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Posts posted by jesimps

  1. 55 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

    Whatever the logic, curfew and alcohol bans were introduced to limit the risk of being infected until Covid 19 had passed us by. Clearly, from the above reported consequence, lifting bans without enforced sanctions will result in higher infection rates because these 'couldn't care less' offenders will spread it...


    As for the alcohol rush - words fail me that people could be so addicted. Sad, really. 

    Maybe unlike you people just enjoy having a drink and don't trust this govt not to reimpose the booze ban. I certainly don't.

    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

    Alcohol drinking is a huge problem in the villages and it is the conduit that brings these people together to form small to large groups on a daily basis...


    tellIng them not to do it vs the aroma of liquor in the air? Who wins out?


    thais hate regulatory compliance...they have told Thais to don’t speed don’t drink don’t tail gate don’t pass on blind curves don’t flee the scene? How well has that worked?

    And yes, I am in favor of banning all motor vehicle use in thailand...


    it would save lives and better for the environment...

    Cheeze! Here's me thinking Gen P was bad. He can't hold a candle to some people.

    • Haha 1
  3. 8 hours ago, OnTheGround said:

    Missing a 3rd option: Neutral.

    For us in the third group, one can see the pros of a ban, less domestic violence, less crime.

    However one also acknowledge that many are obviously in need of their daily alcohol comsumtion, something the many posts here on TVF has clearly demonstrated.


    Another poll idea: beach closing and ban.

    This topic has been a super Hot topic last weeks.

    Not keen on your para 2. You make everyone who drinks sound like an alcoholic.


    I think you'll find that most people are against the ban because they just enjoy a drink. It's a very sociable thing to do and is good for helping you unwind. I'm voting to remove the ban as I consider it to be pointless in preventing the spread of covid when everyone's more or less stuck at home anyway.

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, chessman said:

    Many good reasons to think they are being under-reported. Currently, the right wing press in the USA are looking at ways to help Trump and casting doubts on the number of deaths is one way.


    Historically, the number of people dying due to a virus is under-reported at the time.

    I was wondering when someone was going to blame Donald Trump and his many millions of supporters for the virus. Xi Jinping would be very pleased to read your post.

    • Sad 2
  5. 7 hours ago, BobbyL said:

    Still yet to be given any reason as to why only Thailand needs to impose and now seemingly extend an alcohol ban whilst other nations do not.  


    Edit: The alcohol ban over Songkran made sense to stop parties. That has now ended. 

    Not in Pattaya, when Songkran is usually dragged out until about the 21st, but I know what you mean an agree.


  6. 1 hour ago, shackleton said:

    Well at least  the British Ambassador is making a effort in keeping us all up to date

    With the latest news here in Thailand 

    Most Appreciated

    He has beggar-all else to do. Oh to be an ambassador, money for old rope. Also, would be nice to have all the embassy members toadying to you and laughing at all your jokes. Bit like being royalty.

  7. 3 hours ago, Monomial said:


    Where did you get the wine yeast? I assume online but is there a source in Thailand, or did you need to import?


    There is a place online which I've used but no longer do. Too expensive. Yeast is 100 baht for a one teaspoon portion. I buy baker's yeast from the supermarket. Big packet costs abut 50 baht and lasts forever. Wine made from it tastes no worse than that made with the expensive stuff.

    I think this ban's almost certainly about Songkran and am hopeful it'll finish on the 30th, but you never know with the generals in suits.

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

    This blocus doesn't make any sense

    it should be a big mess today

    and yet we still don't know what is the real

    motivation behind all this plan to isolate the city center.

    It's to ensure that no one sneaks in to play Songkran on the 19th, which is Pattaya's big day, stretching it out either side just to make sure. It must be orgasmic for this government to be able to pin down the peasants like this, the crowds of Songkraners full of booze-fuelled dutch courage must've been a huge worry for them. The ban on alcohol sales is the icing on the cake for them.

    • Haha 1
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