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Posts posted by jesimps

  1. Incredible how all the nasty ones seem to be female ie the dragon lady at counter six Jomtien and her twin at counter nine. Not forgetting the one at Don Muang immigration. I only had a few female bosses, but I struggled to get on with any of them. Seems like most of them can't resist the backside out of it when given a bit of power. Right, where's my tin hat?

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    • Confused 1
  2. 4 hours ago, polpott said:

    And who is Alan Maclean? A nobody racist with a chip on his shoulder. Hamilton was an exceptional gocart driver who was spotted by Mclaren for his talent and put into their development program. Nothing to do with the colour of his skin although redneck racists would like to think otherwise.

    Then why is he bitching? Sounds like he had the same opportunities as the all-white guys.

  3. Well, I've just downloaded the Pattaya Expats Club TM7, which is what I had rejected at Jomtien and compared it with the one ubonjoe posted on here. They're identical. Even the notices at the bottom. The reason I mentioned it on here is that I suffer from hand tremors which makes it difficult for me to fill in forms by hand. When I fill them in at home I can do it in short bursts, but at Jomtien, I had to fill them in smartish and it looked like a spider had been crawling over the forms. Just wanted to warn anyone else who has the same condition. I still maintain that the only difference between the forms was the quality of the paper. I think it was possibly because all my paperwork was spot on and he had to invent something to pick me up on. Maybe it's a face thing; your guess is as good as mine.

  4. 8 hours ago, Hamus Yaigh said:

    There used to be an older TM7 form which was a Word Doc that had TorMor7 written in Thai numbers on top right. The new TM7 is in PDF and written TM7 in English. Which did you have that were wrong? The new one available to download on imm web site. That said I don't use Jomtein but other districts should all be the same?

    The forms looked identical to me, but only had time for a quick check.

  5. Went on Wednesday to do my 12 month marriage visa extension. After last year, which was my first marriage extension after 12 retirement extensions, I was determined that my missus wouldn't have to keep running out and in from the copy shop and was convinced that I had all bases covered. Wrong! Although it wasn't the usual dragon lady, the guy behind the counter gave me back the two completed and with stuck on photo TM7s (which I'd got from the Pattaya Expats website) and said "Wrong forms". The wife had to go to the entrance and bring back two forms which I had to complete. On comparing these with the forms that I'd brought, they looked to me to be identical, except that my paper was a better quality than theirs. I asked him where I could download them and he said that they weren't on the website yet! Anyone with this type of extension in the near future who doesn't want to have to get wrist cramp from speedily filling in two extra forms I'd advise you to pick up a TM7 at Jomtien next time you're passing and copy it. Apart from that it wasn't too bad and only took about 30 minutes. We arrived at 10am and the office was fairly quiet.

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  6. Falling asleep at the wheel seems to be one of the main causes of road deaths here. Thais could sleep on a washing line. My 23yo stepdaughter doesn't get up until lunchtime and then has the cheek to go for an afternoon nap at about 4pm. The only thing that gets her up is hunger. It appears that no matter how much sleep Thais have, they can still nod off at the drop of a hat, sadly in a lot of cases, whilst driving as appears to be the case here.

  7. 19 hours ago, JimGant said:

    Seriously? The form requesting a stamp transfer is a typical TM form, like a TM47, TM7, TM86, etc -- none of which require embassy endorsement. And, right now you can't even get an appointment at most embassies, except for emergency circumstances. And if you could, say to the US Embassy, you're looking at paying 50 bucks for their service! Just to endorse a transfer of stamps? Naaaaa.

    What if he shows up in Oct to renew his marriage extension, with of course his new passport -- plus his old passport with the expiring stamps -- and the TM form requesting stamp transfer? Could this all be same time action, with an embassy letter, if that really is required? Or does the transfer have to be a separate date at Imm?

    If it's a Brit passport, I got the embassy letter automatically when I picked up my new passport at the Trendy building. 

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