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Posts posted by jesimps

  1. On 10/3/2020 at 8:42 PM, dia1 said:

    Don't you think you're overreacting? Mask usage in Thailand is heavily down now that there's been no local transmission for months. And occasionally the body has an uncontrollable cough. I don't think anyone is happy when a stranger coughs near them these days, but suggesting that you should assault them or be deported from the country is quite extreme.


    Perhaps mall workers should be more diligent about reminding people to wear a mask when indoors shopping. Its too early to let our guard down... But let's also be reasonable.

    I find that most of the Thais not wearing masks are people working in the malls.

  2. Disagree. In my opinion the reason that Pattaya was losing so many non-Chinese tourists even pre-covid, was that they were trying to turn it into something that it wasn't. Add to that the strong baht, draconian visa requirements AND covid and there's your reason that the only farang here are the long stayers like you and me. 

    Pattaya was (is?) unique. There's nowhere else like it in the world, it's what brought me here in the first place. I'd be inclined to try to return it as close to it's old world charm as possible and beggar the jealous critics living in their mud huts in their Isaan jungle clearings.

    Ask the many thousands of Thai tourists that descend on the place every weekend and public holiday what they think of it, they love it here warts and all.

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  3. 21 hours ago, homeseeker said:

    As I understand it  you need to wait for at least one month from date the 90 day report is due rather than from the date of sending/or receipt by immigration.

    In future if not done already make sure that the stamp addressed receipt envelope is registered post.

    I think if you make the receipt envelope registered you are less likely to get a reply. You're making work for them, it isn't like putting a stamp on an envelope and popping it in the postbox. It's vital that you send the application by EMS  because you need the receipt if they don't get it.

  4. Went to Jomtien this morning to hopefully get my one month stamp for marriage visa made up to one year. I thought that because of the processing of visas at Chaiyapruek indoor stadium all would run smoothly. On arrival, I and several others weren't even allowed through the main doors, had to wait outside in the sun for ten minutes. Inside was a shambles that I hadn't seen in quite a while. 

    On presenting my passport at counter 6, the dragon lady looked at me as though I'd just crapped in her handbag and told me to come back Tuesday afternoon. Don't know if it was because they were busy or that the confirmation hadn't arrived from Bangkok. You'd think in this day and age that they'd either phone or email to inform you of this to save you a trip.

    Between tomorrow and Tuesday afternoon (hopefully), I too will no longer have a valid visa. I also wonder that if the dragon lady isn't there on Tuesday to back me up, will I have problems. You never know with this lot.

  5. 17 hours ago, johng said:

    Yes  see here  they say  in the info graphic only 100 persons per day


    Phew! That's good news, have to attend Jomtien today (no choice) to have my stamp updated for marriage extension, after the compulsory one month wait. I'm hoping to do my 90 day reporting at the same time. Thought I'd have to fight my way through a vast throng of bad-tempered, heaving bodies. Now my bad-tempered heaving body should be able to get the job done without too much trouble.

  6. 6 hours ago, stretch5163 said:

    Sorry to sound callous but if its not an option for you to follow the rules to get back into Thailand then dont leave Thailand. Otherwise suck it up like everybody else in the same or similar situation.


    On some of your comments on other posts you show no sympathy or empathy so why should you be any different now.


    Rules are rule after all.

    "On some of your comments on other posts you show no sympathy or empathy so why should you be any different now."


    Along with half a dozen other regulars.


    • Like 1
  7. Both Thais and farang here seem to think it's compulsory to keep a dog. Someone builds a house, next thing you know there're two or tnree noisy dogs in the garden and beggar tbe neighbours. They're a curse. Why did the good Lord give them such loud voices?

  8. On 9/12/2020 at 1:17 PM, eisfeld said:

    Maybe because TB has been around for thousands of years? Maybe because it's by now "accepted" and "well known"? Maybe because the lethality of TB is much much lower compared to Covid as far as we currently know contrary to your claims (we know the numbers for TB pretty well, Covid-19 not 100%, you can't compare absolute numbers you need to check deaths per infection AND you are comparing "incidents" to deaths...)? And maybe because according to your graph the situation regarding TB is improving steadily?


    Covid is new, still not 100% settled as to the exact lethality, mutating fast and the number of cases has grown rapidly. Better overreact to protect than be unlucky and wiped out.


    Tons and tons of reasons that imho should be obvious. Even more so for the helmet comparison.


    Again one of these masks threads. Why are they such a big problem for some? I guess people have too much time now, frustrated with the bad economic situation and need to vent some of this energy. Can't explain it otherwise. ????

    Lockdowns and shutdowns of companies I can understand that it impacts people's lives heavily. But masks?

    I have no problems about wearing a mask, but I do think the OP has a valid point. I think he's pointing out that as well as covid precautions ie wearing a mask but no helmet, they should be taking the prospect of being killed on the road just as seriously, especially in relation to their children.

  9. 18 hours ago, British Consular Team said:

    I’m sorry you received a standard response. It wasn’t a deliberate misreading of your message but I can appreciate it wasn’t what you needed. To answer your question, no, we wouldn’t issue a certificate regarding income. We understand your point about the documents being authenticated in some form elsewhere but this service has stopped and there are other ways to meet the Thai visa requirements, so we would not be able to help.

    Wouldn't have expected any other reply from my country's foreign "service". 

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