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Posts posted by Strange

  1. 14 hours ago, JJGreen said:

    Thats just you imposing your opinions about what is and isn't an acceptable form of protest...
    Not really up to you...as you are unaffected


    No, wrong. Literally the 1st amendment:





    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[1]





  2. 17 minutes ago, Publicus said:

    Not what the post stated. So I sort of filled in the blanks for all to see.


    Reading the post reveals it provides nothing specific to the thread or topic. It is what we well know to be a proverbial glittering generality. It is hopelessly vague and sweeping.


    I am posting about a national police crime wave of long standing against black Americans in certain urban centers of the society. And that the cops are right wingers who endorse and vote for the Republican in elections of the Potus, to include enthusiastically for Donald J. Trump. That the vast majority of cops are racial and of a low socio-economic background and education to include their police training, all of which (and then some) makes them prime supporters of Trump The Ignoramus.


    The post you cite and that I critique says nothing specific or relative to the particular topic and the thread. Neither do you.


    Please, provide a source for the bolded. 



  3. 2 hours ago, Publicus said:
    23 hours ago, hdkane said:

    If you have an open mind, you may want to review some of the recent independent studies that examine this issue in detail.  You would be surprised, as the actual results counter public perception.  


    The post provides an excellent form for various predicates, issues, outcomes, effects.


    Allow moi to show the form in what could be its original neuter modality....


    If you (fill in blank), you may want to (fill in blank space) the recent independent, not petty partisan __________ that examine       in detail. You would be                  , as the actual                   counter                         .   


    Reading the post one would not know the thread topic is that the candidates running for Potus are making statements on the latest police shootings of black men.


    It might be that the form post could also be utilised to say 'smoking cigarettes is not addictive if you smoke a filter cigarette after eating junk food, as each is actually healthy for both body and mind'. 


    So.... You are saying that the review of factual data from several different, independent sources, on the statistics of police "killings" is akin to being told "Smoking after eating junk food is healthy"? 


  4. 13 minutes ago, Publicus said:
    15 hours ago, hdkane said:

    If you have an open mind, you may want to review some of the recent independent studies that examine this issue in detail.  You would be surprised, as the actual results counter public perception.  


    Did someone closeby say something....or anything at all....


    Pretty valid statement that you blew off. 

  5. 10 minutes ago, Publicus said:
    19 minutes ago, Strange said:

    Right, so if I go home tomorrow and become a policeman, I then become a low class uneducated racist with slavery ties to the late 18th century? 


    Straw-man much?




    Curious how the post transmogrifies the topic into a focus on you theoretically becoming a cop. And travelling back in time to do it besides.


    You wanna come back down to earth here with the rest of us whose feet are on the ground.


    Where'd you go to uni again plse thx?


    Thats like the 10th time Ive seen you (over several threads) request an educational background on the person you are talking to. I see you. I see you baiting. 


    My educational background has nothing to do with weather or not I'm capable of individual thought. And I hardly think your educational background will sustain you in debating me. 

  6. 27 minutes ago, Publicus said:

    The national police crime wave against certain black Americans has become high profile and the American people agree it is a serious problem. It has become representative of the confluence of police, race, guns, and now Trump.


    The Fraternal Order of Police, the largest police union in the US, endorsed Donald Trump for Potus, last week. FOP always endorse the Republican for Potus (2012 being the exception as Romney was anti-union across the board...FOP did not endorse Obama in either of his elections).


    The police are not neutral so let's hope they never actually do become professional. Low socio-economic status white people they are. The vast majority of 'em. 


    Do you realize how racist you sound? 


    Still waiting on your source, and please bring something other than a news link. 

  7. 38 minutes ago, Publicus said:
    13 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

     Link p!ease. :rolleyes:


    Read my post to the thread, currently No. 7. It references the unstoppable national police crime wave occurring against black males in particular but not exclusively, against black adults although not exclusively.


    You've read my posts over time to numerous threads about racial cops (or wannabe cops) shooting unarmed black guys. Or a berserker cop wrestling a black girl to the ground at a swimming pool. Or smothering a black guy peddling cigarettes on a NYC street. Or a child with a toy gun. Etc.


    The police fraternal organisations and other police unions throughout the country have endorsed and support Trump. We're talking about officers of the law who if you say to 'em black lives matter go ballistic. Those guyz. The ones with all the racist jokes about President Obama and others.


    They certainly didn't vote for Obama. Overwhelmingly, the cops across the country belong to Trump and vice-versa. That is their idea of police work. 


    I normally don't say this because most people can bring something with SOME aspect or basis of truth, but you have taken it and went on another galaxy. 

  8. 14 hours ago, Publicus said:

    The national police crime wave of the past several years against black Americans continues.


    Most instances are unarmed black males to include children. Most instances are of police summarily and arbitrarily shooting to kill unarmed black males, sometimes in the back. Sometimes a black female is involved by a berzerker cop running around a swimming pool in a neighborhood, other times by a racial cop who hauls a black woman out of her car and into a noose in a cell.


    The police fraternal organisations and unions have endorsed Trump. Almost every killer cop is a white Republican-supporting right winger. These cops did not vote for Barack Obama and they will not vote for Hillary Clinton.


    The national police crime wave against a particular class of citizens is firing on all cylinders.




    Gonna need a source please. 

  9. 22 minutes ago, Publicus said:

    No sweat to present existing realities. The facts write themselves. We over on this side are attentive while over on that side it's more like retentive. 


    A lot of Republicans are but somewhat conservative so there aren't many of 'em around here whot support Trump and worship him as the once and only messiah. The right fringe has really blown it on this one. Time of yer life eh.


    All for naught. 


    You seem to really like to segregate instead of following in line with your "progressive" candidate. I can clearly see that you do not like trump, and thats cool, but its kinda counter productive to say Trump Bad - Hillary Good - Get out of the thread when Im just trying to see what y'all are all about. 


    As for the birther issue, its a blip on the radar. 

  10. 24 minutes ago, Publicus said:


    Hillary is not a Birther Nutcase and Trump is, which is why the thread and topic are about Donald Trump and his Birther madness.


    Any right wing crank who wants to squawk against Hillary can find at least 101 threads still backed up in the TVF Index, and do it without much trouble or time at all. Youse guyz over there on the fringe right get your threads, we over here on this side get our threads and there a lot of threads in between. So enjoy and try to stay focused, i.e., on topic thx.


    Jesus calm down I'm just curious why its so easy for youse guyz to freak out about anything trump, but are fine to overlook years of recorded backpedaling from hillary. 

  11. 11 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

    Well that was interesting.  I didn't know I could do that on my Sony but it has a button too.  Netflix now in Thailand ranged from 2160 to 480 same 4k show.  Forests. 


    You can do it on any device just have to look up how to get the info, and the reason I was trying to get you to come out with the information earlier. 


    4K or even 1080p from the US through a VPN or DNS pretty hard to imagine. 

  12. 1 hour ago, sniffdog said:

    555 yes but it indicates the highest resolution available. But that doesn't necessarily mean the picture you are watching is 4k. It all depends on your speed and Netflix adjusts the resolution accordingly . On my Netflix the 4k content indicate the max resolution is 4k but usually I see only 720 and 1080p being shown. Do you really know how to check your current Netflix speed and resolution?


    Nailed it. This is what I was to get across. 


    Netflix will let you buy whatever you like and automatically give you whatever resolution based on your speeds and seamless non-buffering. 








  13. Just a quick google search shows that he had a gun and didn't drop it. He was not a disabled man reading a book and then executed for being black. 


    Jesus tap-dancing christ I have no Idea how this stuff gets so out of control. Cop shoots bad guy with gun, bad guys people riot and mess sh*t up because..... Why? 


    What are we supposed to do? Change the <deleted> laws for people of a different skin color? 

  14. 28 minutes ago, Publicus said:
    9 hours ago, Linzz said:

    Finally got a good answer. Of course it was making a point, not inciting violence against Hillary. The Dems are too literal and too simple to understand...no I retract that, too disingenuous. The intent is to pick up anything and twist it into what it is not, just like CNN inserting the word "racial" into "profiling" deliberately misquoting Trump to change the meaning.


    The way Trump talks about it, as in "we'll see what happens," defines him as a crackpot. Especially given the consistent history of political assassination in the United States. It includes candidates for Potus and four Potus assassinated plus six unsuccessful attempts to assassinate a Potus.



    I get it. Its dangerous and you likely need a highly trained personal security detail. No one is arguing that fact. But what makes her more special than anybody else? Can you honestly say that a politician deserves better security and protection than any other regular person? A politician deserves a better armed and higher trained personal security detail than their constituents? 


    46 minutes ago, Publicus said:

    Rightwhinger gun nuts are presenting themselves as mind readers -- and cynics. There will always be guns in the USA, so the question is how to access them and by whom.





    Here is the amendment as ratified by the States and authenticated by Thomas Jefferson, then-Secretary of State:[33]


    A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.


    Going back to basics here, but therein lies the problem to your statement. 



  15. 14 minutes ago, Scotwight said:
    8 hours ago, Strange said:

    Have you googled any of this? Cause Ive tried a bunch and netflix have gotten REAL good. It isn't like it was a few months ago. Do you know of any KNOWN VPN's or DNS changes that will work? 

    I watch netflix 4k in Thailand no problem and with US content no problem.  You can use a VPN on your device or on your router.  Find one that you want to try and email them.  I googled it when I first started and tried a couple of different ones.  When I had a problem I wrote them and they suggested the server to use.  I watch on my computer and on my smart tv.  I use Netflix and Kodi to get what I want


    Thats cool. No idea how you are getting 4k content though. Can you post a screen shot of your resolution? 

  16. 2 minutes ago, 212Roger said:

    Question:  When Trump speaks, many do not like his words, but he believes what he says.  He speaks with seriousness and conviction.  Whereas, when both Hillary and Obama speak everything is a joke.  Why is that?  It is as if they can't lie without smirking, giggling, and laughing.  They think their comedians; I guess they are. 


    Cause they are pulling for that "Im just like you guys!" BS. 



  17. 1 hour ago, Silurian said:

    Hillary should handle Trump as the UK and Ireland does. Put him where he belongs and give him what he deserves.


    UK and Ireland are now awash with Trump-themed urinals





    UK and Ireland are AWASH.... 


    Has 3, THREE, urinals with his face on it. I admit it the title got me and I clicked and unfortunately contributed to the site. 


    On a positive note at least we lived in countries where we can do things like this and not be arrested. 

  18. Is there a key slot on your drivers door? I know you say that there is no key, where did it go? I don't know about the whole "Dealer Master Key" and I have no idea what service to call that can break in to your car for you. Typically a door jam wedge and slim-jim will get you in. In the mean time I would really try and locate that key. 


    Also there is this:


    Note: You can unlock the driver's door withthe key. Use the key when the remotecontrol is not functioning.Note: When you lock your vehicle forseveral weeks, the remote control will beswitched off. Your vehicle must be unlockedand the engine started using the key.Unlocking and starting your vehicle once willenable the remote control.




  19. 1 minute ago, Scotwight said:

    No problem using Netflix in Thailand.  If you want the USA content google vpn's that work with netflix and then email them if you have a question if it works.  Smart TVs are all different and it depends on which OS they use.  I can think of 3 different ones in common use.  Android TV, Tizen and Webos.  It makes no sense that Netflix would cancel your account for any reason.  Think about it.  


    Have you googled any of this? Cause Ive tried a bunch and netflix have gotten REAL good. It isn't like it was a few months ago. Do you know of any KNOWN VPN's or DNS changes that will work? 


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