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Posts posted by Strange

  1. 11 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    There is no clear evidence to date, that is one of the issues.


    And no, it was not the family's Facebook post that instigated rioting. Many issues here contributed to the protests, the rioting had nothing to do with the protest, a few just used it as an excuse. Unfortunately some people are using it to distract from the real issues at hand here.


    Oh, and I am not defining anything here. Another poster defined it, and I object to his use of the term 'most', when that is at best seriously in doubt, at worst totally incorrect.


    Seems like the only kind of evidence that will satisfy you is if you can visibly see the gun in his hand. It might or might not come out in the future. The way the law is written is very clear and Mr. Scott was clearly in violation of numerous laws, not only local, but federal laws as well. 


    Im not distracted from any issue other than what the law states, and what happened. None of this, and I mean none, would have happened if Mr. Scott was not breaking the law. Its not "Society" not the "Police" but Mr. Scott alone. If Mr. Scott was not visibly committing a crime, none of this would have happened. 


  2. 6 minutes ago, thaihome said:

    He was not a threat to anyone sitting in his car until he was confronted by the police. The police have said they chose to over look him apparently rolling a joint until they saw a gun in his hand. It's a open carry state and they had no basis to question him on his legal right to have the weapon. The issue, and what the protests are about,  is would they have confronted a white guy the same way. I don't claim to know the answer to that, but there is now another dead black guy that lost out in a police instigated confrontation. 



    Can you provide a source for this, I want to review it. Genuine request. 



    The police have said they chose to over look him apparently rolling a joint until they saw a gun in his hand.


    Now the thing here is that yes, you can open carry, BUT rolling a joint while having a clearly visible handgun is the cruncher. The laws broken by this action of Mr. Scott could not be over looked. The police have every right to question ANYONE if they are in the process of committing a crime, even one as small as rolling a J. 

    Honestly, and this is not an attack, it is the responsibility of the person/citizen to be aware of the laws. You can not interpret them for your own benefit. 


    The police did not instigate anything. Mr. Scott did by breaking the law. Mr. Scott's actions are what got the police in his business. 


    The issue of if they would have treated a white person the same way in the exact same circumstances? Sheesh man probably. I have never seen nor heard of a police officer letting someone go for possession of a firearm while in the commission of a crime. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    " You certainly define "non-threatening" differently than most. "

    No, you clearly define "non-threatening" differently than most. " Please speak for yourself. Oh, and we dont know whether he could drop the firearm since we don't know he was holding it.


    The way you define it has nothing to do with how you feel about it. Your feelings do not change the way the law is written, nor the implementation of it. 


    The fact of the matter is, and everyone keeps harping on about this, is that we might never get a clear and decisive image showing Mr.Scott with a gun in his hand. 


    Given the clear evidence to date, the picture is forming as to what actually happened. You have to look at ALL the evidence available. 


    Its not possible to just go "Nope can't see gun; he was murdered" and dismiss everything else. 


    The situation is a big deal because the familys Facebook release instigated rioting, looting, destruction of property, and violence clearly intending to mislead the public. 


    There are so many videos that I can not post on here that can clearly provide more insight as to what is going on. 

  4. 10 minutes ago, starky said:

    Interesting screen grab. I would be inclined to say he had the gun holstered, cocked with the safety off. Easy to quarterback it after the game though. It sorta looked to me like he exited the car and was backing away from the officers in a non threatening way.  However in that split second obviously they felt compelled to shoot. Shame he had to die perhaps could have been handled better but far too much speculation after the fact IMO.


    Not instigating, but why the inclination towards having it holstered? Genuinely curious. 


    My inclination is the opposite. How did the concealed ankle holster (The whole point of an ankle holster is concealed carry. Don't want anyone to know you have it) go from concealed to clearly visible in the presence of the police? 


  5. 8 hours ago, balo said:

    I lived in the US for 3 months and that was enough for me. The food is terrible and overpriced. Unless you want to eat unhealthy mass produced food with lots of chemicals in it.  


    Lives in US for 3 months


    Becomes expert


    I don't even know what to say about this statement. There is more variety in the USA then Thailand will ever have. Not just in a regular supermarket, but different cuisines as well. Overpriced? No. 

  6. 2 hours ago, fredob43 said:

    As the Op was asking for service information I just assumed that he didn't have the Book/Manual.

    Last place you would get one would be places like B Quick or Toyota.


    Re Oils.

     The only time I had my oil changed at 10th was the first time on my Vigo and it came out like Black treacle.

    Must have lost lot's of viscosity so decided to change it more regularly. It only cost peanuts well 1.500bt inc: so why not. My Spivo has done 90th+ now, and still as tight as a nuns ????

    not a rattle or clunk anywhere.


    If you look in the Toyota manual it says if you drive at high speeds they suggest you change at 5th. Not that I do drive fast but as most of my travels are on the 1/32AR I'll keep up with the big boys and they seem to think that 140+kph is the norm. To me that's not to slow. So 5th it is.


    Agree with you on heat but at times in Thailand the temp: can get into the 40c in the shade. Many the time I have made a run in the morning lifted the Bonnet/Hood on my return and the radiator is still hot 5 hours later. To me that's hot.


    Ah yeah, well if OP does not have his manual anymore then manufacturer usually has a downloadable one on the web and there are other sources on the web as well.


    I did not see your oil when you changed it, but sounds normal to me to have real black slimy oil stinking of either gasoline or diesel at oil change time. Indicates to me that the oil was functioning properly. It gets like that not from losing viscosity, but from contamination. On a broken-in engine (Over about 10K kilometers) the main contaminate is from engine blow-by past the piston rings contaminating the crankcase with either gasoline or diesel vapor. This contamination is 100% normal, nothing can be done about it, and built into the design of the engine. 


    The 5th gear thing, the end game is to keep your RPM as low as possible without bogging the engine. Less wear on the engine and better fuel consumption. Trucks usually have real tight 1-2-3-4 gears and 5th is kinda like an "Overdrive" gear. Always shoot for the highest gear (Number) you can without bogging the engine. 5th is no different than 4th other than it takes more vehicle speed to get into it. Its not a "special" gear or anything. If you were not using 5th much and driving at higher speed, your fuel mileage would be horrible. Cruise in 5th and you will go a hell of a lot farther on a tank of diesel. 


    Yeah Thailand can get hot for sure, but these cars and trucks are made to operate in below freezing and way above freezing with the only real change being engine coolant ratios and engine oil weight. Most cars and trucks live between 180-210 F and this is where they are comfortable. Point being what is hot to you, isn't really hot to the engine or its components. Parking your Vigo while hot isn't bad or hurting it, the biggest difficulty the engine has in the heat is sitting at a red light, idling, with the AC on full blast, cooling fans running full blast, and no road airflow passing through the radiator. As soon as you get moving again and there is airflow over the radiator and you are cruzing, even in 40C heat, cooling fans start to cycle again and everything is fine. 

  7. 3 hours ago, does said:
    On 9/13/2016 at 9:27 AM, Strange said:

    Why? Because I want a better lifestyle? Because I want more opportunities? When did personal drive to have a better life become nasty to you?

    Why? If you had problems paying school fees for your kids I would feel sympathy.


    Don't need your sympathy. I don't have kids and I'm not poor. I can have a better life in the states on my income than Thailand will ever be able to provide. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, PTC said:


    Transgender people, like other minorities refused to be defined by others or the words others use for them. Minorities will take those words used to oppress or attempt to define them and own them. Queer, Nigger etc are cases in point. So what pronouns you use will have absolutely no impact on Chelsea Manning.


    If I felt disrespected personally, I would have said this. Your attempt to define me is as paltry as your attempt to define Manning.


    Transgender, as with all LGBT people confirm with their genetics. It matters not what plumbing is present. It is not a choice. Whether you honor that or not is immaterial. It is your problem, not the transgender persons problem. I and other people have every right to fight against ignorance and bigotry and can call out anyone we please. You think I am mistaken on this, then go to an African American person and call him a nigger. I would imagine in most cases, your 'choice' would have consequences. Furthermore in many countries now, such speech is criminalized and I look forward to more instances of this happening.


    You and the other people who discriminate against and disrespect LGBT people represent nothing, no authority, no social peer pressure, no moral high ground. Nothing but pure bigotry, hate and divisiveness.If you feel that this is being too emotional for you to cope with then tough titty. You put out hate then it will come right back at you.


    Did you read the OP? You realize the action for which Manning is being punished? It reinforces my view that the military is completely out of its depth in handling a case like this. The repeal of DADT is still to recent for the military to have built up any skill set. As a result, the military is essentially torturing Manning and this is not justified irrespective of the rights or wrongs of the leaking issue.


    What... the heck.... are you talking about? 


    Do whatever you want I don't care, just don't tell me what to say or how to say it. 


    Do you realize you just said that you would like to criminalize certain areas of speech? Are you kidding me?

  9. 2 hours ago, FACTOR said:

    Thanks for all the useful replies. 


    Another thing -- I'd like to clean the engine, I mean the outside and the engine compartment, as it is very dusty and caked with grime. Is it ok to have an engine cleaned with water? My local car wash does engine cleaning with high pressure water but I'm not sure it's ok to spray water all over a car engine. Is it ok?


    Yeah sure you can use water and hose the engine down just don't spray the air filter area. High pressure water is kinda subjective. I would not blast the engine with a 10hp pressure washer because you can force water into the weather-pack electrical components but a small electric unit or something comparable is totally fine. Just stay clear of the air filter area. 


    A degreaser needs to be used though. Plain water won't do anything.


    I would not have any issue taking a car to a busy auto detailing shop and letting them have at it, under the hood and inside. Completely normal thing to do and on a modern car its pretty easy. Keeping a clean engine compartment makes it so easy for future diagnostics as well. 


    Only thing I would not do without proper investigation is a wax job done with a rotary buffer. Takes a bit of skill to do right and if done wrong can permanently damage a paint job. 

  10. 5 minutes ago, PTC said:


    It is the very definition of racism.


    "The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races."



    How can anyone discuss the issue when there is such a fundamental disconnect and misunderstanding of the words to be used in that discussion.


    If this is not racism, then perhaps you might tell us what is?


    Bold ^^



    clearly, saying that all black people live a ganstah lifestyle is racist and also simply wrong...


    about poverty - what do the statistics say? do white and black poor have the same risk of living a ganstah lifestyle?




    Its an incorrect generalization, but hardly racist

  11. 12 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

    Seriously, you honestly believe that things have changed from my youth in the 70's?


    The real change today is the advent of smartphones and body cams.What back in the day was hidden and forbidden is now in the public domain.


    It's hard to sometimes accept reality, but if you think the 60's & 70's atrocities were in the past you are are in a delusional state


    I honestly believe things have changed since the 60's and 70's to today. 


    Im hardly delusional. Im sorry for what happened to you, and this may sound cold, but sometimes you got to let it go and move forward. That was 50 years ago. You have to be able to objectively look at things to find the best outcome. 


    Mr. Scotts actions are what caused this unfortunate outcome. Not racism, not police, not me, Mr. Scott. Im not saying that the black community don't have grievances, and by all means its a free country and the right to peaceful protest is sacredly protected, but whats happening TODAY is hardly peaceful or lawful protest. Every person is accountable for their own actions. 

  12. 5 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

    It's interesting you keep mentioning having to pay for your puu yai to help you. I've never paid mine a dime.


    Im happy to pay. Wife is happy, poo yai is happy and comes when asked, and keeps me at arms length so I don't get asked for more money outside of regular formalities. 


    Didn't you just write a wall of text saying you gave your poo yai 3k?

  13. 2 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:
    52 minutes ago, Strange said:

    Im kinda surprised by the post as well. Kept waiting for a point to come. Your Poo Yai is hardly indebted to you. Besides the dude is just a village headman and puts his pants on just like you do. 


    Our Poo Yai assisted my wife in the paperwork (and verifying her "Character") to purchase a legal handgun for the protection of her property, and came for my yellow tabien baan. Wasn't free though so just another business transaction. 



    When the puu yai's role as an intermediary between you, the land office, the amphoe office, the police, neighbors in your moo ban, as well as the influence of their opinions in the community is considered, describing him as "just another dude who puts his pants on one leg at a time like everybody else" suggests a lack of understanding of the important role they play in a small village.


    Nope, I completely understand the role they play. Im not about to kiss anyones ass about it though. 90% of the time their presence is simply a formality. I need something, they have to be present, I'm friendly, smiley, pay what needs to be paid to get it done, and walk away.  

  14. 1 minute ago, GinBoy2 said:

    Out of curiosity, how may times have you been, stopped, frisked, thrown against a wall? I've never been accused, indited, even taken to a police station, yet I've lost count how many times I've been thrown against a wall, stopped, frisked.

    That's a little of the problem we have very different life experiences when it comes to law enforcement, and that without the alternate reality that you miss, hard to understand that not everyone that gets oppressed is actually a criminal by virtue of their skin color


    That was in the 60's and 70's and if what you say is true, then yeah I'm sorry that happened to you. Does not change the topic of the thread nor the resulting actions from the BLM brigade. 


    Im sure if I say something like "that was over 50 years ago" then you will mow me down with things that I can't verify and have to take your word for. 


    What I'm saying is that the majority of whats going on today can be stopped by following the laws, peaceful protest, and the BLM brigade protesting and policing themselves and educating themselves. It is not my fault nor am I in any way accountable for the actions of a very fringe few. 

  15. Im kinda surprised by the post as well. Kept waiting for a point to come. Your Poo Yai is hardly indebted to you. Besides the dude is just a village headman and puts his pants on just like you do. 


    Our Poo Yai assisted my wife in the paperwork (and verifying her "Character") to purchase a legal handgun for the protection of her property, and came for my yellow tabien baan. Wasn't free though so just another business transaction. 

  16. @PTC


    You keep typing huge walls of text trying to shred up anything anyone says without trying to see what someone else is trying to say. 


    You can sympathize with whatever. You can go on long rants about how no-one is qualified to have an opinion. 


    The fact of the matter is, this police "Killing" will likely be justified.


    What you "Feel" will not change anything. Im not a bigot or racist but unfortunately these things happen most of the time because of an individuals personal choices in life. 


    White, black, orange, yellow does not matter. When you make the personal decision to start committing violent crimes and disobeying federal laws, the accountability is not on "Society" or the "Police" its on the person committing these crimes. These are the laws that every american abides by and the choice is theirs. Its no one else fault. 

  17. 19 hours ago, fredob43 said:

    My local B quick although big is at best crap.


    I always use Toyota my main dealer garage they will have the book on recommended service times. 

    I'm sure Hyundai will print one off for you.


    They should let you watch go round everything that they are doing that's if you want. Only thing you cant do is smoke well you cant in my one. 

    At least they use the recommended oils etc.


    B quick Buddha only knows what stuff they are using. My local one has oils on their shelf's that I have never heard of.


    You will also get a free printed record of all servicing carried out. Top notch if you ever want to sell. I also get a free car wash with every service they carry out.


    Use you local service centre and make sure they let you go with the car whilst they sort it out. 

    Never go over your service time. Even before if it's in your price range. I have a full service at 5th km and not the 10th km suggested. Oils in this heat don't last that long.

    Treat it with some sort of respect and you should be ok for years to come.

    Best of luck.


    User manual for your car will have manufacturers recommended service intervals. No need to take a trip to the dealer. 


    Just because you have never heard of the oils does not mean it is substandard. The toyota branded oils that toyota sells are the same oils in different containers. They are manufactured to the same standard and re-branded. 


    You can change the oil every day if you want, but the manufacturer knows that if you select the correct oil, 10k km is perfectly fine. For example 2006 3.0 d4d would be an oil manufactured to API CF-4 standard, and in thailand climate a 10w-40 can be used. Thailand is not that crazy of a climate. In fact in the grand scheme of things, its pretty mild. 

  18. On 9/24/2016 at 2:17 PM, FACTOR said:

    Hello. I have a 2013 Hyundai i10 with 62,000 kms and I need to keep it running well for another few years (i.e. as long as I can) as I don't want to buy a new car anytime soon. It's been a good little car, with few, if any, major problems. I'd like to take into the Hyundai service center and tell them to do this and that to keep it running well. 


    Does anyone have a list of essential maintenance points I should take care  of?




    Nothing much you can do other than follow the manufacturers maintenance guidelines. Keep it clean, keep it serviced, thats it. There is no magic trick. Your manufacturers owners manual/User manual (Typically in your glove box?Comes with the car) have service guidelines for everything from your air filter to what kind of oil to run according to what climate the car is run in. 


    62k is still fairly new, there is no reason the car can't get to 250k - 300k before it is no longer cost effective to repair. 


    Just have a look at your manual and see what needs to be done. 

  19. 1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:
    1 hour ago, Asiantravel said:


    why didn't the police officer use  a taser? And if some reason that was not feasible then

    why didn't the police officer shoot at one of his legs ? I don't understand why all these police officers are shooting to kill?


    The police did not use a taser because the bad guy had a real gun with real bullets. 



    And, you know, large amounts of voltage going through someones body with a gun in their hand, could easily cause unintended discharge of the firearm. 

  20. 2 minutes ago, craftyone said:


    The use of deadly force as defined for a LEO is lawful when the officer reasonably believes the subject poses a significant threat of serious bodily injury or death to themselves or others. The use of deadly force by law enforcement is also lawful when used to prevent the escape of a fleeing felon when the officer believes escape would pose a significant threat of serious bodily injury or death to members of the public.




    Man, I sure do love me some facts. 

  21. Just now, Andaman Al said:

    Find it totally funny that faced with two S##t sandwiches at the table. Americans insist they have to eat one of the s##t sandwiches, instead of going to the next table and seeing there is a chicken sandwich and a tuna sandwich.


    Im not a big fan of sandwiches so I think I'm good there. 


    Ill just hang out and see what the board thinks of a poster for a while. 

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