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Posts posted by bravingbangkok

  1. My two girls have UK/Thai passports.

    When they leave and enter Thailand we use the Thai passports. When we leave and enter the Uk we use UK passports.

    Do not bother telling them they have dual passports as immigration hates the idea of it. If they ask why there is no stamp then tell them.

    If they do not ask then there is no need to make them aware of your situation, they should not ask anyway, never have with me. However I went to New York recently and got a good going over by your immigration with regards to my girls but everything was okay in the end. This was probably due to the fact I am not a US citizen so you should have no problem.

  2. Well i met another Aussie Expat,51yo,very overweight,has diabetes and a back problem,so he says anyway,even though i did notice at times him lifting things.

    Anyway this guy is on the Australian Govt Disability Pension,because he cant work because of his back and other illnesses.

    Anyway i dont know how he gets away with it,but he draws the 30,000 baht or so from the government every month PLUS has a small beer bar income,PLUS rents out a small studio he bought about 10 years ago..

    He actually lives on top of his beer bar.

    Now I know that there are a lot of people in Australia who genuinelly cannot work due to illness,heart probs,disabled etc etc but is this legal that you can live overseas on a Government Disabilty pension?

    No obviuosly he doesnt tell the Government Centrelink/Social Security Dept or whatever they call themselves that he runs a beer bar and lets out a flat but think of how many do that.

    I want you all to try to think of some guy you think is lucky and is under 60yo and runs a beer bar and he s probaly on some disabled pension and not telling you.

    I wonder how many are??????????

    One day there will be a big flood and all these rodents will be washed away.


    Like I do not claim child benefit from the UK......honest I don't :)

    Every little helps when you have two screaming brats !

  3. We are spending 3k baht a month on Cranberry juice. When you add in all the other juices, it could be as high as 5-6k baht a month. Just goes to show you the huge range you can have in budgets depending on life style.

    Have you got a really bad case of cystitis or something :)

    Helps when the river of fire is upon them.

  4. 30g for one person that is piss. Try it with two kids, health insurance, life insurance, 3 nagging girls (wife and two daughters) and school fees. I am still wearing the same clothes as last year.

    I do not know if anyone else is the same but my electricity bill is a joke, the aircons and TV's cost so much, my electric bill is around 9000 a month ! however this is decreased dramatically during the winter months.

  5. Lying as in the small little pointless ones, they all do it, its ingrained into them.

    I agree wholeheartedly with that comment. If they would talk straight and not as a snake it would be an improvement. We feel there is no need for the 'deceptions' or little & the bigger lies to save face.

    Straight talking from so many women, as I get from friends, would be a bonus.

    I wonder if the sons and daughters of Farang that are brought up over here will behave in a "Stand up Guy" kind of manner, in that there is no need to question in your mind what theyre saying is the truth ..... somehow i think local influences will win the day to keep the status quo.

    Its called a British Boarding school, sort them right out !

  6. Okay well I took a bottle of whiskey and the farther looked at me and laughed and said what do you think we are alcoholics eeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

    Of course he was just playing around and I expect trying to break the ice and make fun of my mistake. When meeting your future Thai in-laws you I would advise against taking alcohol the first time.

    Maybe chocs are a bit amateur, we are not talking mars bars here though.

  7. Not much to go on but I would say the farther is not looking to be flattered where as the mother is. If the father is a farmer, whiskey drinking, buffalo lashing man then a bottle of black will do just fine.

    If the gentleman in question is of an acquired taste(basiically hiso) I would not bother with a gift for him but mainly concentrate on the mum. I am sure flowers will do just fine, maybe some chocolates if you really want to be a good boy.

  8. PS. I never said you were a Maigo follower, I would never bestow such a title upon another human.

    Oh dear....

    BravingBangkok has taking several potshots at me tonight, silly boy.

    Like I said before, if you can identify with certain posts on this forum and think some anonymous poster holds the key to your future happiness, go for it.

    There are also people that will disagree, or could not even be bothered to read any further than the second line ( like me ).

    And just like me, I doubt they'll lose any sleep over it, one way or the other. :)

    Not much of a comeback Maigo is it ? I expected more from you young man !

    Like I said I never mentioned that I draw my life strategy from TV forums. Quote me where I did and we can all sit back and clap.

    Until then shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  9. It's not even worth pointing out the crap in Jimmy's cut and paste twaddle.

    Lets just say it is like a bigoted stone skimming over the pond of ignorance.

    "For Bangkok girls, it is your sophomore year in high school all over again, with the people with the car and the Macbook being more popular than those without. Who is going to the HiSo club and who's boyfriend (read:"FRIEND") is giving them the most toys. There is the additional belief in "Sanuk" ... that you should avoid things that are not fun. This is a philosophy for 5 year olds. Do you really want a wife who believes that? Finally, there is a growing migration of "bargirl-like" attributes from the bar into middle class Thai society. The excellent article below describes this ... it wasn't too long ago that even a rich and well-connected farang would have little chance to meet a normal Thai girl. Their families would disapprove. However, in the past 10 years, you can see more and more so-called normal Thai girls managing multiple farang "sugar-daddies" via SMS, asking for money and IPOD/computers and LV purses, and these guys don't know about each other. If they DO find out, well, then "he's just my FRIEND" or "oh, he's GAY". This article below is SO TRUE from my personal experience that I was almost in tears from laughing after reading it...especially the way lying is so natural, and so accepted. Again, I am talking about so-called "good girls". "

    That is a load of waddle is it ? Well then you obviously do not know what you are talking about and that goes for Maigo as well or are you just being a sheep Maigo and forgot to actually read the post ?

    No it is not a load of WADDLE it is a load of twaddle. Waddle is what ducks do. Twaddle is what Jimmy speaks. And no I am not a Maigo follower.

    The first three lines compares Thai behaviour with western behaviour. Then he goes on to say that he wouldn't want to be with a Thai girl because she only thinks in terms of fun (Sanook) and fun is only meant for infants. Then he mentions that Thai girls have began to use the internet and the terrible SMS - well if you got the toys use them. I fail to see the point he is making and the point that you agree with. It is twaddle: Nonsense.

    It is called a typo :)

    Okay it may be a little over the top but by no means not true or twaddle as you so gracefully put it. Well there was no conclusion so I fail to see how one could get the point of his post. It is as you said copied and pasted from a text so we obviously do not know the point of it.

    What we have seen is most certainly not untrue.

  10. Jimmy Jones may not espouse a popular view or even one that is understood by many on these pages. The life experience of the typical punter does not extent to the core of what he speaks of. Though the tenor of his words may be a tad harsh, the substance of his words are far from false or twaddle.

    Very eloquently put.

  11. It's not even worth pointing out the crap in Jimmy's cut and paste twaddle.

    Lets just say it is like a bigoted stone skimming over the pond of ignorance.

    "For Bangkok girls, it is your sophomore year in high school all over again, with the people with the car and the Macbook being more popular than those without. Who is going to the HiSo club and who's boyfriend (read:"FRIEND") is giving them the most toys. There is the additional belief in "Sanuk" ... that you should avoid things that are not fun. This is a philosophy for 5 year olds. Do you really want a wife who believes that? Finally, there is a growing migration of "bargirl-like" attributes from the bar into middle class Thai society. The excellent article below describes this ... it wasn't too long ago that even a rich and well-connected farang would have little chance to meet a normal Thai girl. Their families would disapprove. However, in the past 10 years, you can see more and more so-called normal Thai girls managing multiple farang "sugar-daddies" via SMS, asking for money and IPOD/computers and LV purses, and these guys don't know about each other. If they DO find out, well, then "he's just my FRIEND" or "oh, he's GAY". This article below is SO TRUE from my personal experience that I was almost in tears from laughing after reading it...especially the way lying is so natural, and so accepted. Again, I am talking about so-called "good girls". "

    That is a load of waddle is it ? Well then you obviously do not know what you are talking about and that goes for Maigo as well or are you just being a sheep Maigo and forgot to actually read the post ?

  12. I am not sure but -

    Last night my wife said to me, "What would you do without me?" Apparently, "Your sister" was the wrong answer


    I'm in the same boat, 20 year old sister who lives with us and brings her college friends round....

    I wanna adopt a few of them. :D

    That's a load of <deleted>, never needed to say it and only did to give yourself some sort of ego boost as you so often do Maigo :)

  13. How so ?

    I would suggest otherwsie.

    So you wanna live your life and make life altering decisions based on what some guy says in an anonymous internet forum..?

    Go for it..... :)

    Where did I say that ?

    I think a lot of what he says makes sense and is very true. Never said anywhere that I live my life by TV pundits.

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