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Posts posted by Razzler1973

  1. Public displays of affection are not supposed to be allowed here in Dubai, signs in malls but I walk with my GF holding hands and I may peck her for whatever reason. Nothing has ever happened. I can't imagine Thailand being that bothered

    Generally speaking I don't need to slobber over a girl in public though

    I highly doubt the bleedin government are sending facebook warnings, <deleted> :D

  2. Maybe we should do a poll here:

    "Should there be fried potato on a Full English?"

    For me it's a "No", but entirely subjective really.

    Ordinarily I'd say no but there is something nice about a pub type breakfast or cafe with chips on the plate

    Also, I am a big fan of the hash brown and that's potato so I can be swayed :D

  3. I think KSR is better than 'the old days'

    It used to just be those guesthouse cafes all with the same menu. Thai people weren't really that welcome or hanging out there

    Nowadays it's definitely changed along with the clientele that frequent there. Teh kids these days aren't traveling their way around Asia they have credit cards and are booking things online ... against the 'travellers' credo that everyone claims to follow tongue.png

    They have some decent hotels around there now, more actual, proper bars and clubs and younger Thai crowd that doesn't make it feel entirely like the ghetto it is

    Of course a lot of farang there thinking they are doing something sooooo unique, walking around without shoes and talking about solving the world's problems but not as many as their used to be. 'Gap year' kids on extended breaks, 'getting mullered' a lot and farang teachers hanging out in the cheapest bars starting sentences with 'let me tell you something about the Thais' or 'the problem with Thais is ...' usually loud enough to want to bring you into the conversation when you'd rather stick forks in your leg!

    Still some nice street food around Rambuttri and KSR itself is one of the worst places to be, Phra Arthit has some nice bars and eateries around the corner, young, Thai crowd again, Samsen can be interesting

    I quite like it but if I lived in Bangkok permanently I'd not stay around there though, I think but far from how you describe although the actual khao san street itself is not the best bit of that little area

    • Like 1
  4. you complain about farang food in Thailand, you wanna hear my wife complain about Thai food in Europe, nothing like the stuff back home is what she always says, tastes too European than Thai.

    I agree, I really don't like eating Thai food back in UK either, very difficult to get Thai food that hasn't been altered for the western palate. If I ask Thais where they go, some back street type place they usually reply that they cook at home :/

  5. It's been well over 10 years since I went to Myanmar but Bagan is a fantastic place, it's spread out so you can rent a bike and get around and there were some decent viewing spots, if I recall

    Are you flying though? Travel will eat into your week long trip. Not sure if it's been improved but every single long bus trip I took broke down, add minimum 6 hours to anything over 10 hours journey time, may be different now though but I'd check that

    I liked Rangoon itself, internal flights are quite cheap I think

  6. I guess play that aspect of it by ear. I am not a fan of nightclubby type places on a date either as the 'date' aspect can get a bit lost later on in the night, especially if others are there

    I don't know how you met her (hanging out in the pub, etc) but I'd watch the 'I can sink a few drinks' thing

    I am the same just just be wary of you being on your 3rd Singha before the starters have arrived and some people may take that as a dodgy sign even if you're perfectly fine and it's normal for you

    • Like 1
  7. I'm sick of vampires, witches, futuristic crap. Practically every new series or movie is just that. I know, it sells etc.

    Which is why i stick to my CSI, Criminal Minds, Blacklist, The Following and the two Chicagos. Not forgetting Greys Anatomy which i have watched from day one.

    So there!!

    I like a good story line that i can "relate" to, not some fantasy monster <deleted> that doesn't exist...

    (I shall be looking under my bed tonight, and checking the windows). Just in case.

    I don't mind a bit of wolves and vampires stuff if it's done well

    I watched a couple of that 'Bitten' that someone mentioned here ... urgh, not for me. Very slow starting and nothing grabbed me

    I do like Vampire Diaries and The Originals though but they're good stories. I liked early True Blood too but it's really outlived it's welcome

    I quite like Grimm, a twist on the police procedural

    Just finished 2nd series of Banshee, which I like a lot

    • Like 1
  8. 30 something internet girl (Japanese) Picture looks fine, you know how that is. Agree to meet at a Hotel lobby cafe. She is down "with a friend" and asks if friend can come along. All normal so far. Turns out she is down with her whole family, shows up with Dad, Mum, Big Sis and a German hubby, and two kids. They all appeared to me as average, normal people.

    The girl is extremely skinny (think eating disorder) and socially awkward. She has cut her hair by herself and it 'aint pretty at all, not stylish or artistic, just pathetic and weird. Some J-girls have funky teeth, but hers are literally orange, like a california navel from Topps market. I think she may actualy have been retarted. Girl probably has never been with a man, no way.

    The conversation consisted only of detailed questioning from parents, of course, they are all very nice. The girl just sitting there smiling with orange teeth. I then agree to take the Mum and her alone in my car to some shopping center. Then we got some time to chat and the girl really wanted me to come meet her when I am in Tokyo, It would have been hard to say no directly. Although I did not respond she sent chaotic keitai mail messages, the old 2G kind that glitter with dozens of tiny icons and smileys, for months and months.. That was the strangest. Then there was the time I picked up this chick and she brought her little dog.

    What did the German guy say about all this, he must have thought it was all quite odd him being there?

  9. Had a first date just yesterday, the girl turned up with her two-year old daughter as chaperone. We ordered lunch and before dessert she said I could marry her but there was one provisio. I had to wait between 5-10 years because she had to pay back a 500k debt to her parents.

    I nearly fell off my chair with laughter at her not so subtle approach. Later checking out her facebook profile, she had posted a pic of her thai bf just 3 days earlier, under which she had written the caption "The person I love the most".

    I posted her a facebook message saying that 5-10 years wasperhaps a bit too long for me to wait for her. She hasn't called me back since.

    Haha, where on earth did you meet this gem?

  10. No wats, markets or malls ... what I am hearing is you really want to drink all day! tongue.png

    Lumphini Park maybe, take a long 'ol chao praya express trip from one end all the way up to Nonthaburi. I am a fan of taking a GIANT walk in any direction and then stopping at various food stalls along the way

    You got the Golden Mount thing, not a temple as such, walk up and up and nice view from the top

    Koh Kret always seems completely devoid of people, better to go at weekend but the dreaded 'market' is out then! It's really dead during the week, I found. Can get a minibus from Victory Monument, if I recall

  11. I would happily walk the kilometer

    I can't remember the last time I took a tuk-tuk, I think the first week I was in Bangkok nearly 20 years back and that's it

    The odd one from town to pier in dropping off points to beach but fare been ok. I walked most places in Hua Hin to be honest

    I think from train station into the central part is less than 150, isn't it?

    • Like 1
  12. I'm 26, been here a year. Been out with plenty of girls, none of them brought their aunt along, I definitely don't think it is normal even in Thailand.

    In the OP you said it was the Mother/sister, not the Aunt.

    So which one was it?

    Get the story straight!



    Dear David48,

    "mother-sister" is not a real English word.

    I am assuming that she meant aunt.

    Anyway glad yours went better than mine. Now I think, she did say she was from the northeast somewhere, not Bangkok. Maybe its more normal up there. Personally im impressed that I lasted 15 minutes!

    How did you excuse yourself and did you have any communication afterwards?

  13. just watched silicon valley ,yes it looks ok ,also watched about a boy , managed two episodes ,but no to twee.

    Don't give up on About a Boy, just watched the latest episode, it's by far the best. The first 5 are painful - like that Hello Ladies, Stephen Marshall show - but not as painful. This episode was funny! Minnie Driver - yum!


    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Stephen Merchent and I really liked that, thought it was very decent

    Shame they are not doing a 2nd series :/

  14. Ergghhh so what percentage of the guest houses on the KSR take reservations anyway? Not many is my guess.

    WoopyDoo there is a village somewhere missing it's idiot. Can you report back please.

    To be fair there's a fair amount of hotels around KSR area these days and even some of the not totally dingy places around there take bookings online

    Not sure how this filters into the business association but plenty of reserving going on. These damn backpackers and their credit cards and advance bookings *tsk* but like that in my day

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