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Posts posted by Strange

  1. 4 hours ago, arkom said:

    I am using ExpressVPN to get access to US Netflix, and using it on my Apple TV and LG Smart TV by changing the DNS settings on the TV to the one they provide you.  It's a bit pricey but works good.


    So you are changing the DNS Settings on the Apple TV Box, not the TV Itself right? And you are viewing Netflix through the Netflix App available through Apple App Store?


    You have been doing this daily without any major change? Ive been using unlocator but it only works through my safari browser. Anything else and it won't work. 



  2. 11 hours ago, Manassas said:

    I want to restart my US Netflix subscription and login on my smart TV.  I'm told I need a VPN to access my US Netflix account.  My Samsung TV has a built-in Netflix app. So my question is can I use a VPN to login on the TV app? Is it possible? I would rather not have to use the laptop and run an HDMI to the TV. Are some VPNs better for this purpose? Thanx.


    You can use your Netflix Subscription here in Thailand without a VPN but you will be limited to the content available here in Thailand. Im sure you already know this. Most of the "Netflix Originals" are available in Thailand without a VPN/DNS Changes. The benefit of using Netflix Thailand is there is no lag. If you have the settings in your netflix account set for the highest resolution, they will play instantly in 1080p or "Ultra HD". If your connection is slow then netflix will playback in SD and slowly increase the resolution. IF you manage to get US Netflix going through DNS or VPN then it starts to get laggy and clunky but still works. It starts out in SD a lot of the time and takes a minute or 2 to get up to 720p or 1080p. 

    Now with all this said, The app on your TV may not support Netflix in HD. Only SD. I don't know what OS Your TV has but if its anything proprietary to Samsung then it will likely only play in SD. Even a lot of Android Devices only play in SD. Even on my Minix TV Box with Android OS it only plays SD. This is a huge deal for me because if you have a smart tv then its capable of a pretty damn good picture. However, on my PS4 with netflix app, full Ultra HD when available. If you have to get the netflix app from the google play store then likely it will only playback in SD and there is a huge difference between SD and HD. 


    Android phones and tablets currently support streaming in 480p.

    Netflix HD playback is available on select Android devices. See our "Netflix in HD" tab for more information.



    I don't know if you can get a VPN on your TV or not. You have to check whatever "App Store" is available but most likely not. You would either have to VPN your router in witch case every device connected to that router would be through the VPN (Kinda pain in the ass) Or you could install the VPN on your laptop and try to "Share" the network from your laptop to your TV wirelessly. Also Kind of a pain in the ass. Or you could VPN your laptop and view with HDMI. 


    Netflix over the last few months have gotten REALLY good and blocking people from viewing their content outside of their geographic location. 



  3. I dont hate thailand, and I agree that for the most part people are smiley and happy. Things are "Cheaper" but I really and truly believe that cheap does not equal value. The things here that are actually "Cheap" are very VERY low quality and the only real exceptions are some rental property and the food. Might be different for some of the UK/Europe fellas due to the weather and cost of living in their home countries. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Goanna said:

    Today, I have spoken with a Thai guy, who is a fluent english speaker. He has had the reverse problem, of his meter not supplying enough, and had to upgrade to 15/ 45. He says the 4 baht only applies to 5/ 15 meter houses.


    But as you can see from the pic, I have bigger problems here. With the main off, only one circuit, the GPO that the tv runs from, shows ten volts! So, there is a screw piercing somewhere or something like that. When all the switches are on with the main off, they all show 10 volts, because of the live bar. As well, the consumer unit box gives a shock, although mild. 

    I'm heading back to Aus for work tomorrow, so will be running an above ground supply cable when I get back. Currently under ground. 

    Thanks again guys. Gradually getting to the root of it.


    The meter does not supply power to anything. The electricity simply passes THROUGH the meter where your consumption is measured in units. I think you might have some confusion there. The meter does not "Cap" your electrical availability. It is simply there to accurately measure your consumption. 


    The 4 baht per unit for only a 5/15 meter is untrue. The consumption is the same regardless of meter. The different meter options are available for houses that CONSUME more electricity and can measure them more accurately. 


    Clear as mud right? 

  5. 1 hour ago, Bung said:

    Why does the USA, seemingly an intelligent country,  manage to dredge up such poor excuses for humans to be their presidents?  What the hell is wrong with you people? 


    I don't like either candidate what so ever, but I'm firmly in the "Anyone but Hillary" camp. They have been grooming Hillary for years and everyone has been watching. The fact that so many people dislike Hillary is IMHO the main reason Trump is even a thing. 

  6. Dude there is nothing complicated about bending 5-10mm cold roll. There are calculations easily available online. I have several benders in the states, one of witch is a mandrel unit. It is all calculations and fitment. Radius of the die, angle of the bend, what plane, etc. 


    For cold roll, literally any shop that makes gates can do what you need. And cold roll, you can take your drawing to any shop and they most likely don't need a bender at all. 


    Do you have a diagram of what you are trying to fab? I can help. 

  7. 59 minutes ago, webfact said:

    "I'm the only candidate in this race who's been part of the hard decisions to take terrorists off the battlefield," Clinton, a former secretary of state, told reporters. "I know how to do this."




    59 minutes ago, webfact said:

    She insinuated that Islamic militants, particularly those affiliated with ISIS, are rooting for Trump




    59 minutes ago, webfact said:

    "Even if you are totally opposed to Donald Trump, you may still have some questions about me. I get that. And I want to do my best to answer those questions,"


    ....... And the answers are where? 


    On September 6, 2016 at 8:43 PM, baboon said:

    She is 6, was born here and I am the biological father who was at the time and remains married to her mother.


    Is 6 years old too young to get an ID card? If so then the birth cert should work. All she should need is a good form of ID right? 


    Worst case just call the airline. There are only a couple that fly domestic anyway. 

  9. 1 hour ago, tominbkk said:

    I thought it would be a lot more than that.  Those teens and tweens don't give a shiiiiiiiiiitttttt.


    This so much. Out here in Surin these kids are straight up wild. Wheelies on the side of the road while giant overburdened tractor trailers have to move around THEM. 


    I agree with the other posters - starts with the parents, then law enforcement, but it aint got nothing to do with me. 


    Thai parents and the male kids, I can't explain it, but they don't want to discipline them. They think the kinds will not "Love" them anymore its fukkin retarded. 

  10. On September 10, 2016 at 8:02 AM, patongphil said:

    similar to the OGUK medical?


    2 hours ago, patongphil said:

    Well I got it done at the Dibuk Clinic on Chaofa West. Pretty quick as they are not busy and only 1,200 baht.


    What kind of medical was it? You say similar to the OGUK Medical, but what was it certified to? 

  11. 34 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

    Surely the pair of you would be better of posting your food pictures on facebook?


    None of the 'photos bear any resemblance to typical Thai 'restaurant' food.


    Don't mind the pics and agreed that the pics don't look like restaurant food or local market food. Cooked at home. Looks good and I don't mind looking. 


    BUT the posters that quote the whole thing over and over just to say "COOL" - there is a special place in hell for you lol


    1 hour ago, gandalf12 said:
    On September 17, 2016 at 8:28 PM, Strange said:

    Thai food is thai food. The local market people sell all the same thing so after a while it gets boring. 

    Only if you continue to buy the same thing. There is a wide range of Thai food so buying the same doesn't really enter into it. From the vendors in the street yes a lot of it is the same.


    Been here for years & aware of the range of food. The local market (By locals everyday) has the same things for sale every single day. Everyday. With the exception of the random new person that decides to sell something "new". Its like eating off a menu of the same 60 things. There is a "Friday" market (Traveling one) with a better selection, but with that one, its 80% of the local one and 20% variety. 


    There are a lot of things to look at and yes its good, but some of it I will not eat. If it smells rancid, it aint going anywhere near my mouth. I don't like the local mudfish full of pinbones. 


    For me it gets boring. Good quality fresh bread, good quality steaks, mexican, vietnamese, italian, US country cooking, southern BBQ (BBQ Mind you NOT "burned meat over coals") good quality deli meats, cheese, on and on... 


    I could cook a lot of my own food, but most of the time its hardly worth the price and effort, and cooking for 1 person causes a lot of wastage. 


    I eat thai food most of the time but when dinner time rolls around Im like meh. 

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