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Everything posted by jesimps

  1. Being that this country is top heavy with lefty farang, I think I'll keep my opinion on this to myself. Wouldn't want them going apoplectic.
  2. I lived and worked in Delhi for four years and don't recall ever going outside of my compound with a western lady without being bothered by locals. Especially outside of the city at temples etc, we'd be followed around by hoards, some of them "accidentally" brushing past the ladies and touching them. My blonde daughter who was in her early teens was like a magnet to them. The old "can I have a photo taken with you" was a regular request and an excuse for touching. It even happened here in Pattaya when my daughter was visiting, only this time I wasn't so outnumbered and managed to chase them off. Not all, but an awful lot of them need to develop some self control.
  3. Not my medical clinic, they refused.
  4. I got mine done at the police station on Beach Road Pattaya, next door to Central Mall for 200 baht. They knew exactly what to do and I was in and out in a few minutes. Every other prominent Thai person I tried refused to do it.
  5. Ask this question next year after the tax demands have been sent out.
  6. So what? Doesn't make it right. Unbelievable some of the people on here.
  7. With the alleged verbal abuse I would expect the child to be angry, but to repeatedly stick a knife into someone, something has to be mentally wrong with her. I mean, there's no way I could ever imagine going through the act of shoving a knife into a human being, let alone my own grandmother. Most normal people I'm sure would cringe at the thought of even punching someone else. The child in my opinion is a danger and should be kept away from the public.
  8. I doubt it, but I know someone on the other side of the US political spectrum who does.
  9. All the bar girls call me "Papa", now that IS worrying.
  10. I've been using "Personal expenses" for several years and it always appears in Bangkok Bank as "international Transfer". Not saying that it's the same for everyone, but it is the case for me.
  11. ......and we all know why those Dems voted against, don't we. Going on past posts, they'll have a few like minded friends on here too no doubt.
  12. The dogs crapping on the beach is a far greater problem.
  13. I had it many years ago in England and it was agony. I've lived in Thailand for seventeen and a half years and it's never returned. Hopefully just a once in a lifetime experience.
  14. What I saw on that video is nothing compared to the drunken violence I saw in the small town where I worked before leaving the UK. At least here the police intervened whereas back there they sat in their vans watching.
  15. Sounds like you're obsessed by race. In all my years of using the bars in Pattaya, I don't think I've ever seen a single example of racism. One man's money is as good as the next seems to be the attitude and I've never seen the girls turn away a girly drink from a non-white. Go to Walking Street on any evening and you'll see many races co-existing and enjoying themselves. In fact, it's right in the middle of where the middle-easterners and Indians like to stay. In my opinion, it's opinions like yours that cause racial division.
  16. I've found in this life that if you're happy and contented, not rich but have enough to get by, law abiding and quiet and inoffensive, someone will attempt to upset your applecart.
  17. Especially if she lifted her leg at the same time and said "Catch that one!"
  18. What is appropriate to people in uniform is that very few of the people wearing it have served in the armed forces, despite the rows of medal ribbons, para wings etc. Even my missus, when she was a teacher wore a uniform with two gold bars on her shoulder and three medal ribbons, for being first to the school canteen three times in a row is my guess.
  19. For anyone wanting to have a go: "Ohms law states that the current in any electrical circuit is directly proportional to the voltage and inversely proportional to the resistance. Providing the temperature remains constant." At least it was in the early 1960s, Keir Starmer's probably gone and changed it now.
  20. We do bring rather a lot of foreign currency into the country, provide jobs for Thais in general and provide homes for Thai wives. On top of that, we very rarely give the government any problems, in fact we're probably the most law-abiding group in the land. I'd go further than saying we're the golden goose, more like manna from heaven. Guarantee the UK would prefer to have a group like us than the present demographic flooding the country.
  21. Like the visa based on marriage to a Thai, it'll be a paper chase, only on an international scale. If it means phone calls to HMRC UK, I think I'll top myself. I had to phone them several months back. Nearly an hour sat listening to music waiting to speak with someone, then trying to decypher the West Indian and the Jock on the other end of the line. It was a nightmare.
  22. I did just that in Jomtien Tax Office fairly recently, but they refused to let me register for tax assessment. Told me to go away and pay tax to my home country. Didn't even need a brown envelope.
  23. Imagine what it would've cost him if they'd stayed married!
  24. I used to notice this in my last job. Although our shift had a pub crawl every now and then, it was always just the people I worked with, never spouses. Come the Christmas do, in which spouses were invited, I was gobsmacked to see all the guys I worked with turn up with little fat old ladies. I don't know if working close to these guys for long periods made them appear younger than they were, but they genuinely looked to me to be younger and in better shape than their wives. I would therefore have to agree with the OP.
  25. We also have two-tier policing in the west. Coppers are very soft on certain foreigners.
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