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Posts posted by jesimps

  1. It could fly if they halve the green and caddy fees (let the caddy keep all of it) and no compulsory carts. 

    I don't know what time the courses open here, but I have a feeling it isn't early. In India, we used to tee off at daybreak to avoid the severe heat of the day. It was the most popular golfing time of the day for westerners. I have a feeling that here, like their shopping mals and tourist attractions, they probably don't open until later.


  2. 5 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:

    Verstappen's race engineer summed it up over the team radio: "He's a lucky boy."


    It is not luck that wins an F1 race on 3 wheels. That is skill.

    I'm still waiting for Hamilton to tell us what this racism is that they're protesting about. In my last job for the UK government, there I didn't see one non-white person on the basic grade. There were lots of us white males on the bottom rung though. I can honestly state that in all my time in the forces and civilian life, I never saw one case of racism against a non-white. I'm convinced that most of Hamilton's grievances are perceived, I'd like him to give examples of racism he's encountered both in and out of the F1 world. Doesn't seem to have affected him much. Even if he had to work hard, then so would a white guy to get to the top in that sport. At least he was given the opportunity which I doubt he'd have received in his father's country of origin. 

    Racism aside, mixing politics with sport and Hamilton intimidating the other drivers to join his BLM protests has put me right off him and the sport. I hope the other F1 supporters vote with their feet and forces the powers that be to restore some sanity to the sport. I also hope F1 turns against Hamilton, just like I have. He's gone from hero to troublemaker in my eyes.

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  3. 18 hours ago, hashmodha said:

    Yes I agree with this... what a carry on? One would think they would accept our passports copies as ID.... They have all our records..My doctor refused,our Insurance agent who is a registered lawyer refused.... finally the K Bank staff knew about this.....so they just asked the Manager to sign....UK is applying rules which are not working here.... especially when here they don't understand English language... when I was living in Greece they always communicated in English/Greek language and no problems..

    My doctor refused also, despite speaking good English. They don't understand the concept of witnessing your signature here, they think that they're vouching for what's contained on the form. I first got the manager of the local post office to agree to sign and stamp it, when he left my wife got the owner of the school where she teaches to do it. My wife is retiring next year so I'll be stuck again. 

    I'll send my details to that email address even though I don't hold out much hope. Our case has been as far as the EU and was turned down, but you never know.

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  4. 7 hours ago, bronzedude said:

    In my experience, the majority of caddies that have worked at least one season are usually very good at knowing the course: distances, putt direction, water locations and watching the ball flight. I know that there are a lot of cheap charlies out there that would rather not have a caddy, but I for one think that they are best thing about golf in Thailand. I like the fact that they repair club and ball divots and rake the bunkers. I can do these things myself, but I can afford to have a caddy who does these things. It's a win win situation. And as a bonus, sometimes you get a caddy who's a real babe.

    I agree with most of what you say. However, those of us who prefer not to use them aren't all "cheap charlies". To some of us it's the difference between playing or not. On the odd occasions I play, I use the navy course at Sattahip because it's reasonably cheap. Even then, you have to use a caddy. 

  5. I have no sympathy at all for the greedy owners of Thailands golf courses. With land and labour so cheap, golf here should be as cheap as chips. As it stands, it's ridiculousely expensive, even compared to UK prices where land and labour are dear. As for the compulsory happy caddies, although a lot are pleasing to look at and some of them know their job, they aren't cheap after you've paid the tip and anyway, I'd personally rather pull my own trolley around the course. 

  6. Sorry to hear that this troublemaker has achieved another pole. I used to be his number one fan, but since his taking the knee and intimidating other drivers into doing so, I've lost all respect for him. There can't be many people in the UK, indeed the whole racing world more privileged than him, so why he can't just stick to racing I have no idea. The previous two seasons, I watched every grand prix, but this time around, because of this idiots antics, I haven't watched any and will continue to boycott the sport until this guy stops taking the knee and clams up. I certainly won't be cheering for him again. It's any driver who refuses to take the knee who gets my support.

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