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Everything posted by jesimps

  1. Used to be the same when I lived in Jomtien years ago. It's why I moved out. Never stay near a beach in Thailand is my advice to anyone who enjoys peace and quiet. Mind you, because so many pool villas have been built around where I moved to in the Huay Yai/Phoenix Golf Course area, we now have bass-heavy music assailing us on weekends during the tourist season. It seems that there's no escape wherever you are in this part of Thailand.
  2. One of your more stupid posts. When I was in the military many years ago, I served in some dodgy places and have received jabs for almost every disease under the sun. I had three Covid jabs and so far haven't been infected. I put this down to taking the advice of medically qualified experts rather than the nomarks on Asean Now Forums. Conspiracy theorists abound on here.
  3. How many Republicans helped bring these cases? A handful I'll wager. This nonsense is all part of commie lawfare.
  4. You kidding? No way would I want to wander about all day wearing a Hawaiian shirt, trousers at half-mast, a bootlace tie, belt with huge buckle, white socks and big black shiny shoes. All the while talking in a big loud voice. Have I missed anything from the qualifications for being a good spam?
  5. Don't count your chickens. For many of us it worked originally, but for some reason, despite circumstances remaining unchanged, our reminders stopped and we started being rejected.
  6. My last two online 90 days have been rejected despite being accepted for many years without question. My circumstances are exactly the same as when I first used the system and I haven't been out of the country, or even the province. When I asked the IO why, she said that the immigration computer had to be manned at the time as it doesn't store the applications. Being that I made at least a dozen attempts on both occasions, it seems unlikely that this was the case. I'll try again on the next due date, but don't hold out much hope of it working.
  7. I live in a house on the edge of a golf course and because of the new resorts that have gone up around here, it's as noisy as the Jomtien condo where I used to live. I think my next big spend will be on double glazing and noise proofing the attic.
  8. After many flights between Delhi and Heathrow via Dubai on the "Curry express", I'm relieved that I wasn't on this one.
  9. A perfect spot for a mini roundabout/traffic island, if only the locals understood them. They dug the roundabouts up in Pattaya and installed light because there were too many accidents on them. Thais have no concept of the traffic from the right has priority rule. I don't know if it's even in the highway code here.
  10. Whatever caused him to kick off, I'd say that this is an attack with a weapon. A belt with a buckle is a very handy weapon, I've seen it used in Liverpool during my younger days and it can cause some damage.
  11. I use the house blue book plus a copy of my marriage cert. Seems to work. No good if you're single though.
  12. Calling the huge majority of US voters "sheeple" is hardly going to attract people to your side of the fence. You should have learned from your Demorat leaders' drubbing that calling people names doesn't win you elections, whereas good policies like securing the border, reducing immigration, repatriating illegal migrants, improving law and order, supporting your foreign allies, stopping anti-semitism etc does.
  13. I've been here for 18 years and (touch wood) it hasn't happened to me. I feel safer walking around downtown Pattaya late at night than I used to in the small town I last lived in the UK. Maybe I've said it before on here, but it was like Dodge City in the westerns on weekend evenings.
  14. Good! Well done!! A life for a life, sounds like a fair swap to me. If only they'd carry it out, still, the threat is there.
  15. I wonder if other non-spams on here are as brassed-off as me with hearing about the US election. Especially the whinging from you bitter and twisted Demorat losers. When are you lefties going to realise that slagging off the majority of the electorate is not going to help you win over Republican voters. If you have an eye on the next general election, you should instead be coming up with some decent agreeable policies that the "sheeple" might like ie controlling mass immigration, reducing crime, stopping antisemitism, returning discipline to the schools and universities, getting rid of woke etc
  16. I might be able to answer you if I knew what it was he said or did. Can't it be that the pond life just felt like beating up on someone? It happens, even in Thailand. Surprised someone hasn't come up with "If you don't like being beaten up here, you should go back to your own country to be beaten up".
  17. It would be nice to be able to buy my booze on my early morning visit to the supermarket when the roads are less congested, rather than have to shop post 11am and return home during the lunch hour rush.
  18. Obviously, the bulk of US voters disagree with you and seeing your rants about President Trump and the Republicans over recent weeks, I'm very pleased that they do.
  19. Yes I've had the email and forms and I'm a Brit. I'm not returning the forms because all three mention the IRS.
  20. I assume that you're an ex civil servant. According to the DTA with the UK, you're exempt from paying tax in Thailand and therefore don't need to file a return. That's how I read it.
  21. "Right of centre party members from Germany". There that's better. If you can find a far right activist in the west you'll be lucky, they appear to be very elusive. Anyway, in a free society, there should be nothing wrong with being far right or left, as long as you obey the law. It makes it a lot easier on election day.
  22. Let's know where you got your crystal ball, I'm sure that the overwhelming majority of people who voted for President Trump would like to tell you where to shove it.
  23. I refuse to comment on a post using the word "cisgender". Woke nonsense if ever I came across it.
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