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Posts posted by Razzler1973

  1. was the item of clothing vastly different to what she usually wears? or different to what thai girls of similar background to your gf wear? thai's love to play the thai culture card to suit their purpose; thai lady never have sex before marriage, thai lady not have baby if not married, thai lady not hold hands with man, thai lady not free sex (whatever free sex is?!) and so on... the task you have is to work out what is actually going on in her head. good luck with that.

    Great username by the way

    I have a Vandelay Industries t-shirt I wear every now and then

  2. I have heard of these stop and searches but generally around Sukhumvit area. Most of the reports I heard about did seem to be legit searches i.e. they didn't ask for any money or anything but for some reason randomly stopped people

    I'd be very suspicious too though. Think he did the right thing. Banglumphuu has a police station nearby. 2am though there are generally still a fair amount of people around Banglumphuu area, not heard of it happening down there but not too surprising. I am generally alone also but never had any of these searches

    Just wondering were you carrying a small back pack/day pack type thing? Seems to happen to people carrying those a bit more than those not imo

    • Like 1
  3. I always liked the breakfast at My Old Dutch in Soi 23, corner of Soi Cowboy

    3 eggs, always liked that and 2 coffees. Nice to have a couple of coffee included in the price. They chuck some ham and cheese on there, think it's a Dutch thing but got the usual stuff and a decent size

    Most of the other pub breakfasts are much of a muchness and by that I mean I'll eat them all anyway :P

  4. You Got more than One Hand .. ?

    Make it yourself, It's easy. Go online, and google Fry a F*****g EGG .. !!

    Get creative ... Google 'Bacon' or even 'Beans' ... this high tech stuff is amazing.

    Or get someone to go online for you.

    Helpless tur* that you appear, that may even be do-able.

    Are you british ... ?

    Sure, why eat anything outside ... make it ALL at home, right? It's not about whether you are capable of making breakfast or a cup of coffee or some curry and rice when you are deciding to go eat somewhere

    Most misplaced rant of the day?

  5. Totally agree. It's incredibly annoying

    Here in Dubai we have similar issues with cabs sometimes not wanting to take shorter trips, traffic, etc but we have the central taxi transport number to call and complain and they get fined for it. Hopefully enough that it'll change. It's nowhere near as bad as BKK though and BKK needs something similar, needs to let cabbies know they will get fined for it

    ... however, not sure how the cab system works in BKK and whether they actually report to anyone or anything, which would make it difficult

  6. Yep F and B is one of my favourite comedy shows too. Shame if they can Almost Human, it is a good show - very much in line with IRobot type of thing, but not so far ahead in time (typical Asimov).

    Revolution I enjoy now - like you I struggled at the beginning (didn't even think about walking great distances to be honest! - I just imagined they were done in weeks not days, but would make for boring TV). I stopped watching it after a few episodes of series 1, but went back some time later when bored - series 2 is much better though.

    I watched the first season of Heart of Dixie and enjoyed it, but it got a little samey for me (she always does good and ends up looking like a class one a-hole for it - liked the major though).

    I watched the first season of Arrow - but it was getting a bit too silly for my tastes - never really been a super-hero fan I guess (having and firing just the right arrow with the right attachment on it - like Batman's utility belt, a tool/arrow for every occasion). Never watched beyond - might revisit one day.

    Crisis has just started proper now (watched the pilot episode a few months back on pre-release) could go either way - kidnap programs always seem to run out of steam pretty quickly - we'll see though.

    Continuum is back on now too (Se 3 Ep 2 just aired) - turn around for some characters- not sure about this season yet though, might have run out of gogo juice.

    Revenge is almost over for season 3 (my daughter likes it - I never watched it after the pilot - just didn't appeal).

    Believe is getting to look like another run on Touch with a female lead (that can talk!) and lesser named stars (with one exception).

    Resurrection has also started (ep3 just aired - not seen it yet though) - strange so far, could go either way.

    Bitten is also a new werewolf show - bit different with those that have come before - almost a cross between Teenwolf and Sons of Anarchy perhaps. The world's only female werewolf (females usually die during the transition) and her "family" (pack) with rigid rules that causes the members problems, but also binds them. Gang warfare of a furry kind smile.png CGI could be better though.

    Arrow definitely improved in the 2nd series

    I will also check out Crisis. I enjoyed Hostages recently actually although couldn't really go beyond the 1 series, they said that is what they planned all along

    I started on Continuum a couple of times but just meh, couldn't get super excited about it even though I like that kind of thing. I stopped Revenge at start of season 3, was going off it in season 2, it got so far away from the actual revenge she set out for I couldn't be arsed

    I don't like the look of Believe, reminded me of Touch also, that made me want to throw up with the over sentementality :D

    I will check Bitten out, cheers

  7. I got a secret for you ... it's all 'arranged' so when they do these wacky things it's just entertainment usually with a main point to showcase whatever their task was

    Oddly, some Top Gear fans don't seem to be aware of this whereas it's strikingly obvious to anyone else who watches

    Doesn't stop some of their stuff being entertaining

  8. Also watching Revolution which has had ups and downs, but is on the up trend right now I think.

    Elementary - Just as good - fun with Lestrad too.Agents od SHIELD - escapism at its best - enjoyable show (with brain disengaged of course).

    Originals - Just keeps getting better! Set to be much better than VD (erm that's Vampire Diaries, not the STD!)

    Intelligence - OK show - another Brain Disengaged before watching show - but good for a little action and mild scifi.

    Almost Human - Actually really enjoying this new take on a cop show (OK been done before - and Isaac Asimov wrote many book about it 80 years ago!). Well acted, good characters and casting IMO - and story line is good, although simple, too.

    Totally agree with you on The Originals. I am a VD fan and Originals, after a couple of episodes setting things up is great 'page turning' TV

    Love Elementary too, very well done. I like SHIELD but it's a super hero type show with no heroes in it. It didn't grab me at the start but I like it but I much prefer Arrow in terms of super hero shows. It's really, really good, especially coming into its own in the 2nd series (now)

    I have been watching Almost Human too but looks like it won't be renewed and Inteliigence seems certain to not be renewed. I didn't bother with that, seemed a bit like Chuck, which I loved but I'd also heard it wouldn't be renewed so didn't bother

    Revolution though ... not sure where you are in it but I gave up at the end of the 1st series and it was painful going to get to the end. The lead actress is awful (those facial expressions and furrowed brow :D) the fact they'd seeminly walk from Chicago to another state within an episode. I like the concept of it but it just grated on me and I didn't start the 2nd series

    Does anyone watch Franklin & Bash? Really enjoy that, should be new series starting soon (think it's the 3rd or 4th). Only short series, (10 or 13, can't remember) but light legal drama with unorthadox legal partners that are hired by a regular law firm. Really enjoyable show

    I have also been watching Hart of Dixie (don't judge me!) ... big time ambitious doctor takes job in small town in Alabama, Rachel Bilson (who is so fit!) and some people from Friday Night Lights (cool show) ... just quite sweet, small town problems, no explosions and things like that. Got some charm to it

    I watch it with my girlfried but to be honest if she didn't watch I probably still would :P

  9. I think I am gonna give this Resurrection a go, only 8 part series about people long since dead found alive, unaged. Started last night in the States

    I trust everyone is on True Detective, great show

    I watched the final True Detective episode a couple of hours back. Very enjoyable series.

    Thanks for the heads up on Resurrection, looks interesting and i'll give it a go. There was a recent French series The Returned which is very similar but apparently unrelated

    I looked up Resurrection on TV.com and it's based on the French version called The Returned, which they

    say is a lot better.


    I downloaded the first episode and it was really enjoyable.

    Another one to think about.

    I watched the French one and I just couldn't get into it...ended up fast forwarding most of it.

    Edit: There does seem to be some confusion about it being an adaptation of the French series...Initially I thought it must be too

    This series however, Resurrection, is not an adaptation of the French show, even though it's strikingly similar. No, Resurrection - from Brad Pitt's Plan B Entertainment - is based on a book called The Returned, about a young boy named Jacob who returns home 30 years after his tragic death (hence the name of the first episode). So those tuning in to this new network show expecting to see an American adaptation of the Sundance series will be in for a bit of a letdown. Both because Resurrection contains no parallel characters and because it's just flat-out not as good.


    Sounds like they just took the general concept

    Surprised it's only 8 episodes though, thought it would be a full 22 episode type show but 8 episodes makes you think it's more of a 'serious' drama

    Will wait a few episodes and then start watching though

  10. Killer Women

    Centers on Molly Parker, one of only two women in the notoriously male Texas Rangers, a ballsy, beautiful badass who knows how to get to the truth and isn't afraid to ruffle a few feathers on her way there.


    Six episodes so far. Nothing serious, just some shoot em up and catch the baddies

    6 episodes is all you're gonna get

    Was supposed to be 8, shortened to 6 due to poor ratings and I believe it's been cancelled now

    • Like 1
  11. I think I'll go with the night train to Padang Besar, take a minivan to Hat Yai the following morning and hope to catch a bus to Phangan. If that fails, I guess I'll spend the night in Surat (I won't go on that night boat).

    I think some kind of train journey makes the most sense in terms of minimal movement but those long-ish train trips aren't that cheap, for not too much more I am sure you could fly. You got to factor in hotel costs, food, drink, etc for the whole visa run too

  12. I like getting 'points' back for the review, as someone mentioned but not sure there's much difference between them

    Unfortunately, 500 points for each review appears to have recently stopped. It's a shame as I usually submitted reviews for this very reason.

    That is a big shame as I probably won't make the effort to leave a review now

  13. Clothes shopping?? Anything you GF will be interested in will no doubt be available on Koh Chang

    Not sure the ferry price as I usually come through direct from BKK. In town I am sure you will be able to book a ferry ticket, if you wanted. Maybe check with those ticket places in the town to see what times the ferries are so you know which pier to head to

    In terms of quiet, Lonely Beach isn't as lonely as it used to be. I stay on White Sand but 'up the hill'. It's going up and away from the beach on the way to next beach. There are places around there. Opposite Paddy Palm there is Koh Chang Hut, nice place. It's about a km to the beach though but I don't mind that.

    Can stay further 'up the hill' as there are places tucked away on both sides of the road. There are little guidebooks available in bars there maybe even at the pier, loads of info for free

    Check these too: http://iamkohchang.com/

  14. Knowing Thailand you would never book in advance, you just go where you like to go and find a nice place to stay. Thais do it, why you don't?


    Sent from my phone

    This is how I always used to travel back in the day. Now though .. no, no, no .. everyone and their dog is doing this online booking stuff and especially out of low season you can turn up at places you know and like around Thailand and they're full, it's annoying

  15. Do they still have those hop on/hop off buses that go the length of the country? It's an odd place, it was cheaper to use those transport companies than the inferior local transport that was still about the same price but there was a feeling of being herded around

    I ended up opting out and just getting the bus myself, waaaay more inconvenient but a lot more interesting and probably not far off the same price with the good ol double pricing :D

    Basically, find out the price of everything, including small items such as water as they will try it on from water to ciggies to any daily item

    This was more than 10 years back and I enjoyed the places individually but not the whole being herded part of it

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