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Posts posted by Razzler1973

  1. In typical internet fashion we have gone from the OP picking up an apparent hooker and not paying to him robbing McDonalds charity boxes facepalm.gif

    I have never been to Climax and I try not to get myself into situations of is she/isn't she a hooker and I think you generally have some inkling but that said, I kind of get fed up with this whole 'just pay her' mentality

    It's like the punter is doing the hooker's job for her. Part of her job is sorting out money or at least hinting at it. If she's having sex as a hooker and not mentioned money then she's stupid. It's not what I'd do if I was a hooker! tongue.png

  2. I think you probably needed this thread before you moved out. You've gone and made the big move here, what's your end game? What do you think or want to happen?

    If it's the FIL moves out then that's unlikely, 4 years in Thailand you got to know how that stuff works, right?

    Your only move is cheap place for Papa so 'you have your own space' (as you'd say to your wife to not make it look like you're chucking him out) ... I am sure she will provide food, etc. Other option is cut back on what he expends but he's also old and had his life and thinking 'why is this git telling me how much to eat and drink'!

    To move back in now is like a big move of contrition and you backed yourself into this corner now by moving out instead of addressing things and talking them through beforehand

    Is the missus still ok with you or is she thinking worse of you now?

  3. Do you want a job in Thailand via an agency or do you want to work for an actual recruitment agency yourself?

    Most involved in things like engineering are in KL or Singapore. Any in Thailand will deal with Thai locals and then from others it depends on their clients and what they want, of course

    If someone is of no use to a recruitment company and sends in their details then don't expect a clamour to contact you and interview you. Simple. It's a business

  4. I would guess some sleight of hand switching your bill to a dodgy one or convincing you to change his money into your THB and pointing at the exchange rate next to you both telling you how you'll make money from it

    ... with no one questioning why he doesn't change it himself ... cause it's a dodgy note or something

    Could be ol fashioned seeing how much you have on you though

    Robbing someone for 1K baht though?

  5. Yes, I assume this wasn't a runaway job but rather a drop you off in a useless spot type deal? I.e. unloaded everyone's bags and said that's your lot

    Maybe can't go into town, etc as said

    It's been a loooooong time since I got a bus from KSR area and really don't see the point, there always seems to be issues

  6. Wow, haven't heard the term post restante in years!!

    Back in the day this was how you'd receive mail if you were traveling. Everyone tended to use the main central post office in BKK down Chearon Krung Road. A short ride on the Chao Praya ferry (or walk if you feel like it) ... I assume it's still there and they still do it

    Usually was just your name, Central Post Office ... then official address, which escapes me but can probably google

  7. Getting into uber cynical mode but how is she usually with her phone. Does she take it everywhere? If she does then isn't it odd someone else answer it? Why wouldn't the kid answer it or leave it (seeing as it's a number they don't know and not someone's name)

    It sounds like excuses. I like the idea of handing your phone to a random Thai girl when your GF calls :D

    End of the day it's up to the OP to be 'ok' with it in his own mind and move on.

    People think answering someone's phone is no big thing but I disagree. She also wanted him to 'go relax with friends'

    What was it she posted on facebook the OP wanted to talk to her about?

    Anyway, this is all games, working this out or that out ... rocky road when it comes to the future, if there is one

    • Like 1
  8. What an odd question. What is wrong with a male answering her phone? Seems to me you are already suspicious of her and that is not a good way to have a relationship. Jealousy maybe?

    Personally, no one answers my mobile, no one but me

    I would never answer my GFs mobile or even a male friend's mobile

    The whole story could be entirely true, of course but that's just me. For me, it always comes down to whether the girl is in P4P or just a regular girl. Yes, yes, yes, I know 'regular' girls can be just as bad or worse and not all P4P girls are like that, etc etc but ... you know, they're in the business, right and if you met them then others can and will have met them and it's her 'job' meaning she has a 'real life' back in her home town

  9. I don't really know what you want people to say

    If this is actually the case then 'yeah, seems a bit unfair' but you added in the 'no wonder so many men like it here, etc etc' and including a sweeping generalisation filled with negativity and assumptions

    Do you want people to say 'yeah, that's normal. I'm not disabled but I expect my GF to be like that' as it's unlikely anyone does think like that, no matter how much they like it in Thailand

    The real issue is the woman in question and anyone that thinks that is the norm. We are all entitled to make our own decisions in life and her friends should be advising her and discussing it with her

    I wouldn't say Thai woman accept this as the "norm" anymore than some western women and others in the same situation in their own lives. There are plenty of western women all over the world in bad situations that don't make a choice to get out and it works for guys too

  10. All I would say is if you go into the bank wear smart clothes, maybe carry a file like you're an important guy on business :D

    It it does depend on the individual, which it seems to, then dressing a bit nicer and appearing like a professional person has got to be better than strolling in in cargo shorts and sandal?

    Worth a shot

  11. After Porn Ends sounds good. Louis Theroux did a few decent documentaries on porn stars.

    One of my favourite documentary makers.

    He also did one on Thai brides many years back...http://documentaryheaven.com/thai-brides-louis-theroux/

    The Thai one was legendary.

    In fact his early 'weird weekend' stuff was just great as well as his interviews

    He has that innocent way about him where he acts like he's not clear about things in order to ask direct questions when he clearly is a very intelligent guy

    Always liked him. I think he's doing something new again in the UK now?

    • Like 1
  12. i love it when i'm doing the business with the lady and their 'bf' calls and they have to take the call, sweet talking the guy while i'm banging away!

    thanks lads!

    Wow, you're the only guy that has ever said/done this on a Thailand based internet forum ... well done thumbsup.gif

    Personally, I wouldn't feel the need to tell the world about it but hey, whatever works for you

    Some guys really dropping some truth in this thread yo'! ;)

  13. Knowing Philippines the airport staff probably want a little money


    Don't try to do that. smile.png

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Well, not me but a Filipino

    There are 1000s over filipinos here and it happens quite a lot. They got a work contract to come to another part of the world. Sometimes the people in charge of letting you get out want a little something, something

    I think you can get in their face a bit and refuse and they back down though so it depends how forceful you are. It's the 'pines

  14. That breakfast looks awesome and good price! I wished it was on the menu from Black Canyon.

    For me i don't need potato's with my breakfast but i would like to get more toast (will pay extra no problem).

    Some of these places need to learn how to serve butter ... i.e. not a frozen little wrapped up block!

  15. I don't mind 'Thai 'music when it's Thais doing 'Thai music'

    but when it's Thais doing Western music I feel that they tend not to come up to the mark.

    They can't match the Filipino bands. Any Thai place I went to with a Thai band doing western covers were generally quite awful. It seems they learned the songs phonetically, sometimes they hmmm mmmm over bits they don't really get

    Filipino bands they can sing pretty much anything, even current top 40

    I notice a lot more filipino bands in LOS these days and Thai people I am with always remark how great they are. It's like witchcraft, they actually know the songs and all the lyrics and stuff!! biggrin.png

    As for Thai music, no, don't like it. The wailing type stuff is awful. Some of it useful for learning Thai and picking up phrases that are 'in' now. I prefer the pop music but it's not related to music and everything to do with cutesy girls dancing, which is similar to western pop really, nothing to do with music

    I don't really listen to much though and pretty much hate any mainstream western music too these days so read into that what you will :P

  16. I am in the UK at the moment just watched catfish, people who date on the internet but are not dating who they think ,couple of guys get them together try it some surprises its on p bay

    When this came out there was a lot of buzz on internet (where else?) and whether it was 'real' or not

    After watching it I came to the conclusion it's not totally legit. They just wanted to tell that story

    Also, I remember at the time 'OMG you won't believe it' and not really knowing too much about it going it I thought it was pretty obvious what it was about and wasn't totally shocked by the 'reveal' or anything

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  17. Ok ok When I first got here wet behind the ears so to say. I met this thai chick online we chatted hit off good too. Well she lived in the condo's by Impact not great but liveable. I was about to retire she wanted me to come live with her Well the Tat was good anyway her english understandable. So I agreed to come back and give it a shot. Well when I came back first thing out of her mouth was if you respect me you should give me half of my money. Meaning She wanted half of what I had I told her are you out of your mind? I in turn said if you respected me you wouldn't have asked me for that. Then she said then you go get place to live I said no problem Grabbed my stuff and was out the door Went to hotel for night great sleep too I might add then next day got condo that quick nice place too.About 2 days later get phone call it is her saying to I will take you back But I said no thanks. She cried said she is sorry But I told said look I maybe old in different country but I still can find my way around I didn't take crap from ex wife and won't take from any lady. I'm happy and moved on she found some other ATM .

    You weren't a sucker strangebrew, but many are!!!

    So many men come to Thailand thinking they can 'save' a hooker, or non hooker, but save them from what?

    Who meets a woman in his home country, and caves in to a request/demand for half of what he has?

    I've often bought women gifts, take them to decent restaurants, but won't shell out money. It may be my presbyterian upbringing, but giving money is like paying a hooker to me.

    It always baffles me when people break down their relationships in finance and the 'ol 'you pay one way or the other' is the most, lazy stupid thing I ever heard in my life

    Just because I won't sponsor some girl it doesn't mean you can't be nice or generous. Of course I am happy to take my GF out, all the time, sometimes nice places but as long as they appreciate a good deal as well. It's nice when someone appreciates something too

    Yet many guys (especially in Thailand) seem to think taking someone to dinner and not having sex is some waste of money! I mean, is that how their parents met? biggrin.png

    Do you do that with your guy friends and add up all the beers they got vs what you got or how good the conversation is?

    I am happy to take a girl out, take her for drinks but like you and I am not handing over some monthly 'salary'. Now people well delightfully say 'see, see, see ... you're paying' as though we should never spend a baht unless we are absolutely guaranteed a shag! It's called being a normal person, jeez!!

  18. Was that her real room, or her show room to make you feel sorry?

    Plenty of girls that have a really nice house, but pretend to live in a toilet so Mr. Right Knight will give them money.

    Absolutely......spot on.

    Why doesn't the OP arrive unannounced next time and just follow, and see if she really lives there..?

    Yes, this is a relationship that is heading in the right direction :D

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