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Posts posted by jesimps

  1. 4 hours ago, smedly said:

    maybe he could elaborate, seems to me that under this administration peoples rights in Thailand have greatly diminished, the deck is stacked in every direction, Hong Kong democracy activists think they have problems

    Looks like you've done a complete about turn, you used to be one of the military's biggest fans. Come to think of it, the rest of the cheerleaders seem to have taken a vow of silence these days.

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  2. 15 hours ago, phungo said:

    Are you guys implying that the worst part of this economic downturn is yet to come? That those retired have inside info that <deleted> is about to hit the fan, and that is why they are resigning?


    If this is true, those of us that have money from outside Thailand will profit since prices such as rent will go down?


    Basically, what im asking is how does this affect me and you?

    Not a chance. Teflon Thailand will come out of this smelling of roses and with a stronger baht, as it's done with every other crisis in the thirteen years that I've been here. Maybe if I leave the country things will change. Financially, everything I touch turns to dust.

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  3. 19 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

    The way I understand it, if your report date is 31 Jul or earlier, then you can consider that report as "done" and your next report date will be +90 days.


    So, for example, if your report date is 20 July 2020, consider that report done, and your next report date will be ~ 17 or 18 October.



    After 13 years dealing with TI, I for one wouldn't be willing to take that chance unless it was announced officially. As it is I had to get my stamp txferred to new passport last week so I did my 90 day while I was there.

  4. Went to Jomtien Immigration this morning to have stamps transferred to my new passport. Thought the hard part was over after two six-hour round trips to the Trendy Building in Bangkok and that the transfer of stamps at immigration would be a five-minute job. Wrong! I thought I might be in trouble when I was given a ticket for counter number six (the dreaded marriage extension counter). After about a forty minute wait, I was told to leave the passport and return to collect it at 3pm. She did smile for once, but how difficult and time-consuming can it be to transfer a stamp? Maybe I've missed it, but I didn't realise that two trips were needed for a stamp transfer, so beware! It's either two journeys, or spend the day in Jomtien. I arrived there at 9am, so maybe for those getting there after lunch, it'll mean having to return the following day to retrieve their documents. I don't know. Documents I presented as well as both passports and the completed form which I downloaded were the letter provided by the passport agency, copies of photo page and all stamped pages of my old passport, copy of the photo pages of my new passport and I threw in a copy of my TM6 departure card because I wasn't sure if they needed it or not. 

    • Like 2
  5. "Rightfully blamed Westerners for refusing them. Let's face it.... we are just dirty."


    What, the fact that some foreigners don't wear face masks means that we don't shower and have bad habits?


    ""Despite the health minister’s insistence on wearing face masks, the World Health Organization suggested that it is not required for individuals without respiratory symptoms since “it may cost unnecessary cost and false sense of security.”




    As you say it was the advice of the WHO.


    Having said that, I think that although he's a little turnip, he was possibly correct on face masks. After wearing one for a while, especially riding my bicycle, I find myself very short of breath, which means that the mask's restricting my air intake. I figure that the less air that gets through the material, the less risk of inhaling the virus. I could be wrong.


  6. 2 hours ago, flossie35 said:

    The job of top civil servants is to advise ministers. The advice is confidential. The politicians are in the public eye; civil servants are not supposed to be. Which is one of the reasons Cummings is part of the swamp. Along with most of the present incompetent and irresponsible government.

    Yes bring on Starmer and his anti Brexit, Jew-hating party of commies.

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  7. 16 hours ago, Oldie said:

    I just came back from the Royal Garden Plaza here in Pattaya. Extremely empty and it is for sure not the fault of the government. I think they do a great job. For sure better than a Merkel or the EU government or a Trump. There are simply no tourists. The mall is open. But in almost 3 decades living here I never saw it empty like this. Madame Tussauds put there some wax figures. They helped me to feel not too lonely - they are there but in the end this is a sad story, 

    I get it now, it's aĺl the tourist's fault that the borders are closed.

    • Haha 1
  8. I have a house on concrete columns so I usually leave the snakes alone. If one gets too close to where I want to be, I squirt it with the hose from a safe distance, it always seems to make it dart for the nearest exit. I'm always prepared to get off my marks if it turns around though.

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