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Posts posted by Strange

  1. 3 minutes ago, Publicus said:


    Kindly cease trying to personalise the issues of the election.


    Neither you nor I are a candidate for public office. Kindly do the proper thing by addressing the board not the poster by making allegations of corruption on the part of the poster.


    Otherwise those on this side will start to believe the Trump fanboyz are beginning to lose it as the election moves closer to the day of decision, November 8th. Especially as the Trump fanboyz begin to acutely anticipate their mortality.


    Kindly cease policing the board as to what you view as acceptable. 


    Kindly do the proper thing by allowing other points of view. 


    The board can see the poster is calling the kettle black. 

  2. 21 minutes ago, dcutman said:

    I would not have a problem at all with this, if, at anytime the man showed some sort of aggressive behavior. He clearly did not show that. In fact he was minding his own biz waiting for his kids to get off the school bus. He just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. IMO many of these police killings can be avoided by just taking a few minutes to calm things down or call in people that can deal with things rationally.

    Yes the man was a convicted felon, and he served his 7 year sentence for that. It was 14 years ago and as far as I know he has been in no trouble since. Many here are making that the excuse for shooting this man, like a rabid dog.


    See thats the thing, sure he did his time, but part of being convicted of a felony means losing parts of your rights, permanently. Firearms for example. There will always be an elevated amount of suspicion. Don't like it? Don't be a felon. 


    Sure you can mind your own biz and wait for your kids, but, you know, he wasn't doing that. He was rolling a J, as a convicted felon waiting for his kids, in the possession of a firearm, cops found him, and the situation escalated. 


    So what if you tried to calm him down, and he realizes that in the situation he is in, he is going to jail for a long time and decides to say <deleted> it and shoots, hurting either a cop, or an innocent, in the process? This is acceptable? 

  3. Just now, robblok said:

    I seen the research on conserving muscle when dieting, so yes I would keep it at 1,5 gram. I take it that in the research the people were overweight. But just look at it this way 10kg less is just 15 grams of protein.. that is nothing. Its not hard to get 150 grams of protein a day (if you eat right)


    Yeah, I'm close to 200lbs though and around 15%. I get constipated as hell when I'm around 200g/day and its hard to eat that much chicken (I know I know there are more sources... Chicken is easy and I hate fish) so I supplement with ON Whey. 


    Read research too and seems to make sense to consume for LBM, plus I can take a normal dump. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, robblok said:

    You just have to keep your protein high like 1,5 gram per kg otherwise you WILL loose muscle. Plenty of studies done about that and ketose is no guarantee that it wont happen.  (I think high protein is not much of a problem if you go low carb given you you just cut out carbs and need to eat something besides fat)


    Would you still go 1.5 grams of protein per kg regardless of a persons body fat? 


    100 kg person with 30% body fat gets 1.5 grams per kg? 


    I always went with 1 gram per pound of lean body mass, regardless of body fat percentage.

  5. 1 minute ago, Don Mega said:


    E10/E20 will turn bad very quick.


    I agree man not trying to be combative. Just saying my direct experience with these fuels. They will turn bad faster than gasoline, but for a modern car, with modern emissions control, knock sensors, etc. it will last longer and the car can safely compensate. 


    The stuff has to be stored somewhere before it gets in your fuel tank. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Don Mega said:


    The idea behind filling with Benzine over an Ethanol blended fuel has nothing to do with octane rating.


    Ethanol blended fuel has a very short shelf life  (weeks) vs benzine  (years). Ethanol also attract and absorb moisture.


    Ive built 2 performance engine systems to run on E85 sold at the pumps in the states. Stored it, used it, never had a problem if its stored properly. Would I use it after sitting for 6 months? No. Ethanol attracts water like crazy, yes. But for the topic of storing a car with a modern emissions controls, its not a huge concern, and will last for months not weeks. Its not like the old days where crankcase and fuel systems were vented to the atmosphere. With a 10% blend of ethanol and modern fuel systems my experience is that a regular passenger car will be fine for WAY longer than weeks. In performance engines on the chassis dyno with older fuel (E85 Octane rating over 110), we have had to pull timing due to pinging under the same weather/atmosphere/engine conditions. 

  7. 1 minute ago, dcutman said:

    You are 100% wrong about that and rather sick for thinking so. Police most certainly do have to be in fear of their life before taking deadly action. It is very clear the man made no posture that he was going to harm them, and all the police (4) had very good cover behind vehicles.


    Not just police, but people in their homes in the neighborhood around them. Convicted felon with a firearm that refuses to put it down in a residential area is an even higher risk, not just to the police, but to people in their homes as well. 


    Anyway I'm having trouble seeing what the problem is... What should have the police have done? Try and talk him down? What if he got a couple shots off before the police took him down? What if they hit a house and a little kid or something horrible like that, and people would STILL be upset with the police because they didn't take action. What if the cops got hit before they took him down? 



  8. 4 minutes ago, dcutman said:

    The man was moving backward to the police standing behind him. The cop that supposedly shot him was looking at the back of Scott. What orders did he not follow? Did you see a gun in his hand?

    Even if he did have a gun on him, did he make any sort of threatening movements to police?


    So you can be a convicted felon, in possession of drugs, and a firearm, exit your vehicle holding your gun, walk like you don't give a sh*t, refuse to "drop the gun!!!" with several police with guns drawn telling you to, and what? The cops are supposed to wait for threatening movements? Cant shoot until he shoots first? It does not work like that. The man made decisions in his life, that lead to this conclusion. 

  9. 9 minutes ago, rapom said:

    And if only the positive cable is removed and a rat chews thru a wire, nothing will happen either. Electrical current always flows to ground and disconnecting either cable from a battery post breaks the circuit. With the ignition switch off, there are very few wires that are hot and most of them on a fused circuit. On newer vehicles, I would not disconnect the battery for storage and would instead connect a float charger to maintain voltage level. There are some items that require a very small amount of voltage to maintain their memory and you will have to reprogram if you disconnect.   


    Yep in the rat situation thats right. however, the point is, with the positive disconnected, and the negative connected, a short from battery positive (on the battery post itself) to ground is far more likely due to the whole car being a metal ground. If the rat got a hold of a piece of wire and it fell on the battery positive post and the body - short, on the battery positive to battery negative - short. With negative disconnected, the only way to short is to go directly to battery negative post on the battery. The chance of a short is lower with negative disconnected, and therefore safer. 


    And the main power wires on a car are always hot regardless of the ignition. They are controlled via smaller relays or solenoids, witch are controlled by the ignition switch. 


    If you have a trickle charger, of course thats better, but a lot don't, and on most modern cars, you can not just leave them with the battery connected or you will for sure have a dead battery. There is a slight parasitic draw that the car uses even with the ignition off. 


    Of course if you disconnect the battery, you will have to reprogram your radio, clocks, seat preferences etc. kinda figured that would be obvious. End of the day, never seen a car that had to be reprogrammed to run after a battery swap. And the manufacturers user manual will tell you what to do. Newer ECU's will lose some of their "preferences" and go back to baseline (driver will likely not even notice) but after 2-3 hot/cold cycles they re-learn and the temperature/sea level/humidity/etc in thailand are even better. Not much for the ECU to learn. 

  10. For the car, if I wanted to be real diligent, change the oil and filter a couple days before I left. Engine oil is contaminated by gasoline. Put about 3/4 tank straight benzine in it, pull the fuel pump relay, run it until it stalls. Crank it without fuel for a couple seconds. You can find the location for the relay in your owners manual or on the net. Disconnect negative battery terminal, then the positive and leave both disconnected. Clean the car real good. Make a spare set of door & ignition keys and magnetically attach them to the underside of the car and not tell anyone about it. 


    Scooter, fill with benzine, close petcock or remove fuel pump fuse, run until it stalls, crank a few more times with out fuel. Disconnect battery same way and hide a spare key with your cars spare magnetically. 

  11. 10 hours ago, SteveSamui6262 said:

    Correction: I agree about draining motorbike carbs before you leave.  I think you can just close the fuel cock and run the engine until it stalls out.


    Exactly. Another benefit, after it stalls from lack of fuel, crank it over a good few more times to lubricate the cylinder walls with oil, without the presence of gasoline in the cylinder to dilute it. 

  12. 15 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

    Is it recommended to fill up with benzene (without ethanol)?

    I always read that fuel with ethanol should not be in the tank for too long.


    This is correct. Ethanol evaporates at a higher rate than gasoline, and it also carries a higher octane rating. Long term storage with 10% ethanol ( the gasohol here is 10%) can cause your fuel to end up with a lower octane rating if the ethanol evaporates. Can also cause a film in your tank. With a lower octane rating you could end up with an ignition ping/nock. This isn't a good thing if you have a carb, but modern fuel injected cars have knock sensors and can pull timing to compensate. You will get more "time" with benzine without as much of an effect on octane rating. 

  13. 15 hours ago, Seizetheday said:

    For 6 months you should probably jack your car up, otherwise your tyres will be flat spotted and ruined.


    If you disconnect your battery you may have problems with your stereo once you reconnect.


    With modern radial tires, this isn't a concern unless you are talking years, or you have some low sidewall z rated tires. Bias ply and older, the flat spot was a concern. Not so much nowadays. 6 months no problem. 

  14. 1 hour ago, whaleboneman said:

    You are seeing things right. Always remove negative on negative earth dc system. If you don't believe it, look at any auto repair manual. If you find a manual that tells you to disconnect the positive then throw it in the trash. I think some of our British friends are used to positive earth systems from olden days.

    And leaving gas tanks full to limit condensation is normal practice. People who believe that a full gas tank will wash lubricant from cylinders and damage an engine are misinformed.


    The main concern with long term storage and fuel is evaporation. When gasoline evaporates, it leaves a dusty orange film that will clog injectors. 6 months and 3/4 tank of benzine I wouldn't worry about it.

    Another thing to consider, here in Thailand when you tell them at the pump to "Fill it up" they will CRAM as much fuel into the tank that they can. Ive even seen them go so far as to actually shake the car to get more in. This is a REAL bad idea at any time, but if you are going to store a car with a cram full tank its even worse. Modern cars have an evap system that recycles gas vapor from the fuel tank, and sends it into the engine to be consumed. Its an emissions requirement. If your tank is overfilled, and stored, temperature changes cause pressure in your fuel tank and send gasoline into your evap system causing a whole lot of problems. 

  15. 1 hour ago, Generalchaos said:

    If you leave the positive connected you have the potential of a fault to ground / neutral, if you disconnect the positive then the thing is dead. If the live is still connected, any fault to ground will short the battery. Imagine if the rats get in and eat your wiring and you end up with a bare positive cable shorting on the frame? You have a dead short, if you disconnect the positive then there is absolutely no power to the bike at all.


    There is no neutral in a DC system. Only ground. If you leave the positive connected, and the ground disconnected, the ONLY way you will have a "Fault to ground" is if it actually touches the battery negative POST itself. 99.999% the only way to have a "fault to ground" is to have battery negative connected. Can not have a fault to ground if there is no ground.


    You are thinking about it wrong. If the battery negative is disconnected, and the battery positive is connected, and a rat chews through a wire and the wire touches the frame NOTHING will happen because the frame is not grounded anymore because you disconnected the battery negative post. 


    DC Electricity is not the same as AC. 

  16. 7 minutes ago, Generalchaos said:
    12 minutes ago, Strange said:

    If you leave the positive connected and remove the ground, in a DC system, the electricity literally has NO way to complete any circuit. 


    If you disconnect the positive, and leave the ground, every metal component on the car is still grounded. Very unsafe. If anything (Metal, wiring from rats getting in there, etc.) goes from battery + to ANY bare metal on the car, you gonna have problems. Blown fuses, relays, possibly ECU if the other electronic safeguards are faulty. 


    Never just disconnect battery + and leave the entire car grounded. 


    in the case of storing a car for 6 months, disconnect the battery completely. There are certain parts of a car that still use very low (parasitic draw) amounts of electricity. Parts of the ECU, come dash clocks, etc. 

    What utter rubbish! If the positive is disconnected, then please tell me where the electric comes from..... out of thin air! Utter crap!

    In a vehicle DC Electronic system, most of the cars metal components are in effect battery - if you take power from battery + and touch it to anything bare metal under the hood (with the battery connected) it will short. 


    If you disconnect battery - (from the battery post itself) and leave battery + connected (At the battery post) every bare metal component on the car is now completely unaffected by battery +. Like this, you can take a wire from battery + and touch it anywhere under the hood (Except for the battery - Post itself) and nothing will happen because it can not complete the circuit. 


    If you have battery + disconnected and battery - connected, and a wire from a rat falls on the battery + post and ANYTHING bare metal, you have a short. 


    The point is, you are far more likely to cause a short when you leave battery - connected and battery + disconnected because the entire car is grounded. Its far more easy to go from battery + to ANYTHING metal under the hood and cause a short. Almost every metal component in the car is a ground.  


    39 minutes ago, Generalchaos said:

    I'd remove the positive if I removed any, if you remove the negative and something goes amiss, you can ruin your battery and it could still slowly discharge, I'd rather leave it on a trickle charge especially in this heat.


    If you remove the negative, the entire metal body, and every metal component under the hood becomes dead. Nothing can go amiss. There is no way for the circuit to complete. You are thinking about it wrong. 


    13 minutes ago, Generalchaos said:

    Different thing, you disconnect the negative first just to isolate things, if you mess with the positive and there is power somewhere (lights on or similar) you can arc the supply destroying alternator diodes etc. Better to remove the negative first, then disconnect the positive pull out the battery and trickle charge it.


    The reason manufacturers recommend disconnecting the battery - first is because it is SAFER. For example if you disconnect battery + and leave battery - connected, then drop your wrench on the battery + post and ANYTHING metal, it will arch and short. In your post above, you don't disconnect negative first just to isolate things, it will cause every circuit on your car to become "open" (disconnected) EVERYTHING is isolated. If you disconnect the negative, your lights will not ever work. 


    Battery - post on a car simply goes down and bolts to the frame. There are other smaller components that will have their own dedicated ground wire straight from the battery negative, but for the most part Battery - bolts to the frame, then there will usually be a ground strap going from frame to engine block. This is why there are components on the car that have a 1 wire connection. They are case ground through their metal housing connected to the engine or body. 


    It is a safer, and more effective way to disconnect your battery. Disconnect battery - first, then battery +, and leave the battery completely disconnected. 

  17. 1 minute ago, Generalchaos said:

    If you leave the positive connected you have the potential of a fault to ground / neutral, if you disconnect the positive then the thing is dead.



    If you leave the positive connected and remove the ground, in a DC system, the electricity literally has NO way to complete any circuit. 


    If you disconnect the positive, and leave the ground, every metal component on the car is still grounded. Very unsafe. If anything (Metal, wiring from rats getting in there, etc.) goes from battery + to ANY bare metal on the car, you gonna have problems. Blown fuses, relays, possibly ECU if the other electronic safeguards are faulty. 


    Never just disconnect battery + and leave the entire car grounded. 


    in the case of storing a car for 6 months, disconnect the battery completely. There are certain parts of a car that still use very low (parasitic draw) amounts of electricity. Parts of the ECU, come dash clocks, etc. 

  18. 25 minutes ago, stevenl said:
    29 minutes ago, Strange said:


    Don't need to know, they can run plates all they want, and can see the persons arrest history. 

    You clearly don't understand, that's ok.


    Whats to understand? Are you trying to say that they were looking for a certain person to serve an arrest warrant, and should have left Mr. Scott alone? That they are not allowed to do their job while looking for a certain person? If they would not have approached Mr Scott, then he would be alive? 

  19. 2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:
    12 minutes ago, Strange said:

    No jingthing, looting and burning things does not just happen. Its against the law and against our first amendment. 


    The flames are being fanned so hard by everyone. Rioting on the street before the facts are even out. Its unacceptable. 

    I agree rioting and looting are unacceptable.

    I also don't agree with everything that the BLM movement represents.

    But I recognize they have legitimate grievances. 


    They may have legitimate grievances, but their actions under the "BLM" flag make them un-recogniseable. 

  20. 19 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Looting and burning things happens but it isn't part of the core BLM agenda. They can't control everyone that goes out into the streets, can they? 


    No jingthing, looting and burning things does not just happen. Its against the law and against our first amendment. 


    The flames are being fanned so hard by everyone. Rioting on the street before the facts are even out. Its unacceptable. 

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