history  has canabis made someone  lose control like that.

    Agree, I've used the stuff off/on for over 4 decades. I honestly have never been tempted to chop off "Big Stan" . I usually lock the scissors in a safe place in case the urge to prune something that important arises.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 20 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    I can recommend The Vault.

    They post to Thailand in plain Jiffy bags.



    You don't need many feminised seeds, as cannabis is very easy to clone (from cuttings).

    (you can't clone autos, and they have poor yields)


    My friend can recommend .........

    Red Diesel ..... 20% THC grows well in tropical temperatures, and a large plant (tingles and sleepy)

    Critical Orange Punch ..... 20% THC grows well in tropical temps, also a large plant (vivid dreams and sleepy)


    Don't expect cannabis to grow well outside as all the creatures love eating it.

    Thrips, aphids, leaf miners and slugs.  



    Concur...my friend has had a bad time with leaf miners..he grows indoors to eliminate that and he doesn't have a spot outside of prying eyes and the odor can be detected easily.

    Indoors works best for him.

    • Like 2
  7. 20 hours ago, Excel said:

    And exactly how will they check the 100s of thousands private rural homes, who will now be growing it, that it will have the variety with less than 0.2% THC ? Nobody will grow that junk surely and just plant the better quality plant. I have 3 rai spare so would appreciate advice as to where to get the better plants. Perhaps the variety that grows freely in Lebanon on particularly very poor soil is the one to go for ? 

    Easy...do your homework and find which variety grows well in this climate and latitude and order online. Problem is that photo periods require different night/day hours and here near the equator it's almost always 12 hrs of each. You have to veg the plant indoors and then flower outside. Maybe some more knowledgable perps can chime in .I think photo's need 18-6 sun in veg then 12-12 flowering. I grow autoflowers..no prob.Good luck.

    • Like 2
  8. On 1/26/2022 at 11:33 AM, Tubulat said:

    Pardon? I stay more than 20 years in LOS, from that 15 years with a retirement extension and 800K on a bank.

    Because if something happens with me the 800K is difficult to get out from my account.

    For that reason this year for the first time i use an agent and take the 800K free to use!

    Maybe you are drunk, but not all the people who use a agent are drunk!

    Tabulat: Absolutely correct.I did my retirement visa on my own for several years no real issues.One time I placed the $ in an account at SCB and I asked " will this work for immigration"? Yes sir she says. Well guess what, immigration said flat out this is not acceptable! Now I have a problem...hence the agent route, never looked back and happy about that.BTW I checked the signature on the visa stamp..yes the same...555

    • Like 1
  9. On 1/26/2022 at 12:30 AM, KhunLA said:

    Yep, and that's why the rules are enforced, because people abuse them.  Hopefully one day, they stop the agents revolving door at Imm.


    People complain about corruption ... bunch of hypocrites.

    TBH some Imm offices encourage the use of agents.Easy money maker as $ goes into jeans pocket and not the office manager. Been like that for over a decade.

    • Like 2
  10. On 1/18/2022 at 5:10 PM, ExpatDraco said:

    Funny thing: I got some cold symptoms, next day I tested negative. After 3 days my symptoms were gone and I did another test: positive. And yes, I wear a mask, not by choice ofc. Stayed at home until negative. But tbh, looking at Omikron stats, better get it over with fast now it's mild and you get a free immunity boost! Party on! Those who are brainwashed with fear by the media should stay home and lock themselves up.


    Imo, it passed Pattaya already.


    And yes, my life and freedom are more important than some old people dying from a disease or old age. People die everyday. Seems like many people have forgotten that.

    The best news lately is the UK has ended (soon) all vaccy passports, face diapers etc. Covid/Omricon is over. Let's hope the rest of the world does the same.

    Granted if a person is sick and knows it then by all means wear one when outside your home. Let's see how many power hungry politicians try to hang on to the restrictions.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 49 minutes ago, John Drake said:

    Wonder if when he travels if he uses a Thai or American passport.

    One would think that when leaving Thailand he would use the US p/p and when returning he would use the Thai p/p. Many Thai spouses of farang do the same when they get a foreign p/p. Mind you some Asian countries allow Thais  visa free entry so that should be a consideration.

    • Like 1
  12. 6 hours ago, piston broke said:

    who's writing this garbage ? ?  - if you buy a bike - of course you got the change the ownership into your name .....

    Correct! I sold a used Harley to a farang from up country. I assumed he'd change the Green Book . About 2 years later he contacted me that I needed to go to Immigration to get a paper because he never put it in his name. He got sick and had to sell it but couldn't because it was still in my name. PITA for me as I'd already done it once. <deleted>

  13. 4 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Just buy from UK seedbanks, they have no problems posting here and much better prices than FB.

    My friend can recommend 'The Vault' and 'Grizzly'.

    They come in a plain brown jiffy bag.


    No need for aircon, they grow just fine at normal Thai room temperature.

    So my friend tells me.

    Hi Britman, I asked my friend about the heat issue and he confirms that it's the 1000 watt LED light that creates the heat...sometimes as high as 33 C. even with 2 fans..he says during the lights out with 18/6 sched it cools down. Lights on a/c on. He's bought plenty of seeds from Grizzly but 1 pack did get picked up at customs. Look up "Smoking Gun Official" Igram. Good luck. 

  14. On 6/26/2021 at 2:37 PM, thailandusauk said:



    yes i think it would be better


    and I do not want anything electric also, just sliding.



    This house we're living in now had an electric sliding gate. It caused a lot of issues,once a rock got caught in the wheel and the rubber sprocket driver failed. When I upgraded the house I had it ripped out and had a new sliding gate installed for under 20k. IMHO a good option. Less moving parts.

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