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Posts posted by bravingbangkok

  1. I feel like being young, or a farang-noi if you will, still puts me in a bit of a novelty category in terms of my interaction with Thais. Sometimes I will go somewhere, be it a shop or restaurant or hotel and I observe that Thai people are much more friendly towards me than they are to you, a 40,50,60 year old farang.

    Now, there are likely a couple of reasons for this:

    1. There are more of you around so they are more likely to have experienced a problem with one of you. You are not at all a novelty.

    2. There are so many of you around that its like "Oh god, here comes another farang and his mia"

    3. Simply being precieved as attractive is very valuable in the eyes of Thai people. So they look at me and think "Oh he looks like David Beckman/Tom Cruise/etc"... whereas with you, its like "Oh god, he's gonna ask me a million dumb questions and make me speak English".

    4. I dress well, so might continue them in their line of thinking "Is he a famous athlete or model or movie star?", whereas when they see you they are thinking "Why does that farang sweat so much?"

    Now, sometimes I am kinda scared for the future, how I will be treated in Thailand. To be honest, again, I really don't feel like you guys get treated very well. I border on the line of saying that Thai people more or less hate you. Its not fair to many of you who fall into the minority and do behave, dress and act well... Because you are simply a victim of the overall perception earned by farang in Thailand. Its as though you were to walk through the ghetto and see a young black male with baggy pants and tattoos. Maybe he is a law student but you will probably assume he is to be avoided and perhaps selling crack...

    The perception of farang in Thailand, is again, "Oh god, xxxxxxxx" or "Oh god, xxxxxxxx + I hope I can get some money out of him".

    Thoughts? Has the ship sailed? Is there any way to save the farang image in Thailand? In 30 years, will I receive the same eye rolling, "please someone blow my brains out", sighing, "why god me" reaction from Thai people where ever I go that you guys are receiving now? Will I be the one posting about how much Thai people hate me and how all they are interested in is my money? Will I be the one inquiring about sin sot and complaining about the sick buffalo stories?

    Do you bat for the other team ?

  2. Now others use headphones for not getting attention to boost their ego by not getting involved with others. Actually a sad sign how helpless some are. Western education teaches to be better than the other. This behaviour is just one side effect.

    Fact of the matter is that I AM better than the most of you, and posts in this forum seems to indicate it on a repeating pattern. Now would I want to be greeting you in the street?

    There is a saying amongst my friends, that 90% of the world population are idiots. So we stick to our group of people we have already confirmed isn't. Easy.


    Like wise, there are only so many friends one can have.

    You both miss the point in your clamour to claim superiority......not talking about making friends.....a simple greeting is the discussion point.....

    Someone who appreciates me for who I am and who I am not !

  3. Been reading some of the replies here.

    Well IMO is Thailand oh so great? Well yes and no, IME Thais tend to be less in your face then your average farang and easier to ignore but they do tend to keep grudges if you piss 'em off too much. Bit cowardish behaviour I'd say, they won't take you on one on one but will come after you with a bunch of mates or with weapons when you don't expect it.

    Then again for those of us who read, write and speak Thai I think there is no way that we can disagree that there is quite a lot of violence amongst them and more and more towards farang as well. In my 10+ years here my feeling is that it wasn't like that 10 years ago.

    Just watch the evening news and everyday there are murders, rapes, violent theft...... or paid hitman killing a mayor or whatever.

    PErsonally I think that Thais have a dark side, example, the neighbours, wife and husband who killed the little girls while their parents were out tapping rubber in Khlong Hae near Hadyai.

    There Jai yen attitude is only a form of outing themselves when it is convenient to them, seen quite a few Thais lose it over a minor dispute.

    Do I consider myself negative about Thailand? No, I see it as a realistic view. Of course those of you still in your honeymoon period here will probably think otherwise but I got no problems with that. Stick it out for 5+++ years and let me know how you feel then.

    Do I love the country? Yes otherwise I would have left a long time ago.

    Do I have Thai friends? Yes but I choose them carefully and most are well educated people.

    To go back to the crime issue, my father in law is a copper and sometimes tells me things that still shock me.

    According to him Thais have a short fuse and a violent streak, this comes from a man who's been a cop for over 20 years.

    Anyway to each his own and negativity is never a good trait but nor is walking on clouds here and thinking you're living in paradise where all is A ok.


    Very very good post.

  4. I've gotten to like the silent treatment. At first it drove me mad trying to get to the bottom of the issue and talk it out. Now I just don't worry and go on my way. A few days or a week and then maybe she wants to talk a little but it's mostly little things that have been bugging her. I did learn that you can never win so one thing I don't do is give it back. We have a Thai couple friends and they went 2-3 months without talking to each other until he broke. You can never win this game. I go on with normal conversation and communication and just accept the minimal return communication.

    I've come to see the value of not talking when either of us are hot about something - that's when things you regret get said. After some times everything gets more perspective and the kiss and make up is much easier.

    The silent treatment beats the heck out of getting your ear chewed off. I've had both ways now and I'll take the silent treatment any day.

    Have sex, that usually works.

  5. wow the first 2 post sound like 2 fat ugly guys with no money envious of someone that can afford to make himself look better and feel better...

    quite sad.

    What you should do is find yourself a thai girl wearing very nice clothes and asking her if she'd dress you for some $.

    Yes it is also very sad to make assumptions about people just because they disagree with paying someone money to tell them how to dress.

    I ask you this one question Greenwood, do you know me ? well then shut the f7uck up !

  6. Mate if you need to pay someone to tell you how to dress and greece your hair then you obviously have far more deeper issues. Unless you are famous you really do not need to do this, not everyone is looking at you 100% of the time slick :)

    PS.Just read GQ, hel_l you do not even have to read just look at the pictures.

  7. Now others use headphones for not getting attention to boost their ego by not getting involved with others. Actually a sad sign how helpless some are. Western education teaches to be better than the other. This behaviour is just one side effect.

    Fact of the matter is that I AM better than the most of you, and posts in this forum seems to indicate it on a repeating pattern. Now would I want to be greeting you in the street?

    There is a saying amongst my friends, that 90% of the world population are idiots. So we stick to our group of people we have already confirmed isn't. Easy.


    Like wise, there are only so many friends one can have.

  8. Has anyone ever tried Cheers ? I remember they had a good marketing campaign going at one stage and almost persuaded me to buy one....in the end LEO is the beer for me. Gone up to 30baht a can now in 7/11.

    Castlemaine is not so bad, my favourite beers would have to be Rolling Rock, Grolsch and Budvar.

    Tasted it once but don't remember. On that note, the San Mig girls were out and about last Friday flogging San Mig Crystal Light.

    IMO, it tasted like a piss poor version of a watered down shandy.

    Arhhh now San Miguel in Spain is top notch beer, the Philippines one is as you said sh-ite

  9. Has anyone ever tried Cheers ? I remember they had a good marketing campaign going at one stage and almost persuaded me to buy one....in the end LEO is the beer for me. Gone up to 30baht a can now in 7/11.

    Castlemaine is not so bad, my favourite beers would have to be Rolling Rock, Grolsch and Budvar.

  10. I would have to say that dealing with a Thai in a restaurant and dealing with a Thai over a business is two very different things. I think the ones on this thread who praise Thai's to no end do not have to do the latter very much or even at all.

    How could a community not like you if all you were doing is paying your way through life and putting money into the pockets of Thai's instead of creating wealth from the pockets of Thai's.

  11. I've met my Thai girlfriend 1,5 years ago on my vacation to Thailand. Since then i've been there a few times ( fuc_king alot of money ) and lately, she was here in the netherlands on a visit. We talked alot and promised to each other to start a future here. She just got back last friday the 20th and got the Inburgeringsexamen NL at the embassy. And now we'r talking on Skype or MSN and she starts to hesitate like: honey i'm not sure. Money of Survival is will choose number 2. When I sad goodbye to her at the airport we made a promise. I will stick to it, but someway in my head i was thinking she does change her mind again ) I'm going bad financial here because of the crisis. I don't want to loose her though. What am i supposse to do to give her some confident? What's going on in the brain of thai lady? ( She is from the south ). I'm sure alot more guys experienced it. Anyhow she's not a bargirl, but a decent young lady.


    Being serious, I think you are living in a dream world.

    I wager that you paid for this girl's trip over to Holland, which means she could have used you especially as it appears she has no intentions of actually settling down with you or she was expecting to see that you were more secure, such as own home, good job, money in the bank, but went home disappointed.

    Also wonder how many years between your ages?

    If at present you are struggling financially to support yourself, how do you suppose to take on the burden of someone from a third world country who would be totally reliant on you at least for the first 2 years if the relationship got off the ground.

    2 key considerations here:

    First, are this girl's intentions honourable?

    And if so

    Second, you have to convince this girl that settling down with you is going to be beneficial for her.

    Check out:


    And see the proper way to succeed in forming a relationship with a Thai girl.

    Regardless of whether he is a troll or not my advice to you would be to listen to the above statement. I would give you some advice myself but I cannot be bothered to write an essay and bascially what I could tell you would be the same as the above.

    Good Luck !

  12. I do not think all Thai women are bad, just the ones who you pay for sex !

    How about Farangs that travel 1000's of Km's with one purpose on their mind , to pay for sex with a poor person ( exploitation ) ?

    Are they OK ?

    I'm OK.

    Are you OK? :)

    Each to his own Maigo I suppose, although I have not got my wings in that specific area I am by no means a perfect human being and therefore I am unable to judge.

    I would say it is very sad if you have to fly 6200miles to get pussy....and then have to pay for it. Wrong ? I cannot judge on that.

  13. You almost had to force her out on a date...and you are happy about it? :D

    My ex GF refused to go out with me point blank....

    Then I paid the Barfine and all was well.................... :)

    She's married now to some rich guy, he's done well, she's a diamond.

    Maigo most of the time you are a twit but that was f'ing funny ! :D:D:D

    I do not think all Thai women are bad, just the ones who you pay for sex !

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