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Posts posted by uptoyoumyfriend

  1. Yes, Pharma Choice. From the original post it's not completely clear if only a tip is required or the full strick. Either way, Pharma Choice has both.

    across from suan dok -sri pat -maharaij hospital on suthep road.

    they speak english too.

  2. Thanks for the most excellent and helpful responses. :)

    So for me its: Letter from Doc

    Letter from Immigration. I don't have a job and we have a blue

    book as my wife owns the house, she says we can still use this and

    don't have to go to Immigration, I don't think I am gonna risk it.

    All relevant pages copied twice from passport.

    Old driving license.


    Does anyone know if there is a penalty for being late? :ermm:

    I'm still legal right now, but it would be helpful if I could do it

    a couple of days past due.

    mine had already lapsed several years -no problem-

  3. Any m/c in Thailand with tax disk have insurance cover first 15k of hospital fee for driver, passenger or 3rd party.

    They don't sell tax disk unless you show this insurance.

    No m/c licence = no insurance for any policy

    Most expensive scooter style m/c tyre 900bht inc fitting, not big deal.

    Only stupid person leave passport with rental shop or hotel!

    If tell rental shop you hotel address, one shop use to steal back in night using spare key, make lot of money.

    i am surprised about all the misinformation here.

    your international drivers license is for cars there and the same here.

    only if you have a motorbike license back home will your international license do here.it is really just an appendix and translation to your national license

    and only valid if you have them both.

    thai vehicles are supposed to have insurance but they only pay if the driver has a valid motorbike license.

    the fact that the police does not enforce means nothing......

  4. I have a question.

    If a foreigner cannot own land in their own name, but their Thai partner can. What happens if the Thai partner pre-deceases their foreign partner?

    the ownership transfers to their heirs including your lease if you recorded it at the amphur

    one other thing ,yes you can buy anything as long as you pay for it ,you just cannot own it.

    very easy though to find somebody who will own it for you, if it helps- my wife will do it for you.seriously.

  5. directions again take 106 south out of chiang mai towards Lampang ,thats the road that stars along the river with the big trees later on.past nong hoi area and past the superhighwy obverpass about 0.5 k on the left is the bakemart,a big tan building with a parking ramp out front, the next building also on the left has a number of shops it is maybe the second or third of those.if you come to miguels or 89 store you have gone too far turn around..and yae there was a similar but very different veg rest there before it changed hands.bon apetit.rolleyes.gif

    i will try to take a pic and upload it !

    Any chance that you could pinpoint it on Google Maps?

    unforunately my internet connection does not support google maps its too slow.

    but how hard is it really to take 106 from rimping along the ping past holiday inn etc. past the superhighway to the giant bake mart ?

    also the tree ,one of them really big ones with a orange ribbon around it that are numbered all the way from lampang to cm has the number (red) 924.

    the place is a thai restaurant there might be a name but it is all thai and i do not read thai.sorry.

  6. directions again take 106 south out of chiang mai towards Lampang ,thats the road that stars along the river with the big trees later on.past nong hoi area and past the superhighwy obverpass about 0.5 k on the left is the bakemart,a big tan building with a parking ramp out front, the next building also on the left has a number of shops it is maybe the second or third of those.if you come to miguels or 89 store you have gone too far turn around..and yae there was a similar but very different veg rest there before it changed hands.bon apetit.rolleyes.gif

    i will try to take a pic and upload it !

  7. just recently i noticed a vegetarian restaurant that is too good to be true.the food is traditional thai dishes but all vegetarian and carefully and deliciously prepared.the menu is big (thai)and on every page is a picture not only of the food but also of the cooking and the ingredients which makes the ordering easy enough.the place is squeaky clean and inexpensive and the service friendly.there is also food at the counter ready to eat .i only worry they won't make it if not more people eat there.its easy enough to find just in the building south (towards lampang) of the bake mart on the same side on 106 between superhighway and 89 store and you recognize it by the yellow sign with red lettering that is typical for veg retaurants.open every day x-cept s all sunday from 6 to 17.00 hrs

    it changed hands a couple months back

    and no-i am not a shareholder.

    it's exclusively run by thai women as far as i could see.rolleyes.gif

  8. since we're on the topic-late night service-

    across from gekko restaurant on the other side of kampangdinrd looking south you can see a sawhorse with an old tire on it where the guy will fix you flat til about 2 am if i understood him right.this just for the people that find theirs flat when they want to go home at night....


  9. Thanks for the writeup. One question: Was it / will it be a hassle to get the car moved to Chiang Mai plates and into your name? I noticed it's got Chachoengsao plates, so it's remarkable to see it make it to a Chiang Mai auction. To get it moved to Chiang Mai, does this require going to the Chachoengsao transport office or can it be done in Chiang Mai?

    Hi 'WinnieTheKhwai' Please have a read of post, #13 on this topic, I hope that answers some questions. This auction deals with finance company repos and the finance Co flogging them off to recoup some of their losses. The vehicles come from allover Thailand.

    Right, so the question I have is if you can do the name change in Chiang Mai, or that you have to go to the province of registration of the vehicle.

    Then as a second step, I would probably also want to change the vehicle to Chiang Mai plates.

    Would you say most vehicles are registered in Chiang Mai and nearby provinces, or is it a complete mix of Thailand?

    Most cars and pick-ups, (at the auction I went too) had Bangkok plates on, but they can come from anywhere in Thailand.

    Name and plate change can be done at a local transport office to the new registered address of the vehicle.

    my pickup has lamphun plates and i never bothered to change them

    there is no need

    you still do everything in cm ,like insurance and inspections

    i understand that this is normal and legal for thais to just keep the plates

  10. Since retiring I've quite enjoyed the luxury of choosing to do absolutely nothing whenever I want.............. and there's still not enough hours in the day to do it. B)

    while this is a bit short i think it hits the nail on the head.

    you will do much better if you work a little or even better a lot on the habit of defining your life by what you do ie. your work.

    getting older it is a good time for introspection and letting go of some of those notions,you say you have children -

    so why not watch them grow and take care of them which is a full time job already.

    nurturing can be very fulfilling.

    perpetuating the life of the west here in thailand seems pointless to me

    i would offer classes in idling if it wouldn't cut into my free time .:D

  11. you should scrape out the old grout and throw away the material you have and get proper grout

    grout does not wash out when you take a shower once it has set which takes just a day.

    sealing is not necessary once you have the right stuff

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