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Posts posted by Strange

  1. Well I spent the better part of yesterday working on the minix box. Updated the Android OS, Got a new launcher (NOVA) deleted my old Kodi/XMBC and downloaded the Krypton version of Kodi. I then installed the Duggz All Arounder (Just to get a feel of one setup with a lot of stuff)

    I have to say its WAY better than before. I was trying to use 1channel and that was my main problem. Exodus is about 5000X better than 1 channel. Literally right there on the stream options is says 1080p, HD, etc. I watched Captain America Civil War and the picture was EXCELLENT. 


    That was my main issue, I have a 55" smart tv and watch Blueray on my ps4. The picture and quality was fantastic on bluray then I would try 1channel and it would be terrible. This totally put me off. 


    Working a lot better now, its just time consuming fixing all the details to get it working properly. And @JHolmesJr yes pointed google searches got all my questions resolved. 


    Now my current issue is the audio, had my TV turned up to 100 and had to increase the DB of several streams just to hear peoples voice then BOOM rattled the house with TV Gunfire. 

  2. 41 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

    USA - one remaining bigotry?


    Racial relations, religious prejudices, lgbt rights... neo nazis, neo cons, conservative vs liberal, repubs vs democrats, rich vs poor, 


    seems I can go on and on... 


    1 minute ago, kenk24 said:


    so, pointing out the existence of other people's bigotry is now bigotry... strange indeed...


    Nope its not, but your first sentence casts intolerance over an entire country and its 300,000,000 people due to what a very slim minority believe and its retarded BS like this that get repeated over and over again. 

  3. 53 minutes ago, fishbrando said:

    I'm happy to hang out and have discussions with anyone on any topic as long as (1) they don't get angry and worked up during the discussion and (2) they actually listen and acknowledge points that are made.


    Was going to post this but you beat me to it. If these 2 points are broken then a discussion/debate can't really be beneficial. Someone is going to get p*ssed off and the conversation will likely degrade to insults. 

  4. 6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    We have one remaining bigotry. We don't want to be around anybody that disagrees with us.



    American here - I don't think that is bigotry and it kinda annoys me when people put a bigotry spin on things. Intolerance would be a more accurate term as bigotry implies an air of racism, sexism, etc. Bigotry implies a sense of feeling that you are better than someone based on things that you have no control over or a feeling of superiority over a certain gender/race/age/sexual preference/etc while being intolerant of a certain person (regardless of age/sex/preference) is completely normal. I don't have to like a certain person but I would be a bigot if I cast intolerance over a demographic. 


    7 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Like if you're Australian for example, do you go out of your way to avoid hanging out with other Australians with very different views than you? 


    Ill hang out with anyone don't care about where they come from or what they are about, unless they are a <deleted> in witch case that certain person would be on my do not call list. 

  5. Well there is no way of knowing if what you got is the whole story, but I would not pay either if I was above board. 100 Baht on the motorbike - yeah ok, extortion in a place of business - no. Just be polite and smile and "No Hab Monee"

  6. 37 minutes ago, Pinot said:

    "Basket of Deplorables" doesn't begin to cover his lemmings. Babies need to be given guns at birth. Every man, woman and baby needs to be armed so they can protect themselves. "By default remove citizen's right to protect themselves?" All gun control is evil. Let's hand out guns to everyone, so we can all be safe.


    And lets just be real here - nothing in this statement has any basis of truth. 


    "Hilary is no more important than the citizens the represents. If she wants some form of control, she should lead by example"




    Stop. Just stop.

  7. 31 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    "is that if you tighten restrictions on firearms and by default remove citizens right to protect them selves"

    And there you're wrong already. A restriction does not mean citizens right to self protection are removed.


    1 minute ago, Pinot said:


    Ridiculous. Just ridiculous. You've taken his twisted bullshit, twisted it further and made it even more ridiculous, if that's even possible. Congratulations, you win Trumpeteer of the Day!


    "Basket of Deplorables" doesn't begin to cover his lemmings. Babies need to be given guns at birth. Every man, woman and baby needs to be armed so they can protect themselves. "By default remove citizen's right to protect themselves?" All gun control is evil. Let's hand out guns to everyone, so we can all be safe.   :hit-the-fan:


    Let's pray for America. Hail Mary full of grace...


    I knew this was going to wind up a few of you and you can say all the hail marys you want. Luckily your opinion on the matter has zero impact on what a lot of us believe. I am not deplorable. I don't really like Trump but I REALLY don't like Hillary. I was just illustrating for you guys what he was saying. He was not calling for the harm of hillary. He was saying - you go first. Want an assault weapons ban? Ok Hillary you go first. You want to limit handgun magazine capacity to 5 rounds? Ok hillary you go first. She is no more important than the guy that flips her burgers. Her life is no more important than the woman that cleaned her hotel room. 


    You can choose not to have any firearms and thats up to you. We already have a lot of gun control. We are not the UK and we don't want to be and most of us do not care what you guys do. I am all for gun control that targets criminals without infringing on lawful americans rights. 



  8. 9 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:
    18 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


    Sorry, about 5000 of those involved the suspect having a suspected firearm, only 7 shot.


    Another one for you, in the West Midlands last year, police faced 80 fake firearms in three months, not one resulted in a weapon being discharged.  Are you starting to get it now?


    As for your disbelief that it is possible to disarm someone with words, you should check out Boston Police Depts. training program in Scotland, their police chief certainly believes his staff can learn something from the British negotiating skills successes.  You can keep living in denial if you want but the reality is out there, Americans are in no way unique, people attack other people in every country in the world, but in some countries the police are developing skills that help them avoid having to kill people.


    Your numbers are not possibly correct. Your data is being misinterpreted or I am misunderstanding you but do you actually believe that in 5,000 instances of a felon in posession of a gun the police only needed to shoot 7 times?


    Please show your statistics to any Law Enforcement officer in the US and they will walk away from you shaking their head in equal disbelief. 


    That is not the way gun violence occurs in the US. Do those countries you talk about have cities like Chicago where 50 people are shot on a single weekend by bad people with guns? Here in the US bad guys with guns actually use them to shoot people and they are not disarmed by discussion. 


    Its ridiculous the statements that Shawn makes and then does not provide any data for review. He thinks he is slick by quickly googling a term, finding one that fits his agenda, then barfs it up here like fact. 

  9. 3 hours ago, stevenl said:
    3 hours ago, Pimay1 said:

    Absolute lefty liberal spin nonsense. These little snowflakes should run back into their safe spaces.

    2 possibilities. Either it leads to violence against her, in which case he incited, or it does not lead to violence, in which case all guns could be taken.


    What Trump is saying, witch you will surely not understand (But americans do), is that if you tighten restrictions on firearms and by default remove citizens right to protect them selves, then the person promoting it should also disarm. You can't walk around with armed bodyguards and say everyone else should not have protection. Its literally saying "I have more value than you and I deserve protection. I am more important and my life is more important than yours"


    He is not inciting violence he is making a point. The extreme libs take it and say "But.... But.... He is saying she should be harmed!!!" No. Just no. He is simply stating that if she wants to disarm the people - she should go first. 

  10. 8 minutes ago, Johnniey said:

    Not true, not even close.It has nothing to do with if they like you our not.

    Pretty much everyone gets it if they get past the first step, having the criteria, a decent job or married to a thai. 3 years working, WP, house registration book, 5000 bHt fee. Now one doesn't even have to speak thai.


    Please show me where you got this information. I would like to have a look. 

  11. 4 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:
    14 minutes ago, eldragon said:

    Thai women lack intellect, making it really hard to connect with them the way you would with... pretty much any girl you'd meet anywhere else in the world. But the tradeoff is you're gonna find white girls are much more opinionated and argumentative. These days, it feels like they're looking for something not to like about you, especially in a place where we're all branded as sexpats. It might also be a shock for you to find white girls expect a bit more emotionally than Thai girls do. And they're not quite as interested in dating older men. At 40 yo, that last point might make it really hard for you to find a white girl you're attracted to.


    Regarding your question, it seems like western women tend to hang out at the skybars and high end clubs. I don't see too many of em slumming it the way western men do. Might want to check the dating apps too.


    That's rich, l hope your not near us because if my wife heard you say that you'd know what a right hook from a Thai lady would feel like. :bah:


    Not really. While generalizations can easily be proven wrong by a minority, they are still the minority.


    Im married, and wife speaks english very well, but it is frustrating trying to talk about serious topics because for the most part they just don't want to full their headspace with much. Even when they are talking amongst themselves its boring. Sometimes I admire their ability to "Nevermind" - it gets old. 

    • Like 2
  12. 11 hours ago, HauptmannUK said:

    I quickly received highly specialist care of very high quality that saved my life. I could never have afforded this care privately and most insurance policies would not have covered it on cost grounds.  Looking on internet forums for sufferers of this disorder it was heartbreaking to see US-based posters dying because they either had no insutance coverage or they had hit their coverage limits. They were writing begging letters to drug companies for treatment.


    False. If you are sick in the USA, have no money, no insurance, no car, you can call 911, be picked up my ambulance, and treated in the ER and taken care of. You will be billed and if you do not have insurance your rates will be substantially lower. You will not be left out in the cold to die thats just nonsense. The hospitals will setup payment plans for people and even if you can not pay anything at all, nothing will happen. You will not be banned from the hospital. These costs are absorbed by the hospital. 


    11 hours ago, HauptmannUK said:

    And the US has an infant mortality rate comparable with developing countries.


    Why do you guys say stuff like this? So much untruth here. Show me some unbiased factual information to support this BS. Not a BBC/guardian.uk article. 


    10 hours ago, KBsinter said:

    I would have to disagree , the nhs was set up to provide free healthcare, 


    2 hours ago, SgtRock said:

    Primary * Free * healthcare as per the list I provided


    2 hours ago, SgtRock said:

    That is what Primary * Free * healthcare is all about.


    Then you have Secondary * Free * Healthcare. This would cover things like Maternity, Mental Health etc. Not life saving but necessary .


    26 minutes ago, SgtRock said:

    The objective of the thread is to see the NHS continuing to provide * Free * Primary medical care.


    Its not free though. You guys are taxed at a much higher rate than we are and don't get much in return for it. 





  13. Before I was married, I used websites that were targeted to what you are looking for. They cost money but thats even better because it weeds out all the BS. 


    If you are looking for tourist backpacker types this might not work but there are a lot of white women living here for whatever reason who are not interested in Thai men. Or who dislike their husband. 



    • Like 1
  14. 4 minutes ago, JJGreen said:

    Are people this bitter and petty back in our home countries?




    People use other peoples misfortune as a way to propel them selves into a feeling of superiority. They think its a good way to improve their image and the way other people view them. The reality is people see it for what it is - bottom of the barrel, scum of the earth douchebaggery. 


    Norman Person - "Oh man my wife cheated and stole all my money"


    Weirdos in Thailand - "Haha lololol I don't know what kind of woman you married, but mine would never do that!! You must be a real piece of work!"


    Normal Person - "What?"

  15. Agreed with the other posters just call her up and kiss her ass. Get your utilities back on and then start looking for something else. at 5k a month I'm sure you can find a place of equal value in about 5 minutes. Once you use up your rent money do like the locals and run up your utilities and walk out at the last minute. 

    Not only that, but just go to your water meter and turn the valve back on. She didn't get the water company to turn it off, she just closed a damn valve. Just go turn it back on. 

  16. 52 minutes ago, Johnniey said:

    I am going for Thai citizenship and would never want American. 


    Get citizenship here and own all the business and property you want. Is there some reason you think you should be able to remain an extended tourist here, whereas Thais need to pass an English test etc to live and work in my country(UK).


    And its unfortunate that you have such a dislike of the USA. I find it amusing that you guys can form such an opinion a topic so huge based on what you see on the news witch causes you to dislike an entire country and its 300,000,000 people, who, by the way, are allies. 

  17. 10 minutes ago, Johnniey said:

    I'm not special. 3 years of paying taxes on over 40,000 baht a month and married to a Thai. 

    It's a bar-stool myth that it's impossible. To be fair, it was harder in the past but no harder than other countries. I can have dual citizenship with the UK.


    Its true, just because there is a .0001 percent chance does mean that it is possible. 


    Im not hating on you man I hope you get it. I have wasted a lot of time reading about this subject and its pretty unlikely and at the end of the day there is no hard and fast rule/list. Then end of the day it comes down to if they like you or not. You are not entitled to it. Not to mention who knows how thats going to play out with the junta. 


    8 minutes ago, Johnniey said:

    I am going for Thai citizenship and would never want American. 


    Get citizenship here and own all the business and property you want. Is there some reason you think you should be able to remain an extended tourist here, whereas Thais need to pass an English test etc to live and work in my country(UK).


    What makes you more special than the other people trying for Thai Citizenship? Don't you need a pardon by the king or something? I mean thats cool and all but that looks pretty far out there. Am I reading it right that you have to renounce your current citizenship? 




    "Living and working" is far and away different than being a citizen of a country protected by law, can vote, protect yourself, on and on... 

  19. If you can get a thai (Wife, Cousin, whatever) to put it in their name and you stay out of the picture then its a completely different scenario. We got 3BB in the wifes name and it was (at the time it was like 1300 baht for 30/10) 3200 baht for them to come out and install and then pay by month. Its now 700 baht for 50/10.


    It was the same with True, small upfront and pay monthly. If I tried to get true myself they wanted a 1 year contract paid in full. Fuk that noise. 

  20. 9 hours ago, Dagnabbit said:

    But in this case, the person was not armed.


    He had mental issues and was executed for the crime of not complying with police orders.


    22 minutes ago, Dagnabbit said:

    So you can tell the difference between 'on drugs' and 'mentally ill'. Really?

    But to help you. The majority of countries on planet earth would not have seen police execute this man.

    He was unarmed. He was executed for not following orders.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    The cops had body cams. They were in the wide open. Their instructions were VERY clear. You can clearly hear it in their voice that they did not want to shoot the guy anymore. By the time the shell casing of the second shot hit the ground the officer with the shotgun was on the radio calling for emergency services. 

    Its unfortunate but the suspect clearly escalated the situation so far by trying to act like he had a weapon. You can't just walk up and "take a look" and risk getting shot yourself. If they would have stayed back and behind cover the guy could have gotten back in the truck and become a threat to the public. There are endless hypotheticals.


    Lastly, for fuks sake, it was only confirmed that he was unarmed AFTER THE FACT. The suspect was clearly trying to indicate he had a firearm to several, SEVERAL police with weapons drawn, clearly and repeatedly telling him to get on the ground. 


    You can't just say "But.... But.... he was unarmed!" without context. 

  21. 19 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

    MIne runs like a charm….i learnt from experience not to instal other peoples builds….youre at their mercy for updates and whatnot.


    All you need is the tv add-on repository to begin with….as you instal adding the other repositories that supper them will automatically be installed.


    Less is more.


    For movies and tv shows, all you need are Exodus, SALTS, Ice Films, 1 Channel, Alluc and The Royal We….between them these will access any damn movie or tv show ever made and stored online.


    LIve TV that is reliable and consistent working is not possible on Kodi…unless you buy a Stalker subscription for $80 a year. All you will get through free add ons is broken links and buffering.


    For TV consider downloading other apps on your Minix…Mobdro, Filmon TV, Torrent Stream Controller etc.


    Kodi must be cleaned and maintained once a week….clear all caches, artwork, packages etc…..use the maintenance tool on tvaddons or the one from noobsandnerds for this.


    Kodi is not plug and play…..so do not expect Apple levels of intuitiveness…..but if you're willing to learn, read up on forums and google your issues, every answer you need is on youtube or the Kodi forums.


    Just turned it on and gave it another try just to make sure I'm not missing something in the settings. 


    1 Channel - You pick a movie like Iron Man. Its been out forever, released on bluray. Click the icon for the movie and a window opens up asking you to choose a stream. There is no way to tell if its a CAM, if its dubbed in Korean, If its SD, HD, Bluray. Only thing I see is a web address, and number of views and maybe something like [DVD]. Even if you go on the number of views its completely random. Click on the most viewed stream - broken link, massive korean subs, SD quality etc. 


    This is what frustrates me because by the time I find something watchable, I could have downloaded a 1080p version with 5.1 audio and been doing something else instead of sitting in front of the TV randomly clicking streams and hoping one of them will work.


    I understand how the thing works and I know its not an apple product. But damn man is there a box I'm not ticking or something? 



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