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Everything posted by jesimps

  1. Boarding kennels owners in the UK receive a lot of business from working people whose dogs have eaten their expensive kitchen cupboards. They lock them in the kitchen when they go to work and return to find all their fittings demolished by the bored dogs. The owners who have to continue working, put them into kennels while they decide what to do with the animals. Owning a dog can be an expensive and time-consuming business, especially if you have more than one. The best decision I ever made was when I split with my dog loving wife and became an ex-dog owner.
  2. Those of you who took the oath didn't seem very keen to defend your borders, which in my opinion is the first duty of a nation. I don't suppose the US knows how many foreign terrorists it has wandering around the nation, being that most illegals destroy their docs before slipping into the country. You'd better be hoping and praying that it doesn't come to "real civil war" because I don't give you lefty snowflakes much of a chance against the MAGA crowd of genuine patriots.
  3. I lost count of the times I watched Biden or Jean-Pierre saying that he would not pardon his son. Lying at its most blatant.
  4. "thereafter online reporting works" Until it doesn't.
  5. I'm in the same boat. Been doing my 90 day online for years without a hitch, then the time before last, strangely I got no reminder and had all my requests rejected. Had to do it in person at Jomtien. None of circumstances had changed and I filled in the form the same as all my previous applications. I didn't mention it at the office because I thought that it was maybe a one-off. Last time, the same thing happened, no reminder and all my submissions (loads of the wretched things) rejected. On querying it with Jomtien they said that it must have happened when the desk was unmanned, as the computer only holds the requests for a short time. This I thought was a pretty feeble explanation in view of the fact that I made so many attempts and the fact that I'd been doing it for years with not one rejection and always received a reminder. We'll see how it goes on my next one.
  6. You have a point. I've cut back an awful lot on what I used to consume because I could no longer stand the hangovers. However, I still have a few whiskies of an evening which has the benefit of helping me unwind and reducing stress. Being stress free I find is more beneficial than being alcohol free.
  7. Hope so.
  8. I'll let you know my thoughts when I decrypt the voice scrambler.
  9. "The people involved" That of course includes the baby, who can't decide for itself so the state acts as proxy.
  10. When I saw the thread title I thought "Jingy's still having fits", but alas, he's only third in the queue this time.
  11. I'm waiting for the "if he wants to ride a big bike and hit drunken pedestrians, he should go back to his own country". Seems to be a long time coming on this thread, although it will.
  12. I got as far as "he's also a lawyer...." when I stopped reading.
  13. I guess by your post that you'd rather have President Starmer, Blair, Truss or May. Imagine the embarrassment of having President Raynor or Lammy. No thanks! I'd rather keep the royals, warts and all.
  14. Don't know why Jaguar are advertising at all, they don't even have a new car to sell at the moment. Yes, in case you didn't guess, the new advert is all about cars!
  15. Yes I've received it plus the attachments which all look US related. I can't even provide a TIN because the Jomtien tax office refused to issue me with one.
  16. Demorats are similar to the Remainers in the UK after Brexit. In fact, they're still whinging years later. Accept it that you were hammered in the election and that the incoming government are what the majority of your citizens want. Insulting Pres Trump and his followers isn't going to sway them to your side, on the contrary, you're just boring everybody and convincing them that they made the right choice.
  17. You Dems still resorting to insulting the majority of the population of the US, even on a post about moths! When I was in the Brit army in Borneo, we were nice to the local tribes and managed to get them on our side, you lefties ought to try the hearts and minds thing yourselves. Might give you a chance at the next election.
  18. All credit to him for having a change of heart and admitting he was wrong. Unlike the lefty cradle to the grave types "I was born a lefty, my parents were lefties, I'll always be a lefty regardless".
  19. So the overwhelming majority of people who voted in President Trump "Do not deserve to be American" because they don't lean the same way politically as you? Ridiculous post.
  20. You got the government the vast majority of the American people voted for. It's called democracy and yes you really really deserved it.
  21. Hardly surprising reading the guff they come out with. Same in the UK, the BBC, Chan 4, Sky tv and the Guardian "newspaper" are just mouthpieces for our far-left government. I stopped using mainstream media a long time ago.
  22. You've got the right name simple1. To state that the overwhelming majority of the US electorate are "idiots" just because they don't vote the same way as you is naive in the extreme. It's about time the far left stopped name calling and started to come up with some decent policies.
  23. Lefty name calling again, no wonder you lost the election by a landslide. It's becoming such a bore, let's have some sensible non-woke policies. Slagging off the majority is not going to win you sympathy or votes.
  24. When did you last see an illegal migrant pay tax? Committing serious crimes disproportionate to your numbers in someone else's country also turns people against you too. I could go on, but you already know this and just want to project your far left opinions.
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