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Posts posted by jesimps

  1. 18 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Thats the good news.

    Here's the bad news. 

    If Biden wins the popular vote by less than 3 percent he easily loses though 2 is much better odds than 2.

    4 percent and its about 50 50.

    At 5 percent he almost definitely wins.

    What kind of democracy it where you need to win by 5 percent to be sure of winning?

    I assume it's same rules for both sides, what you whinging about?

  2. I'm sorry, call me callous, but I find it difficult to have sympathy for people who do voluntary aid work in places like this. I also find it difficult to understand people willing to jump through many hoops to obtain a work permit for unpaid work here. I wouldn't do unpaid work anywhere that the govt, who's people I was helping, didn't show some gratitude for what I was doing and showed that they were very keen to have my help in the first place. I certainly wouldn't go if there was the slightest chance of being thrown in jail on trumped up charges.

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  3. Complete and utter nonsense. The whole alcohol buying rules in this country are a complete fiasco. 

    We do our main supply run about once every two weekends and because we go to Pattaya Klang, like to get to the shops before the roads get crowded. We're back home well before 11am, which means that one of us has to make a special trip later in the day to buy my booze. 

    While I'm at it, why do a lot of Thai shops open so late in the morning. Again you have the problem of the traffic on returning from somewhere like Tuk Kom because you hit the lunchtime build up on the way back. Rant over.

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  4. 14 hours ago, greggraham said:

    @ubonjoe, I just noticed my passport number is wrong on the kor ror 2, do you imagine that will be a big problem when applying for a non-o? Cheers.

    On mine they put down my passport issue date as my date of birth. Fortunately we noticed it before we left the building and got it changed.

    They need a time and motion study at my amphur (Sattahip) because we started in the building we used last year, got sent to the building behind it and bounced between two rooms about three times. Must've taken about 45 minutes in all for this simple piece of paper.


    • Sad 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Hi Tea said:

    You're joking, surely?  Why should the DWP provide a Thai (and, therefore, every other language) translation? 


    Thais who are familiar with "signing forms", eg. lawyers/notaries, and most professionals who are the category that have to witness the document, don't have problems with them.  If it's so impossible for you to find a witness and you want the form in Thai, you could take it to a translation service and do it yourself.

    Strange that, I tried several Thais of high social standing, including my doctor who knows me well and they refused to sign. They can't seem to get their head around the fact that they're only witnessing your signature, not vouching for the contents of the form. The owner of the school where my wife teaches signed my last one over the school's chop.

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  6. 1 hour ago, ChrisKC said:

    I have just received life certificate number 2. It seems that it might be every two years after reaching 75. I just go to my local Clinic with my Thai wife. we get the certificate signed in English by the Doctor both on the allotted line and across the Thai stamp. I return them in a new envelope. (I was sent an SAE) registered (not EMS which is hopelessly expensive). No problem. The Doctor's fee B50. Only blood pressure taken. Take your passport with you. By the way, the covering letter states that you have 16 weeks from the date of it to return the certificate - seems reasonable to me!


    PM me if you would like to see what the letter and certificate looks like.

    "By the way, the covering letter states that you have 16 weeks from the date of it to return the certificate - seems reasonable to me!"


    Not if it takes 15 weeks to arrive. Both of the LCs I've received have arrived at my house after the return date. Fortunately they didn't stop my pension. I returned both by EMS.

    I think my local post office stockpiles my letters until they feel I have enough to warrant a trip to out. That's if I'm lucky, several items I've been expecting just haven't arrived at all. 

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